const RNFS = require('react-native-fs'); class FsDriverRN { appendFileSync(path, string) { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } appendFile(path, string, encoding = 'base64') { return RNFS.appendFile(path, string, encoding); } writeBinaryFile(path, content) { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } async move(source, dest) { return RNFS.moveFile(source, dest); } async exists(path) { return RNFS.exists(path); } async open(path, mode) { // Note: doesn't provide any way to know if the end of file has been reached. // So instead we stat the file here and use stat.size to manually check for end of file. // Bug: const stat = await RNFS.stat(path); return { path: path, offset: 0, mode: mode, stat: stat, } } close(handle) { return null; } readFile(path) { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } async unlink(path) { try { await RNFS.unlink(path); } catch (error) { if (error && error.message && error.message.indexOf('exist') >= 0) { // Probably { [Error: File does not exist] framesToPop: 1, code: 'EUNSPECIFIED' } // which unfortunately does not have a proper error code. Can be ignored. } else { throw error; } } } async readFileChunk(handle, length, encoding = 'base64') { if (handle.offset + length > handle.stat.size) { length = handle.stat.size - handle.offset; } if (!length) return null; let output = await, length, handle.offset, encoding); handle.offset += length; return output ? output : null; } } module.exports.FsDriverRN = FsDriverRN;