const uuid = require('lib/uuid').default; const moment = require('moment'); const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js'); const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js'); const Tag = require('lib/models/Tag.js'); const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js'); const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting').default; const { MarkupToHtml } = require('lib/joplin-renderer'); const { enexXmlToMd } = require('./import-enex-md-gen.js'); const { enexXmlToHtml } = require('./import-enex-html-gen.js'); const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js'); const Levenshtein = require('levenshtein'); const md5 = require('md5'); const { Base64Decode } = require('base64-stream'); const md5File = require('md5-file'); const shim = require('lib/shim').default; // const Promise = require('promise'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); function dateToTimestamp(s, zeroIfInvalid = false) { // Most dates seem to be in this format let m = moment(s, 'YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZ'); // But sometimes they might be in this format eg. 20180306T91108 AMZ // if (!m.isValid()) m = moment(s, 'YYYYMMDDThmmss AZ'); if (!m.isValid()) { if (zeroIfInvalid) return 0; throw new Error(`Invalid date: ${s}`); } return m.toDate().getTime(); } function extractRecognitionObjId(recognitionXml) { const r = recognitionXml.match(/objID="(.*?)"/); return r && r.length >= 2 ? r[1] : null; } async function decodeBase64File(sourceFilePath, destFilePath) { // When something goes wrong with streams you can get an error "EBADF, Bad file descriptor" // with no strack trace to tell where the error happened. // Also note that this code is not great because there's a source and a destination stream // and while one stream might end, the other might throw an error or vice-versa. However // we can only throw one error from a promise. So before one stream // could end with resolve(), then another stream would get an error and call reject(), which // would be ignored. I don't think it's happening anymore, but something to keep in mind // anyway. return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // Note: we manually handle closing the file so that we can // force flusing it before close. This is needed because // "end" might be called before the file has been flushed // to disk, thus resulting in the calling code to find a // file with size 0. const destFile = fs.openSync(destFilePath, 'w'); const sourceStream = fs.createReadStream(sourceFilePath); const destStream = fs.createWriteStream(destFile, { fd: destFile, autoClose: false, }); sourceStream.pipe(new Base64Decode()).pipe(destStream); // We wait for the destination stream "finish" event, not the source stream "end" event // because even if the source has finished sending data, the destination might not have // finished receiving it and writing it to disk. destStream.on('finish', () => { fs.fdatasyncSync(destFile); fs.closeSync(destFile); resolve(); }); sourceStream.on('error', (error) => reject(error)); destStream.on('error', (error) => reject(error)); }); } async function md5FileAsync(filePath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { md5File(filePath, (error, hash) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(hash); }); }); } function removeUndefinedProperties(note) { const output = {}; for (const n in note) { if (!note.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; const v = note[n]; if (v === undefined || v === null) continue; output[n] = v; } return output; } function levenshteinPercent(s1, s2) { const l = new Levenshtein(s1, s2); if (!s1.length || !s2.length) return 1; return Math.abs(l.distance / s1.length); } async function fuzzyMatch(note) { if (note.created_time < time.unixMs() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 360) { const notes = await Note.modelSelectAll('SELECT * FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND created_time = ? AND title = ?', [note.created_time, note.title]); return notes.length !== 1 ? null : notes[0]; } const notes = await Note.modelSelectAll('SELECT * FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND created_time = ?', [note.created_time]); if (notes.length === 0) return null; if (notes.length === 1) return notes[0]; let lowestL = 1; let lowestN = null; for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) { const n = notes[i]; const l = levenshteinPercent(note.title, n.title); if (l < lowestL) { lowestL = l; lowestN = n; } } if (lowestN && lowestL < 0.2) return lowestN; return null; } // At this point we have the resource has it's been parsed from the XML, but additional // processing needs to be done to get the final resource file, its size, MD5, etc. async function processNoteResource(resource) { if (resource.dataEncoding == 'base64') { const decodedFilePath = `${resource.dataFilePath}.decoded`; await decodeBase64File(resource.dataFilePath, decodedFilePath); resource.dataFilePath = decodedFilePath; } else if (resource.dataEncoding) { throw new Error(`Cannot decode resource with encoding: ${resource.dataEncoding}`); } const stats = fs.statSync(resource.dataFilePath); resource.size = stats.size; if (! { // If no resource ID is present, the resource ID is actually the MD5 of the data. // This ID will match the "hash" attribute of the corresponding tag. // resourceId = md5(decodedData); = await md5FileAsync(resource.dataFilePath); } if (! || !resource.size) { const debugTemp = Object.assign({}, resource); = ? `${, 32)}...` :; throw new Error(`This resource was not added because it has no ID or no content: ${JSON.stringify(debugTemp)}`); } return resource; } async function saveNoteResources(note) { let resourcesCreated = 0; for (let i = 0; i < note.resources.length; i++) { const resource = note.resources[i]; const toSave = Object.assign({}, resource); delete toSave.dataFilePath; delete toSave.dataEncoding; // The same resource sometimes appear twice in the same enex (exact same ID and file). // In that case, just skip it - it means two different notes might be linked to the // same resource. const existingResource = await Resource.load(; if (existingResource) continue; await fs.move(resource.dataFilePath, Resource.fullPath(toSave), { overwrite: true }); await, { isNew: true }); resourcesCreated++; } return resourcesCreated; } async function saveNoteTags(note) { let notesTagged = 0; for (let i = 0; i < note.tags.length; i++) { const tagTitle = note.tags[i]; let tag = await Tag.loadByTitle(tagTitle); if (!tag) tag = await{ title: tagTitle }); await Tag.addNote(,; notesTagged++; } return notesTagged; } async function saveNoteToStorage(note, importOptions) { importOptions = Object.assign({}, { fuzzyMatching: false, }, importOptions); note = Note.filter(note); const existingNote = importOptions.fuzzyMatching ? await fuzzyMatch(note) : null; const result = { noteCreated: false, noteUpdated: false, noteSkipped: false, resourcesCreated: 0, notesTagged: 0, }; const resourcesCreated = await saveNoteResources(note, importOptions); result.resourcesCreated += resourcesCreated; const notesTagged = await saveNoteTags(note); result.notesTagged += notesTagged; if (existingNote) { const diff = BaseModel.diffObjects(existingNote, note); delete diff.tags; delete diff.resources; delete; if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(diff).length) { result.noteSkipped = true; return result; } =; diff.type_ = existingNote.type_; await, { autoTimestamp: false }); result.noteUpdated = true; } else { await, { isNew: true, autoTimestamp: false, }); result.noteCreated = true; } return result; } function importEnex(parentFolderId, filePath, importOptions = null) { if (!importOptions) importOptions = {}; //{importOptions}, null, 2)); if (!('fuzzyMatching' in importOptions)) importOptions.fuzzyMatching = false; if (!('onProgress' in importOptions)) importOptions.onProgress = function() {}; if (!('onError' in importOptions)) importOptions.onError = function() {}; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const progressState = { loaded: 0, created: 0, updated: 0, skipped: 0, resourcesCreated: 0, notesTagged: 0, }; const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); const options = {}; const strict = true; const saxStream = require('sax').createStream(strict, options); const nodes = []; // LIFO list of nodes so that we know in which node we are in the onText event let note = null; let noteAttributes = null; let noteResource = null; let noteResourceAttributes = null; let noteResourceRecognition = null; const notes = []; let processingNotes = false; stream.on('error', error => { reject(new Error(error.toString())); }); function currentNodeName() { if (!nodes.length) return null; return nodes[nodes.length - 1].name; } function currentNodeAttributes() { if (!nodes.length) return {}; return nodes[nodes.length - 1].attributes; } async function processNotes() { if (processingNotes) return false; try { processingNotes = true; stream.pause(); while (notes.length) { const note = notes.shift(); for (let i = 0; i < note.resources.length; i++) { let resource = note.resources[i]; try { resource = await processNoteResource(resource); } catch (error) { importOptions.onError(error); continue; } note.resources[i] = resource; } const body = importOptions.outputFormat === 'html' ? await enexXmlToHtml(note.bodyXml, note.resources) : await enexXmlToMd(note.bodyXml, note.resources); delete note.bodyXml; note.markup_language = importOptions.outputFormat === 'html' ? MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML : MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN; //'*************************************************************************'); //; //'*************************************************************************'); = uuid.create(); note.parent_id = parentFolderId; note.body = body; // Notes in enex files always have a created timestamp but not always an // updated timestamp (it the note has never been modified). For sync // we require an updated_time property, so set it to create_time in that case if (!note.updated_time) note.updated_time = note.created_time; const result = await saveNoteToStorage(note, importOptions); if (result.noteUpdated) { progressState.updated++; } else if (result.noteCreated) { progressState.created++; } else if (result.noteSkipped) { progressState.skipped++; } progressState.resourcesCreated += result.resourcesCreated; progressState.notesTagged += result.notesTagged; importOptions.onProgress(progressState); } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } stream.resume(); processingNotes = false; return true; } saxStream.on('error', error => { importOptions.onError(error); }); saxStream.on('text', function(text) { const n = currentNodeName(); if (noteAttributes) { noteAttributes[n] = text; } else if (noteResourceAttributes) { noteResourceAttributes[n] = text; } else if (noteResource) { if (n == 'data') { if (!noteResource.dataEncoding) { const attr = currentNodeAttributes(); noteResource.dataEncoding = attr.encoding; } if (!noteResource.dataFilePath) { noteResource.dataFilePath = `${Setting.value('tempDir')}/${md5( + Math.random())}.base64`; } fs.appendFileSync(noteResource.dataFilePath, text); } else { if (!(n in noteResource)) noteResource[n] = ''; noteResource[n] += text; } } else if (note) { if (n == 'title') { note.title = text; } else if (n == 'created') { note.created_time = dateToTimestamp(text); } else if (n == 'updated') { note.updated_time = dateToTimestamp(text); } else if (n == 'tag') { note.tags.push(text); } else if (n == 'note') { // Ignore - white space between the opening tag and the first sub-tag } else if (n == 'content') { // Ignore - white space between the opening tag and the = 10) { processNotes().catch(error => { importOptions.onError(error); }); } note = null; } else if (n == 'recognition' && noteResource) { = noteResourceRecognition.objID; noteResourceRecognition = null; } else if (n == 'resource-attributes') { noteResource.filename = noteResourceAttributes['file-name']; if (noteResourceAttributes['source-url']) noteResource.sourceUrl = noteResourceAttributes['source-url']; noteResourceAttributes = null; } else if (n == 'note-attributes') { note.latitude = noteAttributes.latitude; note.longitude = noteAttributes.longitude; note.altitude = noteAttributes.altitude; = ? : ''; note.is_todo = noteAttributes['reminder-order'] !== '0' && !!noteAttributes['reminder-order']; note.todo_due = dateToTimestamp(noteAttributes['reminder-time'], true); note.todo_completed = dateToTimestamp(noteAttributes['reminder-done-time'], true); note.order = dateToTimestamp(noteAttributes['reminder-order'], true); note.source = noteAttributes.source ? `evernote.${noteAttributes.source.trim()}` : 'evernote'; note.source_url = noteAttributes['source-url'] ? noteAttributes['source-url'].trim() : ''; noteAttributes = null; } else if (n == 'resource') { note.resources.push({ id:, dataFilePath: noteResource.dataFilePath, dataEncoding: noteResource.dataEncoding, mime: noteResource.mime ? noteResource.mime.trim() : '', title: noteResource.filename ? noteResource.filename.trim() : '', filename: noteResource.filename ? noteResource.filename.trim() : '', }); noteResource = null; } }); saxStream.on('end', function() { // Wait till there is no more notes to process. const iid = shim.setInterval(() => { processNotes().then(allDone => { if (allDone) { shim.clearTimeout(iid); resolve(); } }); }, 500); }); stream.pipe(saxStream); }); } module.exports = { importEnex };