require('app-module-path').addPath(__dirname); import { uuid } from 'lib/uuid.js'; import moment from 'moment'; import { promiseChain } from 'lib/promise-utils.js'; import { folderItemFilename } from 'lib/string-utils.js' import { BaseModel } from 'lib/base-model.js'; import { Note } from 'lib/models/note.js'; import { Resource } from 'lib/models/resource.js'; import { Folder } from 'lib/models/folder.js'; import jsSHA from "jssha"; const Promise = require('promise'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const stringToStream = require('string-to-stream') const BLOCK_OPEN = "
"; const BLOCK_CLOSE = "
"; const NEWLINE = "
"; const NEWLINE_MERGED = ""; const SPACE = ""; function processMdArrayNewLines(md) { while (md.length && md[0] == BLOCK_OPEN) { md.shift(); } while (md.length && md[md.length - 1] == BLOCK_CLOSE) { md.pop(); } let temp = []; let last = ''; for (let i = 0; i < md.length; i++) { let v = md[i]; if (isNewLineBlock(last) && isNewLineBlock(v) && last == v) { // Skip it } else { temp.push(v); } last = v; } md = temp; temp = []; last = ""; for (let i = 0; i < md.length; i++) { let v = md[i]; if (last == BLOCK_CLOSE && v == BLOCK_OPEN) { temp.pop(); temp.push(NEWLINE_MERGED); } else { temp.push(v); } last = v; } md = temp; temp = []; last = ""; for (let i = 0; i < md.length; i++) { let v = md[i]; if (last == NEWLINE && (v == NEWLINE_MERGED || v == BLOCK_CLOSE)) { // Skip it } else { temp.push(v); } last = v; } md = temp; // NEW!!! temp = []; last = ""; for (let i = 0; i < md.length; i++) { let v = md[i]; if (last == NEWLINE && (v == NEWLINE_MERGED || v == BLOCK_OPEN)) { // Skip it } else { temp.push(v); } last = v; } md = temp; if (md.length > 2) { if (md[md.length - 2] == NEWLINE_MERGED && md[md.length - 1] == NEWLINE) { md.pop(); } } let output = ''; let previous = ''; let start = true; for (let i = 0; i < md.length; i++) { let v = md[i]; let add = ''; if (v == BLOCK_CLOSE || v == BLOCK_OPEN || v == NEWLINE || v == NEWLINE_MERGED) { add = "\n"; } else if (v == SPACE) { if (previous == SPACE || previous == "\n" || start) { continue; // skip } else { add = " "; } } else { add = v; } start = false; output += add; previous = add; } if (!output.trim().length) return ''; return output; } function isWhiteSpace(c) { return c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\v' || c == '\f' || c == '\t' || c == ' '; } // Like QString::simpified(), except that it preserves non-breaking spaces (which // Evernote uses for identation, etc.) function simplifyString(s) { let output = ''; let previousWhite = false; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { let c = s[i]; let isWhite = isWhiteSpace(c); if (previousWhite && isWhite) { // skip } else { output += c; } previousWhite = isWhite; } while (output.length && isWhiteSpace(output[0])) output = output.substr(1); while (output.length && isWhiteSpace(output[output.length - 1])) output = output.substr(0, output.length - 1); return output; } function collapseWhiteSpaceAndAppend(lines, state, text) { if (state.inCode) { text = "\t" + text; lines.push(text); } else { // Remove all \n and \r from the left and right of the text while (text.length && (text[0] == "\n" || text[0] == "\r")) text = text.substr(1); while (text.length && (text[text.length - 1] == "\n" || text[text.length - 1] == "\r")) text = text.substr(0, text.length - 1); // Collapse all white spaces to just one. If there are spaces to the left and right of the string // also collapse them to just one space. let spaceLeft = text.length && text[0] == ' '; let spaceRight = text.length && text[text.length - 1] == ' '; text = simplifyString(text); if (!spaceLeft && !spaceRight && text == "") return lines; if (spaceLeft) lines.push(SPACE); lines.push(text); if (spaceRight) lines.push(SPACE); } return lines; } const imageMimeTypes = ["image/cgm", "image/fits", "image/g3fax", "image/gif", "image/ief", "image/jp2", "image/jpeg", "image/jpm", "image/jpx", "image/naplps", "image/png", "image/prs.btif", "image/prs.pti", "image/t38", "image/tiff", "image/tiff-fx", "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop", "image/vnd.cns.inf2", "image/vnd.djvu", "image/vnd.dwg", "image/vnd.dxf", "image/vnd.fastbidsheet", "image/vnd.fpx", "image/vnd.fst", "image/", "image/", "image/vnd.globalgraphics.pgb", "image/", "image/vnd.mix", "image/", "image/", "image/vnd.sealed.png", "image/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.gif", "image/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.jpg", "image/vnd.svf", "image/vnd.wap.wbmp", "image/vnd.xiff"]; function isImageMimeType(m) { return imageMimeTypes.indexOf(m) >= 0; } function addResourceTag(lines, resource, alt = "") { let tagAlt = alt == "" ? resource.alt : alt; if (!tagAlt) tagAlt = ''; if (isImageMimeType(resource.mime)) { lines.push("!["); lines.push(tagAlt); lines.push("](:/" + + ")"); } else { lines.push("["); lines.push(tagAlt); lines.push("](:/" + + ")"); } return lines; } function enexXmlToMd(stream, resources) { resources = resources.slice(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let output = []; let state = { inCode: false, lists: [], anchorAttributes: [], }; let options = {}; let strict = true; var saxStream = require('sax').createStream(strict, options) saxStream.on('error', function(e) { reject(e); }) saxStream.on('text', function(text) { output = collapseWhiteSpaceAndAppend(output, state, text); }) saxStream.on('opentag', function(node) { let n =; if (n == 'en-note') { // Start of note } else if (isBlockTag(n)) { output.push(BLOCK_OPEN); } else if (isListTag(n)) { output.push(BLOCK_OPEN); state.lists.push({ tag: n, counter: 1 }); } else if (n == 'li') { output.push(BLOCK_OPEN); if (!state.lists.length) { reject("Found
  • tag without being inside a list"); // TODO: could be a warning, but nothing to handle warnings at the moment return; } let container = state.lists[state.lists.length - 1]; if (container.tag == "ul") { output.push("- "); } else { output.push(container.counter + '. '); container.counter++; } } else if (isStrongTag(n)) { output.push("**"); } else if (n == 's') { // Not supported } else if (isAnchor(n)) { state.anchorAttributes.push(node.attributes); output.push('['); } else if (isEmTag(n)) { output.push("*"); } else if (n == "en-todo") { let x = node.attributes && node.attributes.checked && node.attributes.checked.toLowerCase() == 'true' ? 'X' : ' '; output.push('- [' + x + '] '); } else if (n == "hr") { output.push('------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); } else if (n == "h1") { output.push(BLOCK_OPEN); output.push("# "); } else if (n == "h2") { output.push(BLOCK_OPEN); output.push("## "); } else if (n == "h3") { output.push(BLOCK_OPEN); output.push("### "); } else if (n == "h4") { output.push(BLOCK_OPEN); output.push("#### "); } else if (n == "h5") { output.push(BLOCK_OPEN); output.push("##### "); } else if (n == "h6") { output.push(BLOCK_OPEN); output.push("###### "); } else if (isCodeTag(n)) { output.push(BLOCK_OPEN); state.inCode = true; } else if (n == "br") { output.push(NEWLINE); } else if (n == "en-media") { const hash = node.attributes.hash; let resource = null; for (let i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { let r = resources[i]; if ( == hash) { resource = r; resources.splice(i, 1); break; } } if (!resource) { // This is a bit of a hack. Notes sometime have resources attached to it, but those tags don't contain // an "objID" tag, making it impossible to reference the resource. However, in this case the content of the note // will contain a corresponding tag, which has the ID in the "hash" attribute. All this information // has been collected above so we now set the resource ID to the hash attribute of the en-media tags. Here's an // example of note that shows this problem: // // // // // Commande // // // // // // // ]]> // // 20160921T203424Z // 20160921T203438Z // // 20160902T140445Z // 20160924T101120Z // // // ........ // image/png // 150 // 150 // // // let found = false; for (let i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { let r = resources[i]; if (! { = hash; resources[i] = r; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { console.warn('Hash with no associated resource: ' + hash); } } else { // If the resource does not appear among the note's resources, it // means it's an attachement. It will be appended along with the // other remaining resources at the bottom of the markdown text. if (!! { output = addResourceTag(output, resource, node.attributes.alt); } } } else if (n == "span" || n == "font") { // Ignore } else { console.warn("Unsupported start tag: " + n); } }) saxStream.on('closetag', function(n) { if (n == 'en-note') { // End of note } else if (isNewLineOnlyEndTag(n)) { output.push(BLOCK_CLOSE); } else if (isIgnoredEndTag(n)) { // Skip } else if (isListTag(n)) { output.push(BLOCK_CLOSE); state.lists.pop(); } else if (isStrongTag(n)) { output.push("**"); } else if (isEmTag(n)) { output.push("*"); } else if (isCodeTag(n)) { state.inCode = false; output.push(BLOCK_CLOSE); } else if (isAnchor(n)) { let attributes = state.anchorAttributes.pop(); let url = attributes && attributes.href ? attributes.href : ''; output.push('](' + url + ')'); } else if (isListTag(n)) { output.push(BLOCK_CLOSE); state.lists.pop(); } else if (n == "en-media") { // Skip } else if (isIgnoredEndTag(n)) { // Skip } else { console.warn("Unsupported end tag: " + n); } }) saxStream.on('attribute', function(attr) { }) saxStream.on('end', function() { resolve({ lines: output, resources: resources, }); }) stream.pipe(saxStream); }); } function isBlockTag(n) { return n=="div" || n=="p" || n=="dl" || n=="dd" || n=="center" || n=="table" || n=="tr" || n=="td" || n=="th" || n=="tbody"; } function isStrongTag(n) { return n == "strong" || n == "b"; } function isEmTag(n) { return n == "em" || n == "i" || n == "u"; } function isAnchor(n) { return n == "a"; } function isIgnoredEndTag(n) { return n=="en-note" || n=="en-todo" || n=="span" || n=="body" || n=="html" || n=="font" || n=="br" || n=='hr' || n=='s'; } function isListTag(n) { return n == "ol" || n == "ul"; } // Elements that don't require any special treatment beside adding a newline character function isNewLineOnlyEndTag(n) { return n=="div" || n=="p" || n=="li" || n=="h1" || n=="h2" || n=="h3" || n=="h4" || n=="h5" || n=="dl" || n=="dd" || n=="center" || n=="table" || n=="tr" || n=="td" || n=="th" || n=="tbody"; } function isCodeTag(n) { return n == "pre" || n == "code"; } function isNewLineBlock(s) { return s == BLOCK_OPEN || s == BLOCK_CLOSE; } function xmlNodeText(xmlNode) { if (!xmlNode || !xmlNode.length) return ''; return xmlNode[0]; } let existingTimestamps = []; function uniqueCreatedTimestamp(timestamp) { if (existingTimestamps.indexOf(timestamp) < 0) { existingTimestamps.push(timestamp); return timestamp; } for (let i = 1; i <= 999; i++) { let t = timestamp + i; if (existingTimestamps.indexOf(t) < 0) { existingTimestamps.push(t); return t; } } return timestamp; } function dateToTimestamp(s) { let m = moment(s, 'YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZ'); if (!m.isValid()) { throw new Error('Invalid date: ' + s); } return m.toDate().getTime(); } function evernoteXmlToMdArray(xml) { return parseXml(xml).then((xml) => {; }); } function extractRecognitionObjId(recognitionXml) { const r = recognitionXml.match(/objID="(.*?)"/); return r && r.length >= 2 ? r[1] : null; } function filePutContents(filePath, content) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.writeFile(filePath, content, function(error) { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } function setModifiedTime(filePath, time) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.utimes(filePath, time, time, (error) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(); }) }); } function createDirectory(path) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.exists(path, (exists) => { if (exists) { resolve(); return; } const mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); mkdirp(path, (error) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(); } }); }); }); } function removeUndefinedProperties(note) { let output = {}; for (let n in note) { if (!note.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; let v = note[n]; if (v === undefined || v === null) continue; output[n] = v; } return output; } function createNoteId(note) { let shaObj = new jsSHA("SHA-256", "TEXT"); shaObj.update(note.title + '_' + note.body + "_" + note.created_time + "_" + note.updated_time + "_"); let hash = shaObj.getHash("HEX"); return hash.substr(0, 32); } async function fuzzyMatch(note) { let notes = await Note.modelSelectAll('SELECT * FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND created_time = ?', note.created_time); if (!notes.length) return null; if (notes.length === 1) return notes[0]; for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) { if (notes[i].title == note.title && note.title.trim() != '') return notes[i]; } for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) { if (notes[i].body == note.body && note.body.trim() != '') return notes[i]; } return null; } async function saveNoteToStorage(note) { note = Note.filter(note); let existingNote = await fuzzyMatch(note); if (existingNote) { let diff = BaseModel.diffObjects(existingNote, note); delete diff.tags; delete diff.resources; delete; //'======================================'); //; //; //; //'======================================'); if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(diff).length) return; =; diff.type_ = existingNote.type_; return, { autoTimestamp: false }); } else { // id:, // data: decodedData, // mime: noteResource.mime, // title: noteResource.filename, // filename: noteResource.filename, // CREATE TABLE resources ( // id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, // title TEXT, // mime TEXT, // filename TEXT, // created_time INT, // updated_time INT for (let i = 0; i < note.resources.length; i++) { let resource = note.resources[i]; let toSave = Object.assign({}, resource); delete; await, { isNew: true }); await filePutContents(Resource.fullPath(toSave),; } return, { isNew: true, autoTimestamp: false, }); } } function importEnex(parentFolderId, filePath) { let stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let options = {}; let strict = true; let saxStream = require('sax').createStream(strict, options); let nodes = []; // LIFO list of nodes so that we know in which node we are in the onText event let note = null; let noteAttributes = null; let noteResource = null; let noteResourceAttributes = null; let noteResourceRecognition = null; let notes = []; stream.on('error', (error) => { reject(new Error(error.toString())); }); function currentNodeName() { if (!nodes.length) return null; return nodes[nodes.length - 1].name; } function currentNodeAttributes() { if (!nodes.length) return {}; return nodes[nodes.length - 1].attributes; } function processNotes() { let chain = []; while (notes.length) { let note = notes.shift(); const contentStream = stringToStream(note.bodyXml); chain.push(() => { return enexXmlToMd(contentStream, note.resources).then((result) => { delete note.bodyXml; let mdLines = result.lines; let firstAttachment = true; for (let i = 0; i < result.resources.length; i++) { let r = result.resources[i]; if (firstAttachment) mdLines.push(NEWLINE); mdLines.push(NEWLINE); mdLines = addResourceTag(mdLines, r, r.filename); firstAttachment = false; } note.parent_id = parentFolderId; note.body = processMdArrayNewLines(result.lines); = uuid.create(); return saveNoteToStorage(note); // SAVE NOTE HERE // saveNoteToDisk(parentFolder, note); }); }); } return promiseChain(chain); } saxStream.on('error', function(e) { reject(new Error(e.toString())); }) saxStream.on('text', function(text) { let n = currentNodeName(); if (noteAttributes) { noteAttributes[n] = text; } else if (noteResourceAttributes) { noteResourceAttributes[n] = text; } else if (noteResource) { if (n == 'data') { let attr = currentNodeAttributes(); noteResource.dataEncoding = attr.encoding; } noteResource[n] = text; } else if (note) { if (n == 'title') { note.title = text; } else if (n == 'created') { note.created_time = uniqueCreatedTimestamp(dateToTimestamp(text)); } else if (n == 'updated') { note.updated_time = dateToTimestamp(text); } else if (n == 'tag') { note.tags.push(text); } } }) saxStream.on('opentag', function(node) { let n =; nodes.push(node); if (n == 'note') { note = { resources: [], tags: [], }; } else if (n == 'resource-attributes') { noteResourceAttributes = {}; } else if (n == 'recognition') { if (noteResource) noteResourceRecognition = {}; } else if (n == 'note-attributes') { noteAttributes = {}; } else if (n == 'resource') { noteResource = {}; } }); saxStream.on('cdata', function(data) { let n = currentNodeName(); if (noteResourceRecognition) { noteResourceRecognition.objID = extractRecognitionObjId(data); } else if (note) { if (n == 'content') { note.bodyXml = data; } } }); saxStream.on('closetag', function(n) { nodes.pop(); if (n == 'note') { note = removeUndefinedProperties(note); notes.push(note); if (notes.length >= 10) { stream.pause(); processNotes().then(() => { stream.resume(); }).catch((error) => { console.error('Error processing note', error); }); } note = null; } else if (n == 'recognition' && noteResource) { = noteResourceRecognition.objID; noteResourceRecognition = null; } else if (n == 'resource-attributes') { noteResource.filename = noteResourceAttributes['file-name']; noteResourceAttributes = null; } else if (n == 'note-attributes') { note.latitude = noteAttributes.latitude; note.longitude = noteAttributes.longitude; note.altitude = noteAttributes.altitude; =; noteAttributes = null; } else if (n == 'resource') { let decodedData = null; if (noteResource.dataEncoding == 'base64') { decodedData = Buffer.from(, 'base64'); } else { reject('Cannot decode resource with encoding: ' + noteResource.dataEncoding); return; } let r = { id:, data: decodedData, mime: noteResource.mime, title: noteResource.filename, filename: noteResource.filename, }; // =, 20); // TODO: REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE note.resources.push(r); noteResource = null; } }); saxStream.on('end', function() { processNotes().then(() => { resolve(); }); }); stream.pipe(saxStream); }); } export { importEnex };