import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { BackHandler, Keyboard } from 'react-native'; import { connect, Provider } from 'react-redux' import { createStore } from 'redux'; import { shimInit } from 'lib/shim-init-react.js'; import { Log } from 'lib/log.js' import { AppNav } from 'lib/components/app-nav.js' import { Logger } from 'lib/logger.js' import { Note } from 'lib/models/note.js' import { Folder } from 'lib/models/folder.js' import { FoldersScreenUtils } from 'lib/components/screens/folders-utils.js'; import { Resource } from 'lib/models/resource.js' import { Tag } from 'lib/models/tag.js' import { NoteTag } from 'lib/models/note-tag.js' import { BaseItem } from 'lib/models/base-item.js' import { BaseModel } from 'lib/base-model.js' import { JoplinDatabase } from 'lib/joplin-database.js' import { Database } from 'lib/database.js' import { ItemList } from 'lib/components/item-list.js' import { NotesScreen } from 'lib/components/screens/notes.js' import { NotesScreenUtils } from 'lib/components/screens/notes-utils.js' import { NoteScreen } from 'lib/components/screens/note.js' import { FolderScreen } from 'lib/components/screens/folder.js' import { FoldersScreen } from 'lib/components/screens/folders.js' import { LogScreen } from 'lib/components/screens/log.js' import { StatusScreen } from 'lib/components/screens/status.js' import { WelcomeScreen } from 'lib/components/screens/welcome.js' import { OneDriveLoginScreen } from 'lib/components/screens/onedrive-login.js' import { Setting } from 'lib/models/setting.js' import { MenuContext } from 'react-native-popup-menu'; import { SideMenu } from 'lib/components/side-menu.js'; import { SideMenuContent } from 'lib/components/side-menu-content.js'; import { DatabaseDriverReactNative } from 'lib/database-driver-react-native'; import { reg } from 'lib/registry.js'; import { _, setLocale } from 'lib/locale.js'; import RNFetchBlob from 'react-native-fetch-blob'; let defaultState = { notes: [], folders: [], selectedNoteId: null, selectedItemType: 'note', selectedFolderId: null, showSideMenu: false, screens: {}, loading: true, historyCanGoBack: false, notesOrder: { orderBy: 'updated_time', orderByDir: 'DESC', }, syncStarted: false, syncReport: {}, }; const initialRoute = { type: 'Navigation/NAVIGATE', routeName: 'Welcome', params: {} }; defaultState.route = initialRoute; let navHistory = []; navHistory.push(initialRoute); function historyCanGoBackTo(route) { if (route.routeName == 'Note' && !route.noteId) return false; if (route.routeName == 'Folder' && !route.folderId) return false; return true; } function reducerActionsAreSame(a1, a2) { if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a1).length !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a2).length) return false; for (let n in a1) { if (!a1.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; if (a1[n] !== a2[n]) return false; } return true; } const reducer = (state = defaultState, action) => { reg.logger().info('Reducer action', action.type); let newState = state; try { switch (action.type) { case 'Navigation/BACK': if (navHistory.length < 2) break; action = navHistory.pop(); // Current page action = navHistory.pop(); // Previous page while (!historyCanGoBackTo(action)) { if (!navHistory.length) { action = null; break; } action = navHistory.pop(); } if (!action) action = Object.assign({}, initialRoute); // Fall throught case 'Navigation/NAVIGATE': const currentRoute = state.route; const currentRouteName = currentRoute ? currentRoute.routeName : ''; reg.logger().info('Route: ' + currentRouteName + ' => ' + action.routeName); newState = Object.assign({}, state); if ('noteId' in action) { newState.selectedNoteId = action.noteId; } if ('folderId' in action) { newState.selectedFolderId = action.folderId; } if ('itemType' in action) { newState.selectedItemType = action.itemType; } newState.route = action; // If the route *name* is the same (even if the other parameters are different), we // overwrite the last route in the history with the current one. If the route name // is different, we push a new history entry. if (currentRouteName == action.routeName) { if (navHistory.length) navHistory[navHistory.length - 1] = action; // If the current screen is already the requested screen, don't do anything } else { if (action.routeName == 'Welcome') navHistory = []; navHistory.push(action); } newState.historyCanGoBack = navHistory.length >= 2; if (newState.route.routeName == 'Notes') { Setting.setValue('activeFolderId', newState.selectedFolderId); } Keyboard.dismiss(); // TODO: should probably be in some middleware break; // Replace all the notes with the provided array case 'APPLICATION_LOADING_DONE': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.loading = false; break; // Replace all the notes with the provided array case 'NOTES_UPDATE_ALL': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.notes = action.notes; break; // Insert the note into the note list if it's new, or // update it within the note array if it already exists. case 'NOTES_UPDATE_ONE': const modNote = action.note; let newNotes = state.notes.splice(0); var found = false; for (let i = 0; i < newNotes.length; i++) { let n = newNotes[i]; if ( == { if (!('parent_id' in modNote) || modNote.parent_id == n.parent_id) { // Merge the properties that have changed (in modNote) into // the object we already have. newNotes[i] = Object.assign(newNotes[i], action.note); } else { newNotes.splice(i, 1); } found = true; break; } } if (!found && ('parent_id' in modNote) && modNote.parent_id == state.selectedFolderId) newNotes.push(modNote); newNotes = Note.sortNotes(newNotes, state.notesOrder); newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.notes = newNotes; break; case 'NOTES_DELETE': var newNotes = []; for (let i = 0; i < state.notes.length; i++) { let f = state.notes[i]; if ( == action.noteId) continue; newNotes.push(f); } newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.notes = newNotes; break; case 'FOLDERS_UPDATE_ALL': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.folders = action.folders; break; case 'FOLDERS_UPDATE_ONE': var newFolders = state.folders.splice(0); var found = false; for (let i = 0; i < newFolders.length; i++) { let n = newFolders[i]; if ( == { newFolders[i] = Object.assign(newFolders[i], action.folder); found = true; break; } } if (!found) newFolders.push(action.folder); newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.folders = newFolders; break; case 'FOLDER_DELETE': var newFolders = []; for (let i = 0; i < state.folders.length; i++) { let f = state.folders[i]; if ( == action.folderId) continue; newFolders.push(f); } newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.folders = newFolders; break; case 'SIDE_MENU_TOGGLE': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.showSideMenu = !newState.showSideMenu break; case 'SIDE_MENU_OPEN': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.showSideMenu = true break; case 'SIDE_MENU_CLOSE': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.showSideMenu = false break; case 'SYNC_STARTED': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.syncStarted = true; break; case 'SYNC_COMPLETED': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.syncStarted = false; break; case 'SYNC_REPORT_UPDATE': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.syncReport =; break; } } catch (error) { error.message = 'In reducer: ' + error.message; throw error; } return newState; } let store = createStore(reducer); let initializationState_ = 'waiting'; async function initialize(dispatch, backButtonHandler) { if (initializationState_ != 'waiting') return; shimInit(); initializationState_ = 'in_progress'; Setting.setConstant('env', __DEV__ ? 'dev' : 'prod'); Setting.setConstant('appId', 'net.cozic.joplin'); Setting.setConstant('appType', 'mobile'); Setting.setConstant('resourceDir', RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DocumentDir); const logDatabase = new Database(new DatabaseDriverReactNative()); await{ name: 'log.sqlite' }); await logDatabase.exec(Logger.databaseCreateTableSql()); const mainLogger = new Logger(); mainLogger.addTarget('database', { database: logDatabase, source: 'm' }); if (Setting.value('env') == 'dev') mainLogger.addTarget('console'); mainLogger.setLevel(Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG); reg.setLogger(mainLogger); reg.logger().info('===================================='); reg.logger().info('Starting application ' + Setting.value('appId') + ' (' + Setting.value('env') + ')'); const dbLogger = new Logger(); dbLogger.addTarget('database', { database: logDatabase, source: 'm' }); if (Setting.value('env') == 'dev') { dbLogger.addTarget('console'); dbLogger.setLevel(Logger.LEVEL_INFO); // Set to LEVEL_DEBUG for full SQL queries } else { dbLogger.setLevel(Logger.LEVEL_INFO); } let db = new JoplinDatabase(new DatabaseDriverReactNative()); db.setLogger(dbLogger); reg.setDb(db); reg.dispatch = dispatch; BaseModel.dispatch = dispatch; NotesScreenUtils.dispatch = dispatch; = store; FoldersScreenUtils.dispatch = dispatch; BaseModel.db_ = db; BaseItem.loadClass('Note', Note); BaseItem.loadClass('Folder', Folder); BaseItem.loadClass('Resource', Resource); BaseItem.loadClass('Tag', Tag); BaseItem.loadClass('NoteTag', NoteTag); try { if (Setting.value('env') == 'prod') { await{ name: 'joplin.sqlite' }) } else { //await{ name: 'joplin-56.sqlite' }) await{ name: 'joplin-56.sqlite' }) // await db.exec('DELETE FROM notes'); // await db.exec('DELETE FROM folders'); // await db.exec('DELETE FROM tags'); // await db.exec('DELETE FROM note_tags'); // await db.exec('DELETE FROM resources'); // await db.exec('DELETE FROM deleted_items'); // await db.exec('UPDATE notes SET is_conflict = 1 where id like "546f%"'); } reg.logger().info('Database is ready.'); reg.logger().info('Loading settings...'); await Setting.load(); // Setting.setValue('locale', 'fr_FR'); // setLocale(Setting.value('locale')); reg.logger().info('Loading folders...'); await FoldersScreenUtils.refreshFolders(); dispatch({ type: 'APPLICATION_LOADING_DONE', }); let folderId = Setting.value('activeFolderId'); let folder = await Folder.load(folderId); if (folder) { await NotesScreenUtils.openNoteList(folderId); } else { await NotesScreenUtils.openDefaultNoteList(); } } catch (error) { reg.logger().error('Initialization error:', error); } BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', () => { return backButtonHandler(); }); initializationState_ = 'done'; reg.logger().info('Application initialized'); } class AppComponent extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.lastSyncStarted_ = defaultState.syncStarted; } async componentDidMount() { await initialize(this.props.dispatch, this.backButtonHandler.bind(this)); reg.scheduleSync(); } backButtonHandler() { if (this.props.showSideMenu) { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'SIDE_MENU_CLOSE' }); return true; } if (this.props.historyCanGoBack) { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'Navigation/BACK' }); return true; } return false; } componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { if (newProps.syncStarted != this.lastSyncStarted_) { if (!newProps.syncStarted) FoldersScreenUtils.refreshFolders(); this.lastSyncStarted_ = newProps.syncStarted; } } sideMenu_change(isOpen) { // Make sure showSideMenu property of state is updated // when the menu is open/closed. this.props.dispatch({ type: isOpen ? 'SIDE_MENU_OPEN' : 'SIDE_MENU_CLOSE', }); } render() { const sideMenuContent = ; const appNavInit = { Welcome: { screen: WelcomeScreen }, Notes: { screen: NotesScreen }, Note: { screen: NoteScreen }, Folder: { screen: FolderScreen }, OneDriveLogin: { screen: OneDriveLoginScreen }, Log: { screen: LogScreen }, Status: { screen: StatusScreen }, }; return ( this.sideMenu_change(isOpen)}> ); } } const mapStateToProps = (state) => { return { historyCanGoBack: state.historyCanGoBack, showSideMenu: state.showSideMenu, syncStarted: state.syncStarted, }; }; const App = connect(mapStateToProps)(AppComponent); class Root extends React.Component { render() { return ( ); } } export { Root };