#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2017 Mycroft AI Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # this script is for the Mark 1 and Picroft units user=$( whoami ) #Build being changed to change_to=${1} #path to mycroft-core checkout path=${2:-"${HOME}/mycroft-core"} #currently installed package current_pkg=$( cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/repo.mycroft.ai.list ) stable_pkg="deb http://repo.mycroft.ai/repos/apt/debian debian main" unstable_pkg="deb http://repo.mycroft.ai/repos/apt/debian debian-unstable main" mark_1_package_list="mycroft-mark-1 mycroft-core mycroft-wifi-setup" picroft_package_list="mycroft-picroft mycroft-core mycroft-wifi-setup" # Determine the platform mycroft_platform="null" if [[ -r /etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf ]] ; then mycroft_platform=$( jq -r '.enclosure.platform' /etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf ) else if [[ "$( hostname )" == "picroft" ]] ; then mycroft_platform="picroft" elif [[ "$( hostname )" =~ "mark_1" ]] ; then mycroft_platform="mycroft_mark_1" fi fi function service_ctl() { service=${1} action=${2} sudo /etc/init.d/${service} ${action} } function stop_mycroft() { service_ctl mycroft-audio stop service_ctl mycroft-skills stop service_ctl mycroft-speech-client stop service_ctl mycroft-enclosure-client stop service_ctl mycroft-admin-service stop service_ctl mycroft-messagebus stop } function start_mycroft() { service_ctl mycroft-messagebus start service_ctl mycroft-enclosure-client start service_ctl mycroft-audio start service_ctl mycroft-skills start service_ctl mycroft-speech-client start service_ctl mycroft-admin-service start } function restart_mycroft() { service_ctl mycroft-messagebus restart service_ctl mycroft-audio restart service_ctl mycroft-skills restart service_ctl mycroft-speech-client restart service_ctl mycroft-enclosure-client restart service_ctl mycroft-admin-service restart } #Changes init scripts back to the original versions function restore_init_scripts() { # stop running Mycroft services stop_mycroft # swap back to original service scripts sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-audio.original > /etc/init.d/mycroft-audio' sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-enclosure-client.original > /etc/init.d/mycroft-enclosure-client' sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-messagebus.original > /etc/init.d/mycroft-messagebus' sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-skills.original > /etc/init.d/mycroft-skills' sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-speech-client.original > /etc/init.d/mycroft-speech-client' sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-admin-service.original > /etc/init.d/mycroft-admin-service' sudo rm /etc/init.d/*.original chown mycroft:mycroft /home/mycroft/.mycroft/identity/identity2.json sudo chown -Rvf mycroft:mycroft /var/log/mycroft* sudo chown -Rvf mycroft:mycroft /tmp/mycroft sudo chown -Rvf mycroft:mycroft /var/run/mycroft* sudo chown -Rvf mycroft:mycroft /opt/mycroft sudo chown mycroft:mycroft /var/tmp/mycroft_web_cache.json # reload daemon scripts sudo systemctl daemon-reload # start services back up start_mycroft } function github_init_scripts() { if [ ! -f /etc/init.d/mycroft-skills.original ] ; then stop_mycroft # save original scripts sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-audio > /etc/init.d/mycroft-audio.original' sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-enclosure-client > /etc/init.d/mycroft-enclosure-client.original' sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-messagebus > /etc/init.d/mycroft-messagebus.original' sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-skills > /etc/init.d/mycroft-skills.original' sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-speech-client > /etc/init.d/mycroft-speech-client.original' sudo sh -c 'cat /etc/init.d/mycroft-admin-service > /etc/init.d/mycroft-admin-service.original' # switch to point a github install and run as the current user # TODO Verify all of these sudo sed -i 's_.*SCRIPT=.*_SCRIPT="'${path}'/start-mycroft.sh audio"_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-audio sudo sed -i 's_.*RUNAS=.*_RUNAS='${user}'_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-audio sudo sed -i 's_stop() {_stop() {\nPID=$(ps ax | grep mycroft/audio/ | awk '"'NR==1{print \$1; exit}'"')\necho "${PID}" > "$PIDFILE"_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-audio sudo sed -i 's_.*SCRIPT=.*_SCRIPT="'${path}'/start-mycroft.sh enclosure"_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-enclosure-client sudo sed -i 's_.*RUNAS=.*_RUNAS='${user}'_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-enclosure-client sudo sed -i 's_stop() {_stop() {\nPID=$(ps ax | grep mycroft/client/enclosure/ | awk '"'NR==1{print \$1; exit}'"')\necho "${PID}" > "$PIDFILE"_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-enclosure-client sudo sed -i 's_.*SCRIPT=.*_SCRIPT="'${path}'/start-mycroft.sh bus"_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-messagebus sudo sed -i 's_.*RUNAS=.*_RUNAS='${user}'_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-messagebus sudo sed -i 's_stop() {_stop() {\nPID=$(ps ax | grep mycroft/messagebus/ | awk '"'NR==1{print \$1; exit}'"')\necho "${PID}" > "$PIDFILE"_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-messagebus sudo sed -i 's_.*SCRIPT=.*_SCRIPT="'${path}'/start-mycroft.sh skills"_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-skills sudo sed -i 's_.*RUNAS=.*_RUNAS='${user}'_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-skills sudo sed -i 's_stop() {_stop() {\nPID=$(ps ax | grep mycroft/skills/ | awk '"'NR==1{print \$1; exit}'"')\necho "${PID}" > "$PIDFILE"_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-skills sudo sed -i 's_.*SCRIPT=.*_SCRIPT="'${path}'/start-mycroft.sh voice"_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-speech-client sudo sed -i 's_.*RUNAS=.*_RUNAS='${user}'_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-speech-client sudo sed -i 's_stop() {_stop() {\nPID=$(ps ax | grep mycroft/client/speech | awk '"'NR==1{print \$1; exit}'"')\necho "${PID}" > "$PIDFILE"_g' /etc/init.d/mycroft-speech-client # soft link the current user to the mycroft user's identity folder chown ${user}:${user} /home/mycroft/.mycroft/identity/identity2.json if [ ! -e ${HOME}/.mycroft ] ; then mkdir ${HOME}/.mycroft fi if [ ! -e ${HOME}/.mycroft/identity ] ; then sudo ln -s /home/mycroft/.mycroft/identity ${HOME}/.mycroft/ fi sudo chown -Rvf ${user}:${user} /var/log/mycroft* sudo chown -Rvf ${user}:${user} /var/run/mycroft* sudo chown -Rvf ${user}:${user} /tmp/mycroft sudo chown -Rvf ${user}:${user} /var/tmp/mycroft_web_cache.json # reload daemon scripts sudo systemctl daemon-reload restart_mycroft fi } function invoke_apt() { if [ ${mycroft_platform} == "mycroft_mark_1" ] ; then echo "${1}ing the mycroft-mark-1 metapackage..." sudo apt-get ${1} mycroft-mark-1 -y elif [ ${mycroft_platform} == "picroft" ] ; then echo "${1}ing the mycroft-picroft metapackage..." sudo apt-get ${1} mycroft-picroft -y else # for unknown, just update the generic package echo "${1}ing the generic mycroft-core package..." sudo apt-get ${1} mycroft-core -y fi } function remove_all() { if [ ${mycroft_platform} == "mycroft_mark_1" ] ; then echo "Removing the mycroft mark-1 packages..." sudo apt-get remove ${mark_1_package_list} -y elif [ ${mycroft_platform} == "picroft" ] ; then echo "Removing the picroft packages..." sudo apt-get remove ${picroft_package_list} -y else # for unknown, just update the generic package echo "Removing the generic mycroft-core package..." sudo apt-get remove mycroft-core -y fi } function change_build() { build=${1} sudo sh -c 'echo '"${build}"' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/repo.mycroft.ai.list' sudo apt-get update invoke_apt install } function stable_to_unstable_server() { identity_path=/home/mycroft/.mycroft/identity/ conf_path=/home/mycroft/.mycroft/ # check if on stable (home-test.mycroft.ai) already cmp --silent ${conf_path}/mycroft.conf ${conf_path}/mycroft.conf.unstable if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Already set to use the home-test.mycroft.ai server" return fi # point to test server echo "Changing mycroft.conf to point to test server api-test.mycroft.ai" if [ -f ${conf_path}mycroft.conf ] ; then cp ${conf_path}mycroft.conf ${conf_path}mycroft.conf.stable else echo "could not find mycroft.conf, was it deleted?" fi if [ -f ${conf_path}mycroft.conf.unstable ] ; then cp ${conf_path}mycroft.conf.unstable ${conf_path}mycroft.conf else rm -r ${conf_path}mycroft.conf echo '{"server": {"url":"https://api-test.mycroft.ai", "version":"v1", "update":true, "metrics":false }}' $( cat ${conf_path}mycroft.conf.stable ) | jq -s add > ${conf_path}mycroft.conf fi # saving identity2.json to stable state echo "Pointing identity2.json to unstable and saving to identity2.json.stable" if [ -f ${identity_path}identity2.json ] ; then mv ${identity_path}identity2.json ${identity_path}identity2.json.stable fi if [ -f /home/mycroft/.mycroft/identity/identity2.json.unstable ] ; then cp ${identity_path}identity2.json.unstable ${identity_path}identity2.json else echo "NOTE: This seems to be your first time switching to unstable. You will need to go to home-test.mycroft.ai to pair on unstable." fi restart_mycroft echo "Set to use the home-test.mycroft.ai server!" } function unstable_to_stable_server() { # switching from unstable -> stable identity_path=/home/mycroft/.mycroft/identity/ conf_path=/home/mycroft/.mycroft/ # check if on stable (home.mycroft.ai) already cmp --silent ${conf_path}/mycroft.conf ${conf_path}/mycroft.conf.stable if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Already set to use the home.mycroft.ai server" return fi # point api to production server echo "Changing mycroft.conf to point to production server api.mycroft.ai" if [ -f ${conf_path}mycroft.conf ] ; then echo '{"server": {"url":"https://api-test.mycroft.ai", "version":"v1", "update":true, "metrics":false }}' $( cat ${conf_path}mycroft.conf ) | jq -s add > ${conf_path}mycroft.conf.unstable else echo "could not find mycroft.conf, was it deleted?" fi if [ -f ${conf_path}mycroft.conf.stable ] ; then cp ${conf_path}mycroft.conf.stable ${conf_path}mycroft.conf else echo "ERROR: Could not find mycroft.conf.stable, was it deleted?, an easy fix would be to copy mycroft.conf.unstable to mycroft.conf but remove the server field" fi # saving identity2.json into unstable state, then copying identity2.json.stable to identity2.json echo "Pointing identity2.json to unstable and saving to identity2.json.unstable" if [ -f ${identity_path}identity2.json ] ; then mv ${identity_path}identity2.json ${identity_path}identity2.json.unstable fi if [ -f ${identity_path}identity2.json.stable ] ; then cp ${identity_path}identity2.json.stable ${identity_path}identity2.json else echo "Can not find identity2.json.stable, was it deleted? You may need to repair at home.mycroft.ai" fi restart_mycroft echo "Set to use the home.mycroft.ai server!" } if [ "${change_to}" == "unstable" ] ; then # make sure user is running as sudo first if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Please run with sudo" exit fi echo "Switching to unstable build..." if [ "${current_pkg}" == "${stable_pkg}" ] ; then change_build "${unstable_pkg}" else echo "already on unstable" fi if [ -f /etc/init.d/mycroft-skills.original ] ; then restore_init_scripts # Reboot since the audio input won't work for some reason sudo reboot fi elif [ "${change_to}" == "stable" ] ; then # make sure user is running as sudo first if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Please run with sudo" exit fi echo "Switching to stable build..." if [ "${current_pkg}" == "${unstable_pkg}" ] ; then # Need to remove the package to make sure upgrade happens due to # difference in stable/unstable to package numbering schemes remove_all change_build "${stable_pkg}" else echo "already on stable" fi if [ -f /etc/init.d/mycroft-skills.original ] ; then restore_init_scripts sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/mycroft-core # Enable updates # Reboot since the audio input won't work for some reason sudo reboot fi elif [ "${change_to}" == "github" ] ; then echo "Switching to github..." if [ ! -d ${path} ] ; then mkdir --parents "${path}" cd "${path}" cd .. git clone https://github.com/MycroftAI/mycroft-core.git "${path}" fi sudo chmod -x /etc/cron.hourly/mycroft-core # Disable updates if [ -d ${path} ] ; then if [ -f /usr/local/bin/mimic ] ; then echo "Mimic file exists" mimic_flag="-sm" else echo "file doesn't exist" mimic_flag="" fi cd ${path} # Build the dev environment ${path}/dev_setup.sh --allow-root ${mimic_flag} # Switch init scripts to start the github version github_init_scripts else echo "repository does not exist" fi # For some reason precise won't trigger until after a reboot echo "Rebooting..." sudo reboot elif [ "${change_to}" == "home" ] ; then # make sure user is running as sudo first if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Please run with sudo" exit fi unstable_to_stable_server elif [ "${change_to}" == "home-test" ] ; then # make sure user is running as sudo first if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Please run with sudo" exit fi stable_to_unstable_server else echo "usage: mycroft-use.sh [stable | unstable | home | home-test | github []]" echo "Switch between mycroft-core install methods" echo echo "Options:" echo " stable switch to the current debian package" echo " unstable switch to the unstable debian package" echo " github [] switch to the mycroft-core/dev github repo" echo echo " home-test switch to the test backend (home-test.mycroft.ai)" echo " home switch to the main backend (home.mycroft.ai)" echo echo "Params:" echo " default for github installs is /home//mycroft-core" echo echo "Examples:" echo " mycroft-use.sh stable" echo " mycroft-use.sh unstable" echo " mycroft-use.sh home" echo " mycroft-use.sh home-test" echo " mycroft-use.sh github" echo " mycroft-use.sh github /home/bill/projects/mycroft/custom" fi