
779 lines
28 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 Mycroft AI Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from mycroft.util.lang.parse_common import is_numeric, look_for_fractions
def extractnumber_sv(text):
This function prepares the given text for parsing by making
numbers consistent, getting rid of contractions, etc.
text (str): the string to normalize
(int) or (float): The value of extracted number
aWords = text.split()
and_pass = False
valPreAnd = False
val = False
count = 0
while count < len(aWords):
word = aWords[count]
if is_numeric(word):
val = float(word)
elif word == "första":
val = 1
elif word == "andra":
val = 2
elif word == "tredje":
val = 3
elif word == "fjärde":
val = 4
elif word == "femte":
val = 5
elif word == "sjätte":
val = 6
elif is_fractional_sv(word):
val = is_fractional_sv(word)
if word == "en":
val = 1
if word == "ett":
val = 1
elif word == "två":
val = 2
elif word == "tre":
val = 3
elif word == "fyra":
val = 4
elif word == "fem":
val = 5
elif word == "sex":
val = 6
elif word == "sju":
val = 7
elif word == "åtta":
val = 8
elif word == "nio":
val = 9
elif word == "tio":
val = 10
if val:
if count < (len(aWords) - 1):
wordNext = aWords[count + 1]
wordNext = ""
valNext = is_fractional_sv(wordNext)
if valNext:
val = val * valNext
aWords[count + 1] = ""
if not val:
# look for fractions like "2/3"
aPieces = word.split('/')
if look_for_fractions(aPieces):
val = float(aPieces[0]) / float(aPieces[1])
elif and_pass:
# added to value, quit here
val = valPreAnd
count += 1
aWords[count] = ""
if and_pass:
aWords[count - 1] = '' # remove "och"
val += valPreAnd
elif count + 1 < len(aWords) and aWords[count + 1] == 'och':
and_pass = True
valPreAnd = val
val = False
count += 2
elif count + 2 < len(aWords) and aWords[count + 2] == 'och':
and_pass = True
valPreAnd = val
val = False
count += 3
if not val:
return False
return val
def extract_datetime_sv(string, currentDate, default_time):
def clean_string(s):
cleans the input string of unneeded punctuation and capitalization
among other things.
s = s.lower().replace('?', '').replace('.', '').replace(',', '') \
.replace(' den ', ' ').replace(' en ', ' ')
wordList = s.split()
for idx, word in enumerate(wordList):
word = word.replace("'s", "")
ordinals = ["rd", "st", "nd", "th"]
if word[0].isdigit():
for ordinal in ordinals:
if ordinal in word:
word = word.replace(ordinal, "")
wordList[idx] = word
return wordList
def date_found():
return found or \
datestr != "" or timeStr != "" or
yearOffset != 0 or monthOffset != 0 or
dayOffset is True or hrOffset != 0 or
hrAbs or minOffset != 0 or
minAbs or secOffset != 0
if string == "" or not currentDate:
return None
found = False
daySpecified = False
dayOffset = False
monthOffset = 0
yearOffset = 0
dateNow = currentDate
today = dateNow.strftime("%w")
currentYear = dateNow.strftime("%Y")
fromFlag = False
datestr = ""
hasYear = False
timeQualifier = ""
timeQualifiersList = ['morgon', 'förmiddag', 'eftermiddag', 'kväll']
markers = ['', 'i', 'den här', 'kring', 'efter']
days = ['måndag', 'tisdag', 'onsdag', 'torsdag',
'fredag', 'lördag', 'söndag']
months = ['januari', 'februari', 'mars', 'april', 'maj', 'juni',
'juli', 'augusti', 'september', 'oktober', 'november',
monthsShort = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'june', 'july', 'aug',
'sept', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec']
words = clean_string(string)
for idx, word in enumerate(words):
if word == "":
wordPrevPrev = words[idx - 2] if idx > 1 else ""
wordPrev = words[idx - 1] if idx > 0 else ""
wordNext = words[idx + 1] if idx + 1 < len(words) else ""
wordNextNext = words[idx + 2] if idx + 2 < len(words) else ""
# this isn't in clean string because I don't want to save back to words
word = word.rstrip('s')
start = idx
used = 0
# save timequalifier for later
if word in timeQualifiersList:
timeQualifier = word
# parse today, tomorrow, day after tomorrow
elif word == "idag" and not fromFlag:
dayOffset = 0
used += 1
elif word == "imorgon" and not fromFlag:
dayOffset = 1
used += 1
elif word == "morgondagen" or word == "morgondagens" and not fromFlag:
dayOffset = 1
used += 1
elif word == "övermorgon" and not fromFlag:
dayOffset = 2
used += 1
# parse 5 days, 10 weeks, last week, next week
elif word == "dag" or word == "dagar":
if wordPrev[0].isdigit():
dayOffset += int(wordPrev)
start -= 1
used = 2
elif word == "vecka" or word == "veckor" and not fromFlag:
if wordPrev[0].isdigit():
dayOffset += int(wordPrev) * 7
start -= 1
used = 2
elif wordPrev == "nästa":
dayOffset = 7
start -= 1
used = 2
elif wordPrev == "förra":
dayOffset = -7
start -= 1
used = 2
# parse 10 months, next month, last month
elif word == "månad" and not fromFlag:
if wordPrev[0].isdigit():
monthOffset = int(wordPrev)
start -= 1
used = 2
elif wordPrev == "nästa":
monthOffset = 1
start -= 1
used = 2
elif wordPrev == "förra":
monthOffset = -1
start -= 1
used = 2
# parse 5 years, next year, last year
elif word == "år" and not fromFlag:
if wordPrev[0].isdigit():
yearOffset = int(wordPrev)
start -= 1
used = 2
elif wordPrev == "nästa":
yearOffset = 1
start -= 1
used = 2
elif wordPrev == "förra":
yearOffset = -1
start -= 1
used = 2
# parse Monday, Tuesday, etc., and next Monday,
# last Tuesday, etc.
elif word in days and not fromFlag:
d = days.index(word)
dayOffset = (d + 1) - int(today)
used = 1
if dayOffset < 0:
dayOffset += 7
if wordPrev == "nästa":
dayOffset += 7
used += 1
start -= 1
elif wordPrev == "förra":
dayOffset -= 7
used += 1
start -= 1
# parse 15 of July, June 20th, Feb 18, 19 of February
elif word in months or word in monthsShort and not fromFlag:
m = months.index(word)
except ValueError:
m = monthsShort.index(word)
used += 1
datestr = months[m]
if wordPrev and (wordPrev[0].isdigit() or
(wordPrev == "of" and wordPrevPrev[0].isdigit())):
if wordPrev == "of" and wordPrevPrev[0].isdigit():
datestr += " " + words[idx - 2]
used += 1
start -= 1
datestr += " " + wordPrev
start -= 1
used += 1
if wordNext and wordNext[0].isdigit():
datestr += " " + wordNext
used += 1
hasYear = True
hasYear = False
elif wordNext and wordNext[0].isdigit():
datestr += " " + wordNext
used += 1
if wordNextNext and wordNextNext[0].isdigit():
datestr += " " + wordNextNext
used += 1
hasYear = True
hasYear = False
# parse 5 days from tomorrow, 10 weeks from next thursday,
# 2 months from July
validFollowups = days + months + monthsShort
if (word == "från" or word == "efter") and wordNext in validFollowups:
used = 2
fromFlag = True
if wordNext == "imorgon":
dayOffset += 1
elif wordNext in days:
d = days.index(wordNext)
tmpOffset = (d + 1) - int(today)
used = 2
if tmpOffset < 0:
tmpOffset += 7
dayOffset += tmpOffset
elif wordNextNext and wordNextNext in days:
d = days.index(wordNextNext)
tmpOffset = (d + 1) - int(today)
used = 3
if wordNext == "nästa":
tmpOffset += 7
used += 1
start -= 1
elif wordNext == "förra":
tmpOffset -= 7
used += 1
start -= 1
dayOffset += tmpOffset
if used > 0:
if start - 1 > 0 and words[start - 1] == "denna":
start -= 1
used += 1
for i in range(0, used):
words[i + start] = ""
if start - 1 >= 0 and words[start - 1] in markers:
words[start - 1] = ""
found = True
daySpecified = True
# parse time
timeStr = ""
hrOffset = 0
minOffset = 0
secOffset = 0
hrAbs = None
minAbs = None
for idx, word in enumerate(words):
if word == "":
wordPrevPrev = words[idx - 2] if idx > 1 else ""
wordPrev = words[idx - 1] if idx > 0 else ""
wordNext = words[idx + 1] if idx + 1 < len(words) else ""
wordNextNext = words[idx + 2] if idx + 2 < len(words) else ""
# parse noon, midnight, morning, afternoon, evening
used = 0
if word == "middag":
hrAbs = 12
used += 1
elif word == "midnatt":
hrAbs = 0
used += 1
elif word == "morgon":
if not hrAbs:
hrAbs = 8
used += 1
elif word == "förmiddag":
if not hrAbs:
hrAbs = 10
used += 1
elif word == "eftermiddag":
if not hrAbs:
hrAbs = 15
used += 1
elif word == "kväll":
if not hrAbs:
hrAbs = 19
used += 1
# parse half an hour, quarter hour
elif wordPrev in markers or wordPrevPrev in markers:
if word == "halvtimme" or word == "halvtimma":
minOffset = 30
elif word == "kvart":
minOffset = 15
elif word == "timme" or word == "timma":
hrOffset = 1
words[idx - 1] = ""
used += 1
hrAbs = -1
minAbs = -1
# parse 5:00 am, 12:00 p.m., etc
elif word[0].isdigit():
isTime = True
strHH = ""
strMM = ""
remainder = ""
if ':' in word:
# parse colons
# "3:00 in the morning"
stage = 0
length = len(word)
for i in range(length):
if stage == 0:
if word[i].isdigit():
strHH += word[i]
elif word[i] == ":":
stage = 1
stage = 2
i -= 1
elif stage == 1:
if word[i].isdigit():
strMM += word[i]
stage = 2
i -= 1
elif stage == 2:
remainder = word[i:].replace(".", "")
if remainder == "":
nextWord = wordNext.replace(".", "")
if nextWord == "am" or nextWord == "pm":
remainder = nextWord
used += 1
elif nextWord == "tonight":
remainder = "pm"
used += 1
elif wordNext == "in" and wordNextNext == "the" and \
words[idx + 3] == "morning":
remainder = "am"
used += 3
elif wordNext == "in" and wordNextNext == "the" and \
words[idx + 3] == "afternoon":
remainder = "pm"
used += 3
elif wordNext == "in" and wordNextNext == "the" and \
words[idx + 3] == "evening":
remainder = "pm"
used += 3
elif wordNext == "in" and wordNextNext == "morning":
remainder = "am"
used += 2
elif wordNext == "in" and wordNextNext == "afternoon":
remainder = "pm"
used += 2
elif wordNext == "in" and wordNextNext == "evening":
remainder = "pm"
used += 2
elif wordNext == "this" and wordNextNext == "morning":
remainder = "am"
used = 2
elif wordNext == "this" and wordNextNext == "afternoon":
remainder = "pm"
used = 2
elif wordNext == "this" and wordNextNext == "evening":
remainder = "pm"
used = 2
elif wordNext == "at" and wordNextNext == "night":
if strHH > 5:
remainder = "pm"
remainder = "am"
used += 2
if timeQualifier != "":
if strHH <= 12 and \
(timeQualifier == "evening" or
timeQualifier == "afternoon"):
strHH += 12
# try to parse # s without colons
# 5 hours, 10 minutes etc.
length = len(word)
strNum = ""
remainder = ""
for i in range(length):
if word[i].isdigit():
strNum += word[i]
remainder += word[i]
if remainder == "":
remainder = wordNext.replace(".", "").lstrip().rstrip()
if (
remainder == "pm" or
wordNext == "pm" or
remainder == "p.m." or
wordNext == "p.m."):
strHH = strNum
remainder = "pm"
used = 1
elif (
remainder == "am" or
wordNext == "am" or
remainder == "a.m." or
wordNext == "a.m."):
strHH = strNum
remainder = "am"
used = 1
if wordNext == "pm" or wordNext == "p.m.":
strHH = strNum
remainder = "pm"
used = 1
elif wordNext == "am" or wordNext == "a.m.":
strHH = strNum
remainder = "am"
used = 1
elif (
int(word) > 100 and
wordPrev == "o" or
wordPrev == "oh"
# 0800 hours (pronounced oh-eight-hundred)
strHH = int(word) / 100
strMM = int(word) - strHH * 100
if wordNext == "hours":
used += 1
elif (
wordNext == "hours" and
word[0] != '0' and
int(word) < 100 and
int(word) > 2400
# "in 3 hours"
hrOffset = int(word)
used = 2
isTime = False
hrAbs = -1
minAbs = -1
elif wordNext == "minutes":
# "in 10 minutes"
minOffset = int(word)
used = 2
isTime = False
hrAbs = -1
minAbs = -1
elif wordNext == "seconds":
# in 5 seconds
secOffset = int(word)
used = 2
isTime = False
hrAbs = -1
minAbs = -1
elif int(word) > 100:
strHH = int(word) / 100
strMM = int(word) - strHH * 100
if wordNext == "hours":
used += 1
elif wordNext[0].isdigit():
strHH = word
strMM = wordNext
used += 1
if wordNextNext == "hours":
used += 1
elif (
wordNext == "" or wordNext == "o'clock" or
wordNext == "in" and
wordNextNext == "the" or
wordNextNext == timeQualifier
strHH = word
strMM = 00
if wordNext == "o'clock":
used += 1
if wordNext == "in" or wordNextNext == "in":
used += (1 if wordNext == "in" else 2)
if (wordNextNext and
wordNextNext in timeQualifier or
(words[words.index(wordNextNext) + 1] and
words[words.index(wordNextNext) + 1] in
if (wordNextNext == "afternoon" or
(len(words) >
words.index(wordNextNext) + 1 and
wordNextNext) + 1] == "afternoon")):
remainder = "pm"
if (wordNextNext == "evening" or
(len(words) >
(words.index(wordNextNext) + 1) and
wordNextNext) + 1] == "evening")):
remainder = "pm"
if (wordNextNext == "morning" or
(len(words) >
words.index(wordNextNext) + 1 and
wordNextNext) + 1] == "morning")):
remainder = "am"
isTime = False
strHH = int(strHH) if strHH else 0
strMM = int(strMM) if strMM else 0
strHH = strHH + 12 if remainder == "pm" and strHH < 12 else strHH
strHH = strHH - 12 if remainder == "am" and strHH >= 12 else strHH
if strHH > 24 or strMM > 59:
isTime = False
used = 0
if isTime:
hrAbs = strHH * 1
minAbs = strMM * 1
used += 1
if used > 0:
# removed parsed words from the sentence
for i in range(used):
words[idx + i] = ""
if wordPrev == "o" or wordPrev == "oh":
words[words.index(wordPrev)] = ""
if wordPrev == "early":
hrOffset = -1
words[idx - 1] = ""
idx -= 1
elif wordPrev == "late":
hrOffset = 1
words[idx - 1] = ""
idx -= 1
if idx > 0 and wordPrev in markers:
words[idx - 1] = ""
if idx > 1 and wordPrevPrev in markers:
words[idx - 2] = ""
idx += used - 1
found = True
# check that we found a date
if not date_found:
return None
if dayOffset is False:
dayOffset = 0
# perform date manipulation
extractedDate = dateNow
extractedDate = extractedDate.replace(microsecond=0,
if datestr != "":
temp = datetime.strptime(datestr, "%B %d")
if not hasYear:
temp = temp.replace(year=extractedDate.year)
if extractedDate < temp:
extractedDate = extractedDate.replace(year=int(currentYear),
extractedDate = extractedDate.replace(
year=int(currentYear) + 1,
extractedDate = extractedDate.replace(
if timeStr != "":
temp = datetime(timeStr)
extractedDate = extractedDate.replace(hour=temp.strftime("%H"),
if yearOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(years=yearOffset)
if monthOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(months=monthOffset)
if dayOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(days=dayOffset)
if hrAbs is None and minAbs is None and default_time:
hrAbs = default_time.hour
minAbs = default_time.minute
if hrAbs != -1 and minAbs != -1:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(hours=hrAbs or 0,
minutes=minAbs or 0)
if (hrAbs or minAbs) and datestr == "":
if not daySpecified and dateNow > extractedDate:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(days=1)
if hrOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(hours=hrOffset)
if minOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(minutes=minOffset)
if secOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(seconds=secOffset)
for idx, word in enumerate(words):
if words[idx] == "and" and words[idx - 1] == "" and words[
idx + 1] == "":
words[idx] = ""
resultStr = " ".join(words)
resultStr = ' '.join(resultStr.split())
return [extractedDate, resultStr]
def is_fractional_sv(input_str):
This function takes the given text and checks if it is a fraction.
input_str (str): the string to check if fractional
(bool) or (float): False if not a fraction, otherwise the fraction
if input_str.endswith('ars', -3):
input_str = input_str[:len(input_str) - 3] # e.g. "femtedelar"
if input_str.endswith('ar', -2):
input_str = input_str[:len(input_str) - 2] # e.g. "femtedelar"
if input_str.endswith('a', -1):
input_str = input_str[:len(input_str) - 1] # e.g. "halva"
if input_str.endswith('s', -1):
input_str = input_str[:len(input_str) - 1] # e.g. "halva"
aFrac = ["hel", "halv", "tredjedel", "fjärdedel", "femtedel", "sjättedel",
"sjundedel", "åttondel", "niondel", "tiondel", "elftedel",
if input_str.lower() in aFrac:
return 1.0 / (aFrac.index(input_str) + 1)
if input_str == "kvart":
return 1.0 / 4
if input_str == "trekvart":
return 3.0 / 4
return False
def normalize_sv(text, remove_articles):
""" English string normalization """
words = text.split() # this also removed extra spaces
normalized = ''
for word in words:
# Convert numbers into digits, e.g. "two" -> "2"
if word == 'en':
word = 'ett'
textNumbers = ["noll", "ett", "två", "tre", "fyra", "fem", "sex",
"sju", "åtta", "nio", "tio", "elva", "tolv",
"tretton", "fjorton", "femton", "sexton",
"sjutton", "arton", "nitton", "tjugo"]
if word in textNumbers:
word = str(textNumbers.index(word))
normalized += " " + word
return normalized[1:] # strip the initial space