Mycroft AI, Inc. - the company behind Mycroft maintains the Cerberus device and account management system. Developers can sign up at
By default the Mycroft software is configured to use Cerberus, upon any request such as "Hey Mycroft, what is the weather?", you will be informed that you need to pair and Mycroft will speak a 6-digit code, which you enter into the pairing page on the [Cerberus site](
Once signed and a device is paired, the unit will use our API keys for services, such as the STT (Speech-to-Text) API. It also allows you to use our API keys for weather, Wolfram-Alpha, and various other skills.
Mycroft configuration consists of 3 possible config files.
-`defaults.ini`, which lives inside the mycroft codebase/distribution
When the configuration loader starts, it looks in those locations in that order, and loads ALL configuration. Keys that exist in multiple config files will be overridden by the last file to contain that config value. This results in a minimal amount of config being written for a specific device/user, without modifying the distribution files.
Mycroft provides `` to run a large number of common tasks. This script uses the virtualenv created by ``. The usage statement lists all run targets, but to run a Mycroft stack out of a git checkout, the following processes should be started:
- run `./ service`
- run `./ skills`
- run `./ voice`
*Note: The above scripts are blocking, so each will need to be run in a separate terminal session.*
*Note: The above scripts are blocking, so each will need to be run in a separate terminal session. Each terminal session will require that the virtualenv be activated. There are very few reasons to use this method.*