# Copyright 2016 Mycroft AI, Inc. # # This file is part of Mycroft Core. # # Mycroft Core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mycroft Core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mycroft Core. If not, see . import subprocess from time import time, sleep from os.path import join from mycroft import MYCROFT_ROOT_PATH from mycroft.configuration import ConfigurationManager from mycroft.tts import TTS, TTSValidator from mycroft.util import play_wav __author__ = 'jdorleans', 'spenrod' config = ConfigurationManager.get().get("tts").get("mimic") BIN = config.get("path", join(MYCROFT_ROOT_PATH, 'mimic', 'bin', 'mimic')) class Mimic(TTS): def __init__(self, lang, voice): super(Mimic, self).__init__(lang, voice, MimicValidator(self)) self.init_args() def init_args(self): self.args = [BIN, '-voice', self.voice, '-psdur', '-o', self.filename] stretch = config.get('duration_stretch', None) if stretch: self.args += ['--setf', 'duration_stretch=' + stretch] def execute(self, sentence): output = subprocess.check_output(self.args + ['-t', sentence]) self.blink(0.5) process = play_wav(self.filename) self.visime(output) process.communicate() self.blink(0.2) def visime(self, output): start = time() pairs = output.split(" ") for pair in pairs: pho_dur = pair.split(":") # phoneme:duration if len(pho_dur) == 2: code = VISIMES.get(pho_dur[0], '4') self.enclosure.mouth_viseme(code) duration = float(pho_dur[1]) delta = time() - start if delta < duration: sleep(duration - delta) class MimicValidator(TTSValidator): def __init__(self, tts): super(MimicValidator, self).__init__(tts) def validate_lang(self): # TODO pass def validate_connection(self): try: subprocess.call([BIN, '--version']) except: raise Exception( 'Mimic is not installed. Run install-mimic.sh to install it.') def get_tts_class(self): return Mimic # Mapping based on Jeffers phoneme to viseme map, seen in table 1 from: # http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= # # Mycroft unit visemes based on images found at: # http://www.web3.lu/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/visemes.jpg # # Mapping was created partially based on the "12 mouth shapes visuals seen at: # https://wolfpaulus.com/journal/software/lipsynchronization/ VISIMES = { # /A group 'v': '5', 'f': '5', # /B group 'uh': '2', 'w': '2', 'uw': '2', 'er': '2', 'r': '2', 'ow': '2', # /C group 'b': '4', 'p': '4', 'm': '4', # /D group 'aw': '1', # /E group 'th': '3', 'dh': '3', # /F group 'zh': '3', 'ch': '3', 'sh': '3', 'jh': '3', # /G group 'oy': '6', 'ao': '6', # /Hgroup 'z': '3', 's': '3', # /I group 'ae': '0', 'eh': '0', 'ey': '0', 'ah': '0', 'ih': '0', 'y': '0', 'iy': '0', 'aa': '0', 'ay': '0', 'ax': '0', 'hh': '0', # /J group 'n': '3', 't': '3', 'd': '3', 'l': '3', # /K group 'g': '3', 'ng': '3', 'k': '3', # blank mouth 'pau': '4', }