The utterance is now placed on the bus along with its language code. If not specified, it uses "en-us".
Added a new mycroft.util.parse module. It contains the normalize() function. Normalization currently does two things:
* Expands contractions ("they're" -> "they are", etc)
* Optionally removes articles ("a", "an", "the"). Removing is the default.
* Textual numbers become digits, up to 20. E.g. "What is the weather in four days" becomes "What is weather in 4 days".
NOTE: This is potentially a breaking change! Remove "the", "a" and "an" from your .voc files!
Skill changes:
* I cleaned up the .voc files for the default Skills.
* Split the date_time keyword into an extra entity. Now a "QueryKeyword.voc" exists, with "what|tell" instead of combing that into "what is time" in the TimeKeyword.voc.
* Volume skill now accepts 1-11, e.g. "turn volume to 11"
Main CLI enhancements:
* Microphone meter
* Long log line left/right scrolling
* Eliminated flicker
* VT100 ESC key code support (used by some terms)
In addition, to achieve the meter it was necessary to implement a mechanism for local Inter Process Communication (IPC). This is achieved using the file-system. By default a folder structure is created under /tmp/mycroft/ipc, but it can be directed to somewhere else by setting the config value in mycroft.conf:
"ipc_path" : "/path/to/somewhere"
In the future, Mark 1 and Picroft will get RAM disks to avoid burning out the SD card. This is also a very fast communication mechanism. This is all hidden under util.get_ipc_directory()
Further, the named signal mechanism was changed to use the IPC folder. The signal can have a lifetime now (not just one shot).
* Added "--simple" mode, to get the old cli behavior
* Rewrote to not use tail (works better with multiple log files)
* Added Ctrl+PgUp/Dn support for scrolling back in logs
* Added filtering
* Refined look and log coloring
* Added :help screen
* Added support for terminal resizing
* Uses curses
* Displays a "chat history" with requests and responses
* Shows filtered logs from mycroft-skills.log, mycroft-voice.log
* Start of framework for special ":" commands (for log searching, etc)
Max recording time is now 10 seconds instead of 30. This deals with cases where a noisy background prevents the listener's silence detection from triggering. 30 seconds was WAAY too long to keep listening -- nobody is going to be saying something that long for now.