Message bus config loading is now shared by service and client. file is still available in case skills are using it. It is a backport that inherits from the new MessageBusClient class. Adds depreciation warning.
Several small changes based on the code review feedback:
* Drop '_' from classes like Enclosure_Mark1
* Adopt Python 3 style for class definitions and don't explicitly list '(object)'
* Slightly better documentation
* Moved MycroftSkill.show_html() to SkillGUI, resulting in code like self.gui.show_page('Weather.qml')
* Renamed SkillGUI.__dict to SkillGUI.__session_data. This better reflects the
how values are accessed in the QML.
* Create a mechanism to instantiate unique Enclosure classes, depending on the platform found in the SYSTEM mycroft.conf
* Implement a generic Enclosure, which support the new GUI protocol
* Implement a Mark 1 Enclosure (expects the serial connection to an Arduino)
* Implement the start of a Mark II enclosure
* Implement a generic enclosure (no screen)
* Implement the GUI announcement and protocol basics
* Implement the basis of the GUI-controlling interfaces. Namely:
- MycroftSkill.show_text()
- MycroftSkill.show_image()
- MycroftSkill.show_html()
- MycroftSkill.show_page()
- MycroftSkill.gui to set values for page displays.
* Add "gui_websocket" to the