==== Fixed Issues ====
==== Tech Notes ====
The messagebus handler for "mycroft.stop" halts and exits if an
exception occurs in any methods that are registered to that name. The
handler executes the stop() method that's provided by the user and is
not verified. To ensure that other skills are unaffected exceptions in
the user provided method are caught.
==== Documentation Notes ====
NONE - things like description of a new feature or notes on behavior
==== Localization Notes ====
NONE - point out new strings, functions needing international versions,
==== Environment Notes ====
NONE - new package requirements, new files being written to disk,
==== Protocol Notes ====
NONE - message types added or changed, new signals, etc.
==== Fixed Issues ====
==== Tech Notes ====
Uses supplied name parameter if present, otherwise uses name of class.
==== Documentation Notes ====
The skill creation documentation should mention that the name parameter
is only an option.
==== Localization Notes ====
==== Environment Notes ====
=== Protocol Notes ====
This is because this will break wolfra alpha skill unless they update
skills, but if they update before getting the new version, it will also
break wolfram
This reverts commit 6ca4161335.
* Create new FallbackSkill base class for implementing fallback behavior
Also removes multi utterance intent fail. Only makes sense to emit an intent_failure regardless of the amount of intents
Ignoring SIG_CHLD can be convenient but parts of the python standard
library relies on the behaviour of SIG_CHLD and will not work correctly
in this configuration.
if expect_response flag is set to True the stt will be triggered just as if the wakeword has been received or the button on the mycroft enclosure has been pressed.
For the Weather Skill:
* When talking about the current city, the city name is generally not spoken (more natural)
* A "pretty" name of just the city is used instead of the complete name
* Works around the recurring issue with OWM where they report bad min/max temps (same as the current temp)
* Changed "Location is not valid" to "I don't know that location" (people don't say "not valid")
For the Time Skill:
* The timezone is extracted from the device location setting
* Time responses are more varied and shorter
This change adds MycroftSkill.location_pretty and MycroftSkill.location_timezone properties.
Add cleanup procedure to skills:
MycroftSkill cleanup does nothing, ScheduledSkill will cancel running timers to make sure it's not blocking termination.
Tests updated to use this allowing unit test to exit after completion.
The 1980s birthed a new form of interaction between computers and users. For the first time computers became capable of understanding the most basic form of human communication - pointing and grunting. The mouse and the GUI revolutionized computing and made computers accessible to the masses.
We have now entered a third era. We are rapidly approaching a time when computer systems will understand human language and respond using the most natural form of human communication – speech.
This is an important development. Some might even call it revolutionary.
Despite its importance, however, the technologies that will underpin this new method of interaction are the property of major tech firms who don't necessarily have the public's best interests at heart.
Not anymore.
Meet Mycroft – the worlds first open source natural language platform. Mycroft understands human language and responds with speech. It is being designed to run on anything from a phone to an automobile and will change the way we interact with open source technologies in profound ways.
Our goal here at Mycroft is to improve this technology to the point that when you interact with the software it is impossible to tell if you are talking to a human or a machine.
This initial release of the Mycroft software represents a significant effort by the Mycroft community to give the open source world access to this important technology. We are all hoping that the software will be useful to the public and will help to usher in a new era of human machine interaction.
Our community welcomes everyone to use Mycroft, improve the software and contribute back to the project. With your help and support we can truly make Mycroft an AI for everyone.
Joshua W Montgomery – May 17, 2016