import { BaseCommand } from './base-command.js'; import { app } from './app.js'; import { _ } from 'lib/locale.js'; import { BaseItem } from 'lib/models/base-item.js'; import { Folder } from 'lib/models/folder.js'; import { Note } from 'lib/models/note.js'; import { BaseModel } from 'lib/base-model.js'; import { cliUtils } from './cli-utils.js'; import { reg } from 'lib/registry.js'; class Command extends BaseCommand { usage() { return 'rm '; } description() { return _('Deletes the notes matching .'); } options() { return [ ['-f, --force', _('Deletes the items without asking for confirmation.')], ]; } async action(args) { const pattern = args['note-pattern']; const recursive = args.options && args.options.recursive === true; const force = args.options && args.options.force === true; // if (recursive) { // const folder = await app().loadItem(BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER, pattern); // if (!folder) throw new Error(_('Cannot find "%s".', pattern)); // //const ok = force ? true : await vorpalUtils.cmdPromptConfirm(this, _('Delete notebook "%s"?', folder.title)); // if (!ok) return; // await Folder.delete(; // await app().refreshCurrentFolder(); // } else { const notes = await app().loadItems(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, pattern); if (!notes.length) throw new Error(_('Cannot find "%s".', pattern)); const ok = force ? true : await this.prompt(_('%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?', notes.length)); if (!ok) return; let ids = =>; await Note.batchDelete(ids); } } module.exports = Command;