#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2017 Mycroft AI Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Verify and present the user with information about their installation of mycroft. # Should be run as the mycroft user. # # To do: functionalize and allow for parametereized calls of each. # rs 2017-05-05 function helpfunc() { echo "Usage: ${0} [FUNCTION]" echo " Functions include -v version -P python -p permissions -i internet -s system info -u audio -r running -m mimic -a run all checks " } if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then helpfunc && exit 1 fi MYCROFT_HOME="" RUN_AS_ROOT=1 source $( locate virtualenvwrapper.sh ) # log stuff and things LOG_FILE=/tmp/my-info.$$.out touch ${LOG_FILE} if [[ ! -w "${LOG_FILE}" ]] ; then echo "Unable to write log file, output will be to screen only!" LOG_FILE="/dev/null" sleep 3 else echo "Logging to ${LOG_FILE}" fi # it's big, it's heavy, it's wood! function mlog() { local timestamp="[$( date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )]" message="$*" echo "${timestamp} ${message}" |tee -a ${LOG_FILE} } # Sup big perm. function checkperms() { if ! [[ -e "${1}" && -w "${1}" && -O "${1}" ]] ; then if ! [[ -e "${1}" ]] ; then # doesn't exist? return 1 fi if [[ -w "${1}" ]] ; then # lacks ownership return 2 else # lacks write permissions return 3 fi else if [[ -x "${1}" ]] ; then # executable and awesome. return 10 else # merely awesome return 0 fi fi echo "If you can read this, we may need glasses." } # Check before we wreck: function checkfiles() { mlog "Permission checks..." cat << EOF > /tmp/my-list.$$ ${MYCROFT_HOME} ${MYCROFT_HOME}/scripts/logs /tmp/mycroft/ /opt/mycroft/skills EOF if [[ ${RUN_AS_ROOT} -eq 1 ]] ; then while read CHECKFN ; do checkperms "${CHECKFN}" case $? in "0") mlog " - ${CHECKFN} has viable permissions." ;; "1") mlog " = Error: ${CHECKFN} doesn't exist?" ;; "2") mlog " = Error: ${CHECKFN} not owned by ${UID}." ;; "3") mlog " = Error: ${CHECKFN} not writeable by ${UID}." ;; "10") mlog " - ${CHECKFN} is executable and has viable permissions." ;; *) mlog " = Error: unable to verify permissions on ${CHECKFN}." ;; esac done < /tmp/my-list.$$ else mlog " = Error: permission checks skipped while running as root." fi rm -f /tmp/my-list.$$ } # random info of potential interest function checksysinfo() { mlog "System info..." mlog " - CPU: $( awk -F: '/model name/ { print $2;exit }' /proc/cpuinfo )" mlog " - $( echo "RAM Utilization:" && free -h )" mlog " - $( echo "Mycroft partition disk usage:" && df -h "${MYCROFT_HOME}" )" mlog " - $( echo "OS Info:" && cat /etc/*elease* )" mlog " - $( echo "Kernel version:" && uname -a )" } # -v function checkversion() { mlog "Mycroft version is $( grep -B3 'END_VERSION_BLOCK' ${MYCROFT_HOME}/mycroft/version/__init__.py | cut -d' ' -f3 | tr -s '\012' '\056' )" } # do you want to do repeat? function checkmimic() { mlog "Checking Mimic..." if hash mimic ; then mlog " - Mimic$( mimic --version | grep mimic )" mlog " - $( mimic -lv )" else mlog " = Error: Mimic binary not found. Mimic may not be installed?" fi } # pythoning! function checkPIP() { mlog "Python checks" mlog " - Verifying ${MYCROFT_HOME}/requirements.txt:" if workon mycroft ; then pip list > /tmp/mycroft-piplist.$$ while read reqline ; do IFS='==' read -r -a PIPREQ <<< "$reqline" PIPREQVER=$( grep -i ^"${PIPREQ[0]} " /tmp/mycroft-piplist.$$ | cut -d'(' -f2 | tr -d '\051' ) if [[ "${PIPREQVER}" == "${PIPREQ[2]}" ]] ; then mlog " -- pip ${PIPREQ[0]} version ${PIPREQ[2]}" else mlog " ~~ Warn: can't find ${PIPREQ[0]} ${PIPREQ[2]} in pip. (found ${PIPREQVER})" fi done < "${MYCROFT_HOME}/requirements.txt" deactivate mlog " - PIP list can be found at /tmp/mycroft-piplist.$$ to verify any issues." else mlog " = Error: Unable to enter the mycroft virtualenv, skipping python checks." fi } # a series of tubes function checktubes() { mlog "Internet connectivity..." case "$( curl -s --max-time 2 -I http://home.mycroft.ai/ | sed 's/^[^ ]* *\([0-9]\).*/\1/; 1q' )" in [23]) mlog " - HTTP connectivity to https://home.mycroft.ai worked!";; 5) mlog " = Error: The web proxy won't let us through to https://home.mycroft.ai";; *) mlog " = Error: The network is down or very slow getting to https://home.mycroft.ai";; esac } # I prefer biking myself. function checkrunning() { while read SCREEN_SESS ; do SESS_NAME=$( echo "${SCREEN_SESS}" | cut -d'(' -f1 | cut -d'.' -f2 ) SESS_ID=$( echo "${SCREEN_SESS}" | cut -d'.' -f1 ) if [[ $( ps flax| grep "$SESS_ID" | awk ' { print $4 } ' | grep -c "$SESS_ID" ) -eq 1 ]]; then mlog " - ${SESS_NAME} appears to be currently running." fi done < <(screen -list | grep mycroft) } # He's dead, Jim. function checkpulse() { mlog "Sound settings..." if hash pactl && [[ ${RUN_AS_ROOT} -eq 1 ]] ; then mlog " - $( echo "Pulse Audio Defaults:" && pactl info | grep "Default S[i,o]" )" mlog " - $( echo "Pulse Audio Sinks:" && pactl list sinks | grep -e ^Sink -e 'Name:' -e 'device.description' -e 'product_name' -e udev.id -e 'State:' )" mlog " - $( echo "Pulse Audio Sources:" && pactl list sources | grep -e ^Sourc -e 'Name:' -e 'device.description' -e 'product_name' -e udev.id -e 'State:' )" else mlog " = Error: Can't run pactl, skipping audio checks." fi } # ok, fine, go ahead and run this crazy thing mlog "Starting ${0}" # Who am i? Check if running sudo/as root/etc. if [[ ${EUID} -ne ${UID} ]] ; then if [[ ${EUID} -gt 0 ]] ; then mlog " - Running as ${EUID} from UID ${UID}" else mlog " - Running with root permissions from UID ${UID}" RUN_AS_ROOT=0 fi else mlog " - Running as UID ${UID}" fi # where are we? RUNDIR=$( readlink -f "${0}" | tr -s '\057' '\012' | sed \$d | tr -s '\012' '\057' ) # Where is mycroft installed? if [[ -f "${RUNDIR}/mycroft-service.screen" && -f "${RUNDIR}/../mycroft/__init__.py" ]] ; then MYCROFT_HOME=$(cd "${RUNDIR}" && cd .. && pwd ) else if [[ -f "/opt/mycroft/mycroft/__init__.py" ]] ; then MYCROFT_HOME="/opt/mycroft/" else mlog " = Error: Having some difficulty in guessing the home Mycroft directory?" exit 200 fi fi mlog " - Mycroft appears to be running in ${MYCROFT_HOME}" while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do opt="$1"; shift; case "$opt" in "-v" ) checkversion ;; "-P") checkPIP ;; "-p") checkfiles ;; "-i") checktubes ;; "-s") checksysinfo ;; "-u") checkpulse;; "-r") checkrunning;; "-m") checkmimic;; "-a") checkversion ; checkrunning; checkPIP; checkfiles; checktubes; checksysinfo; checkpulse; checkmimic ;; *) helpfunc; exit 1;; esac done exit 0