Improve optimization functionality

Models cost more accurately
Matthew D. Scholefield 2020-04-23 09:03:49 -05:00
parent 04053a5839
commit 94d3087bbb
2 changed files with 220 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
# Copyright 2020 Mycroft AI Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from collections import namedtuple
from glob import glob
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
from precise.params import pr
from precise.util import load_audio
from precise.vectorization import vectorize_raw
AnnoyanceEstimate = namedtuple(
'annoyance ww_annoyance nww_annoyance threshold'
class AnnoyanceEstimator:
This class attempts to estimate the "annoyance" of a user
of a given network. It models annoyance as follows:
Annoyance from false negatives (not activating when it should):
We assume that the annoyance incurred by each subsequent failed
activation attempt is double that of the previous attempt. ie.
two failed activations causes 1 + 2 = 3 annoyance units but three
failed activations causes 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 annoyance units.
Annoyance from false positives (activating when it should not):
We assume that each false positive incurs some constant annoyance
With this, we can compute net annoyance from false positives
and negatives individually, combine them for the total annoyance.
Finally, we can recompute this annoyance for each threshold
value to find the threshold that yields the lowest net annoyance
def __init__(self, model, interaction_estimate, ambient_annoyance):
self.thresholds = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-np.linspace(-20, 20, 1000)))
self.interaction_estimate = interaction_estimate
self.ambient_annoyance = ambient_annoyance
def compute_nww_annoyances(self, model, noise_folder, batch_size):
Given some number, x, of ambient activations per hour, we can
compute the annoyance per day from false positives as 24 * x
times the annoyance incurred per ambient activation.
nww_seconds = 0.0
nww_buckets = np.zeros_like(self.thresholds)
for i in glob(join(noise_folder, '*.wav')):
print('Evaluating ambient activations on {}...'.format(i))
inputs, audio_len = self._load_inputs(i)
nww_seconds += audio_len / pr.sample_rate
ambient_predictions = model.predict(inputs, batch_size=batch_size)
del inputs
nww_buckets += (ambient_predictions.reshape((-1, 1))
> self.thresholds.reshape((1, -1))).sum(axis=0)
nww_acts_per_hour = nww_buckets * 60 * 60 / nww_seconds
return self.ambient_annoyance * nww_acts_per_hour * 24
def compute_ww_annoyances(self, ww_predictions):
Given some proportion, p, of not recognizing the wake word, our
total annoyance per interaction is modelled as p^1 * 2^0 + p^2 * 2^1
+ ... + p^i * 2^(i - 1) which converges to 1 / (1 - 2p) - 1.
Given some number of interactions per day we can then find the
expected annoyance per day from false negatives.
ww_buckets = (ww_predictions.reshape((-1, 1)) >
self.thresholds.reshape((1, -1))).sum(axis=0)
ww_fail_ratios = 1 - ww_buckets / len(ww_predictions)
# Performs 1 / (1 - 2 * ww_fail_ratios) - 1, handling edge case
ann_per_interaction = np.divide(
1, 1 - 2 * ww_fail_ratios,
where=ww_fail_ratios < 0.5
) - 1
ann_per_interaction[ww_fail_ratios >= 0.5] = float('inf')
return self.interaction_estimate * ann_per_interaction
def estimate(self, model, predictions, targets, noise_folder, batch_size):
Estimates the annoyance a model incurs according to the model
described in the class documentation
ww_predictions = predictions[np.where(targets > 0.5)]
ww_annoyances = self.compute_ww_annoyances(ww_predictions)
nww_annoyances = self.compute_nww_annoyances(
model, noise_folder, batch_size
annoyance_by_threshold = ww_annoyances + nww_annoyances
best_threshold_id = np.argmin(annoyance_by_threshold)
min_annoyance = annoyance_by_threshold[best_threshold_id]
return AnnoyanceEstimate(
def _load_inputs(audio_file, chunk_size=4096):
Loads network inputs from an audio file without caching
Handles data conservatively in case the audio file is large
audio_file: Filename to load
chunk_size: Samples to skip forward when loading network inpus
audio = load_audio(audio_file)
audio_len = len(audio)
mfccs = vectorize_raw(audio)
del audio
mfcc_hops = chunk_size // pr.hop_samples
return np.array([
mfccs[i - pr.n_features:i] for i in range(pr.n_features, len(mfccs), mfcc_hops)
]), audio_len

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@ -13,116 +13,122 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Use black box optimization to tune model hyperparameters
Use black box optimization to tune model hyperparameters. Call
this script in a loop to iteratively tune parameters
:-t --trials-name str -
:trials_name str
Filename to save hyperparameter optimization trials in
'.bbopt.json' will automatically be appended
:-c --cycles int 20
Number of cycles of optimization to run
:noise_folder str
Folder with random noise to evaluate ambient activations
:-m --model str .cache/
Model to load from
:-ie --interaction-estimate int 100
Estimated number of interactions per day
:-aaa --ambient-activation-annoyance float 1.0
An ambient activation is X times as annoying as a failed
activation when the wake word is spoken
:-bp --base-params str {}
Json string containing base ListenerParams for all models
import numpy
# Optimizer blackhat
from glob import glob
from os import remove
from os.path import isfile, splitext, join
from pprint import pprint
from prettyparse import Usage
from shutil import rmtree
from typing import Any
import json
from math import exp
from uuid import uuid4
from keras.models import save_model
from prettyparse import Usage
from precise.annoyance_estimator import AnnoyanceEstimator
from precise.model import ModelParams, create_model
from precise.params import pr, save_params
from precise.scripts.train import TrainScript
from precise.train_data import TrainData
from precise.stats import Stats
class TrainOptimizeScript(TrainScript):
Usage(__doc__) | TrainScript.usage
usage = Usage(__doc__) | TrainScript.usage
del usage.arguments['model'] # Remove 'model' argument from original TrainScript
def __init__(self, args):
from bbopt import BlackBoxOptimizer
args.model = args.trials_name + '-cur'
super().__init__(args) = BlackBoxOptimizer(file=self.args.trials_name)
if not self.test:
data = TrainData.from_both(self.args.tags_file, self.args.tags_folder, self.args.folder)
_, self.test = data.load(False, True)
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
for i in list(self.callbacks):
if isinstance(i, ModelCheckpoint):
def calc_params_cost(self, model):
Models the real world cost of additional model parameters
Up to a certain point, having more parameters isn't worse.
However, at a certain point more parameters will risk
running slower than realtime and become unfeasible. This
is why it's modelled exponentially with some reasonable
number of acceptable parameters.
def process_args(self, args: Any):
model_parts = glob(splitext(args.model)[0] + '.*')
if len(model_parts) < 5:
for name in model_parts:
if isfile(name):
args.trials_name = args.trials_name.replace('.bbopt.json', '').replace('.json', '')
if not args.trials_name:
if isfile(join('.cache', 'trials.bbopt.json')):
remove(join('.cache', 'trials.bbopt.json'))
args.trials_name = join('.cache', 'trials')
Ideally, this would be replaced with floating point
computations and the numbers would be configurable
rather than chosen relatively arbitrarily
return 1.0 + exp((model.count_params() - 11000) / 10000)
def run(self):
print('Writing to:', self.args.trials_name + '.bbopt.json')
for i in range(self.args.cycles):"random")
print("\n= %d = (example #%d)" % (i + 1, len(["examples"]) + 1))'tree_structured_parzen_estimator')
params = ModelParams("units", 1, 70, guess=50),"dropout", 0.1, 0.9, guess=0.6),
loss_bias=1.0 - self.args.sensitivity
print('Testing with:', params)
model = create_model(self.args.model, params)
*self.sampled_data, batch_size=self.args.batch_size,
epochs=self.epoch + self.args.epochs,
validation_data=self.test * (not self.args.no_validation),
callbacks=self.callbacks, initial_epoch=self.epoch
resp = model.evaluate(*self.test, batch_size=self.args.batch_size)
if not isinstance(resp, (list, tuple)):
resp = [resp, None]
test_loss, test_acc = resp
predictions = model.predict(self.test[0], batch_size=self.args.batch_size)
model = create_model(None, ModelParams("units", 1, 120, guess=30),"dropout", 0.05, 0.9, guess=0.2),
'loss_bias', 0.01, 0.99, guess=1.0 - self.args.sensitivity
*self.sampled_data, batch_size=self.args.batch_size,
validation_data=self.test * (not self.args.no_validation),
test_in, test_out = self.test
test_pred = model.predict(test_in, batch_size=self.args.batch_size)
stats_dict = Stats(test_pred, test_out, []).to_dict()
num_false_positive = numpy.sum(predictions * (1 - self.test[1]) > 0.5)
num_false_negative = numpy.sum((1 - predictions) * self.test[1] > 0.5)
false_positives = num_false_positive / numpy.sum(self.test[1] < 0.5)
false_negatives = num_false_negative / numpy.sum(self.test[1] > 0.5)
ann_est = AnnoyanceEstimator(
model, self.args.interaction_estimate,
model, test_pred, test_out,
self.args.noise_folder, self.args.batch_size
params_cost = self.calc_params_cost(model)
cost = ann_est.annoyance + params_cost
from math import exp
param_score = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp((model.count_params() - 11000) / 2000))
fitness = param_score * (1.0 - 0.2 * false_negatives - 0.8 * false_positives)
model_name = '{}-{}.net'.format(self.args.trials_name, str(uuid4()))
save_model(model, model_name)
"test loss": test_loss,
"test accuracy": test_acc,
"false positive%": false_positives,
"false negative%": false_negatives,
"fitness": fitness
print("False positive: ", false_positives * 100, "%")
best_example =
print("\n= BEST = (example #%d)" %["examples"].index(best_example))
'test_stats': stats_dict,
'best_threshold': ann_est.threshold,
'cost': cost,
'cost_info': {
'params_cost': params_cost,
'annoyance': ann_est.annoyance,
'ww_annoyance': ann_est.ww_annoyance,
'nww_annoyance': ann_est.nww_annoyance,
'model': model_name
print('Current Run: {}'.format(json.dumps(, indent=4
main = TrainOptimizeScript.run_main