mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git
530 lines
16 KiB
530 lines
16 KiB
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
import { execCommand, getRootDir } from '@joplin/utils';
import { readFile, readdir, stat, writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
import * as MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it';
import { htmlentities, isSelfClosingTag } from '@joplin/utils/html';
import { compileWithFrontMatter, stripOffFrontMatter } from './utils/frontMatter';
import StateCore = require('markdown-it/lib/rules_core/state_core');
import { copy, mkdirp, remove, pathExists } from 'fs-extra';
import { basename, dirname } from 'path';
import markdownUtils, { MarkdownTable } from '@joplin/lib/markdownUtils';
import { readmeFileTitle } from './utils/parser';
import { chdir } from 'process';
import yargs = require('yargs');
import { extractOpenGraphTags } from './utils/openGraph';
const md5File = require('md5-file');
const htmlparser2 = require('@joplin/fork-htmlparser2');
const styleToJs = require('style-to-js').default;
const crypto = require('crypto');
interface Config {
baseUrl: string;
docusaurusBuildEnabled: boolean;
docusaurusBuildCommand: string;
interface List {
type: 'bullet' | 'number';
interface Context {
currentTable?: MarkdownTable;
currentTableContent?: string[];
currentTableCellIndex?: number;
inHeader?: boolean;
listStack?: List[];
listStarting?: boolean;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
currentLinkAttrs?: any;
inFence?: boolean;
processedFiles?: string[];
isNews?: boolean;
donateLinks?: string;
inQuote?: boolean;
const configs: Record<string, Config> = {
dev: {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8077',
docusaurusBuildCommand: 'buildDev',
docusaurusBuildEnabled: true,
prod: {
baseUrl: 'https://joplinapp.org',
docusaurusBuildCommand: '_build',
docusaurusBuildEnabled: true,
const md5 = (s: string) => {
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(s).digest('hex');
const parseHtml = (html: string) => {
const output: string[] = [];
interface Tag {
name: string;
const tagStack: Tag[] = [];
const currentTag = () => {
if (!tagStack.length) return { name: '', processed: false };
return tagStack[tagStack.length - 1];
const parser = new htmlparser2.Parser({
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
onopentag: (name: string, attrs: Record<string, any>) => {
tagStack.push({ name });
const closingSign = isSelfClosingTag(name) ? '/>' : '>';
const attrHtml: string[] = [];
for (const n in attrs) {
if (!attrs.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue;
let escapedValue = `"${htmlentities(attrs[n])}"`;
if (n === 'style') {
escapedValue = `{${JSON.stringify(styleToJs(attrs.style))}}`;
output.push(`<${name} ${attrHtml.join(' ')}${closingSign}`);
ontext: (decodedText: string) => {
onclosetag: (name: string) => {
const current = currentTag();
if (current.name === name) tagStack.pop();
if (isSelfClosingTag(name)) return;
}, { decodeEntities: true });
return output.join('');
const escapeForMdx = (s: string): string => {
return s
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/`/g, '\\`');
const paragraphBreak = '///PARAGRAPH_BREAK///';
const blockQuoteStart = '///BLOCK_QUOTE_START///';
const blockQuoteEnd = '///BLOCK_QUOTE_END///';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
const processToken = (token: any, output: string[], context: Context): void => {
if (!context.listStack) context.listStack = [];
let contentProcessed = false;
const type = token.type as string;
const currentList = context.listStack.length ? context.listStack[context.listStack.length - 1] : null;
const doEscapeForMdx = (text: string) => {
if (context.inFence) return text;
return escapeForMdx(text);
const content: string[] = [];
if (type === 'heading_open') {
content.push(`${token.markup} `);
} else if (type === 'heading_close') {
} else if (type === 'paragraph_open' || type === 'paragraph_close') {
if (!currentList) {
} else if (type === 'fence') {
context.inFence = true;
content.push(`\`\`\`${token.info || ''}\n`);
} else if (type === 'html_block') {
contentProcessed = true;
} else if (type === 'html_inline') {
contentProcessed = true;
} else if (type === 'code_inline') {
contentProcessed = true;
} else if (type === 'code_block') {
contentProcessed = true;
} else if (type === 'strong_open' || type === 'strong_close') {
} else if (type === 'em_open' || type === 'em_close') {
} else if (type === 'blockquote_open' || type === 'blockquote_close') {
content.push(type === 'blockquote_open' ? blockQuoteStart : blockQuoteEnd);
} else if (type === 'table_open') {
context.currentTable = {
header: [],
rows: [],
context.currentTableContent = [];
} else if (type === 'th_open') {
label: '',
name: `${context.currentTable.header.length}`,
disableHtmlEscape: true,
} else if (type === 'thead_open') {
context.inHeader = true;
} else if (type === 'thead_close') {
context.inHeader = false;
} else if (type === 'th_close') {
context.currentTable.header[context.currentTable.header.length - 1].label = context.currentTableContent.join('');
context.currentTableContent = [];
} else if (type === 'tr_open') {
if (!context.inHeader) {
context.currentTableCellIndex = 0;
} else if (type === 'td_open') {
const row = context.currentTable.rows[context.currentTable.rows.length - 1];
row[`${context.currentTableCellIndex}`] = '';
} else if (type === 'td_close') {
const row = context.currentTable.rows[context.currentTable.rows.length - 1];
row[`${context.currentTableCellIndex}`] = context.currentTableContent.join('');
context.currentTableContent = [];
} else if (type === 'table_close') {
const tableMd = markdownUtils.createMarkdownTable(context.currentTable.header, context.currentTable.rows);
context.currentTable = null;
} else if (type === 'bullet_list_open') {
context.listStarting = !context.listStack.length;
context.listStack.push({ type: 'bullet' });
} else if (type === 'ordered_list_open') {
context.listStarting = !context.listStack.length;
context.listStack.push({ type: 'number' });
} else if (type === 'bullet_list_close' || type === 'ordered_list_close') {
if (!context.listStack.length) content.push(paragraphBreak);
} else if (type === 'list_item_open') {
if (!context.listStarting) content.push('\n');
context.listStarting = false;
const indent = '\t'.repeat((context.listStack.length - 1));
if (currentList.type === 'bullet') content.push(`${indent}- `);
if (currentList.type === 'number') content.push(`${indent + token.info}. `);
} else if (type === 'image') {
(context.currentTable ? context.currentTableContent : content).push('![');
} else if (type === 'link_open') {
context.currentLinkAttrs = token.attrs;
} else if (type === 'link_close') {
const href = context.currentLinkAttrs.find((a: string[]) => a[0] === 'href')[1];
context.currentLinkAttrs = null;
if (token.children) {
for (const child of token.children) {
processToken(child, content, context);
} else if (token.content && !contentProcessed) {
if (type === 'fence') {
context.inFence = false;
if (type === 'image') {
let src: string = token.attrs.find((a: string[]) => a[0] === 'src')[1];
if (!src.startsWith('http') && !src.startsWith('/')) src = `/${src}`;
for (const c of content) {
if (context.currentTable) {
} else {
const resolveParagraphBreaks = (output: string[]): string[] => {
if (!output.length) return output;
while (output.length && output[0] === paragraphBreak) {
output.splice(0, 1);
while (output.length && output[output.length - 1] === paragraphBreak) {
let previous = '';
const newOutput: string[] = [];
for (const s of output) {
if (s === paragraphBreak && previous === paragraphBreak) continue;
newOutput.push(s === paragraphBreak ? '\n\n' : s);
previous = s;
return newOutput;
const resolveBlockQuotes = (output: string): string => {
if (!output) return output;
const lines = output.split('\n');
let inQuotes = false;
const quotedLines: string[] = [];
const newOutput: string[] = [];
for (const line of lines) {
if (line === blockQuoteStart) {
inQuotes = true;
} else if (line === blockQuoteEnd) {
inQuotes = false;
const s = quotedLines.join('\n').trim().split('\n').map(l => `> ${l}`).join('\n');
} else if (inQuotes) {
} else {
return newOutput.join('\n');
export const processUrls = (md: string) => {
md = md
.replace(/https:\/\/github.com\/laurent22\/joplin\/blob\/dev\/readme\/(.*?)\/index\.md/g, '/help/$1')
.replace(/https:\/\/github.com\/laurent22\/joplin\/blob\/dev\/readme\/(.*?)\.md/g, '/help/$1');
return md;
export const processMarkdownDoc = (sourceContent: string, context: Context): string => {
const markdownIt = new MarkdownIt({
breaks: true,
linkify: true,
html: true,
let items: string[] = [];
markdownIt.core.ruler.push('converter', (state: StateCore) => {
const tokens = state.tokens;
// console.info(JSON.stringify(tokens, null, '\t'));
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
const token = tokens[i];
processToken(token, items, context);
const mdAndFrontMatter = stripOffFrontMatter(sourceContent);
items = resolveParagraphBreaks(items);
const output = resolveBlockQuotes(processUrls(items.join('').trim()));
return compileWithFrontMatter({
doc: output,
const processMarkdownFile = async (sourcePath: string, destPath: string, context: Context) => {
const sourceContent = await readFile(sourcePath, 'utf-8');
const destContent = processMarkdownDoc(sourceContent, context);
await mkdirp(dirname(destPath));
const title = await readmeFileTitle(sourcePath);
const mdAndFrontMatter = stripOffFrontMatter(destContent);
mdAndFrontMatter.header.sidebar_label = title;
if (context.isNews) {
const dateString = basename(sourcePath).split('-')[0];
const formatted = `${dateString.substring(0, 4)}-${dateString.substring(4, 6)}-${dateString.substring(6, 8)}`;
mdAndFrontMatter.header.date = formatted;
const og = await extractOpenGraphTags(sourcePath);
mdAndFrontMatter.header.title = og.title;
mdAndFrontMatter.header.description = og.description;
if (og.image) mdAndFrontMatter.header.image = og.image;
mdAndFrontMatter.doc = mdAndFrontMatter.doc.replace(/^# (.*)\n/, `# $1\n\n${context.donateLinks}\n\n`);
if (mdAndFrontMatter.header.forum_url) {
mdAndFrontMatter.doc += `\n\n* * *\n\n[<icon icon="fa-brands fa-discourse" size="lg" /> Discuss on the forum](${mdAndFrontMatter.header.forum_url})`;
const fullContent = compileWithFrontMatter(mdAndFrontMatter);
if (await pathExists(destPath)) {
const existingMd5 = await md5File(destPath);
const newMd5 = md5(fullContent);
if (existingMd5 === newMd5) return;
await writeFile(destPath, fullContent, 'utf-8');
const processDocFiles = async (sourceDir: string, destDir: string, excluded: string[], context: Context) => {
if (!context.processedFiles) context.processedFiles = [];
await mkdirp(destDir);
const files = await readdir(sourceDir);
for (const file of files) {
const fullPath = `${sourceDir}/${file}`;
if (excluded.includes(fullPath)) continue;
const info = await stat(fullPath);
const destPath = `${destDir}/${file}`;
if (info.isDirectory()) {
await processDocFiles(fullPath, destPath, excluded, context);
} else {
if (file.endsWith('.md')) {
console.info(`Process: ${fullPath}`);
await processMarkdownFile(fullPath, destPath, context);
} else if (file === '_category_.yml') {
await copy(fullPath, destPath);
export const deleteUnprocessedFiles = async (dirPath: string, processedFiles: string[]) => {
const files = await readdir(dirPath);
for (const file of files) {
const fullPath = `${dirPath}/${file}`;
const info = await stat(fullPath);
if (info.isDirectory()) {
await deleteUnprocessedFiles(fullPath, processedFiles);
} else {
if (!processedFiles.includes(fullPath)) {
console.info(`Delete: ${fullPath}`);
await remove(fullPath);
const copyFile = async (sourceFile: string, destFile: string) => {
console.info(`Copy: ${destFile}`);
await copy(sourceFile, destFile);
const getDonateLinks = () => {
return `<div className="donate-links">
[](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=E8JMYD2LQ8MMA&no_recurring=0&item_name=I+rely+on+donations+to+maintain+and+improve+the+Joplin+open+source+project.+Thank+you+for+your+help+-+it+makes+a+difference%21¤cy_code=EUR) [](https://github.com/sponsors/laurent22/) [](https://www.patreon.com/joplin) [](https://joplinapp.org/donate/#donations)
export const buildDocusaurus = async (docBuilderDir: string, buildCommand: string, baseUrl: string) => {
await execCommand(`yarn ${buildCommand}`, {
env: {
async function main() {
const argv = await yargs.argv;
const env = argv.env as string;
if (!env) throw new Error('Env must be specified: either "dev" or "prod"');
const config = { ...configs[env] };
if ('docuBuild' in argv && !argv.docuBuild) config.docusaurusBuildEnabled = false;
const rootDir = await getRootDir();
const docBuilderDir = `${rootDir}/packages/doc-builder`;
const destHelpDir = `${docBuilderDir}/help`;
const newsDestDir = `${docBuilderDir}/news`;
const readmeDir = `${rootDir}/readme`;
const donateLinks = getDonateLinks();
const mainContext: Context = { donateLinks };
await processDocFiles(readmeDir, destHelpDir, [
], mainContext);
await deleteUnprocessedFiles(destHelpDir, mainContext.processedFiles);
const newsContext: Context = { isNews: true, donateLinks };
await processDocFiles(`${readmeDir}/news`, newsDestDir, [], newsContext);
await deleteUnprocessedFiles(newsDestDir, newsContext.processedFiles);
if (await pathExists(`${readmeDir}/i18n`)) {
const localeContext: Context = { donateLinks };
await processDocFiles(`${readmeDir}/i18n`, `${docBuilderDir}/i18n`, [], localeContext);
await deleteUnprocessedFiles(`${docBuilderDir}/i18n`, localeContext.processedFiles);
} else {
console.info('i18n folder is missing - skipping it');
await copyFile(`${rootDir}/Assets/WebsiteAssets/images`, `${docBuilderDir}/static/images`);
if (config.docusaurusBuildEnabled) {
await buildDocusaurus(docBuilderDir, config.docusaurusBuildCommand, config.baseUrl);
} else {
console.info('Skipping Docusaurus build...');
if (require.main === module) {
// eslint-disable-next-line promise/prefer-await-to-then
main().catch((error) => {
console.error('Fatal error');