import { Logger } from 'lib/logger.js'; import { Folder } from 'lib/models/folder.js'; import { Note } from 'lib/models/note.js'; import { cliUtils } from './cli-utils.js'; import { reducer, defaultState } from 'lib/reducer.js'; import { reg } from 'lib/registry.js'; import { _ } from 'lib/locale.js'; const chalk = require('chalk'); const tk = require('terminal-kit'); const TermWrapper = require('tkwidgets/framework/TermWrapper.js'); const Renderer = require('tkwidgets/framework/Renderer.js'); const BaseWidget = require('tkwidgets/BaseWidget.js'); const ListWidget = require('tkwidgets/ListWidget.js'); const TextWidget = require('tkwidgets/TextWidget.js'); const HLayoutWidget = require('tkwidgets/HLayoutWidget.js'); const VLayoutWidget = require('tkwidgets/VLayoutWidget.js'); const ReduxRootWidget = require('tkwidgets/ReduxRootWidget.js'); const RootWidget = require('tkwidgets/RootWidget.js'); const WindowWidget = require('tkwidgets/WindowWidget.js'); const NoteWidget = require('./gui/NoteWidget.js'); const FolderListWidget = require('./gui/FolderListWidget.js'); const NoteListWidget = require('./gui/NoteListWidget.js'); const StatusBarWidget = require('./gui/StatusBarWidget.js'); const ConsoleWidget = require('./gui/ConsoleWidget.js'); class AppGui { constructor(app, store) { this.app_ = app; this.store_ = store; BaseWidget.setLogger(app.logger()); this.term_ = new TermWrapper(tk.terminal); this.renderer_ = null; this.logger_ = new Logger(); this.buildUi(); this.renderer_ = new Renderer(this.term(), this.rootWidget_); this.renderer_.on('renderDone', async (event) => { //if (this.widget('console').hasFocus) this.widget('console').resetCursor(); }); this.app_.on('modelAction', async (event) => { await this.handleModelAction(event.action); }); this.shortcuts_ = this.setupShortcuts(); this.inputMode_ = AppGui.INPUT_MODE_NORMAL; this.commandCancelCalled_ = false; this.currentShortcutKeys_ = []; this.lastShortcutKeyTime_ = 0; cliUtils.setStdout((...object) => { return this.stdout(...object); }); // Recurrent sync is setup only when the GUI is started. In // a regular command it's not necessary since the process // exits right away. reg.setupRecurrentSync(); } renderer() { return this.renderer_; } async forceRender() { this.widget('root').invalidate(); await this.renderer_.renderRoot(); } prompt(initialText = '', promptString = ':') { return this.widget('statusBar').prompt(initialText, promptString); } buildUi() { this.rootWidget_ = new ReduxRootWidget(this.store_); = 'root'; const folderList = new FolderListWidget(); = { borderBottomWidth: 1 }; = 'folderList'; folderList.vStretch = true; folderList.on('currentItemChange', async () => { const folder = folderList.currentItem; this.store_.dispatch({ type: 'FOLDERS_SELECT', folderId: folder ? : 0, }); }); this.rootWidget_.connect(folderList, (state) => { return { selectedFolderId: state.selectedFolderId, items: state.folders, }; }); const noteList = new NoteListWidget(); = 'noteList'; noteList.vStretch = true; = { borderBottomWidth: 1, borderLeftWidth: 1, borderRightWidth: 1, }; noteList.on('currentItemChange', async () => { let note = noteList.currentItem; this.store_.dispatch({ type: 'NOTES_SELECT', noteId: note ? : 0, }); }); this.rootWidget_.connect(noteList, (state) => { return { selectedNoteId: state.selectedNoteId, items: state.notes, }; }); const noteText = new NoteWidget(); noteText.vStretch = true; = 'noteText'; = { borderBottomWidth: 1 }; this.rootWidget_.connect(noteText, (state) => { return { noteId: state.selectedNoteId }; }); const consoleWidget = new ConsoleWidget(); consoleWidget.hStretch = true; consoleWidget.hide(); const statusBar = new StatusBarWidget(); statusBar.hStretch = true; const hLayout = new HLayoutWidget(); = 'hLayout'; hLayout.addChild(folderList, { type: 'stretch', factor: 1 }); hLayout.addChild(noteList, { type: 'stretch', factor: 1 }); hLayout.addChild(noteText, { type: 'stretch', factor: 2 }); const vLayout = new VLayoutWidget(); = 'vLayout'; vLayout.addChild(hLayout, { type: 'stretch', factor: 2 }); vLayout.addChild(consoleWidget, { type: 'stretch', factor: 1 }); vLayout.addChild(statusBar, { type: 'fixed', factor: 1 }); const win1 = new WindowWidget(); win1.addChild(vLayout); = 'mainWindow'; this.rootWidget_.addChild(win1); } setupShortcuts() { const shortcuts = {}; shortcuts['DELETE'] = { description: _('Delete a note'), action: 'rm $n', }; shortcuts[' '] = { friendlyName: 'SPACE', description: _('Set a todo as completed / not completed'), action: 'todo toggle $n', } shortcuts['c'] = { description: _('Toggle console between maximized/minimized/hidden/visible.'), action: () => { if (!this.consoleIsShown()) { this.showConsole(); this.minimizeConsole(); } else { if (this.consoleIsMaximized()) { this.hideConsole(); } else { this.maximizeConsole(); } } }, canRunAlongOtherCommands: true, } shortcuts[':'] = { description: _('Enter command line mode'), action: async () => { const cmd = await this.widget('statusBar').prompt(); if (!cmd) return; this.stdout('> ' + cmd); await this.processCommand(cmd); }, }; shortcuts['ESC'] = { // Built into terminal-kit inputField description: _('Exit command line mode'), isDocOnly: true, }; shortcuts['ENTER'] = { description: null, action: () => { const w = this.widget('mainWindow').focusedWidget; if ( == 'folderList') { this.widget('noteList').focus(); } else if ( == 'noteList') { this.processCommand('edit $n'); } }, } shortcuts['CTRL_C'] = { description: _('Cancel the current command.'), friendlyName: 'Ctrl+C', isDocOnly: true, } shortcuts['CTRL_D'] = { description: _('Exit the application.'), friendlyName: 'Ctrl+D', isDocOnly: true, } shortcuts['nn'] = { description: _('Create a new note'), action: { type: 'prompt', initialText: 'mknote ' }, } shortcuts['nt'] = { description: _('Create a new todo'), action: { type: 'prompt', initialText: 'mktodo ' }, } shortcuts['nb'] = { description: _('Create a new notebook'), action: { type: 'prompt', initialText: 'mkbook ' }, } return shortcuts; } toggleConsole() { this.showConsole(!this.consoleIsShown()); } showConsole(doShow = true) { const consoleWidget = this.widget('console');; this.widget('root').invalidate(); } hideConsole() { this.showConsole(false); } consoleIsShown() { return this.widget('console').shown; } maximizeConsole(doMaximize = true) { const consoleWidget = this.widget('console'); if (consoleWidget.isMaximized__ === undefined) { consoleWidget.isMaximized__ = false; } if (consoleWidget.isMaximized__ === doMaximize) return; let constraints = { type: 'stretch', factor: !doMaximize ? 1 : 4, }; consoleWidget.isMaximized__ = doMaximize; this.widget('vLayout').setWidgetConstraints(consoleWidget, constraints); } minimizeConsole() { this.maximizeConsole(false); } consoleIsMaximized() { return this.widget('console').isMaximized__ === true; } widget(name) { if (name === 'root') return this.rootWidget_; return this.rootWidget_.childByName(name); } app() { return this.app_; } setLogger(l) { this.logger_ = l; } logger() { return this.logger_; } shortcuts() { return this.shortcuts_; } term() { return this.term_; } activeListItem() { const widget = this.widget('mainWindow').focusedWidget; if (!widget) return null; if ( == 'noteList' || == 'folderList') { return widget.currentItem; } return null; } async handleModelAction(action) { this.logger().info('Action:', action); let state = Object.assign({}, defaultState); state.notes = this.widget('noteList').items; let newState = reducer(state, action); if (newState !== state) { this.widget('noteList').items = newState.notes; } } async processCommand(cmd) { if (!cmd) return; cmd = cmd.trim(); if (!cmd.length) return; this.logger().info('Got command: ' + cmd); if (cmd === 'q' || cmd === 'wq' || cmd === 'qa') { // Vim bonus await; return; } let note = this.widget('noteList').currentItem; let folder = this.widget('folderList').currentItem; let args = cliUtils.splitCommandString(cmd); for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i] == '$n') { args[i] = note ? : ''; } else if (args[i] == '$b') { args[i] = folder ? : ''; } else if (args[i] == '$c') { const item = this.activeListItem(); args[i] = item ? : ''; } } try { await; } catch (error) { this.stdout(error.message); } } async updateFolderList() { const folders = await Folder.all(); this.widget('folderList').items = folders; } async updateNoteList(folderId) { const fields = Note.previewFields(); fields.splice(fields.indexOf('body'), 1); const notes = folderId ? await Note.previews(folderId, { fields: fields }) : []; this.widget('noteList').items = notes; } async updateNoteText(note) { const text = note ? note.body : ''; this.widget('noteText').text = text; } // Any key after which a shortcut is not possible. isSpecialKey(name) { return [':', 'ENTER', 'DOWN', 'UP', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'DELETE', 'BACKSPACE', 'ESCAPE', 'TAB', 'SHIFT_TAB', 'PAGE_UP', 'PAGE_DOWN'].indexOf(name) >= 0; } fullScreen(enable = true) { if (enable) { this.term().fullscreen(); this.term().hideCursor(); this.widget('root').invalidate(); } else { this.term().fullscreen(false); this.term().showCursor(); } } stdout(text) { if (text === null || text === undefined) return; let lines = text.split('\n'); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const v = typeof lines[i] === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(lines[i]) : lines[i]; this.widget('console').addLine(v); } this.updateStatusBarMessage(); } updateStatusBarMessage() { const consoleWidget = this.widget('console'); let msg = ''; const text = consoleWidget.lastLine; const cmd =; if (cmd) { msg +=; if (cmd.cancellable()) msg += ' [Press Ctrl+C to cancel]'; msg += ': '; } if (text && text.length) { msg += text; } if (msg !== '') this.widget('statusBar').setItemAt(0, msg); } async start() { const term = this.term(); this.fullScreen(); try { this.renderer_.start(); const statusBar = this.widget('statusBar'); term.grabInput(); term.on('key', async (name, matches, data) => { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handle special shortcuts // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (name === 'CTRL_D') { const cmd =; if (cmd && cmd.cancellable() && !this.commandCancelCalled_) { this.commandCancelCalled_ = true; await cmd.cancel(); this.commandCancelCalled_ = false; } await; return; } if (name === 'CTRL_C' ) { const cmd =; if (!cmd || !cmd.cancellable() || this.commandCancelCalled_) { this.stdout(_('Press Ctrl+D or type "exit" to exit the application')); } else { this.commandCancelCalled_ = true; await cmd.cancel() this.commandCancelCalled_ = false; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build up current shortcut // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const now = (new Date()).getTime(); if (now - this.lastShortcutKeyTime_ > 800 || this.isSpecialKey(name)) { this.currentShortcutKeys_ = [name]; } else { // If the previous key was a special key (eg. up, down arrow), this new key // starts a new shortcut. if (this.currentShortcutKeys_.length && this.isSpecialKey(this.currentShortcutKeys_[0])) { this.currentShortcutKeys_ = [name]; } else { this.currentShortcutKeys_.push(name); } } this.lastShortcutKeyTime_ = now; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Process shortcut and execute associated command // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const shortcutKey = this.currentShortcutKeys_.join(''); const cmd = shortcutKey in this.shortcuts_ ? this.shortcuts_[shortcutKey] : null; let processShortcutKeys = ! && cmd; if (cmd && cmd.canRunAlongOtherCommands) processShortcutKeys = true; if (statusBar.promptActive) processShortcutKeys = false; if (cmd && cmd.isDocOnly) processShortcutKeys = false; if (processShortcutKeys) { this.logger().info('Shortcut:', shortcutKey, cmd.description); this.currentShortcutKeys_ = []; if (typeof cmd.action === 'function') { await cmd.action(); } else if (typeof cmd.action === 'object') { if (cmd.action.type === 'prompt') { const commandString = await statusBar.prompt(cmd.action.initialText ? cmd.action.initialText : ''); this.stdout(commandString); await this.processCommand(commandString); } else { throw new Error('Unknown command: ' + JSON.stringify(cmd.action)); } } else { // String this.stdout(cmd.action); await this.processCommand(cmd.action); } } // Optimisation: Update the status bar only // if the user is not already typing a command: if (!statusBar.promptActive) this.updateStatusBarMessage(); }); } catch (error) { this.fullScreen(false); this.logger().error(error); console.error(error); } process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => { this.fullScreen(false); console.error('Unhandled promise rejection', p, 'reason:', reason); process.exit(1); }); } } AppGui.INPUT_MODE_NORMAL = 1; AppGui.INPUT_MODE_META = 2; module.exports = AppGui;