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import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger';
import BaseItem from '../../models/BaseItem';
import MasterKey from '../../models/MasterKey';
import Setting from '../../models/Setting';
import { MasterKeyEntity } from './types';
import EncryptionService from './EncryptionService';
import { getActiveMasterKey, getActiveMasterKeyId, localSyncInfo, masterKeyEnabled, saveLocalSyncInfo, setActiveMasterKeyId, setEncryptionEnabled, SyncInfo } from '../synchronizer/syncInfoUtils';
import JoplinError from '../../JoplinError';
import { generateKeyPair, pkReencryptPrivateKey, ppkPasswordIsValid } from './ppk';
import KvStore from '../KvStore';
import Folder from '../../models/Folder';
import ShareService from '../share/ShareService';
const logger = Logger.create('e2ee/utils');
export async function setupAndEnableEncryption(service: EncryptionService, masterKey: MasterKeyEntity = null, masterPassword: string = null) {
if (!masterKey) {
// May happen for example if there are master keys in info.json but none
// of them is set as active. But in fact, unless there is a bug in the
// application, this shouldn't happen.
logger.warn('Setting up E2EE without a master key - user will need to either generate one or select one of the existing ones as active');
setEncryptionEnabled(true, masterKey ? masterKey.id : null);
if (masterPassword) {
Setting.setValue('encryption.masterPassword', masterPassword);
// Mark only the non-encrypted ones for sync since, if there are encrypted ones,
// it means they come from the sync target and are already encrypted over there.
await BaseItem.markAllNonEncryptedForSync();
await loadMasterKeysFromSettings(service);
export async function setupAndDisableEncryption(service: EncryptionService) {
// Allow disabling encryption even if some items are still encrypted, because whether E2EE is enabled or disabled
// should not affect whether items will eventually be decrypted or not (DecryptionWorker will still work as
// long as there are encrypted items). Also even if decryption is disabled, it's possible that encrypted items
// will still be received via synchronisation.
// The only way to make sure everything gets decrypted on the sync target is
// to re-sync everything.
await BaseItem.forceSyncAll();
await loadMasterKeysFromSettings(service);
export async function toggleAndSetupEncryption(service: EncryptionService, enabled: boolean, masterKey: MasterKeyEntity, password: string) {
logger.info('toggleAndSetupEncryption: enabled:', enabled, ' Master key', masterKey);
if (!enabled) {
await setupAndDisableEncryption(service);
} else {
if (masterKey) {
await setupAndEnableEncryption(service, masterKey, password);
} else {
await generateMasterKeyAndEnableEncryption(EncryptionService.instance(), password);
await loadMasterKeysFromSettings(service);
export async function generateMasterKeyAndEnableEncryption(service: EncryptionService, password: string) {
let masterKey = await service.generateMasterKey(password);
masterKey = await MasterKey.save(masterKey);
await setupAndEnableEncryption(service, masterKey, password);
await loadMasterKeysFromSettings(service);
return masterKey;
// Migration function to initialise the master password. Normally it is set when
// enabling E2EE, but previously it wasn't. So here we check if the password is
// set. If it is not, we set it from the active master key. It needs to be
// called after the settings have been initialized.
export async function migrateMasterPassword() {
// Already migrated
if (Setting.value('encryption.masterPassword')) return;
// If a PPK is defined it means the master password has been set at some
// point so no need to run the migration
if (localSyncInfo().ppk) return;
// If a PPK is defined it means the master password has been set at some
// point so no need to run the migration
if (localSyncInfo().ppk) return;
logger.info('Master password is not set - trying to get it from the active master key...');
const mk = getActiveMasterKey();
if (!mk) return;
const masterPassword = Setting.value('encryption.passwordCache')[mk.id];
if (masterPassword) {
Setting.setValue('encryption.masterPassword', masterPassword);
logger.info('Master password is now set.');
// Also clear the key passwords that match the master password to avoid
// any confusion.
const cache = Setting.value('encryption.passwordCache');
const newCache = { ...cache };
for (const [mkId, password] of Object.entries(cache)) {
if (password === masterPassword) {
delete newCache[mkId];
Setting.setValue('encryption.passwordCache', newCache);
await Setting.saveAll();
// All master keys normally should be decrypted with the master password, however
// previously any master key could be encrypted with any password, so to support
// this legacy case, we first check if the MK decrypts with the master password.
// If not, try with the master key specific password, if any is defined.
export async function findMasterKeyPassword(service: EncryptionService, masterKey: MasterKeyEntity, passwordCache: Record<string, string> = null): Promise<string> {
const masterPassword = Setting.value('encryption.masterPassword');
if (masterPassword && await service.checkMasterKeyPassword(masterKey, masterPassword)) {
logger.info('findMasterKeyPassword: Using master password');
return masterPassword;
logger.info('findMasterKeyPassword: No master password is defined - trying to get master key specific password');
const passwords = passwordCache ? passwordCache : Setting.value('encryption.passwordCache');
return passwords[masterKey.id];
export async function loadMasterKeysFromSettings(service: EncryptionService) {
const masterKeys = await MasterKey.all();
const activeMasterKeyId = getActiveMasterKeyId();
logger.info(`Trying to load ${masterKeys.length} master keys...`);
for (let i = 0; i < masterKeys.length; i++) {
const mk = masterKeys[i];
if (service.isMasterKeyLoaded(mk)) continue;
await service.loadMasterKey(mk, async () => {
const password = await findMasterKeyPassword(service, mk);
return password;
}, activeMasterKeyId === mk.id);
logger.info(`Loaded master keys: ${service.loadedMasterKeysCount()}`);
// In some rare cases (normally should no longer be possible), a disabled master
// key end up being the active one (the one used to encrypt data). This sanity
// check resolves this by making an enabled key the active one.
export const activeMasterKeySanityCheck = () => {
const syncInfo = localSyncInfo();
const activeMasterKeyId = syncInfo.activeMasterKeyId;
const enabledMasterKeys = syncInfo.masterKeys.filter(mk => masterKeyEnabled(mk));
if (!enabledMasterKeys.length) return;
if (enabledMasterKeys.find(mk => mk.id === activeMasterKeyId)) {
logger.info('activeMasterKeySanityCheck: Active key is an enabled key - nothing to do');
logger.info('activeMasterKeySanityCheck: Active key is **not** an enabled key - selecting a different key as the active key...');
const latestMasterKey = enabledMasterKeys.reduce((acc: MasterKeyEntity, current: MasterKeyEntity) => {
if (current.created_time > acc.created_time) {
return current;
} else {
return acc;
logger.info('activeMasterKeySanityCheck: Selected new active key:', latestMasterKey);
export function showMissingMasterKeyMessage(syncInfo: SyncInfo, notLoadedMasterKeys: string[]) {
if (!syncInfo.masterKeys.length) return false;
notLoadedMasterKeys = notLoadedMasterKeys.slice();
for (let i = notLoadedMasterKeys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const mk = syncInfo.masterKeys.find(mk => mk.id === notLoadedMasterKeys[i]);
// A "notLoadedMasterKey" is a key that either doesn't exist or for
// which a password hasn't been set yet. For the purpose of this
// function, we only want to notify the user about unset passwords.
// Master keys that haven't been downloaded yet should normally be
// downloaded at some point.
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/5391
if (!mk) continue;
if (!masterKeyEnabled(mk)) notLoadedMasterKeys.pop();
return !!notLoadedMasterKeys.length;
export function getDefaultMasterKey(): MasterKeyEntity {
let mk = getActiveMasterKey();
if (!mk || masterKeyEnabled(mk)) {
mk = MasterKey.latest();
return mk && masterKeyEnabled(mk) ? mk : null;
// Get the master password if set, or throw an exception. This ensures that
// things aren't accidentally encrypted with an empty string. Calling code
// should look for "undefinedMasterPassword" code and prompt for password.
export function getMasterPassword(throwIfNotSet = true): string {
const password = Setting.value('encryption.masterPassword');
if (!password && throwIfNotSet) throw new JoplinError('Master password is not set', 'undefinedMasterPassword');
return password;
// - If both a current and new password is provided, and they are different, it
// means the password is being changed, so all the keys are reencrypted with
// the new password.
// - If the current password is not provided, the master password is simply set
// according to newPassword.
export async function updateMasterPassword(currentPassword: string, newPassword: string) {
if (!newPassword) throw new Error('New password must be set');
if (currentPassword && !(await masterPasswordIsValid(currentPassword))) throw new Error('Master password is not valid. Please try again.');
const needToReencrypt = !!currentPassword && !!newPassword && currentPassword !== newPassword;
if (needToReencrypt) {
const reencryptedMasterKeys: MasterKeyEntity[] = [];
let reencryptedPpk = null;
for (const mk of localSyncInfo().masterKeys) {
try {
reencryptedMasterKeys.push(await EncryptionService.instance().reencryptMasterKey(mk, currentPassword, newPassword));
} catch (error) {
if (!masterKeyEnabled(mk)) continue; // Ignore if the master key is disabled, because the password is probably forgotten
error.message = `Key ${mk.id} could not be reencrypted - this is most likely due to an incorrect password. Please try again. Error was: ${error.message}`;
throw error;
if (localSyncInfo().ppk) {
try {
reencryptedPpk = await pkReencryptPrivateKey(EncryptionService.instance(), localSyncInfo().ppk, currentPassword, newPassword);
} catch (error) {
error.message = `Private key could not be reencrypted - this is most likely due to an incorrect password. Please try again. Error was: ${error.message}`;
throw error;
for (const mk of reencryptedMasterKeys) {
await MasterKey.save(mk);
if (reencryptedPpk) {
const syncInfo = localSyncInfo();
syncInfo.ppk = reencryptedPpk;
} else {
if (!currentPassword && !(await masterPasswordIsValid(newPassword))) throw new Error('Master password is not valid. Please try again.');
Setting.setValue('encryption.masterPassword', newPassword);
const unshareEncryptedFolders = async (shareService: ShareService, masterKeyId: string) => {
const rootFolders = await Folder.rootShareFoldersByKeyId(masterKeyId);
for (const folder of rootFolders) {
const isOwner = shareService.isSharedFolderOwner(folder.id);
if (isOwner) {
await shareService.unshareFolder(folder.id);
} else {
await shareService.leaveSharedFolder(folder.id);
export async function resetMasterPassword(encryptionService: EncryptionService, kvStore: KvStore, shareService: ShareService, newPassword: string) {
// First thing we do is to unshare all shared folders. If that fails, which
// may happen in particular if no connection is available, then we don't
// proceed. `unshareEncryptedFolders` will throw if something cannot be
// done.
if (shareService) {
for (const mk of localSyncInfo().masterKeys) {
if (!masterKeyEnabled(mk)) continue;
await unshareEncryptedFolders(shareService, mk.id);
for (const mk of localSyncInfo().masterKeys) {
if (!masterKeyEnabled(mk)) continue;
mk.enabled = 0;
await MasterKey.save(mk);
const syncInfo = localSyncInfo();
if (syncInfo.ppk) {
await kvStore.setValue(`oldppk::${Date.now()}`, JSON.stringify(syncInfo.ppk));
syncInfo.ppk = await generateKeyPair(encryptionService, newPassword);
Setting.setValue('encryption.masterPassword', newPassword);
const masterKey = await encryptionService.generateMasterKey(newPassword);
await MasterKey.save(masterKey);
await loadMasterKeysFromSettings(encryptionService);
export enum MasterPasswordStatus {
Unknown = 0,
Loaded = 1,
NotSet = 2,
Invalid = 3,
Valid = 4,
export async function getMasterPasswordStatus(password: string = null): Promise<MasterPasswordStatus> {
password = password === null ? getMasterPassword(false) : password;
if (!password) return MasterPasswordStatus.NotSet;
const isValid = await masterPasswordIsValid(password);
return isValid ? MasterPasswordStatus.Valid : MasterPasswordStatus.Invalid;
export async function checkHasMasterPasswordEncryptedData(syncInfo: SyncInfo = null): Promise<boolean> {
syncInfo = syncInfo ? syncInfo : localSyncInfo();
return !!syncInfo.ppk || !!syncInfo.masterKeys.length;
const masterPasswordStatusMessages = {
[MasterPasswordStatus.Unknown]: 'Checking...',
[MasterPasswordStatus.Loaded]: 'Loaded',
[MasterPasswordStatus.NotSet]: 'Not set',
[MasterPasswordStatus.Valid]: '✓ ' + 'Valid',
[MasterPasswordStatus.Invalid]: '❌ ' + 'Invalid',
export function getMasterPasswordStatusMessage(status: MasterPasswordStatus): string {
return masterPasswordStatusMessages[status];
export async function masterPasswordIsValid(masterPassword: string, activeMasterKey: MasterKeyEntity = null): Promise<boolean> {
// A valid password is basically one that decrypts the private key, but due
// to backward compatibility not all users have a PPK yet, so we also check
// based on the active master key.
if (!masterPassword) throw new Error('Password is empty');
const ppk = localSyncInfo().ppk;
if (ppk) {
return ppkPasswordIsValid(EncryptionService.instance(), ppk, masterPassword);
const masterKey = activeMasterKey ? activeMasterKey : getDefaultMasterKey();
if (masterKey) {
return EncryptionService.instance().checkMasterKeyPassword(masterKey, masterPassword);
// If the password has never been set, then whatever password is provided is considered valid.
if (!Setting.value('encryption.masterPassword')) return true;
// There may not be any key to decrypt if the master password has been set,
// but the user has never synchronized. In which case, it's sufficient to
// compare to whatever they've entered earlier.
return Setting.value('encryption.masterPassword') === masterPassword;
export async function masterKeysWithoutPassword(): Promise<string[]> {
const syncInfo = localSyncInfo();
const passwordCache = Setting.value('encryption.passwordCache');
const output: string[] = [];
for (const mk of syncInfo.masterKeys) {
if (!masterKeyEnabled(mk)) continue;
const password = await findMasterKeyPassword(EncryptionService.instance(), mk, passwordCache);
if (!password) output.push(mk.id);
return output;