This should be as easy as possible for you but there are a few things to consider when contributing.
The following guidelines for contribution should be followed if you want to submit a pull request.
## How to prepare
* You need a [GitHub account](
* Submit an [issue ticket]( for your issue if there is no one yet.
* Describe the issue and include steps to reproduce if it's a bug.
* Ensure to mention the earliest version that you know is affected.
* If you are able and want to fix this, fork the repository on GitHub
## Make Changes
1. [Fork the Project](
2. [Create a new Issue](
3. Create a **feature** or **bugfix** branch based on **master** with your issue identifier. For example, if your issue identifier is: **issues-123** then you will create either: **feature/issues-123** or **bugfix/issues-123**. Use **feature** prefix for issues related to new functionalities or enhancements and **bugfix** in case of bugs found on the **master** branch
4. Make sure you stick to the coding style and OO patterns that is used already.
5. Make use of the `.editorconfig`-file if provided with the repository.
6. Make commits of logical units and describe them properly. Use your issue identifier at the very begin of each commit. For instance:
7. Before committing, format your code following the PEP8 rules and organize your imports removing unused libs. To check whether you are following these rules, install pep8 and run `pep8 mycroft test` while in the `mycroft-core` folder. This will check for formatting issues in the `mycroft` and `test` folders.
10. Once everything is OK, you can finally [create a Pull Request (PR) on Github]( in order to be reviewed and merged.
**Note**: Even if you have write access to the master branch, do not work directly on master!
## Submit Changes
* Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository.
* Open a pull request to the original repository and choose the right original branch you want to patch.
_Advanced users may install the `hub` gem and use the [`hub pull-request` command](
* If not done in commit messages (which you really should do) please reference and update your issue with the code changes. But _please do not close the issue yourself_.
* Even if you have write access to the repository, do not directly push or merge pull-requests. Let another team member review your pull request and approve.