Tweak get_response() doc and behavior

Several minor documentation changes, plus:
* 'cancel' now has to be an exact match
* Cancel events return None instead of the spoken cancelation string
* Reduced timeout to 10 seconds instead of 20
* Changed 'text' to 'announcement' and simplified logic
Steve Penrod 2017-12-07 15:58:36 -05:00 committed by Matthew D. Scholefield
parent 35d057ff9b
commit b145e149e6
1 changed files with 39 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -330,9 +330,10 @@ class MycroftSkill(object):
def __get_response(self):
Grab a reponse from the user
Helper to get a reponse from the user
str: STT transcription
str: user's response or None on a timeout
event = Event()
@ -341,48 +342,49 @@ class MycroftSkill(object):
return True
# install a temporary conversation handler
converse.response = None
default_converse = self.converse
self.converse = converse
event.wait(10) # after 10 seconds, timeout
self.converse = default_converse
return converse.response
def get_response(self, dialog='', data=None, text='', validator=None,
on_fail=None, num_retries=-1):
def get_response(self, dialog='', data=None, announcement='',
validator=None, on_fail=None, num_retries=-1):
Ask and return a response from the user for the given dialog. Examples:
color = self.get_response(dialog='ask.favorite.color')
Prompt user and wait for response
The given dialog or announcement will be spoken, the immediately
listen and return user response. The response can optionally be
color = self.get_response('ask.favorite.color')
dialog (str): Intro dialog file to read to the user
dialog (str): Announcement dialog to read to the user
data (dict): Data used to render the dialog
text (str): Intro text instead of dialog file
announcement (str): Literal string (overrides dialog)
validator (any): Function with following signature
def validator(utterance):
return is_valid(utterance)
on_fail (any): Dialog file to read on invalid input,
or a function to call that returns utterance
return utterance != "red"
on_fail (any): Dialog or function returning literal string
to speak on invalid input. For example:
def on_fail(utterance):
return self.dialog_renderer.render('my.dialog')
num_retries (int): Number of times to keep asking user for input
Note, the user can still stop talking or say "cancel" at any
time to stop. -1 for infinite
return "nobody likes the color red, pick another"
num_retries (int): Times to ask user for input, -1 for infinite
NOTE: User can not respond and timeout or say "cancel" to stop
any: None or transcription user's reply
str: User's reply or None if timed out or canceled
data = data or {}
validator = validator or bool
def get_intro():
if dialog:
return self.dialog_renderer.render(dialog, data)
return text
if not get_intro() and not text:
raise ValueError('Please specify an intro message')
announcement = announcement or self.dialog_renderer.render(dialog, data)
if not announcement:
raise ValueError('announcement or dialog message required')
def on_fail_default(utterance):
fail_data = data.copy()
@ -390,23 +392,30 @@ class MycroftSkill(object):
if on_fail:
return self.dialog_renderer.render(on_fail, fail_data)
return get_intro()
return announcement
# TODO: Load with something like mycroft.dialog.get_all()
cancel_voc = 'text/' + self.lang + '/cancel.voc'
with open(resolve_resource_file(cancel_voc)) as f:
cancel_words = list(filter(bool,'\n')))
def is_cancel(utterance):
return max(w in utterance for w in cancel_words)
return utterance in cancel_words
def on_valid_default(utterance):
# accept anything except 'cancel'
return not is_cancel(utterance)
validator = validator or on_valid_default
on_fail_fn = on_fail if callable(on_fail) else on_fail_default
self.speak(get_intro(), expect_response=True)
self.speak(announcement, expect_response=True)
num_fails = 0
while True:
response = self.__get_response()
if response is None:
# if nothing said, prompt one more time
num_none_fails = 1 if num_retries < 0 else num_retries
if num_fails >= num_none_fails:
return None
@ -414,6 +423,7 @@ class MycroftSkill(object):
if validator(response):
return response
# catch user saying 'cancel'
if is_cancel(response):
return None