mirror of https://github.com/MycroftAI/mimic2.git
158 lines
4.5 KiB
158 lines
4.5 KiB
import librosa
import librosa.filters
import math
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy import signal
from hparams import hparams
def load_wav(path):
return librosa.core.load(path, sr=hparams.sample_rate)[0]
def save_wav(wav, path):
wav *= 32767 / max(0.01, np.max(np.abs(wav)))
librosa.output.write_wav(path, wav.astype(np.int16), hparams.sample_rate)
def trim_silence(wav):
return librosa.effects.trim(
wav, top_db=hparams.trim_top_db,
def spectrogram(y):
D = _stft(y)
S = _amp_to_db(np.abs(D)) - hparams.ref_level_db
return _normalize(S)
def inv_spectrogram(spectrogram):
'''Converts spectrogram to waveform using librosa'''
S = _db_to_amp(_denormalize(spectrogram) +
hparams.ref_level_db) # Convert back to linear
# Reconstruct phase
return _griffin_lim(S ** hparams.power)
def inv_spectrogram_tensorflow(spectrogram):
'''Builds computational graph to convert spectrogram to waveform using TensorFlow.'''
S = _db_to_amp_tensorflow(_denormalize_tensorflow(
spectrogram) + hparams.ref_level_db)
return _griffin_lim_tensorflow(tf.pow(S, hparams.power))
def melspectrogram(y):
D = _stft(y)
S = _amp_to_db(_linear_to_mel(np.abs(D))) - hparams.ref_level_db
return _normalize(S)
def find_endpoint(wav, threshold_db=-40, min_silence_sec=0.8):
window_length = int(hparams.sample_rate * min_silence_sec)
hop_length = int(window_length / 4)
threshold = _db_to_amp(threshold_db)
for x in range(hop_length, len(wav) - window_length, hop_length):
if np.max(wav[x:x + window_length]) < threshold:
return x + hop_length
return len(wav)
def _griffin_lim(S):
'''librosa implementation of Griffin-Lim
Based on https://github.com/librosa/librosa/issues/434
angles = np.exp(2j * np.pi * np.random.rand(*S.shape))
S_complex = np.abs(S).astype(np.complex)
y = _istft(S_complex * angles)
for i in range(hparams.griffin_lim_iters):
angles = np.exp(1j * np.angle(_stft(y)))
y = _istft(S_complex * angles)
return y
def _griffin_lim_tensorflow(S):
'''TensorFlow implementation of Griffin-Lim
Based on https://github.com/Kyubyong/tensorflow-exercises/blob/master/Audio_Processing.ipynb
with tf.variable_scope('griffinlim'):
# TensorFlow's stft and istft operate on a batch of spectrograms; create batch of size 1
S = tf.expand_dims(S, 0)
S_complex = tf.identity(tf.cast(S, dtype=tf.complex64))
y = _istft_tensorflow(S_complex)
for i in range(hparams.griffin_lim_iters):
est = _stft_tensorflow(y)
angles = est / tf.cast(tf.maximum(1e-8, tf.abs(est)), tf.complex64)
y = _istft_tensorflow(S_complex * angles)
return tf.squeeze(y, 0)
def _stft(y):
n_fft, hop_length, win_length = _stft_parameters()
return librosa.stft(y=y, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length)
def _istft(y):
_, hop_length, win_length = _stft_parameters()
return librosa.istft(y, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length)
def _stft_tensorflow(signals):
n_fft, hop_length, win_length = _stft_parameters()
return tf.contrib.signal.stft(signals, win_length, hop_length, n_fft, pad_end=False)
def _istft_tensorflow(stfts):
n_fft, hop_length, win_length = _stft_parameters()
return tf.contrib.signal.inverse_stft(stfts, win_length, hop_length, n_fft)
def _stft_parameters():
n_fft = (hparams.num_freq - 1) * 2
hop_length = int(hparams.frame_shift_ms / 1000 * hparams.sample_rate)
win_length = int(hparams.frame_length_ms / 1000 * hparams.sample_rate)
return n_fft, hop_length, win_length
# Conversions:
_mel_basis = None
def _linear_to_mel(spectrogram):
global _mel_basis
if _mel_basis is None:
_mel_basis = _build_mel_basis()
return np.dot(_mel_basis, spectrogram)
def _build_mel_basis():
n_fft = (hparams.num_freq - 1) * 2
return librosa.filters.mel(hparams.sample_rate, n_fft, n_mels=hparams.num_mels,
fmin=hparams.min_mel_freq, fmax=hparams.max_mel_freq)
def _amp_to_db(x):
return 20 * np.log10(np.maximum(1e-5, x))
def _db_to_amp(x):
return np.power(10.0, x * 0.05)
def _db_to_amp_tensorflow(x):
return tf.pow(tf.ones(tf.shape(x)) * 10.0, x * 0.05)
def _normalize(S):
return np.clip((S - hparams.min_level_db) / -hparams.min_level_db, 0, 1)
def _denormalize(S):
return (np.clip(S, 0, 1) * -hparams.min_level_db) + hparams.min_level_db
def _denormalize_tensorflow(S):
return (tf.clip_by_value(S, 0, 1) * -hparams.min_level_db) + hparams.min_level_db