diff --git a/mycroft/skills/mycroft_skill/mycroft_skill.py b/mycroft/skills/mycroft_skill/mycroft_skill.py
index c75a8a9b5f..5606e7a623 100644
--- a/mycroft/skills/mycroft_skill/mycroft_skill.py
+++ b/mycroft/skills/mycroft_skill/mycroft_skill.py
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class MycroftSkill:
         return None
-    def converse(self, utterances, lang=None):
+    def converse(self, utterances, lang=None, message=None):
         """Handle conversation.
         This method gets a peek at utterances before the normal intent
@@ -350,6 +350,8 @@ class MycroftSkill:
                                first entry is the user utt and the second
                                is normalized() version of the first utterance
             lang:       language the utterance is in, None for default
+            message:    a message object containing a message type with an
+                        optional JSON data packet
             bool: True if an utterance was handled, otherwise False
diff --git a/mycroft/skills/skill_manager.py b/mycroft/skills/skill_manager.py
index 18055f1f9c..d3eeeb9c79 100644
--- a/mycroft/skills/skill_manager.py
+++ b/mycroft/skills/skill_manager.py
@@ -447,9 +447,11 @@ class SkillManager(Thread):
                     utterances = message.data['utterances']
                     lang = message.data['lang']
                     # check the signature of a converse method to either pass a message or not
-                    if len(signature(skill_loader.instance.converse).parameters) == 3:
-                        result = skill_loader.instance.converse(utterances, lang, message)
+                    if len(signature(skill_loader.instance.converse).parameters) == 1:
+                        result = skill_loader.instance.converse(message)
+                        utterances = message.data['utterances']
+                        lang = message.data['lang']
                         result = skill_loader.instance.converse(utterances, lang)
                     self._emit_converse_response(result, message, skill_loader)
                 except Exception: