import { BaseCommand } from './base-command.js'; import { app } from './app.js'; import { _ } from 'lib/locale.js'; import { BaseItem } from 'lib/models/base-item.js'; import { Folder } from 'lib/models/folder.js'; import { Note } from 'lib/models/note.js'; import { BaseModel } from 'lib/base-model.js'; import { autocompleteItems } from './autocomplete.js'; import { vorpalUtils } from './vorpal-utils.js'; class Command extends BaseCommand { usage() { return 'rm '; } description() { return 'Deletes the given item. For a notebook, all the notes within that notebook will be deleted. Use `rm ../` to delete a notebook.'; } autocomplete() { return { data: autocompleteItems }; } options() { return [ ['-f, --force', 'Deletes the items without asking for confirmation.'], ]; } async action(args) { let pattern = args['pattern'].toString(); let itemType = null; let force = args.options && args.options.force === true; if (pattern.indexOf('*') < 0) { // Handle it as a simple title if (pattern.substr(0, 3) == '../') { itemType = BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER; pattern = pattern.substr(3); } else { itemType = BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE; } let item = item = await app().loadItem(itemType, pattern); // await BaseItem.loadItemByField(itemType, 'title', pattern); if (!item) throw new Error(_('No item "%s" found.', pattern)); let ok = force ? true : await vorpalUtils.cmdPromptConfirm(this, _('Delete "%s"?', item.title)); if (ok) { await BaseItem.deleteItem(itemType,; if (app().currentFolder() && app().currentFolder().id == { let f = await Folder.defaultFolder(); app().switchCurrentFolder(f); } } } else { // Handle it as a glob pattern if (app().currentFolder()) { let notes = await Note.previews(app().currentFolder().id, { titlePattern: pattern }); if (!notes.length) throw new Error(_('No note matches this pattern: "%s"', pattern)); let ok = force ? true : await vorpalUtils.cmdPromptConfirm(this, _('%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?', notes.length)); if (ok) { for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) { await Note.delete(notes[i].id); } } } } } } module.exports = Command;