import { shim } from 'lib/shim.js'; import { stringify } from 'query-string'; import { time } from 'lib/time-utils.js'; import { Logger } from 'lib/logger.js' class OneDriveApi { // `isPublic` is to tell OneDrive whether the application is a "public" one (Mobile and desktop // apps are considered "public"), in which case the secret should not be sent to the API. // In practice the React Native app is public, and the Node one is not because we // use a local server for the OAuth dance. constructor(clientId, clientSecret, isPublic) { this.clientId_ = clientId; this.clientSecret_ = clientSecret; this.auth_ = null; this.isPublic_ = isPublic; this.listeners_ = { 'authRefreshed': [], }; this.logger_ = new Logger(); } setLogger(l) { this.logger_ = l; } logger() { return this.logger_; } isPublic() { return this.isPublic_; } dispatch(eventName, param) { let ls = this.listeners_[eventName]; for (let i = 0; i < ls.length; i++) { ls[i](param); } } on(eventName, callback) { this.listeners_[eventName].push(callback); } tokenBaseUrl() { return ''; } auth() { return this.auth_; } setAuth(auth) { this.auth_ = auth; this.dispatch('authRefreshed', this.auth()); } token() { return this.auth_ ? this.auth_.access_token : null; } clientId() { return this.clientId_; } clientSecret() { return this.clientSecret_; } async appDirectory() { let r = await this.execJson('GET', '/drive/special/approot'); return r.parentReference.path + '/' +; } authCodeUrl(redirectUri) { let query = { client_id: this.clientId_, scope: 'files.readwrite offline_access', response_type: 'code', redirect_uri: redirectUri, }; return '' + stringify(query); } async execTokenRequest(code, redirectUri) { let body = new shim.FormData(); body.append('client_id', this.clientId()); if (!this.isPublic()) body.append('client_secret', this.clientSecret()); body.append('code', code); body.append('redirect_uri', redirectUri); body.append('grant_type', 'authorization_code'); const r = await shim.fetch(this.tokenBaseUrl(), { method: 'POST', body: body, }) if (!r.ok) { const text = await r.text(); throw new Error('Could not retrieve auth code: ' + r.status + ': ' + r.statusText + ': ' + text); } try { const json = await r.json(); this.setAuth(json); } catch (error) { this.setAuth(null); const text = await r.text(); error.message += ': ' + text; throw error; } } oneDriveErrorResponseToError(errorResponse) { if (!errorResponse) return new Error('Undefined error'); if (errorResponse.error) { let e = errorResponse.error; let output = new Error(e.message); if (e.code) output.code = e.code; if (e.innerError) output.innerError = e.innerError; return output; } else { return new Error(JSON.stringify(errorResponse)); } } async exec(method, path, query = null, data = null, options = null) { if (!path) throw new Error('Path is required'); method = method.toUpperCase(); if (!options) options = {}; if (!options.headers) options.headers = {}; if (! = 'string'; if (method != 'GET') { options.method = method; } if (method == 'PATCH' || method == 'POST') { options.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; if (data) data = JSON.stringify(data); } let url = path; // In general, `path` contains a path relative to the base URL, but in some // cases the full URL is provided (for example, when it's a URL that was // retrieved from the API). if (url.indexOf('https://') !== 0) url = '' + path; if (query) { url += url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&'; url += stringify(query); } if (data) options.body = data; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { options.headers['Authorization'] = 'bearer ' + this.token(); let response = null; try { if ( == 'string') { response = await shim.fetch(url, options); } else { // file response = await shim.fetchBlob(url, options); } } catch (error) { if (error.message == 'Network request failed') { // Unfortunately the error 'Network request failed' doesn't have a type // or error code, so hopefully that message won't change and is not localized this.logger().info('Got error "Network request failed" - retrying (' + i + ')...'); await time.sleep((i + 1) * 3); continue; } else { throw error; } } if (!response.ok) { let errorResponse = await response.json(); let error = this.oneDriveErrorResponseToError(errorResponse); if (error.code == 'InvalidAuthenticationToken' || error.code == 'unauthenticated') { this.logger().info('Token expired: refreshing...'); await this.refreshAccessToken(); continue; } else if (error && ((error.error && error.error.code == 'generalException') || error.code == 'generalException' || error.code == 'EAGAIN')) { // Rare error (one Google hit) - I guess the request can be repeated // { error: // { code: 'generalException', // message: 'An error occurred in the data store.', // innerError: // { 'request-id': 'b4310552-c18a-45b1-bde1-68e2c2345eef', // date: '2017-06-29T00:15:50' } } } // { FetchError: request to failed, reason: connect EAGAIN - Local ( // name: 'FetchError', // message: 'request to failed, reason: connect EAGAIN - Local (', // type: 'system', // errno: 'EAGAIN', // code: 'EAGAIN' } this.logger().info('Got error below - retrying (' + i + ')...'); this.logger().info(error); await time.sleep((i + 1) * 3); continue; } else if (error.code == 'itemNotFound' && method == 'DELETE') { // Deleting a non-existing item is ok - noop return; } else { error.request = method + ' ' + url + ' ' + JSON.stringify(query) + ' ' + JSON.stringify(data) + ' ' + JSON.stringify(options); throw error; } } return response; } throw new Error('Could not execute request after multiple attempts: ' + method + ' ' + url); } async execJson(method, path, query, data) { let response = await this.exec(method, path, query, data); let output = await response.json(); return output; } async execText(method, path, query, data) { let response = await this.exec(method, path, query, data); let output = await response.text(); return output; } async refreshAccessToken() { if (!this.auth_ || !this.auth_.refresh_token) { this.setAuth(null); throw new Error(_('Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.')); } let body = new shim.FormData(); body.append('client_id', this.clientId()); if (!this.isPublic()) body.append('client_secret', this.clientSecret()); body.append('refresh_token', this.auth_.refresh_token); body.append('redirect_uri', 'http://localhost:1917'); body.append('grant_type', 'refresh_token'); let options = { method: 'POST', body: body, }; let response = await shim.fetch(this.tokenBaseUrl(), options); if (!response.ok) { this.setAuth(null); let msg = await response.text(); throw new Error(msg + ': TOKEN: ' + this.auth_); } let auth = await response.json(); this.setAuth(auth); } } export { OneDriveApi };