from glob import glob from os import environ, path, remove from markdown import markdown from psycopg2 import connect MYCROFT_DB_DIR = path.join(path.abspath('..'), 'mycroft') SCHEMAS = ('account', 'skill', 'device', 'geography', 'metrics') DB_DESTROY_FILES = ( 'drop_mycroft_db.sql', 'drop_template_db.sql', ) DB_CREATE_FILES = ( 'create_template_db.sql', ) ACCOUNT_TABLE_ORDER = ( 'account', 'agreement', 'account_agreement', 'membership', 'account_membership', ) SKILL_TABLE_ORDER = ( 'skill', 'settings_display', 'display', 'oauth_credential', 'oauth_token' ) DEVICE_TABLE_ORDER = ( 'category', 'geography', 'text_to_speech', 'wake_word', 'wake_word_settings', 'account_preferences', 'account_defaults', 'device', 'device_skill', ) GEOGRAPHY_TABLE_ORDER = ( 'country', 'timezone', 'region', 'city' ) METRICS_TABLE_ORDER = ( 'api', 'job' ) schema_directory = '{}_schema' def get_sql_from_file(file_path: str) -> str: with open(path.join(MYCROFT_DB_DIR, file_path)) as sql_file: sql = return sql class PostgresDB(object): def __init__(self, db_name, user=None): db_host = environ['DB_HOST'] db_port = environ['DB_PORT'] db_ssl_mode = environ.get('DB_SSL_MODE') if db_name in ('postgres', 'defaultdb'): db_user = environ['POSTGRES_DB_USER'] db_password = environ.get('POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD') else: db_user = environ['MYCROFT_DB_USER'] db_password = environ['MYCROFT_DB_PASSWORD'] if user is not None: db_user = user self.db = connect( dbname=db_name, user=db_user, password=db_password, host=db_host, port=db_port, sslmode=db_ssl_mode ) self.db.autocommit = True def close_db(self): self.db.close() def execute_sql(self, sql: str, args=None): cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, args) return cursor postgres_db = PostgresDB(db_name=environ['POSTGRES_DB_NAME']) print('Destroying any objects we will be creating later.') for db_destroy_file in DB_DESTROY_FILES: postgres_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(db_destroy_file) ) print('Creating the mycroft database') for db_setup_file in DB_CREATE_FILES: postgres_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(db_setup_file) ) postgres_db.close_db() template_db = PostgresDB(db_name='mycroft_template') print('Creating the extensions') template_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(path.join('create_extensions.sql')) ) print('Creating user-defined data types') type_directory = path.join(MYCROFT_DB_DIR, 'types') for type_file in glob(type_directory + '/*.sql'): template_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(path.join(type_directory, type_file)) ) print('Create the schemas and grant access') for schema in SCHEMAS: template_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(schema + '_schema/create_schema.sql') ) print('Creating the account schema tables') # These are created first as other schemas have tables with # foreign keys to these tables. for table in ACCOUNT_TABLE_ORDER: create_table_file = path.join( 'account_schema', 'tables', table + '.sql' ) template_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(create_table_file) ) print('Creating the skill schema tables') # Create the skill schema tables second as other schemas have tables with # foreign keys to these tables. for table in SKILL_TABLE_ORDER: create_table_file = path.join( 'skill_schema', 'tables', table + '.sql' ) template_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(create_table_file) ) print('Creating the geography schema tables') for table in GEOGRAPHY_TABLE_ORDER: create_table_file = path.join( 'geography_schema', 'tables', table + '.sql' ) template_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(create_table_file) ) print('Creating the device schema tables') for table in DEVICE_TABLE_ORDER: create_table_file = path.join( 'device_schema', 'tables', table + '.sql' ) template_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(create_table_file) ) print('Creating the metrics schema tables') for table in METRICS_TABLE_ORDER: create_table_file = path.join( 'metrics_schema', 'tables', table + '.sql' ) template_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(create_table_file) ) print('Granting access to schemas and tables') for schema in SCHEMAS: template_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(schema + '_schema/grants.sql') ) template_db.close_db() print('Copying template to new database.') postgres_db = PostgresDB(db_name=environ['POSTGRES_DB_NAME']) postgres_db.execute_sql(get_sql_from_file('create_mycroft_db.sql')) postgres_db.close_db() mycroft_db = PostgresDB(db_name=environ['MYCROFT_DB_NAME']) insert_files = [ dict(schema_dir='account_schema', file_name='membership.sql'), dict(schema_dir='device_schema', file_name='text_to_speech.sql'), ] for insert_file in insert_files: insert_file_path = path.join( insert_file['schema_dir'], 'data', insert_file['file_name'] ) try: mycroft_db.execute_sql( get_sql_from_file(insert_file_path) ) except FileNotFoundError: pass print('Building account.agreement table') mycroft_db.db.autocommit = False insert_sql = ( "insert into account.agreement VALUES (default, '{}', '1', '[today,]', {})" ) doc_dir = '/Users/chrisveilleux/Mycroft/github/documentation/_pages/' docs = { 'Privacy Policy': doc_dir + '', 'Terms of Use': doc_dir + '' } try: for agrmt_type, doc_path in docs.items(): lobj = mycroft_db.db.lobject(0, 'b') with open(doc_path) as doc: header_delimiter_count = 0 while True: rec = doc.readline() if rec == '---\n': header_delimiter_count += 1 if header_delimiter_count == 2: break doc_html = markdown(, output_format='html5' ) lobj.write(doc_html) mycroft_db.execute_sql( insert_sql.format(agrmt_type, lobj.oid) ) mycroft_db.execute_sql( "grant select on large object {} to selene".format(lobj.oid) ) mycroft_db.execute_sql( insert_sql.format('Open Dataset', 'null') ) except: mycroft_db.db.rollback() raise else: mycroft_db.db.commit() mycroft_db.db.autocommit = True reference_file_dir = '/Users/chrisveilleux/Mycroft' print('Building table') country_file = 'country.txt' country_insert = """ INSERT INTO (iso_code, name) VALUES ('{iso_code}', '{country_name}') """ with open(path.join(reference_file_dir, country_file)) as countries: while True: rec = countries.readline() if rec.startswith('#ISO'): break for country in countries.readlines(): country_fields = country.split('\t') insert_args = dict( iso_code=country_fields[0], country_name=country_fields[4] ) mycroft_db.execute_sql(country_insert.format(**insert_args)) print('Building geography.region table') region_file = 'regions.txt' region_insert = """ INSERT INTO geography.region (country_id, region_code, name) VALUES ( (SELECT id FROM WHERE iso_code = %(iso_code)s), %(region_code)s, %(region_name)s) """ with open(path.join(reference_file_dir, region_file)) as regions: for region in regions.readlines(): region_fields = region.split('\t') country_iso_code = region_fields[0][:2] insert_args = dict( iso_code=country_iso_code, region_code=region_fields[0], region_name=region_fields[1] ) mycroft_db.execute_sql(region_insert, insert_args) print('Building geography.timezone table') timezone_file = 'timezones.txt' timezone_insert = """ INSERT INTO geography.timezone (country_id, name, gmt_offset, dst_offset) VALUES ( (SELECT id FROM WHERE iso_code = %(iso_code)s), %(timezone_name)s, %(gmt_offset)s, %(dst_offset)s ) """ with open(path.join(reference_file_dir, timezone_file)) as timezones: timezones.readline() for timezone in timezones.readlines(): timezone_fields = timezone.split('\t') insert_args = dict( iso_code=timezone_fields[0], timezone_name=timezone_fields[1], gmt_offset=timezone_fields[2], dst_offset=timezone_fields[3] ) mycroft_db.execute_sql(timezone_insert, insert_args) print('Building table') cities_file = 'cities500.txt' region_query = "SELECT id, region_code FROM geography.region" query_result = mycroft_db.execute_sql(region_query) region_lookup = dict() for row in query_result.fetchall(): region_lookup[row[1]] = row[0] timezone_query = "SELECT id, name FROM geography.timezone" query_result = mycroft_db.execute_sql(timezone_query) timezone_lookup = dict() for row in query_result.fetchall(): timezone_lookup[row[1]] = row[0] # city_insert = """ # INSERT INTO # (region_id, timezone_id, name, latitude, longitude) # VALUES # (%(region_id)s, %(timezone_id)s, %(city_name)s, %(latitude)s, %(longitude)s) # """ with open(path.join(reference_file_dir, cities_file)) as cities: with open(path.join(reference_file_dir, 'city.dump'), 'w') as dump_file: for city in cities.readlines(): city_fields = city.split('\t') city_region = city_fields[8] + '.' + city_fields[10] region_id = region_lookup.get(city_region) timezone_id = timezone_lookup[city_fields[17]] if region_id is not None: dump_file.write('\t'.join([ region_id, timezone_id, city_fields[1], city_fields[4], city_fields[5] ]) + '\n') # mycroft_db.execute_sql(city_insert, insert_args) with open(path.join(reference_file_dir, 'city.dump')) as dump_file: cursor = mycroft_db.db.cursor() cursor.copy_from(dump_file, '', columns=( 'region_id', 'timezone_id', 'name', 'latitude', 'longitude') ) remove(path.join(reference_file_dir, 'city.dump')) mycroft_db.close_db()