import { app } from './app.js'; import { Note } from 'lib/models/note.js'; import { Folder } from 'lib/models/folder.js'; import { Tag } from 'lib/models/tag.js'; import { cliUtils } from './cli-utils.js'; import { _ } from 'lib/locale.js'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import os from 'os'; import yargParser from 'yargs-parser'; function autocompletionFileContent(appName, alias) { let content = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/autocompletion_template.txt', 'utf8'); content = content.replace(/\|__APPNAME__\|/g, appName); if (!alias) alias = 'joplin_alias_support_is_disabled'; content = content.replace(/\|__APPALIAS__\|/g, alias); return content; } function autocompletionScriptPath(profileDir) { return profileDir + '/'; } async function installAutocompletionFile(appName, profileDir) { if (process.env.SHELL.indexOf('bash') < 0) { let error = new Error(_('Only Bash is currently supported for autocompletion.')); error.code = 'shellNotSupported'; throw error; } const alias = await cliUtils.promptInput(_('Autocompletion can be made to work with an alias too (such as a one-letter command like "j").\nIf you would like to enable this, please type the alias now (leave it empty for no alias):')); const content = autocompletionFileContent(appName, alias); const filePath = autocompletionScriptPath(profileDir); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content);'Created autocompletion script "%s".', filePath)); const bashProfilePath = os.homedir() + '/.bashrc'; let bashrcContent = fs.readFileSync(bashProfilePath, 'utf8'); const lineToAdd = 'source ' + filePath; if (bashrcContent.indexOf(lineToAdd) >= 0) {'Autocompletion script is already present in "%s".', bashProfilePath)); } else { bashrcContent += "\n" + lineToAdd + "\n"; fs.writeFileSync(bashProfilePath, bashrcContent);'Added autocompletion to "%s".', bashProfilePath)); } if (alias) { if (bashrcContent.indexOf('alias ' + alias + '=') >= 0) {'Alias is already set in "%s".', bashProfilePath)); } else { const l = 'alias ' + alias + '=' + appName; bashrcContent += "\n" + l + "\n"; fs.writeFileSync(bashProfilePath, bashrcContent);'Added alias to "%s".', bashProfilePath)); } }"IMPORTANT: run the following command to initialise autocompletion in the current shell:\nsource '%s'", filePath)); } async function handleAutocompletion(autocompletion) { let args = autocompletion.line.slice(); args.splice(0, 1); let current = autocompletion.current - 1; const currentWord = args[current] ? args[current] : ''; // Auto-complete the command name if (current == 0) { const metadata = await app().commandMetadata(); let commandNames = []; for (let n in metadata) { if (!metadata.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; const md = metadata[n]; if (md.hidden) continue; if (currentWord == n) return [n]; if (n.indexOf(currentWord) === 0) commandNames.push(n); } return commandNames; } const commandName = args[0]; const metadata = await app().commandMetadata(); const md = metadata[commandName]; const options = md && md.options ? md.options : []; // Auto-complete the command options if (currentWord) { const includeLongs = currentWord.length == 1 ? currentWord.substr(0, 1) == '-' : currentWord.substr(0, 2) == '--'; const includeShorts = currentWord.length <= 2 && currentWord.substr(0, 1) == '-' && currentWord.substr(0, 2) != '--'; if (includeLongs || includeShorts) { const output = []; for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { const flags = cliUtils.parseFlags(options[i][0]); const long = flags.long ? '--' + flags.long : null; const short = flags.short ? '-' + flags.short : null; if (includeLongs && long && long.indexOf(currentWord) === 0) output.push(long); if (includeShorts && short && short.indexOf(currentWord) === 0) output.push(short); } return output; } } // Auto-complete the command arguments let argIndex = -1; for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { const w = args[i]; if (i == 0 || w.indexOf('-') == 0) { continue; } argIndex++; } if (argIndex < 0) return []; let cmdUsage = yargParser(md.usage)['_']; cmdUsage.splice(0, 1); if (cmdUsage.length <= argIndex) return []; let argName = cmdUsage[argIndex]; argName = cliUtils.parseCommandArg(argName).name; if (argName == 'note' || argName == 'note-pattern') { if (!app().currentFolder()) return []; const notes = await Note.previews(app().currentFolder().id, { titlePattern: currentWord + '*' }); return => n.title); } if (argName == 'notebook') { const folders = await{ titlePattern: currentWord + '*' }); return => n.title); } if (argName == 'tag') { let tags = await{ titlePattern: currentWord + '*' }); return => n.title); } if (argName == 'tag-command') { return filterList(['add', 'remove', 'list'], currentWord); } if (argName == 'todo-command') { return filterList(['toggle', 'clear'], currentWord); } if (argName == 'command') { const commands = await app().commandNames(); return this.filterList(commands, currentWord); } return []; } function filterList(list, currentWord) { let output = []; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].indexOf(currentWord) !== 0) continue; output.push(list[i]); } return output; } export { handleAutocompletion, installAutocompletionFile, autocompletionScriptPath };