As noted on the Chromium Dev How-to [1] and on the
SpeechRecognition library docs [2], the Google TTS API
is really not the right API to call. While it's simple,
and allows you to authenticate via a simple token, it is
also limited to a max of *50* requests per day.
That's not a lot. I don't think many people will find that
useful, outside of quick testing (if they can even get an
API key - I couldn't figure out how to generate one that
worked correctly).
This commit introduces a new STT backend, google_cloud, so that
the Google STT backend can be deprecated eventually. To do so, we
needed to:
- Install the Google API Client Library
- Create a new STT class which knows how to turn a provided Google
JSON credentials file into a string (the SpeechRecognition library
expects you to pass in the JSON string, not a file path, nor an object).
Any person wishing to use this will need to:
- Enable the Cloud Speech API on the Google Cloud Platform console
- Create a new Service Account Key, and download the credentials to
a secure location
- Configure that location in mycroft.conf, like so:
"stt": {
"google_cloud": {
"credential" {
"json": { contents of downloaded credentials }
It's worth noting that the Cloud Speech API has a free quota of
60 minutes per month, which would probably stretch further than 50
individual requests. So for hobbyists, it should be nothing but
a net benefit.