mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git
128 lines
4.4 KiB
128 lines
4.4 KiB
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { execCommand, githubRelease, githubOauthToken, isWindows } = require('./tool-utils.js');
const path = require('path');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const uriTemplate = require('uri-template');
const rnDir = __dirname + '/../ReactNativeClient';
const rootDir = path.dirname(__dirname);
const releaseDir = rootDir + '/_releases';
function increaseGradleVersionCode(content) {
const newContent = content.replace(/versionCode\s+(\d+)/, function(a, versionCode, c) {
const n = Number(versionCode);
if (isNaN(n) || !n) throw new Error('Invalid version code: ' + versionCode);
return 'versionCode ' + (n + 1);
if (newContent === content) throw new Error('Could not update version code');
return newContent;
function increaseGradleVersionName(content) {
const newContent = content.replace(/(versionName\s+"\d+?\.\d+?\.)(\d+)"/, function(match, prefix, buildNum) {
const n = Number(buildNum);
if (isNaN(n) || !n) throw new Error('Invalid version code: ' + versionCode);
return prefix + (n + 1) + '"';
if (newContent === content) throw new Error('Could not update version name');
return newContent;
function updateGradleConfig() {
let content = fs.readFileSync(rnDir + '/android/app/build.gradle', 'utf8');
content = increaseGradleVersionCode(content);
content = increaseGradleVersionName(content);
fs.writeFileSync(rnDir + '/android/app/build.gradle', content);
return content;
function gradleVersionName(content) {
const matches = content.match(/versionName\s+"(\d+?\.\d+?\.\d+)"/);
if (!matches || matches.length < 1) throw new Error('Cannot get gradle version name');
return matches[1];
async function main() {
const projectName = 'joplin-android';
const newContent = updateGradleConfig();
const version = gradleVersionName(newContent);
const tagName = 'android-v' + version;
const apkFilename = 'joplin-v' + version + '.apk';
const apkFilePath = releaseDir + '/' + apkFilename;
const downloadUrl = 'https://github.com/laurent22/' + projectName + '/releases/download/' + tagName + '/' + apkFilename;
console.info('Running from: ' + process.cwd());
console.info('Building APK file...');
let restoreDir = null;
let apkBuildCmd = 'assembleRelease -PbuildDir=build --console plain';
if (isWindows()) {
apkBuildCmd = '/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe /c "cd ReactNativeClient\\android && gradlew.bat ' + apkBuildCmd + '"';
} else {
process.chdir(rnDir + '/android');
apkBuildCmd = './gradlew ' + apkBuildCmd;
restoreDir = rootDir;
// const output = await execCommand('/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe /c "cd ReactNativeClient\\android && gradlew.bat assembleRelease -PbuildDir=build --console plain"');
const output = await execCommand(apkBuildCmd);
if (restoreDir) process.chdir(restoreDir);
await fs.mkdirp(releaseDir);
console.info('Copying APK to ' + apkFilePath);
await fs.copy('ReactNativeClient/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk', apkFilePath);
console.info('Updating Readme URL...');
let readmeContent = await fs.readFile('README.md', 'utf8');
readmeContent = readmeContent.replace(/(https:\/\/github.com\/laurent22\/joplin-android\/releases\/download\/.*?\.apk)/, downloadUrl);
await fs.writeFile('README.md', readmeContent);
console.info(await execCommand('git pull'));
console.info(await execCommand('git add -A'));
console.info(await execCommand('git commit -m "Android release v' + version + '"'));
console.info(await execCommand('git tag ' + tagName));
console.info(await execCommand('git push'));
console.info(await execCommand('git push --tags'));
console.info('Creating GitHub release ' + tagName + '...');
const release = await githubRelease(projectName, tagName, false);
const uploadUrlTemplate = uriTemplate.parse(release.upload_url);
const uploadUrl = uploadUrlTemplate.expand({ name: apkFilename });
const binaryBody = await fs.readFile(apkFilePath);
const oauthToken = await githubOauthToken();
console.info('Uploading ' + apkFilename + ' to ' + uploadUrl);
const uploadResponse = await fetch(uploadUrl, {
method: 'POST',
body: binaryBody,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.android.package-archive',
'Authorization': 'token ' + oauthToken,
'Content-Length': binaryBody.length,
const uploadResponseText = await uploadResponse.text();
main().catch((error) => {
console.error('Fatal error');
}); |