#!/bin/bash set -e #----------------------------------------------------- # Variables #----------------------------------------------------- COLOR_RED=`tput setaf 1` COLOR_GREEN=`tput setaf 2` COLOR_RESET=`tput sgr0` SILENT=false print() { if [[ "$SILENT" == false ]] ; then echo "$1" fi } #----------------------------------------------------- # ARGUMENTS #----------------------------------------------------- # --allow-root ## Check and warn if running as root. if [[ $EUID = 0 ]] ; then if [[ $* != *--allow-root* ]] ; then echo "${COLOR_RED}It is not recommended (nor necessary) to run this script as root. To do so anyway, please use '--allow-root'${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi fi # --silent ## Mutes messages by console if [[ $* == *--silent* ]] ; then SILENT=true fi #----------------------------------------------------- # START #----------------------------------------------------- # Title print " _ _ _ " print " | | ___ _ __ | (_)_ __ " print " _ | |/ _ \| '_ \| | | '_ \ " print "| |_| | (_) | |_) | | | | | |" print " \___/ \___/| .__/|_|_|_| |_|" print " |_|" print "" print "Linux Installer and Updater" #----------------------------------------------------- # Download Joplin #----------------------------------------------------- # Get the latest version to download RELEASE_VERSION=$(wget -qO - "https://api.github.com/repos/laurent22/joplin/releases/latest" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K.*?(?=")') # Check if it's in the latest version if [[ ! -e ~/.joplin/VERSION ]] || [[ $(< ~/.joplin/VERSION) != "$RELEASE_VERSION" ]]; then print 'Downloading Joplin...' # Delete previous version (in future versions joplin.desktop shouldn't exist) rm -f ~/.joplin/*.AppImage ~/.local/share/applications/joplin.desktop ~/.joplin/VERSION # Creates the folder where the binary will be stored mkdir -p ~/.joplin/ # Download the latest version wget -nv --show-progress -O ~/.joplin/Joplin.AppImage https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/releases/download/v$RELEASE_VERSION/Joplin-$RELEASE_VERSION.AppImage # Gives execution privileges chmod +x ~/.joplin/Joplin.AppImage print "${COLOR_GREEN}OK${COLOR_RESET}" #----------------------------------------------------- # Icon #----------------------------------------------------- # Download icon print 'Downloading icon...' mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps wget -nv -O ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/joplin.png https://joplinapp.org/images/Icon512.png print "${COLOR_GREEN}OK${COLOR_RESET}" # Detect desktop environment if [ "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" = "" ] then DESKTOP=$(echo "$XDG_DATA_DIRS" | sed 's/.*\(xfce\|kde\|gnome\).*/\1/') else DESKTOP=$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP fi DESKTOP=${DESKTOP,,} # convert to lower case # Create icon for Gnome echo 'Create Desktop icon.' if [[ $DESKTOP =~ .*gnome.*|.*kde.*|.*xfce.*|.*mate.*|.*lxqt.*|.*unity.*|.*x-cinnamon.*|.*deepin.* ]] then : "${TMPDIR:=/tmp}" # This command extracts to squashfs-root by default and can't be changed... # So we run it in the tmp directory and clean up after ourselves (cd $TMPDIR && ~/.joplin/Joplin.AppImage --appimage-extract joplin.desktop &> /dev/null) APPIMAGE_VERSION=$(grep "^X-AppImage-BuildId=" $TMPDIR/squashfs-root/joplin.desktop | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1) rm -rf $TMPDIR/squashfs-root # Only delete the desktop file if it will be replaced rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/appimagekit-joplin.desktop # On some systems this directory doesn't exist by default mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nEncoding=UTF-8\nName=Joplin\nComment=Joplin for Desktop\nExec=/home/$USER/.joplin/Joplin.AppImage\nIcon=joplin\nStartupWMClass=Joplin\nType=Application\nCategories=Office;\n$APPIMAGE_VERSION" >> ~/.local/share/applications/appimagekit-joplin.desktop print "${COLOR_GREEN}OK${COLOR_RESET}" else print "${COLOR_RED}NOT DONE${COLOR_RESET}" fi #----------------------------------------------------- # Finish #----------------------------------------------------- # Informs the user that it has been installed and cleans variables print "${COLOR_GREEN}Joplin version${COLOR_RESET}" $RELEASE_VERSION "${COLOR_GREEN}installed.${COLOR_RESET}" # Add version echo $RELEASE_VERSION > ~/.joplin/VERSION else print "${COLOR_GREEN}You already have the latest version${COLOR_RESET}" $version "${COLOR_GREEN}installed.${COLOR_RESET}" fi # Goodbye print 'Bye!'