const BaseItem = require('lib/models/BaseItem.js'); const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js'); const { basicDelta } = require('lib/file-api'); const { rtrimSlashes, ltrimSlashes } = require('lib/path-utils.js'); const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities; const html_entity_decode = (new Entities()).decode; const { shim } = require('lib/shim'); const { basename } = require('lib/path-utils'); const JoplinError = require('lib/JoplinError'); class FileApiDriverWebDav { constructor(api) { this.api_ = api; } api() { return this.api_; } requestRepeatCount() { return 3; } async stat(path) { try { const result = await this.api().execPropFind(path, 0, [ 'd:getlastmodified', 'd:resourcetype', 'd:getcontentlength', // Remove this once PUT call issue is sorted out ]); const resource = this.api().objectFromJson(result, ['d:multistatus', 'd:response', 0]); return this.statFromResource_(resource, path); } catch (error) { if (error.code === 404) return null; throw error; } } statFromResource_(resource, path) { const isCollection = this.api().stringFromJson(resource, ['d:propstat', 0, 'd:prop', 0, 'd:resourcetype', 0, 'd:collection', 0]); const lastModifiedString = this.api().stringFromJson(resource, ['d:propstat', 0, 'd:prop', 0, 'd:getlastmodified', 0]); // const sizeDONOTUSE = Number(this.api().stringFromJson(resource, ['d:propstat', 0, 'd:prop', 0, 'd:getcontentlength', 0])); // if (isNaN(sizeDONOTUSE)) throw new Error('Cannot get content size: ' + JSON.stringify(resource)); if (!lastModifiedString) throw new Error('Could not get lastModified date: ' + JSON.stringify(resource)); const lastModifiedDate = new Date(lastModifiedString); if (isNaN(lastModifiedDate.getTime())) throw new Error('Invalid date: ' + lastModifiedString); return { path: path, // created_time: lastModifiedDate.getTime(), updated_time: lastModifiedDate.getTime(), isDir: isCollection === '', // sizeDONOTUSE: sizeDONOTUSE, // This property is used only for the WebDAV PUT hack (see below) so mark it as such so that it can be removed with the hack later on. }; } async setTimestamp(path, timestampMs) { throw new Error('Not implemented'); // Not needed anymore } async delta(path, options) { const getDirStats = async (path) => { const result = await this.list(path); return result.items; }; return await basicDelta(path, getDirStats, options); } // A file href, as found in the result of a PROPFIND, can be either an absolute URL or a // relative URL (an absolute URL minus the protocol and domain), while the sync algorithm // works with paths relative to the base URL. hrefToRelativePath_(href, baseUrl, relativeBaseUrl) { let output = ''; if (href.indexOf(baseUrl) === 0) { output = href.substr(baseUrl.length); } else if (href.indexOf(relativeBaseUrl) === 0) { output = href.substr(relativeBaseUrl.length); } else { throw new Error('href ' + href + ' not in baseUrl ' + baseUrl + ' nor relativeBaseUrl ' + relativeBaseUrl); } return rtrimSlashes(ltrimSlashes(output)); } statsFromResources_(resources) { const relativeBaseUrl = this.api().relativeBaseUrl(); const baseUrl = this.api().baseUrl(); let output = []; for (let i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { const resource = resources[i]; const href = this.api().stringFromJson(resource, ['d:href', 0]); const path = this.hrefToRelativePath_(href, baseUrl, relativeBaseUrl); // if (href.indexOf(relativeBaseUrl) !== 0) throw new Error('Path "' + href + '" not inside base URL: ' + relativeBaseUrl); // const path = rtrimSlashes(ltrimSlashes(href.substr(relativeBaseUrl.length))); if (path === '') continue; // The list of resources includes the root dir too, which we don't want const stat = this.statFromResource_(resources[i], path); output.push(stat); } return output; } async list(path, options) { // const relativeBaseUrl = this.api().relativeBaseUrl(); // function parsePropFindXml(xmlString) { // return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { // const saxOptions = {}; // const saxParser = require('sax').parser(false, { position: false }); // let stats = []; // let currentStat = null; // let currentText = ''; // // When this is on, the tags from the bloated XML string are replaced by shorter ones, // // which makes parsing about 25% faster. However it's a bit of a hack so keep it as // // an option so that it can be disabled if it causes problems. // const optimizeXml = true; // const tagResponse = optimizeXml ? 'd:r' : 'd:response'; // const tagGetLastModified = optimizeXml ? 'd:glm' : 'd:getlastmodified'; // const tagPropStat = optimizeXml ? 'd:ps' : 'd:propstat'; // const replaceUrls = optimizeXml; // saxParser.onerror = function (error) { // reject(new Error(e.toString())); // }; // saxParser.ontext = function (t) { // currentText += t; // }; // saxParser.onopentag = function (node) { // const tagName =; // currentText = ''; // if (tagName === tagResponse) { // currentStat = { isDir: false }; // } // }; // saxParser.onclosetag = function(tagName) { // tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); // if (tagName === tagResponse) { // if (currentStat.path) { // The list of resources includes the root dir too, which we don't want // if (!currentStat.updated_time) throw new Error('Resource does not have a getlastmodified prop'); // stats.push(currentStat); // } // currentStat = null; // } // if (tagName === 'd:href') { // const href = currentText; // if (replaceUrls) { // currentStat.path = rtrimSlashes(ltrimSlashes(href)); // } else { // if (href.indexOf(relativeBaseUrl) < 0) throw new Error('Path not inside base URL: ' + relativeBaseUrl); // Normally not possible // currentStat.path = rtrimSlashes(ltrimSlashes(href.substr(relativeBaseUrl.length))); // } // } // if (tagName === tagGetLastModified) { // const lastModifiedDate = new Date(currentText); // if (isNaN(lastModifiedDate.getTime())) throw new Error('Invalid date: ' + currentText); // currentStat.updated_time = lastModifiedDate.getTime(); // currentStat.created_time = currentStat.updated_time; // } // if (tagName === 'd:collection') { // currentStat.isDir = true; // } // currentText = ''; // } // saxParser.onend = function () { // resolve(stats); // }; // if (optimizeXml) { // xmlString = xmlString.replace(/HTTP\/1\.1 200 OK<\/d:status>/ig, ''); // xmlString = xmlString.replace(//ig, ''); // xmlString = xmlString.replace(/d:getlastmodified/ig, tagGetLastModified); // xmlString = xmlString.replace(/d:response/ig, tagResponse); // xmlString = xmlString.replace(/d:propstat/ig, tagPropStat); // if (replaceUrls) xmlString = xmlString.replace(new RegExp(relativeBaseUrl, 'gi'), ''); // } // let idx = 0; // let size = 1024 * 100; // while (true) { // sub = xmlString.substr(idx, size); // if (!sub.length) break; // saxParser.write(sub); // idx += size; // //await time.msleep(500); // } // saxParser.close(); // //saxParser.write(xmlString).close(); // }); // } // For performance reasons, the response of the PROPFIND call is manually parsed with a regex below // instead of being processed by xml2json like the other WebDAV responses. This is over 2 times faster // and it means the mobile app does not freeze during sync. // async function parsePropFindXml2(xmlString) { // const regex = /[\S\s]*?([\S\s]*?)<\/d:href>[\S\s]*?(.*?)<\/d:getlastmodified>/g; // let output = []; // let match = null; // while (match = regex.exec(xmlString)) { // const href = html_entity_decode(match[1]); // if (href.indexOf(relativeBaseUrl) < 0) throw new Error('Path not inside base URL: ' + relativeBaseUrl); // Normally not possible // const path = rtrimSlashes(ltrimSlashes(href.substr(relativeBaseUrl.length))); // if (!path) continue; // The list of resources includes the root dir too, which we don't want // const lastModifiedDate = new Date(match[2]); // if (isNaN(lastModifiedDate.getTime())) throw new Error('Invalid date: ' + match[2]); // output.push({ // path: path, // updated_time: lastModifiedDate.getTime(), // created_time: lastModifiedDate.getTime(), // isDir: !BaseItem.isSystemPath(path), // }); // } // return output; // } // const resultXml = await this.api().execPropFind(path, 1, [ // 'd:getlastmodified', // //'d:resourcetype', // Include this to use parsePropFindXml() // ], { responseFormat: 'text' }); // const stats = await parsePropFindXml2(resultXml); // return { // items: stats, // hasMore: false, // context: null, // }; const result = await this.api().execPropFind(path, 1, [ 'd:getlastmodified', 'd:resourcetype', ]); const resources = this.api().arrayFromJson(result, ['d:multistatus', 'd:response']); const stats = this.statsFromResources_(resources) return { items: stats, hasMore: false, context: null, }; } async get(path, options) { if (!options) options = {}; if (!options.responseFormat) options.responseFormat = 'text'; try { const response = await this.api().exec('GET', path, null, null, options); // This is awful but instead of a 404 Not Found, Microsoft IIS returns an HTTP code 200 // with a response body "The specified file doesn't exist." for non-existing files, // so we need to check for this. if (response === "The specified file doesn't exist.") throw new JoplinError(response, 404); return response; } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 404) throw error; } } async mkdir(path) { try { await this.api().exec('MKCOL', path); } catch (error) { if (error.code === 405) return; // 405 means that the collection already exists (Method Not Allowed) // 409 should only be returned if a parent path does not exists (eg. when trying to create a/b/c when a/b does not exist) // however non-compliant servers (eg. Microsoft IIS) also return this code when the directory already exists. So here, if // we get this code, verify that indeed the directory already exists and exit if it does. if (error.code === 409) { const stat = await this.stat(path); if (stat) return; } throw error; } } async put(path, content, options = null) { return await this.api().exec('PUT', path, content, null, options); } async delete(path) { try { await this.api().exec('DELETE', path); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 404) throw error; } } async move(oldPath, newPath) { await this.api().exec('MOVE', oldPath, null, { 'Destination': this.api().baseUrl() + '/' + newPath, 'Overwrite': 'T', }); } format() { throw new Error('Not supported'); } async clearRoot() { await this.delete(''); await this.mkdir(''); } } module.exports = { FileApiDriverWebDav };