pipeline { agent any options { // Running builds concurrently could cause a race condition with // building the Docker image. disableConcurrentBuilds() buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '5')) } stages { // Run the build in the against the dev branch to check for compile errors stage('Add CLA label to PR') { options { lock(resource: "lock_${env.JOB_NAME}") } environment { //spawns GITHUB_USR and GITHUB_PSW environment variables GITHUB=credentials('DevOps-CLA-Checker-Github-Key') } steps { // Using an install of Github repo CLA tagger // (https://github.com/forslund/github-repo-cla) sh '~/github-repo-cla/mycroft-core-cla-check.sh' } } stage('Run Integration Tests') { when { anyOf { branch 'dev' branch 'master' changeRequest target: 'dev' } } options { lock(resource: "lock_${env.JOB_NAME}") } environment { // Some branches have a "/" in their name (e.g. feature/new-and-cool) // Some commands, such as those tha deal with directories, don't // play nice with this naming convention. Define an alias for the // branch name that can be used in these scenarios. BRANCH_ALIAS = sh( script: 'echo $BRANCH_NAME | sed -e "s#/#-#g"', returnStdout: true ).trim() } steps { echo 'Building Mark I Voight-Kampff Docker Image' sh 'docker build -f test/Dockerfile \ --target voight_kampff_builder \ --build-arg platform=mycroft_mark_1 \ --label build=${JOB_NAME} \ -t voight-kampff-mark-1:${BRANCH_ALIAS} .' echo 'Running Mark I Voight-Kampff Test Suite' timeout(time: 90, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh 'mkdir -p $HOME/core/$BRANCH_ALIAS/allure' sh 'mkdir -p $HOME/core/$BRANCH_ALIAS/mycroft-logs' sh 'docker run \ -v "$HOME/voight-kampff/identity:/root/.config/mycroft/identity" \ -v "$HOME/core/$BRANCH_ALIAS/allure:/root/allure" \ -v "$HOME/core/$BRANCH_ALIAS/mycroft-logs:/var/log/mycroft" \ --label build=${JOB_NAME} \ voight-kampff-mark-1:${BRANCH_ALIAS} \ -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter \ -o /root/allure/allure-result --tags ~@xfail' } } post { always { echo 'Report Test Results' echo 'Changing ownership of Allure results...' sh 'docker run \ -v "$HOME/core/$BRANCH_ALIAS/allure:/root/allure" \ --entrypoint=/bin/bash \ --label build=${JOB_NAME} \ voight-kampff-mark-1:${BRANCH_ALIAS} \ -x -c "chown $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) \ -R /root/allure/"' echo 'Changing ownership of Allure results...' sh 'docker run \ -v "$HOME/core/$BRANCH_ALIAS/mycroft-logs:/var/log/mycroft" \ --entrypoint=/bin/bash \ --label build=${JOB_NAME} \ voight-kampff-mark-1:${BRANCH_ALIAS} \ -x -c "chown $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) \ -R /var/log/mycroft"' echo 'Transferring...' sh 'rm -rf allure-result/*' sh 'mv $HOME/core/$BRANCH_ALIAS/allure/allure-result allure-result' // This directory should now be empty, rmdir will intentionally fail if not. sh 'rmdir $HOME/core/$BRANCH_ALIAS/allure' script { allure([ includeProperties: false, jdk: '', properties: [], reportBuildPolicy: 'ALWAYS', results: [[path: 'allure-result']] ]) } unarchive mapping:['allure-report.zip': 'allure-report.zip'] sh 'zip mycroft-logs.zip -r $HOME/core/$BRANCH_ALIAS/mycroft-logs' sh 'rm -rf $HOME/core/$BRANCH_ALIAS/mycroft-logs' // This directory should now be empty, rmdir will intentionally fail if not. sh 'rmdir $HOME/core/$BRANCH_ALIAS' sh ( label: 'Publish Report to Web Server', script: ''' ssh root@ "mkdir -p ~/allure-reports/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}"; scp allure-report.zip root@${BRANCH_ALIAS}; ssh root@ "unzip -o ~/allure-reports/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}/allure-report.zip -d ~/allure-reports/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}/"; ssh root@ "rm -rf /var/www/voight-kampff/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}"; ssh root@ "mv ~/allure-reports/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}/allure-report /var/www/voight-kampff/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}" ssh root@ "rm ~/allure-reports/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}/allure-report.zip"; ssh root@ "rmdir ~/allure-reports/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}"; ssh root@ "mkdir -p ~/mycroft-logs/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}"; scp mycroft-logs.zip root@${BRANCH_ALIAS}/; ssh root@ "mkdir -p /var/www/voight-kampff/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}/logs" ssh root@ "unzip -oj ~/mycroft-logs/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}/mycroft-logs.zip -d /var/www/voight-kampff/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}/logs/"; ssh root@ "rm ~/mycroft-logs/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}/mycroft-logs.zip"; ssh root@ "rmdir ~/mycroft-logs/core/${BRANCH_ALIAS}"; ''' ) echo 'Report Published' } failure { script { def comment_text = 'Voight Kampff Integration Test Failed ([Results](https://reports.mycroft.ai/core/' + env.BRANCH_ALIAS + ')). ' + '\nMycroft logs are also available: ' + '[skills.log](https://reports.mycroft.ai/core/' + env.BRANCH_ALIAS + '/logs/skills.log), ' + '[audio.log](https://reports.mycroft.ai/core/' + env.BRANCH_ALIAS + '/logs/audio.log), ' + '[voice.log](https://reports.mycroft.ai/core/' + env.BRANCH_ALIAS + '/logs/voice.log), ' + '[bus.log](https://reports.mycroft.ai/core/' + env.BRANCH_ALIAS + '/logs/bus.log), ' + '[enclosure.log](https://reports.mycroft.ai/core/' + env.BRANCH_ALIAS + '/logs/enclosure.log)' // Create comment for Pull Requests if (env.CHANGE_ID) { def found_comment = false for (comment in pullRequest.comments) { echo "Author: ${comment.user}" if (comment.user == "devops-mycroft" && comment.body.contains("Voight Kampff")) { echo "Updating comment..." found_comment = true pullRequest.editComment( comment.id, comment_text ) } } if (!found_comment) { echo 'Sending PR comment' pullRequest.comment(comment_text) } } } // Send failure email containing a link to the Jenkins build // the results report and the console log messages to Mycroft // developers, the developers of the pull request and the // developers that caused the build to fail. echo 'Sending Failure Email' emailext ( attachLog: true, subject: "FAILED - Core Integration Tests - Build ${BRANCH_NAME} #${BUILD_NUMBER}", body: """

One or more integration tests failed. Use the resources below to identify the issue and fix the failing tests.

Jenkins Build Details  (Requires account on Mycroft's Jenkins instance)

Report of Test Results

Mycroft logs are also available:

Console log is attached.

""", replyTo: 'devops@mycroft.ai', to: 'dev@mycroft.ai', recipientProviders: [ [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider'], [$class:'CulpritsRecipientProvider'], [$class:'DevelopersRecipientProvider'] ] ) } success { script { if (env.CHANGE_ID) { def comment_text = 'Voight Kampff Integration Test Succeeded ([Results](https://reports.mycroft.ai/core/' + env.BRANCH_ALIAS + '))' def found_comment = false for (comment in pullRequest.comments) { echo "Author: ${comment.user}" if (comment.user == "devops-mycroft" && comment.body.contains("Voight Kampff")) { echo "Updating comment!" found_comment = true pullRequest.editComment( comment.id, comment_text ) break } } if (!found_comment) { echo 'Sending PR comment' pullRequest.comment(comment_text) } } } // Send success email containing a link to the Jenkins build // and the results report to Mycroft developers, the developers // of the pull request and the developers that caused the // last failed build. echo 'Sending Success Email' emailext ( subject: "SUCCESS - Core Integration Tests - Build ${BRANCH_NAME} #${BUILD_NUMBER}", body: """

All integration tests passed. No further action required.

Jenkins Build Details  (Requires account on Mycroft's Jenkins instance)

Report of Test Results

""", replyTo: 'devops@mycroft.ai', to: 'dev@mycroft.ai', recipientProviders: [ [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider'], [$class:'CulpritsRecipientProvider'], [$class:'DevelopersRecipientProvider'] ] ) } } } // Build snap package for release stage('Build development Snap package') { when { anyOf { branch 'dev' } } steps { echo "Launching package build for ${env.BRANCH_NAME}" build (job: '../Mycroft-snap/dev', wait: false, parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'BRANCH', value: env.BRANCH_NAME]]) } } stage('Build Release Snap package') { when { tag "release/v*.*.*" } steps { echo "Launching package build for ${env.TAG_NAME}" build (job: '../Mycroft-snap/dev', wait: false, parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'BRANCH', value: env.TAG_NAME]]) } } // Build a voight_kampff image for major releases. This will be used // by the mycroft-skills repository to test skill changes. Skills are // tested against major releases to determine if they play nicely with // the breaking changes included in said release. stage('Build Major Release Image') { when { tag "release/v*.*.0" } environment { // Tag name is usually formatted like "20.2.0" whereas skill // branch names are usually "20.02". Reformat the tag name // to the skill branch format so this image will be easy to find // in the mycroft-skill repository. SKILL_BRANCH = sh( script: 'echo $TAG_NAME | sed -e "s/v//g" -e "s/[.]0//g" -e "s/[.]/.0/g"', returnStdout: true ).trim() } steps { echo 'Building ${TAG_NAME} Docker Image for Skill Testing' sh 'docker build -f test/Dockerfile \ --target voight_kampff_builder \ --build-arg platform=mycroft_mark_1 \ -t voight-kampff-mark-1:${SKILL_BRANCH} .' } } } post { success { // Docker images should remain upon failure for troubleshooting purposes. However, // if the stage is successful, there is no reason to look back at the Docker image. In theory // broken builds will eventually be fixed so this step should run eventually for every PR sh( label: 'Delete Docker Image on Success', script: ''' docker image prune --all --force --filter label=build=${JOB_NAME}; ''' ) } cleanup { sh( label: 'Docker Container and Image Cleanup', script: ''' docker container prune --force; docker image prune --force; ''' ) } } }