mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git
347 lines
10 KiB
347 lines
10 KiB
import { FileApi } from 'lib/file-api.js';
import { FileApiDriverOneDrive } from 'lib/file-api-driver-onedrive.js';
import { FileApiDriverMemory } from 'lib/file-api-driver-memory.js';
import { FileApiDriverLocal } from 'lib/file-api-driver-local.js';
import { OneDriveApiNodeUtils } from './onedrive-api-node-utils.js';
import { JoplinDatabase } from 'lib/joplin-database.js';
import { Database } from 'lib/database.js';
import { DatabaseDriverNode } from 'lib/database-driver-node.js';
import { BaseModel } from 'lib/base-model.js';
import { Folder } from 'lib/models/folder.js';
import { BaseItem } from 'lib/models/base-item.js';
import { Note } from 'lib/models/note.js';
import { Setting } from 'lib/models/setting.js';
import { Synchronizer } from 'lib/synchronizer.js';
import { Logger } from 'lib/logger.js';
import { sprintf } from 'sprintf-js';
import { vorpalUtils } from 'vorpal-utils.js';
import { reg } from 'lib/registry.js';
import { fileExtension } from 'lib/path-utils.js';
import { _ } from 'lib/locale.js';
import os from 'os';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
class Application {
constructor() {
this.showPromptString_ = true;
this.logger_ = new Logger();
this.dbLogger_ = new Logger();
this.syncLogger_ = new Logger();
this.synchronizers_ = {};
vorpal() {
return this.vorpal_;
currentFolder() {
return this.currentFolder_;
updatePrompt() {
if (!this.showPromptString_) return '';
let path = '';
if (this.currentFolder()) {
path += '/' + this.currentFolder().title;
const prompt = Setting.value('appName') + ':' + path + '$ ';
switchCurrentFolder(folder) {
this.currentFolder_ = folder;
Setting.setValue('activeFolderId', folder ? folder.id : '');
async loadItem(type, pattern, options = null) {
let output = await this.loadItems(type, pattern, options);
return output.length ? output[0] : null;
async loadItems(type, pattern, options = null) {
if (type == BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER && (pattern == Folder.conflictFolderTitle() || pattern == Folder.conflictFolderId())) return [Folder.conflictFolder()];
if (!options) options = {};
const parent = options.parent ? options.parent : app().currentFolder();
const ItemClass = BaseItem.itemClass(type);
if (type == BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE && pattern.indexOf('*') >= 0) { // Handle it as pattern
if (!parent) throw new Error(_('No notebook selected.'));
return await Note.previews(parent.id, { titlePattern: pattern });
} else { // Single item
let item = null;
if (type == BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE) {
if (!parent) throw new Error(_('No notebook has been specified.'));
item = await ItemClass.loadFolderNoteByField(parent.id, 'title', pattern);
} else {
item = await ItemClass.loadByTitle(pattern);
if (item) return [item];
item = await ItemClass.load(pattern); // Load by id
if (item) return [item];
if (pattern.length >= 4) {
item = await ItemClass.loadByPartialId(pattern);
if (item) return [item];
return [];
// Handles the initial flags passed to main script and
// returns the remaining args.
async handleStartFlags_(argv) {
let matched = {};
argv = argv.slice(0);
argv.splice(0, 2); // First arguments are the node executable, and the node JS file
while (argv.length) {
let arg = argv[0];
let nextArg = argv.length >= 2 ? argv[1] : null;
if (arg == '--profile') {
if (!nextArg) throw new Error(_('Usage: --profile <dir-path>'));
matched.profileDir = nextArg;
argv.splice(0, 2);
if (arg == '--env') {
if (!nextArg) throw new Error(_('Usage: --env <dev|prod>'));
matched.env = nextArg;
argv.splice(0, 2);
if (arg == '--redraw-disabled') {
argv.splice(0, 1);
if (arg == '--update-geolocation-disabled') {
Note.updateGeolocationEnabled_ = false;
argv.splice(0, 1);
if (arg == '--stack-trace-enabled') {
argv.splice(0, 1);
if (arg == '--log-level') {
if (!nextArg) throw new Error(_('Usage: --log-level <none|error|warn|info|debug>'));
matched.logLevel = Logger.levelStringToId(nextArg);
argv.splice(0, 2);
if (arg.length && arg[0] == '-') {
throw new Error(_('Unknown flag: %s', arg));
} else {
if (!matched.logLevel) matched.logLevel = Logger.LEVEL_INFO;
if (!matched.env) matched.env = 'prod';
return {
matched: matched,
argv: argv,
escapeShellArg(arg) {
if (arg.indexOf('"') >= 0 && arg.indexOf("'") >= 0) throw new Error(_('Command line argument "%s" contains both quotes and double-quotes - aborting.', arg)); // Hopeless case
let quote = '"';
if (arg.indexOf('"') >= 0) quote = "'";
if (arg.indexOf(' ') >= 0 || arg.indexOf("\t") >= 0) return quote + arg + quote;
return arg;
shellArgsToString(args) {
let output = [];
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
return output.join(' ');
loadCommands_() {
fs.readdirSync(__dirname).forEach((path) => {
if (path.indexOf('command-') !== 0) return;
const ext = fileExtension(path)
if (ext != 'js') return;
let CommandClass = require('./' + path);
let cmd = new CommandClass();
let vorpalCmd = this.vorpal().command(cmd.usage(), cmd.description());
// TODO: maybe remove if the PR is not merged
if ('disableTypeCasting' in vorpalCmd) vorpalCmd.disableTypeCasting();
for (let i = 0; i < cmd.aliases().length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < cmd.options().length; i++) {
let options = cmd.options()[i];
if (options.length == 2) vorpalCmd.option(options[0], options[1]);
if (options.length == 3) vorpalCmd.option(options[0], options[1], options[2]);
if (options.length > 3) throw new Error('Invalid number of option arguments');
if (cmd.autocomplete()) vorpalCmd.autocomplete(cmd.autocomplete());
let actionFn = async function(args, end) {
try {
const fn = cmd.action.bind(this);
await fn(args);
} catch (error) {
let cancelFn = async function() {
const fn = cmd.cancel.bind(this);
await fn();
async synchronizer(syncTarget) {
if (this.synchronizers_[syncTarget]) return this.synchronizers_[syncTarget];
let fileApi = null;
if (syncTarget == 'onedrive') {
const oneDriveApi = reg.oneDriveApi();
let driver = new FileApiDriverOneDrive(oneDriveApi);
let auth = Setting.value('sync.onedrive.auth');
if (!oneDriveApi.auth()) {
const oneDriveApiUtils = new OneDriveApiNodeUtils(oneDriveApi);
auth = await oneDriveApiUtils.oauthDance(this.vorpal());
Setting.setValue('sync.onedrive.auth', auth ? JSON.stringify(auth) : auth);
if (!auth) return;
let appDir = await oneDriveApi.appDirectory();
this.logger_.info('App dir: ' + appDir);
fileApi = new FileApi(appDir, driver);
} else if (syncTarget == 'memory') {
fileApi = new FileApi('joplin', new FileApiDriverMemory());
} else if (syncTarget == 'local') {
let syncDir = Setting.value('sync.local.path');
if (!syncDir) syncDir = Setting.value('profileDir') + '/sync';
this.vorpal().log(_('Synchronizing with directory "%s"', syncDir));
await fs.mkdirp(syncDir, 0o755);
fileApi = new FileApi(syncDir, new FileApiDriverLocal());
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown backend: ' + syncTarget);
this.synchronizers_[syncTarget] = new Synchronizer(this.database_, fileApi, Setting.value('appType'));
return this.synchronizers_[syncTarget];
async start() {
this.vorpal_ = require('vorpal')();
let argv = process.argv;
let startFlags = await this.handleStartFlags_(argv);
argv = startFlags.argv;
let initArgs = startFlags.matched;
if (argv.length) this.showPromptString_ = false;
const profileDir = initArgs.profileDir ? initArgs.profileDir : os.homedir() + '/.config/' + Setting.value('appName');
const resourceDir = profileDir + '/resources';
const tempDir = profileDir + '/tmp';
Setting.setConstant('env', initArgs.env);
Setting.setConstant('profileDir', profileDir);
Setting.setConstant('resourceDir', resourceDir);
Setting.setConstant('tempDir', tempDir);
await fs.mkdirp(profileDir, 0o755);
await fs.mkdirp(resourceDir, 0o755);
await fs.mkdirp(tempDir, 0o755);
this.logger_.addTarget('file', { path: profileDir + '/log.txt' });
this.dbLogger_.addTarget('file', { path: profileDir + '/log-database.txt' });
this.syncLogger_.addTarget('file', { path: profileDir + '/log-sync.txt' });
const packageJson = require('./package.json');
this.logger_.info(sprintf('Starting %s %s (%s)...', packageJson.name, packageJson.version, Setting.value('env')));
this.logger_.info('Profile directory: ' + profileDir);
this.database_ = new JoplinDatabase(new DatabaseDriverNode());
await this.database_.open({ name: profileDir + '/database.sqlite' });
BaseModel.db_ = this.database_;
await Setting.load();
let currentFolderId = Setting.value('activeFolderId');
this.currentFolder_ = null;
if (currentFolderId) this.currentFolder_ = await Folder.load(currentFolderId);
if (!this.currentFolder_) this.currentFolder_ = await Folder.defaultFolder();
Setting.setValue('activeFolderId', this.currentFolder_ ? this.currentFolder_.id : '');
if (this.currentFolder_) await this.vorpal().exec('use ' + this.currentFolder_.title);
// If we still have arguments, pass it to Vorpal and exit
if (argv.length) {
let cmd = this.shellArgsToString(argv);
await this.vorpal().exec(cmd);
} else {
this.vorpal().history(Setting.value('appId')); // Enables persistent history
if (!this.currentFolder()) {
this.vorpal().log(_('No notebook is defined. Create one with `mkbook <notebook>`.'));
let application_ = null;
function app() {
if (application_) return application_;
application_ = new Application();
return application_;
export { app }; |