const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js'); const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron'); const url = require('url') const path = require('path') const urlUtils = require('lib/urlUtils.js'); class ElectronAppWrapper { constructor(electronApp, env) { this.electronApp_ = electronApp; this.env_ = env; this.win_ = null; this.willQuitApp_ = false; } electronApp() { return this.electronApp_; } setLogger(v) { this.logger_ = v; } logger() { return this.logger_; } window() { return this.win_; } createWindow() { const windowStateKeeper = require('electron-window-state'); // Load the previous state with fallback to defaults const windowState = windowStateKeeper({ defaultWidth: 800, defaultHeight: 600, }); this.win_ = new BrowserWindow({ 'x': windowState.x, 'y': windowState.y, 'width': windowState.width, 'height': windowState.height }) this.win_.loadURL(url.format({ pathname: path.join(__dirname, 'index.html'), protocol: 'file:', slashes: true })) // Uncomment this to view errors if the application does not start // if (this.env_ === 'dev') this.win_.webContents.openDevTools(); this.win_.on('close', (event) => { if (this.willQuitApp_ || process.platform !== 'darwin') { this.win_ = null; } else { event.preventDefault(); this.win_.hide(); } }) // Let us register listeners on the window, so we can update the state // automatically (the listeners will be removed when the window is closed) // and restore the maximized or full screen state windowState.manage(this.win_); } async waitForElectronAppReady() { if (this.electronApp().isReady()) return Promise.resolve(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const iid = setInterval(() => { if (this.electronApp().isReady()) { clearInterval(iid); resolve(); } }, 10); }); } async exit() { this.electronApp_.quit(); } async start() { // Since we are doing other async things before creating the window, we might miss // the "ready" event. So we use the function below to make sure that the app is ready. await this.waitForElectronAppReady(); this.createWindow(); this.electronApp_.on('before-quit', () => { this.willQuitApp_ = true; }) this.electronApp_.on('window-all-closed', () => { this.electronApp_.quit(); }) this.electronApp_.on('activate', () => {; }) } } module.exports = { ElectronAppWrapper };