import { Logger } from 'lib/logger.js'; import { Setting } from 'lib/models/setting.js'; import { OneDriveApi } from 'lib/onedrive-api.js'; import { parameters } from 'lib/parameters.js'; import { FileApi } from 'lib/file-api.js'; import { Database } from 'lib/database.js'; import { Synchronizer } from 'lib/synchronizer.js'; import { FileApiDriverOneDrive } from 'lib/file-api-driver-onedrive.js'; import { shim } from 'lib/shim.js'; import { FileApiDriverMemory } from 'lib/file-api-driver-memory.js'; import { PoorManIntervals } from 'lib/poor-man-intervals.js'; const reg = {}; reg.logger = () => { if (!reg.logger_) { console.warn('Calling logger before it is initialized'); return new Logger(); } return reg.logger_; } reg.setLogger = (l) => { reg.logger_ = l; } reg.oneDriveApi = () => { if (reg.oneDriveApi_) return reg.oneDriveApi_; const isPublic = Setting.value('appType') != 'cli'; reg.oneDriveApi_ = new OneDriveApi(parameters(), parameters().oneDrive.secret, isPublic); reg.oneDriveApi_.setLogger(reg.logger()); reg.oneDriveApi_.on('authRefreshed', (a) => { reg.logger().info('Saving updated OneDrive auth.'); Setting.setValue('sync.3.auth', a ? JSON.stringify(a) : null); }); let auth = Setting.value('sync.3.auth'); if (auth) { try { auth = JSON.parse(auth); } catch (error) { reg.logger().warn('Could not parse OneDrive auth token'); reg.logger().warn(error); auth = null; } reg.oneDriveApi_.setAuth(auth); } return reg.oneDriveApi_; } reg.synchronizer = async (syncTargetId) => { if (!reg.synchronizers_) reg.synchronizers_ = []; if (reg.synchronizers_[syncTargetId]) return reg.synchronizers_[syncTargetId]; if (!reg.db()) throw new Error('Cannot initialize synchronizer: db not initialized'); let fileApi = null; if (syncTargetId == Setting.SYNC_TARGET_ONEDRIVE) { if (!reg.oneDriveApi().auth()) throw new Error('User is not authentified'); let appDir = await reg.oneDriveApi().appDirectory(); fileApi = new FileApi(appDir, new FileApiDriverOneDrive(reg.oneDriveApi())); } else if (syncTargetId == Setting.SYNC_TARGET_MEMORY) { fileApi = new FileApi('joplin', new FileApiDriverMemory()); } else if (syncTargetId == Setting.SYNC_TARGET_FILESYSTEM) { let syncDir = Setting.value('sync.2.path'); if (!syncDir) throw new Error(_('Please set the "sync.2.path" config value to the desired synchronisation destination.')); await shim.fs.mkdirp(syncDir, 0o755); fileApi = new FileApi(syncDir, new shim.FileApiDriverLocal()); } else { throw new Error('Unknown sync target: ' + syncTargetId); } fileApi.setSyncTargetId(syncTargetId); fileApi.setLogger(reg.logger()); let sync = new Synchronizer(reg.db(), fileApi, Setting.value('appType')); sync.setLogger(reg.logger()); sync.dispatch = reg.dispatch; reg.synchronizers_[syncTargetId] = sync; return sync; } reg.syncHasAuth = async (syncTargetId) => { if (syncTargetId == Setting.SYNC_TARGET_ONEDRIVE && !reg.oneDriveApi().auth()) { return false; } return true; } reg.scheduleSync = async (delay = null) => { if (delay === null) delay = 1000 * 10; if (reg.scheduleSyncId_) { clearTimeout(reg.scheduleSyncId_); reg.scheduleSyncId_ = null; } reg.logger().info('Scheduling sync operation...'); const timeoutCallback = async () => { reg.scheduleSyncId_ = null; reg.logger().info('Doing scheduled sync'); const syncTargetId = Setting.value(''); if (!reg.syncHasAuth()) { reg.logger().info('Synchronizer is missing credentials - manual sync required to authenticate.'); return; } const sync = await reg.synchronizer(syncTargetId); let context = Setting.value('sync.context'); context = context ? JSON.parse(context) : {}; try { let newContext = await sync.start({ context: context }); Setting.setValue('sync.context', JSON.stringify(newContext)); } catch (error) { if (error.code == 'alreadyStarted') {; } else { throw error; } } reg.setupRecurrentSync(); }; if (delay === 0) { timeoutCallback(); } else { reg.scheduleSyncId_ = setTimeout(timeoutCallback, delay); } } reg.syncStarted = async () => { if (!reg.syncHasAuth()) return false; const sync = await reg.synchronizer(Setting.value('')); return sync.state() != 'idle'; } reg.setupRecurrentSync = () => { if (this.recurrentSyncId_) { PoorManIntervals.clearInterval(this.recurrentSyncId_); this.recurrentSyncId_ = null; }'Setting up recurrent sync with interval ' + Setting.value('sync.interval')); this.recurrentSyncId_ = PoorManIntervals.setInterval(() => { reg.logger().info('Running background sync on timer...'); reg.scheduleSync(0); }, 1000 * Setting.value('sync.interval')); } reg.setDb = (v) => { reg.db_ = v; } reg.db = () => { return reg.db_; } export { reg }