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37 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 Mycroft AI Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""" Parse functions for french (fr)
* extractnumber_fr: ordinal numbers ("cinquième")
* extractnumber_fr: numbers greater than 999 999 ("cinq millions")
* extract_datetime_fr: "quatrième lundi de janvier"
* get_gender_fr
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from mycroft.util.lang.parse_common import is_numeric, look_for_fractions, \
from mycroft.util.lang.format_fr import pronounce_number_fr
# Undefined articles ["un", "une"] cannot be supressed,
# in French, "un cheval" means "a horse" or "one horse".
articles_fr = ["le", "la", "du", "de", "les", "des"]
numbers_fr = {
"zéro": 0,
"un": 1,
"une": 1,
"deux": 2,
"trois": 3,
"quatre": 4,
"cinq": 5,
"six": 6,
"sept": 7,
"huit": 8,
"neuf": 9,
"dix": 10,
"onze": 11,
"douze": 12,
"treize": 13,
"quatorze": 14,
"quinze": 15,
"seize": 16,
"vingt": 20,
"trente": 30,
"quarante": 40,
"cinquante": 50,
"soixante": 60,
"soixante-dix": 70,
"septante": 70,
"quatre-vingt": 80,
"quatre-vingts": 80,
"octante": 80,
"huitante": 80,
"quatre-vingt-dix": 90,
"nonante": 90,
"cent": 100,
"cents": 100,
"mille": 1000,
"mil": 1000,
"millier": 1000,
"milliers": 1000,
"million": 1000000,
"millions": 1000000,
"milliard": 1000000000,
"milliards": 1000000000}
ordinals_fr = ("er", "re", "ère", "nd", "nde" "ième", "ème", "e")
def number_parse_fr(words, i):
""" Parses a list of words to find a number
Takes in a list of words (strings without whitespace) and
extracts a number that starts at the given index.
words (array): the list to extract a number from
i (int): the index in words where to look for the number
tuple with number, index of next word after the number.
Returns None if no number was found.
def cte_fr(i, s):
# Check if string s is equal to words[i].
# If it is return tuple with s, index of next word.
# If it is not return None.
if i < len(words) and s == words[i]:
return s, i + 1
return None
def number_word_fr(i, mi, ma):
# Check if words[i] is a number in numbers_fr between mi and ma.
# If it is return tuple with number, index of next word.
# If it is not return None.
if i < len(words):
val = numbers_fr.get(words[i])
# Numbers [1-16,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,1000]
if val is not None:
if val >= mi and val <= ma:
return val, i + 1
return None
# The number may be hyphenated (numbers [17-999])
splitWord = words[i].split('-')
if len(splitWord) > 1:
val1 = numbers_fr.get(splitWord[0])
if val1:
i1 = 0
val2 = 0
val3 = 0
if val1 < 10 and splitWord[1] == "cents":
val1 = val1 * 100
i1 = 2
# For [81-99], e.g. "quatre-vingt-deux"
if len(splitWord) > i1 and splitWord[0] == "quatre" and \
splitWord[1] == "vingt":
val1 = 80
i1 += 2
# We still found a number
if i1 == 0:
i1 = 1
if len(splitWord) > i1:
# For [21,31,41,51,61,71]
if len(splitWord) > i1 + 1 and splitWord[i1] == "et":
val2 = numbers_fr.get(splitWord[i1 + 1])
if val2 is not None:
i1 += 2
# For [77-79],[97-99] e.g. "soixante-dix-sept"
elif splitWord[i1] == "dix" and \
len(splitWord) > i1 + 1:
val2 = numbers_fr.get(splitWord[i1 + 1])
if val2 is not None:
val2 += 10
i1 += 2
val2 = numbers_fr.get(splitWord[i1])
if val2 is not None:
i1 += 1
if len(splitWord) > i1:
val3 = numbers_fr.get(splitWord[i1])
if val3 is not None:
i1 += 1
if val2:
if val3:
val = val1 + val2 + val3
val = val1 + val2
return None
if i1 == len(splitWord) and val and ma >= val >= mi:
return val, i + 1
return None
def number_1_99_fr(i):
# Check if words[i] is a number between 1 and 99.
# If it is return tuple with number, index of next word.
# If it is not return None.
# Is it a number between 1 and 16?
result1 = number_word_fr(i, 1, 16)
if result1:
return result1
# Is it a number between 10 and 99?
result1 = number_word_fr(i, 10, 99)
if result1:
val1, i1 = result1
result2 = cte_fr(i1, "et")
# If the number is not hyphenated [21,31,41,51,61,71]
if result2:
i2 = result2[1]
result3 = number_word_fr(i2, 1, 11)
if result3:
val3, i3 = result3
return val1 + val3, i3
return result1
# It is not a number
return None
def number_1_999_fr(i):
# Check if words[i] is a number between 1 and 999.
# If it is return tuple with number, index of next word.
# If it is not return None.
# Is it 100 ?
result = number_word_fr(i, 100, 100)
# Is it [200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900]?
if not result:
resultH1 = number_word_fr(i, 2, 9)
if resultH1:
valH1, iH1 = resultH1
resultH2 = number_word_fr(iH1, 100, 100)
if resultH2:
iH2 = resultH2[1]
result = valH1 * 100, iH2
if result:
val1, i1 = result
result2 = number_1_99_fr(i1)
if result2:
val2, i2 = result2
return val1 + val2, i2
return result
# Is it hyphenated? [101-999]
result = number_word_fr(i, 101, 999)
if result:
return result
# [1-99]
result = number_1_99_fr(i)
if result:
return result
return None
def number_1_999999_fr(i):
""" Find a number in a list of words
Checks if words[i] is a number between 1 and 999,999.
i (int): the index in words where to look for the number
tuple with number, index of next word after the number.
Returns None if no number was found.
# check for zero
result1 = number_word_fr(i, 0, 0)
if result1:
return result1
# check for [1-999]
result1 = number_1_999_fr(i)
if result1:
val1, i1 = result1
val1 = 1
i1 = i
# check for 1000
result2 = number_word_fr(i1, 1000, 1000)
if result2:
# it's [1000-999000]
i2 = result2[1]
# check again for [1-999]
result3 = number_1_999_fr(i2)
if result3:
val3, i3 = result3
return val1 * 1000 + val3, i3
return val1 * 1000, i2
elif result1:
return result1
return None
return number_1_999999_fr(i)
def getOrdinal_fr(word):
""" Get the ordinal number
Takes in a word (string without whitespace) and
extracts the ordinal number.
word (string): the word to extract the number from
number (int)
Returns None if no ordinal number was found.
if word:
for ordinal in ordinals_fr:
if word[0].isdigit() and ordinal in word:
result = word.replace(ordinal, "")
if result.isdigit():
return int(result)
return None
def number_ordinal_fr(words, i):
""" Find an ordinal number in a list of words
Takes in a list of words (strings without whitespace) and
extracts an ordinal number that starts at the given index.
words (array): the list to extract a number from
i (int): the index in words where to look for the ordinal number
tuple with ordinal number (str),
index of next word after the number (int).
Returns None if no ordinal number was found.
val1 = None
strOrd = ""
# it's already a digit, normalize to "1er" or "5e"
val1 = getOrdinal_fr(words[i])
if val1 is not None:
if val1 == 1:
strOrd = "1er"
strOrd = str(val1) + "e"
return strOrd, i + 1
# if it's a big number the beginning should be detected as a number
result = number_parse_fr(words, i)
if result:
val1, i = result
val1 = 0
if i < len(words):
word = words[i]
if word in ["premier", "première"]:
strOrd = "1er"
elif word == "second":
strOrd = "2e"
elif word.endswith("ième"):
val2 = None
word = word[:-4]
# centième
if word == "cent":
if val1:
strOrd = str(val1 * 100) + "e"
strOrd = "100e"
# millième
elif word == "mill":
if val1:
strOrd = str(val1 * 1000) + "e"
strOrd = "1000e"
# "cinquième", "trente-cinquième"
if word.endswith("cinqu"):
word = word[:-1]
# "neuvième", "dix-neuvième"
elif word.endswith("neuv"):
word = word[:-1] + "f"
result = number_parse_fr([word], 0)
if not result:
# "trentième", "douzième"
word = word + "e"
result = number_parse_fr([word], 0)
if result:
val2, i = result
if val2 is not None:
strOrd = str(val1 + val2) + "e"
if strOrd:
return strOrd, i + 1
return None
def extractnumber_fr(text):
"""Takes in a string and extracts a number.
text (str): the string to extract a number from
(str): The number extracted or the original text.
# normalize text, keep articles for ordinals versus fractionals
text = normalize_fr(text, False)
# split words by whitespace
aWords = text.split()
count = 0
result = None
add = False
while count < len(aWords):
val = None
word = aWords[count]
wordNext = ""
wordPrev = ""
if count < (len(aWords) - 1):
wordNext = aWords[count + 1]
if count > 0:
wordPrev = aWords[count - 1]
if word in articles_fr:
count += 1
if word in ["et", "plus", "+"]:
count += 1
add = True
# is current word a numeric number?
if word.isdigit():
val = int(word)
count += 1
elif is_numeric(word):
val = float(word)
count += 1
elif wordPrev in articles_fr and getOrdinal_fr(word):
val = getOrdinal_fr(word)
count += 1
# is current word the denominator of a fraction?
elif isFractional_fr(word):
val = isFractional_fr(word)
count += 1
# is current word the numerator of a fraction?
if val and wordNext:
valNext = isFractional_fr(wordNext)
if valNext:
val = float(val) * valNext
count += 1
if not val:
count += 1
# is current word a numeric fraction like "2/3"?
aPieces = word.split('/')
# if (len(aPieces) == 2 and is_numeric(aPieces[0])
# and is_numeric(aPieces[1])):
if look_for_fractions(aPieces):
val = float(aPieces[0]) / float(aPieces[1])
# is current word followed by a decimal value?
if wordNext == "virgule":
zeros = 0
newWords = aWords[count + 1:]
# count the number of zeros after the decimal sign
for word in newWords:
if word == "zéro" or word == "0":
zeros += 1
afterDotVal = None
# extract the number after the zeros
if newWords[zeros].isdigit():
afterDotVal = newWords[zeros]
countDot = count + zeros + 2
# if a number was extracted (since comma is also a
# punctuation sign)
if afterDotVal:
count = countDot
if not val:
val = 0
# add the zeros
afterDotString = zeros * "0" + afterDotVal
val = float(str(val) + "." + afterDotString)
if val:
if add:
result += val
add = False
result = val
# if result == False:
if not result:
return normalize_fr(text, True)
return result
def extract_datetime_fr(string, currentDate, default_time):
def clean_string(s):
cleans the input string of unneeded punctuation and capitalization
among other things.
s = normalize_fr(s, True)
wordList = s.split()
for idx, word in enumerate(wordList):
# remove comma and dot if it's not a number
if word[-1] in [",", "."]:
word = word[:-1]
wordList[idx] = word
return wordList
def date_found():
return found or \
datestr != "" or
yearOffset != 0 or monthOffset != 0 or dayOffset or
(isTime and (hrAbs or minAbs)) or
hrOffset != 0 or minOffset != 0 or secOffset != 0
if string == "" or not currentDate:
return None
found = False
daySpecified = False
dayOffset = False
monthOffset = 0
yearOffset = 0
dateNow = currentDate
today = dateNow.strftime("%w")
currentYear = dateNow.strftime("%Y")
fromFlag = False
datestr = ""
hasYear = False
timeQualifier = ""
timeQualifiersList = ["matin", "après-midi", "soir", "nuit"]
words_in = ["dans", "après"]
markers = ["à", "dès", "autour", "vers", "environs", "ce",
"cette"] + words_in
days = ["lundi", "mardi", "mercredi",
"jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi", "dimanche"]
months = ["janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin",
"juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre",
monthsShort = ["jan", "fév", "mar", "avr", "mai", "juin", "juil", "aoû",
"sept", "oct", "nov", "déc"]
# needed for format functions
months_en = ['january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june',
'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november',
words = clean_string(string)
for idx, word in enumerate(words):
if word == "":
wordPrevPrevPrev = words[idx - 3] if idx > 2 else ""
wordPrevPrev = words[idx - 2] if idx > 1 else ""
wordPrev = words[idx - 1] if idx > 0 else ""
wordNext = words[idx + 1] if idx + 1 < len(words) else ""
wordNextNext = words[idx + 2] if idx + 2 < len(words) else ""
start = idx
used = 0
# save timequalifier for later
if word in timeQualifiersList:
timeQualifier = word
used = 1
if wordPrev in ["ce", "cet", "cette"]:
used = 2
start -= 1
# parse aujourd'hui, demain, après-demain
elif word == "aujourd'hui" and not fromFlag:
dayOffset = 0
used += 1
elif word == "demain" and not fromFlag:
dayOffset = 1
used += 1
elif word == "après-demain" and not fromFlag:
dayOffset = 2
used += 1
# parse 5 jours, 10 semaines, semaine dernière, semaine prochaine
elif word in ["jour", "jours"]:
if wordPrev.isdigit():
dayOffset += int(wordPrev)
start -= 1
used = 2
# "3e jour"
elif getOrdinal_fr(wordPrev) is not None:
dayOffset += getOrdinal_fr(wordPrev) - 1
start -= 1
used = 2
elif word in ["semaine", "semaines"] and not fromFlag:
if wordPrev[0].isdigit():
dayOffset += int(wordPrev) * 7
start -= 1
used = 2
elif wordNext in ["prochaine", "suivante"]:
dayOffset = 7
used = 2
elif wordNext in ["dernière", "précédente"]:
dayOffset = -7
used = 2
# parse 10 mois, mois prochain, mois dernier
elif word == "mois" and not fromFlag:
if wordPrev[0].isdigit():
monthOffset = int(wordPrev)
start -= 1
used = 2
elif wordNext in ["prochain", "suivant"]:
monthOffset = 1
used = 2
elif wordNext in ["dernier", "précédent"]:
monthOffset = -1
used = 2
# parse 5 ans, an prochain, année dernière
elif word in ["an", "ans", "année", "années"] and not fromFlag:
if wordPrev[0].isdigit():
yearOffset = int(wordPrev)
start -= 1
used = 2
elif wordNext in ["prochain", "prochaine", "suivant", "suivante"]:
yearOffset = 1
used = 2
elif wordNext in ["dernier", "dernière", "précédent",
yearOffset = -1
used = 2
# parse lundi, mardi etc., and lundi prochain, mardi dernier, etc.
elif word in days and not fromFlag:
d = days.index(word)
dayOffset = (d + 1) - int(today)
used = 1
if dayOffset < 0:
dayOffset += 7
if wordNext in ["prochain", "suivant"]:
dayOffset += 7
used += 1
elif wordNext in ["dernier", "précédent"]:
dayOffset -= 7
used += 1
# parse 15 juillet, 15 juil
elif word in months or word in monthsShort and not fromFlag:
m = months.index(word)
except ValueError:
m = monthsShort.index(word)
used += 1
datestr = months_en[m]
if wordPrev and (wordPrev[0].isdigit()):
datestr += " " + wordPrev
start -= 1
used += 1
datestr += " 1"
if wordNext and wordNext[0].isdigit():
datestr += " " + wordNext
used += 1
hasYear = True
hasYear = False
# parse 5 jours après demain, 10 semaines après jeudi prochain,
# 2 mois après juillet
validFollowups = days + months + monthsShort
if word in ["après", "depuis"] and wordNext in validFollowups:
used = 2
fromFlag = True
if wordNext == "demain":
dayOffset += 1
elif wordNext in days:
d = days.index(wordNext)
tmpOffset = (d + 1) - int(today)
used = 2
if wordNextNext == "prochain":
tmpOffset += 7
used += 1
elif wordNextNext == "dernier":
tmpOffset -= 7
used += 1
elif tmpOffset < 0:
tmpOffset += 7
dayOffset += tmpOffset
if used > 0:
if start - 1 > 0 and words[start - 1] in ["ce", "cette"]:
start -= 1
used += 1
for i in range(0, used):
words[i + start] = ""
if start - 1 >= 0 and words[start - 1] in markers:
words[start - 1] = ""
found = True
daySpecified = True
# parse time
hrOffset = 0
minOffset = 0
secOffset = 0
hrAbs = None
minAbs = None
ampm = ""
isTime = False
for idx, word in enumerate(words):
if word == "":
wordPrevPrev = words[idx - 2] if idx > 1 else ""
wordPrev = words[idx - 1] if idx > 0 else ""
wordNext = words[idx + 1] if idx + 1 < len(words) else ""
wordNextNext = words[idx + 2] if idx + 2 < len(words) else ""
used = 0
start = idx
# parse midi et quart, minuit et demi, midi 10, minuit moins 20
if word in ["midi", "minuit"]:
isTime = True
if word == "midi":
hrAbs = 12
used += 1
elif word == "minuit":
hrAbs = 0
used += 1
if wordNext.isdigit():
minAbs = int(wordNext)
used += 1
elif wordNext == "et":
if wordNextNext == "quart":
minAbs = 15
used += 2
elif wordNextNext == "demi":
minAbs = 30
used += 2
elif wordNext == "moins":
if wordNextNext.isdigit():
minAbs = 60 - int(wordNextNext)
if not hrAbs:
hrAbs = 23
hrAbs -= 1
used += 2
if wordNextNext == "quart":
minAbs = 45
if not hrAbs:
hrAbs = 23
hrAbs -= 1
used += 2
# parse une demi-heure, un quart d'heure
elif word == "demi-heure" or word == "heure" and \
(wordPrevPrev in markers or wordPrevPrevPrev in markers):
used = 1
isTime = True
if word == "demi-heure":
minOffset = 30
elif wordPrev == "quart":
minOffset = 15
used += 1
start -= 1
elif wordPrev == "quarts" and wordPrevPrev.isdigit():
minOffset = int(wordPrevPrev) * 15
used += 1
start -= 1
if wordPrev.isdigit() or wordPrevPrev.isdigit():
start -= 1
used += 1
# parse 5:00 du matin, 12:00, etc
elif word[0].isdigit() and getOrdinal_fr(word) is None:
isTime = True
if ":" in word or "h" in word or "min" in word:
# parse hours on short format
# "3:00 du matin", "4h14", "3h15min"
strHH = ""
strMM = ""
stage = 0
length = len(word)
for i in range(length):
if stage == 0:
if word[i].isdigit():
strHH += word[i]
used = 1
elif word[i] in [":", "h", "m"]:
stage = 1
stage = 2
i -= 1
elif stage == 1:
if word[i].isdigit():
strMM += word[i]
used = 1
stage = 2
if word[i:i + 3] == "min":
i += 1
elif stage == 2:
if wordPrev in words_in:
hrOffset = int(strHH) if strHH else 0
minOffset = int(strMM) if strMM else 0
hrAbs = int(strHH) if strHH else 0
minAbs = int(strMM) if strMM else 0
# try to parse time without colons
# 5 hours, 10 minutes etc.
length = len(word)
ampm = ""
if (
word.isdigit() and
wordNext in ["heures", "heure"] and word != "0" and
int(word) < 100 or
int(word) > 2400
# "dans 3 heures", "à 3 heures"
if wordPrev in words_in:
hrOffset = int(word)
hrAbs = int(word)
used = 2
idxHr = idx + 2
# "dans 1 heure 40", "à 1 heure 40"
if idxHr < len(words):
# "3 heures 45"
if words[idxHr].isdigit():
if wordPrev in words_in:
minOffset = int(words[idxHr])
minAbs = int(words[idxHr])
used += 1
idxHr += 1
# "3 heures et quart", "4 heures et demi"
elif words[idxHr] == "et" and idxHr + 1 < len(words):
if words[idxHr + 1] == "quart":
if wordPrev in words_in:
minOffset = 15
minAbs = 15
used += 2
idxHr += 2
elif words[idxHr + 1] == "demi":
if wordPrev in words_in:
minOffset = 30
minAbs = 30
used += 2
idxHr += 2
# "5 heures moins 20", "6 heures moins le quart"
elif words[idxHr] == "moins" and \
idxHr + 1 < len(words):
if words[idxHr + 1].isdigit():
if wordPrev in words_in:
hrOffset -= 1
minOffset = 60 - int(words[idxHr + 1])
hrAbs = hrAbs - 1
minAbs = 60 - int(words[idxHr + 1])
used += 2
idxHr += 2
elif words[idxHr + 1] == "quart":
if wordPrev in words_in:
hrOffset -= 1
minOffset = 45
hrAbs = hrAbs - 1
minAbs = 45
used += 2
idxHr += 2
# remove word minutes if present
if idxHr < len(words) and \
words[idxHr] in ["minutes", "minute"]:
used += 1
idxHr += 1
elif wordNext == "minutes":
# "dans 10 minutes"
if wordPrev in words_in:
minOffset = int(word)
minAbs = int(word)
used = 2
elif wordNext == "secondes":
# "dans 5 secondes"
secOffset = int(word)
used = 2
elif int(word) > 100:
# format militaire
hrAbs = int(word) / 100
minAbs = int(word) - hrAbs * 100
used = 1
if wordNext == "heures":
used += 1
# handle am/pm
if timeQualifier:
if timeQualifier == "matin":
ampm = "am"
elif timeQualifier == "après-midi":
ampm = "pm"
elif timeQualifier == "soir":
ampm = "pm"
elif timeQualifier == "nuit":
if (hrAbs or 0) > 8:
ampm = "pm"
ampm = "am"
hrAbs = ((hrAbs or 0) + 12 if ampm == "pm" and (hrAbs or 0) < 12
else hrAbs)
hrAbs = ((hrAbs or 0) - 12 if ampm == "am" and (hrAbs or 0) >= 12
else hrAbs)
if (hrAbs or 0) > 24 or ((minAbs or 0) > 59):
isTime = False
used = 0
elif wordPrev in words_in:
isTime = False
isTime = True
elif not hrAbs and timeQualifier:
if timeQualifier == "matin":
hrAbs = 8
elif timeQualifier == "après-midi":
hrAbs = 15
elif timeQualifier == "soir":
hrAbs = 19
elif timeQualifier == "nuit":
hrAbs = 2
isTime = True
if used > 0:
# removed parsed words from the sentence
for i in range(0, used):
words[i + start] = ""
if start - 1 >= 0 and words[start - 1] in markers:
words[start - 1] = ""
idx += used - 1
found = True
# check that we found a date
if not date_found():
return None
if dayOffset is False:
dayOffset = 0
# perform date manipulation
extractedDate = dateNow
extractedDate = extractedDate.replace(microsecond=0,
if datestr != "":
if not hasYear:
temp = datetime.strptime(datestr, "%B %d")
temp = temp.replace(year=extractedDate.year)
if extractedDate < temp:
extractedDate = extractedDate.replace(year=int(currentYear),
extractedDate = extractedDate.replace(
year=int(currentYear) + 1,
temp = datetime.strptime(datestr, "%B %d %Y")
extractedDate = extractedDate.replace(
if yearOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(years=yearOffset)
if monthOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(months=monthOffset)
if dayOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(days=dayOffset)
if hrAbs is None and minAbs is None and default_time:
hrAbs = default_time.hour
minAbs = default_time.minute
if hrAbs != -1 and minAbs != -1:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(hours=hrAbs or 0,
minutes=minAbs or 0)
if (hrAbs or minAbs) and datestr == "":
if not daySpecified and dateNow > extractedDate:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(days=1)
if hrOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(hours=hrOffset)
if minOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(minutes=minOffset)
if secOffset != 0:
extractedDate = extractedDate + relativedelta(seconds=secOffset)
for idx, word in enumerate(words):
if words[idx] == "et" and words[idx - 1] == "" and \
words[idx + 1] == "":
words[idx] = ""
resultStr = " ".join(words)
resultStr = ' '.join(resultStr.split())
return [extractedDate, resultStr]
def isFractional_fr(input_str):
This function takes the given text and checks if it is a fraction.
input_str (str): the string to check if fractional
(bool) or (float): False if not a fraction, otherwise the fraction
input_str = input_str.lower()
if input_str != "tiers" and input_str.endswith('s', -1):
input_str = input_str[:len(input_str) - 1] # e.g. "quarts"
aFrac = ["entier", "demi", "tiers", "quart", "cinquième", "sixième",
"septième", "huitième", "neuvième", "dixième", "onzième",
"douzième", "treizième", "quatorzième", "quinzième", "seizième",
"dix-septième", "dix-huitième", "dix-neuvième", "vingtième"]
if input_str in aFrac:
return 1.0 / (aFrac.index(input_str) + 1)
if getOrdinal_fr(input_str):
return 1.0 / getOrdinal_fr(input_str)
if input_str == "trentième":
return 1.0 / 30
if input_str == "centième":
return 1.0 / 100
if input_str == "millième":
return 1.0 / 1000
return False
def normalize_fr(text, remove_articles):
""" French string normalization """
text = text.lower()
words = text.split() # this also removed extra spaces
normalized = ""
i = 0
while i < len(words):
# remove articles
if remove_articles and words[i] in articles_fr:
i += 1
if remove_articles and words[i][:2] in ["l'", "d'"]:
words[i] = words[i][2:]
# remove useless punctuation signs
if words[i] in ["?", "!", ";", ""]:
i += 1
# Normalize ordinal numbers
if i > 0 and words[i - 1] in articles_fr:
result = number_ordinal_fr(words, i)
if result is not None:
val, i = result
normalized += " " + str(val)
# Convert numbers into digits
result = number_parse_fr(words, i)
if result is not None:
val, i = result
normalized += " " + str(val)
normalized += " " + words[i]
i += 1
return normalized[1:] # strip the initial space
def extract_numbers_fr(text, short_scale=True, ordinals=False):
Takes in a string and extracts a list of numbers.
text (str): the string to extract a number from
short_scale (bool): Use "short scale" or "long scale" for large
numbers -- over a million. The default is short scale, which
is now common in most English speaking countries.
ordinals (bool): consider ordinal numbers, e.g. third=3 instead of 1/3
list: list of extracted numbers as floats
return extract_numbers_generic(text, pronounce_number_fr, extractnumber_fr,
short_scale=short_scale, ordinals=ordinals)