First cut at skill tester

Minimum viable solution for running existing testcases (json files).
Currently considered additions:
(16, 3) # TODO: Make template for testing one skill only, for the skill
developer to use
(138, 11) # TODO: Pass something to intent, that tells that this is a
test run. The skill intent can then avoid side effects
(144, 11) # TODO: add optional timeout parameter to test_case
(155, 11) # TODO: Check that all intents are checked (what about
(169, 3) # TODO: Add command line utility to test an event against a
test_case, allow for debugging tests
(173, 11) # TODO: Add support for expected response, and others
CarstenAgerskov 2018-02-16 12:31:18 +01:00 committed by Matthew D. Scholefield
parent 397435afcb
commit 7e9a05f4e0
1 changed files with 123 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -12,8 +12,9 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import Queue
import json
from time import sleep
import time
import os
import re
@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ from pyee import EventEmitter
from mycroft.messagebus.message import Message
from mycroft.skills.core import create_skill_descriptor, load_skill
MainModule = '__init__'
@ -67,27 +67,17 @@ def unload_skills(skills):
class RegistrationOnlyEmitter(object):
def __init__(self):
self.emitter = EventEmitter()
self.q = None
def on(self, event, f):
allow_events_to_execute = True
if allow_events_to_execute:
# don't filter events, just run them all
print "Event: "+str(event)
self.emitter.on(event, f)
# filter to just the registration events,
# preventing them from actually executing
if event in [
print "Event: " + str(event)
self.emitter.on(event, f)
# run all events
print "Event: " + str(event)
self.emitter.on(event, f)
def emit(self, event, *args, **kwargs):
event_name = event.type
if self.q:
self.emitter.emit(event_name, event, *args, **kwargs)
def once(self, event, f):
@ -103,6 +93,7 @@ class MockSkillsLoader(object):
self.emitter = RegistrationOnlyEmitter()
from mycroft.skills.intent_service import IntentService
self.ih = IntentService(self.emitter)
self.skills = None
def load_skills(self):
self.skills = load_skills(self.emitter, self.skills_root)
@ -114,84 +105,137 @@ class MockSkillsLoader(object):
class SkillTest(object):
def __init__(self, skill, example, emitter):
def __init__(self, skill, test_case_file, emitter):
self.skill = skill
self.example = example
self.test_case_file = test_case_file
self.emitter = emitter
self.dict = dict
self.output_file = None
self.returned_intent = False
def compare_intents(self, expected, actual):
for key in expected.keys():
if actual.get(key, "").lower() != expected.get(key, "").lower():
"Expected %s: %s, Actual: %s" % (key, expected.get(key),
assert False
def check_speech(self, message):
print "Spoken response: " +['utterance']
# Comparing the expected output and actual spoken response
def run_test(output_file, utterance):
dialog_file = open(output_file, 'r')
dialog_line = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in dialog_file]
match_found = False
for i in range(len(dialog_line)):
if '{{' in dialog_line[i]:
replaced_dialog = re.sub('\{\{(\S+)\}\}',
'.*', dialog_line[i])
m = re.match(replaced_dialog, utterance)
if m is not None:
match_found = True
if dialog_line[i] == utterance:
match_found = True
if match_found is True:
assert True
assert False
def run(self, loader):
for s in loader.skills:
if s and s._dir == self.skill:
name =
print('file: ' + self.example)
example_json = json.load(open(self.example, 'r'))
event = {'utterances': [example_json.get('utterance')]}
# Extracting the expected output from json file
if "expected_output" in example_json:
output_file = str(example_json.get("expected_output"))
self.output_file = output_file
self.emitter.once('speak', self.check_speech)
s = filter(lambda s: s and s._dir == self.skill, loader.skills)[0]
print('Test case file: ' + self.test_case_file)
test_case = json.load(open(self.test_case_file, 'r'))
print "Test case: " + str(test_case)
evaluation_rule = EvaluationRule(test_case)
def compare(intent):
self.returned_intent = True
# Set up queue for emitted events. Because
# the evaluation method expects events to be received in convoy,
# and be handled one by one. We cant make assumptions about threading
# in the core or the skill
q = Queue.Queue()
s.emitter.q = q
self.emitter.once(name + ':' + example_json.get('intent_type'),
event = {'utterances': [test_case.get('utterance')]}
# Emit an utterance, just like the STT engine does. This sends the
# provided text to the skill engine for intent matching and it then
# invokes the skill.
# TODO: Pass something to intent, that tells that this is a test run. The skill intent can then avoid side effects
Message('recognizer_loop:utterance', event))
sleep(0.2) # wait for 0.2 seconds
# Wait up to 30 seconds for the test_case to complete (
# TODO: add optional timeout parameter to test_case
timeout = time.time() + 30
while not evaluation_rule.all_succeeded():
event = q.get(timeout=1)
except Queue.Empty:
if time.time() > timeout:
# TODO: Check that all intents are checked (what about context)
# Stop emmiter from sending on queue
s.emitter.q = None
# remove the skill which is not responding
if not self.returned_intent:
print("No intent handled")
if not evaluation_rule.all_succeeded():
print "Evaluation failed"
print "Rule status: " + str(evaluation_rule.rule)
assert False
# TODO: Add command line utility to test an event against a test_case, allow for debugging tests
class EvaluationRule(object):
def __init__(self, test_case):
# Convert test case to internal rule format
# TODO: Add support for expected response, and others
self.rule = []
_x = ['and']
if test_case.get('utterance', None):
_x.append(['endsWith', 'intent_type', str(test_case['intent_type'])])
if test_case.get('intent', None):
for item in test_case['intent'].items():
_x.append(['equal', str(item[0]), str(item[1])])
if _x != ['and']:
if test_case.get('assert', None):
for _x in eval(test_case['assert']):
print "Rule created " + str(self.rule)
def get_field_value(self, rule, msg):
if isinstance(rule, list):
value = msg.get(rule[0], None)
if len(rule) > 1 and value:
for field in rule[1:]:
value = value.get(field, None)
if not value:
value = msg.get(rule, None)
return value
def evaluate(self, msg):
print "Evaluating message: " + str(msg)
for r in self.rule:
self.partial_evaluate(r, msg)
def partial_evaluate(self, rule, msg):
if rule[0] == 'equal':
if self.get_field_value(rule[1], msg) != rule[2]:
return False
if rule[0] == 'notEqual':
if self.get_field_value(rule[1], msg) == rule[2]:
return False
if rule[0] == 'endsWith':
if not (self.get_field_value(rule[1], msg) and self.get_field_value(rule[1], msg).endswith(rule[2])):
return False
if rule[0] == 'match':
if not (self.get_field_value(rule[1], msg) and re.match(rule[2], self.get_field_value(rule[1], msg))):
return False
if rule[0] == 'and':
for i in rule[1:]:
if not self.partial_evaluate(i, msg):
return False
if rule[0] == 'or':
for i in rule[1:]:
if self.partial_evaluate(i, msg):
return True
return False
return True
def all_succeeded(self):
return len(filter(lambda x: x[-1] != 'succeeded', self.rule)) == 0