const React = require('react'); const Component = React.Component; const { Platform, Keyboard, BackHandler, View, Button, TextInput, WebView, Text, StyleSheet, Linking, Image } = require('react-native'); const { connect } = require('react-redux'); const { uuid } = require('lib/uuid.js'); const { Log } = require('lib/log.js'); const RNFS = require('react-native-fs'); const { Note } = require('lib/models/note.js'); const { Setting } = require('lib/models/setting.js'); const { Resource } = require('lib/models/resource.js'); const { Folder } = require('lib/models/folder.js'); const { BackButtonService } = require('lib/services/back-button.js'); const { BaseModel } = require('lib/base-model.js'); const { ActionButton } = require('lib/components/action-button.js'); const Icon = require('react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons').default; const { fileExtension, basename } = require('lib/path-utils.js'); const mimeUtils = require('lib/mime-utils.js').mime; const { ScreenHeader } = require('lib/components/screen-header.js'); const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js'); const { Checkbox } = require('lib/components/checkbox.js'); const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js'); const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js'); const { shim } = require('lib/shim.js'); const { BaseScreenComponent } = require('lib/components/base-screen.js'); const { dialogs } = require('lib/dialogs.js'); const { globalStyle, themeStyle } = require('lib/components/global-style.js'); const DialogBox = require('react-native-dialogbox').default; const { NoteBodyViewer } = require('lib/components/note-body-viewer.js'); const RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob').default; const { DocumentPicker, DocumentPickerUtil } = require('react-native-document-picker'); const ImageResizer = require('react-native-image-resizer').default; const shared = require('lib/components/shared/note-screen-shared.js'); const ImagePicker = require('react-native-image-picker'); const { SelectDateTimeDialog } = require('lib/components/select-date-time-dialog.js'); class NoteScreenComponent extends BaseScreenComponent { static navigationOptions(options) { return { header: null }; } constructor() { super(); this.state = { note:, mode: 'view', noteMetadata: '', showNoteMetadata: false, folder: null, lastSavedNote: null, isLoading: true, titleTextInputHeight: 20, alarmDialogShown: false, }; // iOS doesn't support multiline text fields properly so disable it this.enableMultilineTitle_ = Platform.OS !== 'ios'; this.saveButtonHasBeenShown_ = false; this.styles_ = {}; this.backHandler = async () => { if (this.isModified()) { let buttonId = await dialogs.pop(this, _('This note has been modified:'), [ { title: _('Save changes'), id: 'save' }, { title: _('Discard changes'), id: 'discard' }, { title: _('Cancel'), id: 'cancel' }, ]); if (buttonId == 'cancel') return true; if (buttonId == 'save') await this.saveNoteButton_press(); } if (! { return false; } if (this.state.mode == 'edit') { Keyboard.dismiss() this.setState({ note: Object.assign({}, this.state.lastSavedNote), mode: 'view', }); return true; } return false; }; } styles() { const themeId = this.props.theme; const theme = themeStyle(themeId); if (this.styles_[themeId]) return this.styles_[themeId]; this.styles_ = {}; let styles = { bodyTextInput: { flex: 1, paddingLeft: theme.marginLeft, paddingRight: theme.marginRight, textAlignVertical: 'top', color: theme.color, backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor, fontSize: theme.fontSize, }, noteBodyViewer: { flex: 1, paddingLeft: theme.marginLeft, paddingRight: theme.marginRight, paddingTop: theme.marginTop, paddingBottom: theme.marginBottom, }, metadata: { paddingLeft: globalStyle.marginLeft, paddingRight: globalStyle.marginRight, color: theme.color, }, }; styles.titleContainer = { flex: 0, flexDirection: 'row', paddingLeft: theme.marginLeft, paddingRight: theme.marginRight, borderBottomColor: theme.dividerColor, borderBottomWidth: 1, }; styles.titleContainerTodo = Object.assign({}, styles.titleContainer); styles.titleContainerTodo.paddingLeft = 0; this.styles_[themeId] = StyleSheet.create(styles); return this.styles_[themeId]; } isModified() { return shared.isModified(this); } async componentWillMount() { BackButtonService.addHandler(this.backHandler); await shared.initState(this); this.refreshNoteMetadata(); } refreshNoteMetadata(force = null) { return shared.refreshNoteMetadata(this, force); } componentWillUnmount() { BackButtonService.removeHandler(this.backHandler); } title_changeText(text) { shared.noteComponent_change(this, 'title', text); } body_changeText(text) { shared.noteComponent_change(this, 'body', text); } async saveNoteButton_press() { await shared.saveNoteButton_press(this); Keyboard.dismiss(); } async saveOneProperty(name, value) { await shared.saveOneProperty(this, name, value); } async deleteNote_onPress() { let note = this.state.note; if (! return; let ok = await dialogs.confirm(this, _('Delete note?')); if (!ok) return; let folderId = note.parent_id; await Note.delete(; this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Notes', folderId: folderId, }); } async pickDocument() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {{ filetype: [DocumentPickerUtil.allFiles()] }, (error,res) => { if (error) { // Also returns an error if the user doesn't pick a file // so just resolve with null.'pickDocument error:', error); resolve(null); return; } resolve(res); }); }); } async imageDimensions(uri) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Image.getSize(uri, (width, height) => { resolve({ width: width, height: height }); }, (error) => { reject(error) }); }); } showImagePicker(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ImagePicker.showImagePicker(options, (response) => { resolve(response); }); }); } async resizeImage(localFilePath, targetPath, mimeType) { const maxSize = Resource.IMAGE_MAX_DIMENSION; let dimensions = await this.imageDimensions(localFilePath); reg.logger().info('Original dimensions ', dimensions); if (dimensions.width > maxSize || dimensions.height > maxSize) { dimensions.width = maxSize; dimensions.height = maxSize; } reg.logger().info('New dimensions ', dimensions); const format = mimeType == 'image/png' ? 'PNG' : 'JPEG'; reg.logger().info('Resizing image ' + localFilePath); const resizedImage = await ImageResizer.createResizedImage(localFilePath, dimensions.width, dimensions.height, format, 85); //, 0, targetPath); const resizedImagePath = resizedImage.uri; reg.logger().info('Resized image ', resizedImagePath); reg.logger().info('Moving ' + resizedImagePath + ' => ' + targetPath); await RNFS.copyFile(resizedImagePath, targetPath); try { await RNFS.unlink(resizedImagePath); } catch (error) { reg.logger().warn('Error when unlinking cached file: ', error); } } async attachFile(pickerResponse, fileType) { if (!pickerResponse) { reg.logger().warn('Got no response from picker'); return; } if (pickerResponse.error) { reg.logger().warn('Got error from picker', pickerResponse.error); return; } if (pickerResponse.didCancel) { reg.logger().info('User cancelled picker'); return; } const localFilePath = pickerResponse.uri; let mimeType = pickerResponse.type; if (!mimeType) { const ext = fileExtension(localFilePath); mimeType = mimeUtils.fromFileExtension(ext); } if (!mimeType && fileType === 'image') { // Assume JPEG if we couldn't determine the file type. It seems to happen with the image picker // when the file path is something like content://media/external/images/media/123456 // If the image is not a JPEG, something will throw an error below, but there's a good chance // it will work. reg.logger().info('Missing file type and could not detect it - assuming image/jpg'); mimeType = 'image/jpg'; } reg.logger().info('Got file: ' + localFilePath); reg.logger().info('Got type: ' + mimeType); let resource =; = uuid.create(); resource.mime = mimeType; resource.title = pickerResponse.fileName ? pickerResponse.fileName : _('Untitled'); let targetPath = Resource.fullPath(resource); try { if (mimeType == 'image/jpeg' || mimeType == 'image/jpg' || mimeType == 'image/png') { await this.resizeImage(localFilePath, targetPath, pickerResponse.mime); } else { if (fileType === 'image') { dialogs.error(this, _('Unsupported image type: %s', mimeType)); return; } else { await RNFetchBlob.fs.cp(localFilePath, targetPath); } } } catch (error) { reg.logger().warn('Could not attach file:', error); return; } await, { isNew: true }); const resourceTag = Resource.markdownTag(resource); const newNote = Object.assign({}, this.state.note); newNote.body += "\n" + resourceTag; this.setState({ note: newNote }); } async attachImage_onPress() { const options = { mediaType: 'photo', }; const response = await this.showImagePicker(options); await this.attachFile(response, 'image'); } async attachFile_onPress() { const response = await this.pickDocument(); await this.attachFile(response, 'all'); } toggleIsTodo_onPress() { shared.toggleIsTodo_onPress(this); } setAlarm_onPress() { this.setState({ alarmDialogShown: true }); } async onAlarmDialogAccept(date) { let newNote = Object.assign({}, this.state.note); newNote.todo_due = date ? date.getTime() : 0; this.setState({ alarmDialogShown: false, note: newNote, }); //await this.saveOneProperty('todo_due', date ? date.getTime() : 0); //this.forceUpdate(); } onAlarmDialogReject() { this.setState({ alarmDialogShown: false }); } showMetadata_onPress() { shared.showMetadata_onPress(this); } async showOnMap_onPress() { if (! return; let note = await Note.load(; try { const url = Note.geolocationUrl(note); Linking.openURL(url); } catch (error) { await dialogs.error(this, error.message); } } menuOptions() { const note = this.state.note; const isTodo = note && !!note.is_todo; let output = []; // The file attachement modules only work in Android >= 5 (Version 21) // let canAttachPicture = true; if (Platform.OS === 'android' && Platform.Version < 21) canAttachPicture = false; if (canAttachPicture) { output.push({ title: _('Attach image'), onPress: () => { this.attachImage_onPress(); } }); output.push({ title: _('Attach any other file'), onPress: () => { this.attachFile_onPress(); } }); } output.push({ title: _('Delete note'), onPress: () => { this.deleteNote_onPress(); } }); output.push({ title: _('Alarm'), onPress: () => { this.setState({ alarmDialogShown: true }) }});; // if (isTodo) { // let text = note.todo_due ? _('Edit/Clear alarm') : _('Set an alarm'); // output.push({ title: text, onPress: () => { this.setAlarm_onPress(); } }); // } output.push({ title: isTodo ? _('Convert to regular note') : _('Convert to todo'), onPress: () => { this.toggleIsTodo_onPress(); } }); if (this.props.showAdvancedOptions) output.push({ title: this.state.showNoteMetadata ? _('Hide metadata') : _('Show metadata'), onPress: () => { this.showMetadata_onPress(); } }); output.push({ title: _('View location on map'), onPress: () => { this.showOnMap_onPress(); } }); return output; } async todoCheckbox_change(checked) { await this.saveOneProperty('todo_completed', checked ? time.unixMs() : 0); } titleTextInput_contentSizeChange(event) { if (!this.enableMultilineTitle_) return; let height = event.nativeEvent.contentSize.height; this.setState({ titleTextInputHeight: height }); } render() { if (this.state.isLoading) { return ( ); } const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme); const note = this.state.note; const isTodo = !!Number(note.is_todo); const folder = this.state.folder; const isNew = !; let bodyComponent = null; if (this.state.mode == 'view') { const onCheckboxChange = (newBody) => { this.saveOneProperty('body', newBody); }; bodyComponent = { onCheckboxChange(newBody) }}/> } else { const focusBody = !isNew && !!note.title; // Note: blurOnSubmit is necessary to get multiline to work. // See bodyComponent = ( this.body_changeText(text)} blurOnSubmit={false} /> ); } const renderActionButton = () => { let buttons = []; buttons.push({ title: _('Edit'), icon: 'md-create', onPress: () => { this.setState({ mode: 'edit' }); }, }); if (this.state.mode == 'edit') return ; return } const actionButtonComp = renderActionButton(); let showSaveButton = this.state.mode == 'edit' || this.isModified() || this.saveButtonHasBeenShown_; let saveButtonDisabled = !this.isModified(); if (showSaveButton) this.saveButtonHasBeenShown_ = true; const titleContainerStyle = isTodo ? this.styles().titleContainerTodo : this.styles().titleContainer; let titleTextInputStyle = { flex: 1, paddingLeft: 0, color: theme.color, backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor, fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: theme.fontSize, paddingTop: 10, // Added for iOS (Not needed for Android??) paddingBottom: 10, // Added for iOS (Not needed for Android??) }; if (this.enableMultilineTitle_) titleTextInputStyle.height = this.state.titleTextInputHeight; let checkboxStyle = { color: theme.color, paddingRight: 10, paddingLeft: theme.marginLeft, paddingTop: 10, // Added for iOS (Not needed for Android??) paddingBottom: 10, // Added for iOS (Not needed for Android??) } const dueDate = isTodo && note.todo_due ? new Date(note.todo_due) : null; const titleComp = ( { isTodo && { this.todoCheckbox_change(checked) }} /> } this.titleTextInput_contentSizeChange(event)} autoFocus={isNew} multiline={this.enableMultilineTitle_} underlineColorAndroid="#ffffff00" autoCapitalize="sentences" style={titleTextInputStyle} value={note.title} onChangeText={(text) => this.title_changeText(text)} /> ); return ( { if ( await Note.moveToFolder(, itemValue); note.parent_id = itemValue; const folder = await Folder.load(note.parent_id); this.setState({ lastSavedNote: Object.assign({}, note), note: note, folder: folder, }); }, }} menuOptions={this.menuOptions()} showSaveButton={showSaveButton} saveButtonDisabled={saveButtonDisabled} onSaveButtonPress={() => this.saveNoteButton_press()} /> { titleComp } { bodyComponent } { actionButtonComp } { this.state.showNoteMetadata && {this.state.noteMetadata} } this.onAlarmDialogAccept(date) } onReject={() => this.onAlarmDialogReject() } /> { this.dialogbox = dialogbox }}/> ); } } const NoteScreen = connect( (state) => { return { noteId: state.selectedNoteIds.length ? state.selectedNoteIds[0] : null, folderId: state.selectedFolderId, itemType: state.selectedItemType, folders: state.folders, theme: state.settings.theme, showAdvancedOptions: state.settings.showAdvancedOptions, }; } )(NoteScreenComponent) module.exports = { NoteScreen };