#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright 2017 Mycroft AI Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ########################################################################## # Set a default locale to handle output from commands reliably export LANG=C # exit on any error set -Ee cd $(dirname $0) TOP=$(pwd -L) function clean_mycroft_files() { echo ' This will completely remove any files installed by mycroft (including pairing information). Do you wish to continue? (y/n)' while true; do read -N1 -s key case $key in [Yy]) sudo rm -rf /var/log/mycroft rm -f /var/tmp/mycroft_web_cache.json rm -rf "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/mycroft" rm -rf "$HOME/.mycroft" sudo rm -rf "/opt/mycroft" exit 0 ;; [Nn]) exit 1 ;; esac done } function show_help() { echo ' Usage: dev_setup.sh [options] Prepare your environment for running the mycroft-core services. Options: --clean Remove files and folders created by this script -h, --help Show this message -fm Force mimic build -n, --no-error Do not exit on error (use with caution) -p arg, --python arg Sets the python version to use -r, --allow-root Allow to be run as root (e.g. sudo) -sm Skip mimic build ' } # Parse the command line opt_forcemimicbuild=false opt_allowroot=false opt_skipmimicbuild=false opt_python=python3 param='' for var in "$@" ; do # Check if parameter should be read if [[ $param == 'python' ]] ; then opt_python=$var param="" continue fi # Check for options if [[ $var == '-h' || $var == '--help' ]] ; then show_help exit 0 fi if [[ $var == '--clean' ]] ; then if clean_mycroft_files; then exit 0 else exit 1 fi fi if [[ $var == '-r' || $var == '--allow-root' ]] ; then opt_allowroot=true fi if [[ $var == '-fm' ]] ; then opt_forcemimicbuild=true fi if [[ $var == '-n' || $var == '--no-error' ]] ; then # Do NOT exit on errors set +Ee fi if [[ $var == '-sm' ]] ; then opt_skipmimicbuild=true fi if [[ $var == '-p' || $var == '--python' ]] ; then param='python' fi done if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 && $opt_allowroot != true ]] ; then echo 'This script should not be run as root or with sudo.' echo 'If you really need to for this, rerun with --allow-root' exit 1 fi function found_exe() { hash "$1" 2>/dev/null } if found_exe sudo ; then SUDO=sudo elif [[ $opt_allowroot != true ]]; then echo 'This script requires "sudo" to install system packages. Please install it, then re-run this script.' exit 1 fi function get_YN() { # Loop until the user hits the Y or the N key echo -e -n "Choice [${CYAN}Y${RESET}/${CYAN}N${RESET}]: " while true; do read -N1 -s key case $key in [Yy]) return 0 ;; [Nn]) return 1 ;; esac done } # If tput is available and can handle multiple colors if found_exe tput ; then if [[ $(tput colors) != "-1" ]]; then GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) BLUE=$(tput setaf 4) CYAN=$(tput setaf 6) YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3) RESET=$(tput sgr0) HIGHLIGHT=$YELLOW fi fi # Run a setup wizard the very first time that guides the user through some decisions if [[ ! -f .dev_opts.json && -z $CI ]] ; then echo " $CYAN Welcome to Mycroft! $RESET" sleep 0.5 echo ' This script is designed to make working with Mycroft easy. During this first run of dev_setup we will ask you a few questions to help setup your environment.' sleep 0.5 echo " Do you want to run on 'master' or against a dev branch? Unless you are a developer modifying mycroft-core itself, you should run on the 'master' branch. It is updated bi-weekly with a stable release. Y)es, run on the stable 'master' branch N)o, I want to run unstable branches" if get_YN ; then echo -e "$HIGHLIGHT Y - using 'master' branch $RESET" branch=master git checkout ${branch} else echo -e "$HIGHLIGHT N - using an unstable branch $RESET" branch=dev fi sleep 0.5 echo " Mycroft is actively developed and constantly evolving. It is recommended that you update regularly. Would you like to automatically update whenever launching Mycroft? This is highly recommended, especially for those running against the 'master' branch. Y)es, automatically check for updates N)o, I will be responsible for keeping Mycroft updated." if get_YN ; then echo -e "$HIGHLIGHT Y - update automatically $RESET" autoupdate=true else echo -e "$HIGHLIGHT N - update manually using 'git pull' $RESET" autoupdate=false fi # Pull down mimic source? Most will be happy with just the package if [[ $opt_forcemimicbuild == false && $opt_skipmimicbuild == false ]] ; then sleep 0.5 echo ' Mycroft uses its Mimic technology to speak to you. Mimic can run both locally and from a server. The local Mimic is more robotic, but always available regardless of network connectivity. It will act as a fallback if unable to contact the Mimic server. However, building the local Mimic is time consuming -- it can take hours on slower machines. This can be skipped, but Mycroft will be unable to talk if you lose network connectivity. Would you like to build Mimic locally?' if get_YN ; then echo -e "$HIGHLIGHT Y - Mimic will be built $RESET" else echo -e "$HIGHLIGHT N - skip Mimic build $RESET" opt_skipmimicbuild=true fi fi echo # Add mycroft-core/bin to the .bashrc PATH? sleep 0.5 echo ' There are several Mycroft helper commands in the bin folder. These can be added to your system PATH, making it simpler to use Mycroft. Would you like this to be added to your PATH in the .profile?' if get_YN ; then echo -e "$HIGHLIGHT Y - Adding Mycroft commands to your PATH $RESET" if [[ ! -f ~/.profile_mycroft ]] ; then # Only add the following to the .profile if .profile_mycroft # doesn't exist, indicating this script has not been run before echo '' >> ~/.profile echo '# include Mycroft commands' >> ~/.profile echo 'source ~/.profile_mycroft' >> ~/.profile fi echo " # WARNING: This file may be replaced in future, do not customize. # set path so it includes Mycroft utilities if [ -d \"${TOP}/bin\" ] ; then PATH=\"\$PATH:${TOP}/bin\" fi" > ~/.profile_mycroft echo -e "Type ${CYAN}mycroft-help$RESET to see available commands." else echo -e "$HIGHLIGHT N - PATH left unchanged $RESET" fi # Create a link to the 'skills' folder. sleep 0.5 echo echo 'The standard location for Mycroft skills is under /opt/mycroft/skills.' if [[ ! -d /opt/mycroft/skills ]] ; then echo 'This script will create that folder for you. This requires sudo' echo 'permission and might ask you for a password...' setup_user=$USER setup_group=$(id -gn $USER) $SUDO mkdir -p /opt/mycroft/skills $SUDO chown -R ${setup_user}:${setup_group} /opt/mycroft echo 'Created!' fi if [[ ! -d skills ]] ; then ln -s /opt/mycroft/skills skills echo "For convenience, a soft link has been created called 'skills' which leads" echo 'to /opt/mycroft/skills.' fi # Add PEP8 pre-commit hook sleep 0.5 echo ' (Developer) Do you want to automatically check code-style when submitting code. If unsure answer yes. ' if get_YN ; then echo 'Will install PEP8 pre-commit hook...' INSTALL_PRECOMMIT_HOOK=true fi # Save options echo '{"use_branch": "'$branch'", "auto_update": '$autoupdate'}' > .dev_opts.json echo -e '\nInteractive portion complete, now installing dependencies...\n' sleep 5 fi function os_is() { [[ $(grep "^ID=" /etc/os-release | awk -F'=' '/^ID/ {print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g') == $1 ]] } function os_is_like() { grep "^ID_LIKE=" /etc/os-release | awk -F'=' '/^ID_LIKE/ {print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g' | grep -P -q '(^|\s)'"$1"'(\s|$)' } function redhat_common_install() { $SUDO yum install -y cmake gcc-c++ git python3-devel libtool libffi-devel openssl-devel autoconf automake bison swig portaudio-devel mpg123 flac curl libicu-devel libjpeg-devel fann-devel pulseaudio git clone https://github.com/libfann/fann.git cd fann git checkout b211dc3db3a6a2540a34fbe8995bf2df63fc9939 cmake . $SUDO make install cd "$TOP" rm -rf fann } function debian_install() { APT_PACKAGE_LIST="git python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools libtool \ libffi-dev libssl-dev autoconf automake bison swig libglib2.0-dev \ portaudio19-dev mpg123 screen flac curl libicu-dev pkg-config \ libjpeg-dev libfann-dev build-essential jq pulseaudio \ pulseaudio-utils" if dpkg -V libjack-jackd2-0 > /dev/null 2>&1 && [[ -z ${CI} ]] ; then echo " We have detected that your computer has the libjack-jackd2-0 package installed. Mycroft requires a conflicting package, and will likely uninstall this package. On some systems, this can cause other programs to be marked for removal. Please review the following package changes carefully." read -p "Press enter to continue" $SUDO apt-get install $APT_PACKAGE_LIST else $SUDO apt-get install -y $APT_PACKAGE_LIST fi } function open_suse_install() { $SUDO zypper install -y git python3 python3-devel libtool libffi-devel libopenssl-devel autoconf automake bison swig portaudio-devel mpg123 flac curl libicu-devel pkg-config libjpeg-devel libfann-devel python3-curses pulseaudio $SUDO zypper install -y -t pattern devel_C_C++ } function fedora_install() { $SUDO dnf install -y git python3 python3-devel python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-virtualenv pygobject3-devel libtool libffi-devel openssl-devel autoconf bison swig glib2-devel portaudio-devel mpg123 mpg123-plugins-pulseaudio screen curl pkgconfig libicu-devel automake libjpeg-turbo-devel fann-devel gcc-c++ redhat-rpm-config jq } function arch_install() { $SUDO pacman -S --needed --noconfirm git python python-pip python-setuptools python-virtualenv python-gobject libffi swig portaudio mpg123 screen flac curl icu libjpeg-turbo base-devel jq pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pacman -Qs '^fann$' &> /dev/null || ( git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/fann.git cd fann makepkg -srciA --noconfirm cd .. rm -rf fann ) } function centos_install() { $SUDO yum install epel-release redhat_common_install } function redhat_install() { $SUDO yum install -y wget wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm $SUDO yum install -y epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm rm epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm redhat_common_install } function install_deps() { echo 'Installing packages...' if found_exe zypper ; then # OpenSUSE echo "$GREEN Installing packages for OpenSUSE...$RESET" open_suse_install elif found_exe yum && os_is centos ; then # CentOS echo "$GREEN Installing packages for Centos...$RESET" centos_install elif found_exe yum && os_is rhel ; then # Redhat Enterprise Linux echo "$GREEN Installing packages for Red Hat...$RESET" redhat_install elif os_is_like debian || os_is debian || os_is_like ubuntu || os_is ubuntu || os_is linuxmint; then # Debian / Ubuntu / Mint echo "$GREEN Installing packages for Debian/Ubuntu/Mint...$RESET" debian_install elif os_is_like fedora || os_is fedora; then # Fedora echo "$GREEN Installing packages for Fedora...$RESET" fedora_install elif found_exe pacman; then # Arch Linux echo "$GREEN Installing packages for Arch...$RESET" arch_install else echo echo -e "${YELLOW}Could not find package manager ${YELLOW}Make sure to manually install:$BLUE git python3 python-setuptools python-venv pygobject libtool libffi libjpg openssl autoconf bison swig glib2.0 portaudio19 mpg123 flac curl fann g++ jq\n$RESET" echo 'Warning: Failed to install all dependencies. Continue? y/N' read -n1 continue if [[ $continue != 'y' ]] ; then exit 1 fi fi } VIRTUALENV_ROOT=${VIRTUALENV_ROOT:-"${TOP}/.venv"} function install_venv() { $opt_python -m venv "${VIRTUALENV_ROOT}/" --without-pip # Force version of pip for reproducability, but there is nothing special # about this version. Update whenever a new version is released and # verified functional. curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | "${VIRTUALENV_ROOT}/bin/python" - 'pip==20.0.2' # Function status depending on if pip exists [[ -x ${VIRTUALENV_ROOT}/bin/pip ]] } install_deps # Configure to use the standard commit template for # this repo only. git config commit.template .gitmessage # Check whether to build mimic (it takes a really long time!) build_mimic='n' if [[ $opt_forcemimicbuild == true ]] ; then build_mimic='y' else # first, look for a build of mimic in the folder has_mimic='' if [[ -f ${TOP}/mimic/bin/mimic ]] ; then has_mimic=$(${TOP}/mimic/bin/mimic -lv | grep Voice) || true fi # in not, check the system path if [[ -z $has_mimic ]] ; then if [[ -x $(command -v mimic) ]] ; then has_mimic=$(mimic -lv | grep Voice) || true fi fi if [[ -z $has_mimic ]]; then if [[ $opt_skipmimicbuild == true ]] ; then build_mimic='n' else build_mimic='y' fi fi fi if [[ ! -x ${VIRTUALENV_ROOT}/bin/activate ]] ; then if ! install_venv ; then echo 'Failed to set up virtualenv for mycroft, exiting setup.' exit 1 fi fi # Start the virtual environment source "${VIRTUALENV_ROOT}/bin/activate" cd "$TOP" # Install pep8 pre-commit hook HOOK_FILE='./.git/hooks/pre-commit' if [[ -n $INSTALL_PRECOMMIT_HOOK ]] || grep -q 'MYCROFT DEV SETUP' $HOOK_FILE; then if [[ ! -f $HOOK_FILE ]] || grep -q 'MYCROFT DEV SETUP' $HOOK_FILE; then echo 'Installing PEP8 check as precommit-hook' echo "#! $(which python)" > $HOOK_FILE echo '# MYCROFT DEV SETUP' >> $HOOK_FILE cat ./scripts/pre-commit >> $HOOK_FILE chmod +x $HOOK_FILE fi fi PYTHON=$(python -c "import sys;print('python{}.{}'.format(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]))") # Add mycroft-core to the virtualenv path # (This is equivalent to typing 'add2virtualenv $TOP', except # you can't invoke that shell function from inside a script) VENV_PATH_FILE="${VIRTUALENV_ROOT}/lib/$PYTHON/site-packages/_virtualenv_path_extensions.pth" if [[ ! -f $VENV_PATH_FILE ]] ; then echo 'import sys; sys.__plen = len(sys.path)' > "$VENV_PATH_FILE" || return 1 echo "import sys; new=sys.path[sys.__plen:]; del sys.path[sys.__plen:]; p=getattr(sys,'__egginsert',0); sys.path[p:p]=new; sys.__egginsert = p+len(new)" >> "$VENV_PATH_FILE" || return 1 fi if ! grep -q "$TOP" $VENV_PATH_FILE ; then echo 'Adding mycroft-core to virtualenv path' sed -i.tmp '1 a\ '"$TOP"' ' "$VENV_PATH_FILE" fi # install required python modules if ! pip install -r requirements.txt ; then echo 'Warning: Failed to install all requirements. Continue? y/N' read -n1 continue if [[ $continue != 'y' ]] ; then exit 1 fi fi if ! pip install -r test-requirements.txt ; then echo "Warning test requirements wasn't installed, Note: normal operation should still work fine..." fi SYSMEM=$(free | awk '/^Mem:/ { print $2 }') MAXCORES=$(($SYSMEM / 512000)) MINCORES=1 CORES=$(nproc) # ensure MAXCORES is > 0 if [[ $MAXCORES -lt 1 ]] ; then MAXCORES=${MINCORES} fi # look for positive integer if ! [[ $CORES =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then CORES=$MINCORES elif [[ $MAXCORES -lt $CORES ]] ; then CORES=$MAXCORES fi echo "Building with $CORES cores." #build and install pocketsphinx #cd $TOP #${TOP}/scripts/install-pocketsphinx.sh -q #build and install mimic cd "$TOP" if [[ $build_mimic == 'y' || $build_mimic == 'Y' ]] ; then echo 'WARNING: The following can take a long time to run!' "${TOP}/scripts/install-mimic.sh" " $CORES" else echo 'Skipping mimic build.' fi # set permissions for common scripts chmod +x start-mycroft.sh chmod +x stop-mycroft.sh chmod +x bin/mycroft-cli-client chmod +x bin/mycroft-help chmod +x bin/mycroft-mic-test chmod +x bin/mycroft-msk chmod +x bin/mycroft-msm chmod +x bin/mycroft-pip chmod +x bin/mycroft-say-to chmod +x bin/mycroft-skill-testrunner chmod +x bin/mycroft-speak # create and set permissions for logging if [[ ! -w /var/log/mycroft/ ]] ; then # Creating and setting permissions echo 'Creating /var/log/mycroft/ directory' if [[ ! -d /var/log/mycroft/ ]] ; then $SUDO mkdir /var/log/mycroft/ fi $SUDO chmod 777 /var/log/mycroft/ fi #Store a fingerprint of setup md5sum requirements.txt test-requirements.txt dev_setup.sh > .installed