289 lines
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289 lines
7.3 KiB
// Definition and documentation of all variables used by mycroft-core.
// Settings seen here are considered DEFAULT. Settings can also be
// overridden at the REMOTE level (set by the user via
// https://home.mycroft.ai), at the SYSTEM level (typically in the file
// '/etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf'), or at the USER level (typically in the
// file '~/.mycroft/mycroft.conf').
// The load order of settings is:
// The Override: comments below indicates where these settings are generally
// set outside of this file. The load order is always followed, so an
// individual systems can still apply changes at the SYSTEM or USER levels.
// Language used for speech-to-text and text-to-speech.
// Code is a BCP-47 identifier (https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47), lowercased
// TODO: save unmodified, lowercase upon demand
"lang": "en-us",
// Measurement units, either 'metric' or 'english'
// Override: REMOTE
"system_unit": "metric",
// Time format, either 'half' (e.g. "11:37 pm") or 'full' (e.g. "23:37")
// Override: REMOTE
"time_format": "half",
// Date format, either 'MDY' (e.g. "11-29-1978") or 'DMY' (e.g. "29-11-1978")
// Override: REMOTE
"date_format": "MDY",
// Whether to opt in to data collection
// Override: REMOTE
"opt_in": false,
// Play a beep when system begins to listen?
"confirm_listening": true,
// File locations of sounds to play for system events
"sounds": {
"start_listening": "snd/start_listening.wav",
"end_listening": "snd/end_listening.wav"
// Mechanism used to play WAV audio files
// Override: SYSTEM
"play_wav_cmdline": "paplay %1 --stream-name=mycroft-voice",
// Mechanism used to play MP3 audio files
// Override: SYSTEM
"play_mp3_cmdline": "mpg123 %1",
// Location where the system resides
// NOTE: Although this is set here, an Enclosure can override the value.
// For example a mycroft-core running in a car could use the GPS.
// Override: REMOTE
"location": {
"city": {
"code": "Lawrence",
"name": "Lawrence",
"state": {
"code": "KS",
"name": "Kansas",
"country": {
"code": "US",
"name": "United States"
"coordinate": {
"latitude": 38.971669,
"longitude": -95.23525
"timezone": {
"code": "America/Chicago",
"name": "Central Standard Time",
"dstOffset": 3600000,
"offset": -21600000
// General skill values
"skills": {
// Directory to look for user skills
"directory": "~/.mycroft/skills",
// TODO: Old unused kludge, remove from code
"stop_threshold": 2.0,
// Enable auto update by msm
"auto_update": true,
// blacklisted skills to not load
"blacklisted_skills": ["skill-media", "send_sms", "skill-wolfram-alpha"],
// priority skills to be loaded first
"priority_skills": ["skill-pairing"],
// Minimum time since last skill updata to force an update on startup
"startup_update_required_time": 12
// Address of the REMOTE server
"server": {
"url": "https://api.mycroft.ai",
"version": "v1",
"update": true,
"metrics": false
// The mycroft-core messagebus' websocket
"websocket": {
"host": "",
"port": 8181,
"route": "/core",
"ssl": false
// Settings used by the wake-up-word listener
// Override: REMOTE
"listener": {
"sample_rate": 16000,
"channels": 1,
"record_wake_words": false,
"record_utterances": false,
"wake_word_upload": {
"enable": false,
"server": "mycroft.wickedbroadband.com",
"port": 1776,
"user": "precise",
"folder": "/home/precise/wakewords"
// In milliseconds
"phoneme_duration": 120,
"multiplier": 1.0,
"energy_ratio": 1.5,
"wake_word": "hey mycroft",
"stand_up_word": "wake up"
// Settings used for any precise wake words
"precise": {
"dist_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MycroftAI/precise-data/dist/",
"models_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MycroftAI/precise-data/models/"
// Hotword configurations
"hotwords": {
"hey mycroft": {
"module": "pocketsphinx",
"phonemes": "HH EY . M AY K R AO F T",
"threshold": 1e-90,
"lang": "en-us"
"wake up": {
"module": "pocketsphinx",
"phonemes": "W EY K . AH P",
"threshold": 1e-20,
"lang": "en-us"
// Mark 1 enclosure settings
// Override: SYSTEM (e.g. Picroft)
"enclosure": {
// Platform name
// Options: 'picroft', 'mycroft_mark_1'
// Override: SYSTEM (set by specific enclosures)
# "platform": "picroft",
// COMM params to the Arduino/faceplate
"port": "/dev/ttyAMA0",
"rate": 9600,
"timeout": 5.0,
// ??
"update": true,
// Run a self test at bootup?
"test": false
// Level of logs to store, one of "CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNGIN", "INFO", "DEBUG"
"log_level": "DEBUG",
// Messagebus types that will NOT be output to logs
"ignore_logs": ["enclosure.mouth.viseme", "enclosure.mouth.display"],
// Settings related to remote sessions
// Overrride: none
"session": {
// Time To Live, in seconds
"ttl": 180
// Speech to Text parameters
// Override: REMOTE
"stt": {
// Engine. Options: "mycroft", "google", "wit", "ibm", "kaldi", "bing",
// "houndify, deepspeech_server"
"module": "mycroft"
// "deepspeech_server": {
// "uri": "http://localhost:8080/stt"
// },
// "kaldi": {
// "uri": "http://localhost:8080/client/dynamic/recognize"
// },
// Text to Speech parameters
// Override: REMOTE
"tts": {
// Engine. Options: "mimic", "google", "marytts", "fatts", "espeak", "spdsay"
"module": "mimic",
"mimic": {
"voice": "ap"
"espeak": {
"lang": "english-us",
"voice": "m1"
"padatious": {
"intent_cache": "~/.mycroft/intent_cache",
"train_delay": 4
// =================================================================
// All of the follow are specific to particular skills and will soon
// be removed from this file.
// =================================================================
"ConfigurationSkill": {
"max_delay": 60
"WolframAlphaSkill": {
"api_key": "",
"proxy": true
"WeatherSkill": {
"api_key": "",
"proxy": true
"NPRNewsSkill": {
"url_rss": "http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=500005"
"AlarmSkill": {
"filename": "alarm.mp3",
"max_delay": 600,
"repeat_time": 20,
"extended_delay": 60
"ReminderSkill": {
"max_delay": 600,
"repeat_time": 60,
"extended_delay": 60
"VolumeSkill": {
"default_level": 6,
"min_volume": 0,
"max_volume": 100
"AudioRecordSkill": {
"filename": "/tmp/mycroft-recording.wav",
"free_disk": 100,
"max_time": 600,
"notify_delay": 5,
"rate": 16000,
"channels": 1
"SkillInstallerSkill": {
"Audio": {
"backends": {
"local": {
"type": "mpg123",
"active": true
"vlc": {
"type": "vlc",
"active": true
"default-backend": "local"
"debug": false