118 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File
118 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
sys.path += ['.'] # noqa
import os
import json
import numpy as np
from speechpy.main import mfcc
from precise.params import ListenerParams
from precise import __version__
def load_graph(model_file):
graph = tf.Graph()
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
with open(model_file, "rb") as f:
with graph.as_default():
return graph
def buffer_to_audio(buffer):
"""Convert a raw mono audio byte string to numpy array of floats"""
return np.fromstring(buffer, dtype='<i2').astype(np.float32, order='C') / 32768.0
class NetworkRunner:
def __init__(self, model_name):
self.graph = load_graph(model_name)
self.inp_var = self.graph.get_operation_by_name('import/net_input').outputs[0]
self.out_var = self.graph.get_operation_by_name('import/net_output').outputs[0]
self.sess = tf.Session(graph=self.graph)
def run(self, inp):
return self.sess.run(self.out_var, {self.inp_var: inp[np.newaxis]})[0][0]
class Listener:
def __init__(self, model_name, chunk_size):
self.buffer = np.array([])
self.pr = self._load_params(model_name)
self.features = np.zeros((self.pr.n_features, self.pr.feature_size))
self.read_size = -1 if chunk_size == -1 else self.pr.sample_depth * chunk_size
self.runner = NetworkRunner(model_name)
def _load_params(self, model_name):
with open(model_name + '.params') as f:
return ListenerParams(**json.loads(f))
except (OSError, ValueError, TypeError):
from precise.common import pr
return pr
def update(self, stream):
chunk = stream.read(self.read_size)
if len(chunk) == 0:
raise EOFError
chunk_audio = buffer_to_audio(chunk)
self.buffer = np.concatenate((self.buffer, chunk_audio))
if len(self.buffer) >= self.pr.window_samples:
remaining = self.pr.window_samples - (
self.pr.hop_samples - (len(self.buffer) - self.pr.window_samples) % self.pr.hop_samples)
new_features = mfcc(self.buffer, self.pr.sample_rate, self.pr.window_t, self.pr.hop_t, self.pr.n_mfcc, self.pr.n_filt, self.pr.n_fft)
self.features = np.concatenate([self.features[len(new_features):], new_features])
self.buffer = self.buffer[-remaining:]
return self.runner.run(self.features)
def main():
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'
stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
parser = ArgumentParser(description=
'stdin should be a stream of raw int16 audio,'
'written in groups of CHUNK_SIZE samples.'
'If no CHUNK_SIZE is given it will read until EOF.'
'For every chunk, an inference will be given'
'via stdout as a float string, one per line')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=__version__)
parser.add_argument('chunk_size', type=int, nargs='?', default=-1)
parser.usage = parser.format_usage().strip().replace('usage: ', '') + ' < audio.wav'
args = parser.parse_args()
if sys.stdin.isatty():
parser.error('Please pipe audio via stdin using < audio.wav')
global tf
import tensorflow
tf = tensorflow
listener = Listener(args.model_name, args.chunk_size)
while True:
conf = listener.update(sys.stdin.buffer)
stdout.buffer.write((str(conf) + '\n').encode('ascii'))
except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
if __name__ == '__main__':