Chromecast can be manually added with a backend entry with type set to "chromecast" or the service can autodetect all chromecast and register them with their names by setting the Audio configuration parameter autodetect-chromecast set to true.
Currently this implementation is very basic and is using the default media controller. This limits the usable uri's to http(s), adding support for local files and hopefully more services will be added later.
The user can now specify which backend to use to play media. default the keywords are the name of the backend (vlc, mpg123, mopidy) but can be set with the config.
Example: = "livingroom"
A possible user interaction might be
- "Hey mycroft, play the news in the livingroom"
The detection is very basic and not very elegant but works as a proof of concept.
Three backends have been added, mopidy, vlc and mpg123. Depending on uri type an apporpriate service is selected when media playback is requested. (for example mopidy service can handle spotify://... and local://...)
A playback Control skill can pause, resume, stop change track, etc any started media. So for example if the NPR news skill used this after starting playing the news the user can say "Hey Mycroft, pause" and the playback will pause. The playback control also handles stuff like lowering the volume of the playback if mycroft is asked another question.
Currently the different backend runs under the playbeck control, this was made most for convenience and the services should be moved in the future.
The user needs to import the audioservice interface
`from mycroft.skills.audioservice import AudioService`
and initialize an instance in the skill `initialize` method
`self.audio_service = AudioService(self.emitter)`
Then playing an uri is as simple as
* Configuration (Alias for the different backends, service specific config, active services, etc.)
* Manual selection of backend (This is prepared in the audioservice interface biut not implemented)
* More feature complete audio service interface (playback control, get trackname etc)
* Separate audio services from the playback control
* Probably lots more
==== Fixed Issues ====
==== Tech Notes ====
Uses supplied name parameter if present, otherwise uses name of class.
==== Documentation Notes ====
The skill creation documentation should mention that the name parameter
is only an option.
==== Localization Notes ====
==== Environment Notes ====
=== Protocol Notes ====
This is because this will break wolfra alpha skill unless they update
skills, but if they update before getting the new version, it will also
break wolfram
This reverts commit 6ca4161335.
* Create new FallbackSkill base class for implementing fallback behavior
Also removes multi utterance intent fail. Only makes sense to emit an intent_failure regardless of the amount of intents
0.8.17 or earlier build. A Series of Unfortunate Events leads to two instances
of the mycroft-skills service running. This causes double-answers, which is
confusing to everyone. The root problem that lead to this is corrected in
release 0.8.18, but resolving it in packaging is ridiculously difficult.
So, we'll do this simple hack for the interim. It is harmless and useless if
not running in the Mark 1 environment.
Adds the ExtractDateTime parse function from Christopher. When imported from mycroft/util/, it'll take a sentence like "What's the weather like 5 weeks from next Wednesday?" and will extract a python datetime object for that date.
* Added requirements.txt change for importing dateutil
* Check queue empty with self.queue.empty() instead of len()
* Add error logging of exceptions in tts thread.
* Limit the number of audio_output_start messages.
recognizer_loop:audio_output_start message will only be sent if the
queue has been empty since last loop.
* The allow_timeout value was tested poorly, preventing it from actually doing anything
* Upped the number of arp/ping test failures from 3 to 6 when validating the connection. This makes falsely detecting a wifi setup disconnect pretty unlikely.
The same websocket client object is often used between many different
parts of the software. (for example skills) This will reduce the risk
that all listeners are removed for all events by mistake. It it still
possible toi do this by calling
`` if there would be need for
this mechanism.
Improved the way the button press is handled. Now the listener gives the rest
of the system a moment to consume the button press before it interprets it
as a request to begin listening.
Also replaced the use of the "buttonPress" signal when "expect_response"
was indicated with an utterance. Now the signal "startListening" is
created, differentiating it from a buttonPress.
This implements the handler for the Mark 1 menu item SSH > BLOCK (the inverse of SSH > ALLOW)
* Added handler for "unit.disable-ssh" on the serial line. This turns around and emits "mycroft.disable.ssh" on the messagebus.
* Removed the automatic reboot, just let the user know it will be different after a restart
* Made the spoken message translatable
* Changed mycroft.dialog.get() to not require the "lang" parameter. It will default to the mycroft.conf value.
* Adding localization mechanism for strings embedded in mycroft-core code
Added mycroft.dialog.get() function. This behaves much like the localization
mechanism for dialogs in Skills. So you can do things like this:
lang = "en-us"
str = mycroft.dialog.get("how are you", lang)
Which will look in mycroft/res/text for the dialog file containing strings to
use as templates for the actual output. This depends on the language being
currently used. When operating in English this would be:
mycroft/res/text/en-us/how are you.dialog
This function will pick a random line from that file to assign to str.
A more advanced use is to embed placeholders in the strings within the
template file.
lang = "en-us"
ctx = {"time" : "noon"}
str = mycroft.dialog.get("current time", lang, ctx)
And the random template line picked was "the current time is {{time}} ", then
the output would be:
"the current time is noon"
Developers do not expect a function called "find" to execute an API request, this is a "get". (I verified this with several other devs.) Renamed and added a Deprecated comment for now. Also:
* Added missing standard mycroft-core copyright.
* Added docstrings for basic objects and the STTApi in particular.
* BUGFIX: The big bug was calling is_paired() during wake_word_in_audio(). When not paired, that call hit the server, taking about a second. Since it happened multiple times a second, the audio buffers got backed up hugely. This resulted in weird behavior later as the buffers get cleared out.
* Added mycroft.api.has_been_paired(), which just looks for the pairing key (it does not validate it is still active with the server, like is_paired())
* The enclosure now checks for internet connectivity and kicks off the wifisetup process, not the wifisetup client itself.
* During the "onboarding" process, the microphone is muted using the new "mycroft.mic.mute" message. After pairing completes, the "mycroft.mic.unmute" is expected to be sent from the pairing skill. Unmuting again after a re-pairing is harmless.
* mute_and_speak() is smart enough to not unmute itself when complete if muted before
* util.check_for_signal() now accepts -1 as the lifetime. This means it never times out.
* util.stop_speaking() is more intelligent about shutting down the spoken text (including text that has been split at periods) and visemes
* The wifi setup no longer stops after 5 minutes unless already paired (i.e. still onboarding)
* The mouth resets on wifisetup stop (clearing the scrolling
* Changed several ConfigurationManager.get() calls to ConfigurationManager.instance(). Exactly the same, but .instance() is clearer/preferred.
* Added a mycroft.util.stop_speaking() method. Not perfect, but works for now and can be replaced later when AudioManager is in place.
A forthcoming change to the pairing skill will utilize the stop_speaking method.
* Implementing changes to out-of-the-box experience, providing an "onboarding" process.
* Added a mycroft.api.is_paired() method
* Added mycroft.util.is_speaking and mycroft.util.wait_while_speaking() methods
* RESET now waits for the spoken notice to complete
* Stopped the "Checking for updates" and "Skills updated" prompts (commented out for now, probably will eliminate)
* Wifi setup filters out hidden ("x00") networks
* Visemes should keep up better if they get behind (will skip)
* Mimic is now searched for on the users path
* Onboarding process:
- wifi setup starts automatically
- User is walked through the process
- wake word and button pressing are ignored
- At end, a short tutorial is given
* Fixing pep8 whitespace errors... grrr
* Typo in onboarding changes prevented pairing for auto-starting
The command "pair my device" needed to be sent as an array, ["pair my device"]