- skills
- audio
- speech client
- messagebus service
- enclosure
The main functions now accepts the arguments ready_hook and error_hook
allowing a service or runner script to catch these states and perform
actions accordingly.
This is useful for things like systemd or a desktop launcher.
Fix audio service startup
- Refactor message waiting into a MessageWaiter class to be able to use the
same code in both wait_for_message and wait_for_response.
- Add some basic unittests
If started up without Network connection the audio service would crash
importing the google_tts module as it tried to fetch language list from
This restructures it to be a just-in-time check. It also adds a cached
list of supported languages to use if an error occurs fetching language
A small fix allowing "en-US" to be matched to "en-us" instead of the
generic "en" is also included.
_record_phrase now uses a helper class to track the noise in a sentence
to determine when the user has stopped speaking.
The logic should be the same but the same but allow for easier testing
and manipulation.
remove_fallback() was mainly created for use internally during shutdown
and required the wrapped callable to be able to remove a handler. This
makes it general, using a mapping to find the wrapper from a handler if
needed. The method now also returns the success/failure status
Adds the "Given the user's {config} is {value}" step implementation
This will patch the configuration with a section from a dictionary that
can either be a global (shipped in
mycroft/res/{lang}/configurations.json) or shipped with the test
definition. The file should be named the same as the feature file but
instead of ".feature" the extension should be ".config.json".
mycroft/res/text/en-us/configurations.json contains a couple of
pre-defined configurations that can be applied
- units (metric/imperial)
- location (Stockholm)
After each scenario any applied patch will be cleared
Some dependencies aren't actually required but can be optionally
installed for extra functionality.
The Chromecast is an optional audio backend
VLC is an optional audio backend
pyalsaaudio is only used by the mark1 enclosure
google-api-python-client is an optional STT backend, by default Mycroft
uses the Mycroft servers