const moment = require('moment'); const time = require('./time').default; const { FsDriverDummy } = require('./fs-driver-dummy.js'); export enum TargetType { Database = 'database', File = 'file', Console = 'console', } enum LogLevel { None = 0, Error = 10, Warn = 20, Info = 30, Debug = 40, } interface Target { type: TargetType, level?: LogLevel, database?: any, console?: any, prefix?: string, path?: string, source?: string, } class Logger { // For backward compatibility public static LEVEL_NONE = LogLevel.None; public static LEVEL_ERROR = LogLevel.Error; public static LEVEL_WARN = LogLevel.Warn; public static LEVEL_INFO = LogLevel.Info; public static LEVEL_DEBUG = LogLevel.Debug; public static fsDriver_:any = null; private targets_:Target[] = []; private level_:LogLevel = LogLevel.Info; private lastDbCleanup_:number = time.unixMs(); static fsDriver() { if (!Logger.fsDriver_) Logger.fsDriver_ = new FsDriverDummy(); return Logger.fsDriver_; } setLevel(level:LogLevel) { this.level_ = level; } level() { return this.level_; } targets() { return this.targets_; } addTarget(type:TargetType, options:any = null) { const target = { type: type }; for (const n in options) { if (!options.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; (target as any)[n] = options[n]; } this.targets_.push(target); } objectToString(object:any) { let output = ''; if (typeof object === 'object') { if (object instanceof Error) { object = object as any; output = object.toString(); if (object.code) output += `\nCode: ${object.code}`; if (object.headers) output += `\nHeader: ${JSON.stringify(object.headers)}`; if (object.request) output += `\nRequest: ${object.request.substr ? object.request.substr(0, 1024) : ''}`; if (object.stack) output += `\n${object.stack}`; } else { output = JSON.stringify(object); } } else { output = object; } return output; } objectsToString(...object:any[]) { const output = []; for (let i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { output.push(`"${this.objectToString(object[i])}"`); } return output.join(', '); } static databaseCreateTableSql() { const output = ` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS logs ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, source TEXT, level INT NOT NULL, message TEXT NOT NULL, \`timestamp\` INT NOT NULL ); `; return output.split('\n').join(' '); } // Only for database at the moment async lastEntries(limit:number = 100, options:any = null) { if (options === null) options = {}; if (!options.levels) options.levels = [LogLevel.Debug, LogLevel.Info, LogLevel.Warn, LogLevel.Error]; if (!options.levels.length) return []; for (let i = 0; i < this.targets_.length; i++) { const target = this.targets_[i]; if (target.type == 'database') { let sql = `SELECT * FROM logs WHERE level IN (${options.levels.join(',')}) ORDER BY timestamp DESC`; if (limit !== null) sql += ` LIMIT ${limit}`; return await target.database.selectAll(sql); } } return []; } targetLevel(target:Target) { if ('level' in target) return target.level; return this.level(); } log(level:LogLevel, ...object:any[]) { if (!this.targets_.length) return; const timestamp = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); const line = `${timestamp}: `; for (let i = 0; i < this.targets_.length; i++) { const target = this.targets_[i]; if (this.targetLevel(target) < level) continue; if (target.type == 'console') { let fn = 'log'; if (level == LogLevel.Error) fn = 'error'; if (level == LogLevel.Warn) fn = 'warn'; if (level == LogLevel.Info) fn = 'info'; const consoleObj = target.console ? target.console : console; let items = [moment().format('HH:mm:ss')]; if (target.prefix) { items.push(target.prefix); } items = items.concat(...object); consoleObj[fn](...items); } else if (target.type == 'file') { const serializedObject = this.objectsToString(...object); try { Logger.fsDriver().appendFileSync(target.path, `${line + serializedObject}\n`); } catch (error) { console.error('Cannot write to log file:', error); } } else if (target.type == 'database') { const msg = this.objectsToString(...object); const queries = [ { sql: 'INSERT INTO logs (`source`, `level`, `message`, `timestamp`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', params: [target.source, level, msg, time.unixMs()], }, ]; const now = time.unixMs(); if (now - this.lastDbCleanup_ > 1000 * 60 * 60) { this.lastDbCleanup_ = now; const dayKeep = 14; queries.push({ sql: 'DELETE FROM logs WHERE `timestamp` < ?', params: [now - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * dayKeep], }); } target.database.transactionExecBatch(queries); } } } error(...object:any[]) { return this.log(LogLevel.Error, ...object); } warn(...object:any[]) { return this.log(LogLevel.Warn, ...object); } info(...object:any[]) { return this.log(LogLevel.Info, ...object); } debug(...object:any[]) { return this.log(LogLevel.Debug, ...object); } static levelStringToId(s:string) { if (s == 'none') return LogLevel.None; if (s == 'error') return LogLevel.Error; if (s == 'warn') return LogLevel.Warn; if (s == 'info') return LogLevel.Info; if (s == 'debug') return LogLevel.Debug; throw new Error(`Unknown log level: ${s}`); } static levelIdToString(id:LogLevel) { if (id == LogLevel.None) return 'none'; if (id == LogLevel.Error) return 'error'; if (id == LogLevel.Warn) return 'warn'; if (id == LogLevel.Info) return 'info'; if (id == LogLevel.Debug) return 'debug'; throw new Error(`Unknown level ID: ${id}`); } static levelIds() { return [LogLevel.None, LogLevel.Error, LogLevel.Warn, LogLevel.Info, LogLevel.Debug]; } } export default Logger;