# Parent dockerfile for all Selene services and APIs # # This Dockerfile contains the steps that are common to building all the # docker images for the Selene backend to Mycroft FROM python:3.7 LABEL maintainer="Mycroft AI " # Install the software required for this image RUN pip install pipenv # Use pipenv to install the dependencies for selene-util COPY Pipfile Pipfile COPY Pipfile.lock Pipfile.lock RUN pipenv install --system # Now that pipenv has installed all the packages required by selene-util # the Pipfile can be removed from the container. This makes way for the # pepenv to use these files to install dependencies for the Selene services # or applications that will use this Docker config RUN rm Pipfile RUN rm Pipfile.lock # Copy the applicaction code to the image COPY selene_util /opt/selene/selene_util WORKDIR /opt/selene/