This addresses this in several ways:
* Created mechanism to load 'commented' JSON (using '//' or '#' comments on a single line)
* Embedded comments into the mycroft.conf, indicating use, legal values, and where they get overridden
* Create ConfigurationManager.instance() static method to replace ConfigurationManager.get(). This produces more readable code like:
ConfigurationManager.instance().get("value") instead of ConfigurationManager.get().get("value")
* Made _ConfigurationListener 'private'
* docstring'ed things
* intent_failure message now carries along the utterance's lang code
* normalizing query for Wolfram Alpha
* added normalization of "whats" to "what is". This is technically incorrect ("whats" means more than one instance of "what", as in "the whats and whys of open source"), but that is a rare phrase. Unfortunately, several STT engines incorrectly output things like "whats 8 + 4", which is grammatically incorrect. So we'll handle the common and potentially screw up the uncommon.
* more parsing test cases, including a few corrections
The utterance is now placed on the bus along with its language code. If not specified, it uses "en-us".
Added a new mycroft.util.parse module. It contains the normalize() function. Normalization currently does two things:
* Expands contractions ("they're" -> "they are", etc)
* Optionally removes articles ("a", "an", "the"). Removing is the default.
* Textual numbers become digits, up to 20. E.g. "What is the weather in four days" becomes "What is weather in 4 days".
NOTE: This is potentially a breaking change! Remove "the", "a" and "an" from your .voc files!
Skill changes:
* I cleaned up the .voc files for the default Skills.
* Split the date_time keyword into an extra entity. Now a "QueryKeyword.voc" exists, with "what|tell" instead of combing that into "what is time" in the TimeKeyword.voc.
* Volume skill now accepts 1-11, e.g. "turn volume to 11"
Add cleanup procedure to skills:
MycroftSkill cleanup does nothing, ScheduledSkill will cancel running timers to make sure it's not blocking termination.
Tests updated to use this allowing unit test to exit after completion.