import moment from 'moment'; import { time } from 'lib/time-utils.js'; import { dirname, basename } from 'lib/path-utils.js'; import { OneDriveApi } from 'lib/onedrive-api.js'; class FileApiDriverOneDrive { constructor(api) { this.api_ = api; this.pathCache_ = {}; } api() { return this.api_; } supportsDelta() { return true; } itemFilter_() { return { select: 'name,file,folder,fileSystemInfo,parentReference', } } makePath_(path) { return path; } makeItems_(odItems) { let output = []; for (let i = 0; i < odItems.length; i++) { output.push(this.makeItem_(odItems[i])); } return output; } makeItem_(odItem) { let output = { path:, isDir: ('folder' in odItem), }; if ('deleted' in odItem) { output.isDeleted = true; } else { output.created_time = moment(odItem.fileSystemInfo.createdDateTime, 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ').format('x'); output.updated_time = moment(odItem.fileSystemInfo.lastModifiedDateTime, 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ').format('x'); } return output; } async statRaw_(path) { let item = null; try { item = await this.api_.execJson('GET', this.makePath_(path), this.itemFilter_()); } catch (error) { if (error.code == 'itemNotFound') return null; throw error; } return item; } async stat(path) { let item = await this.statRaw_(path); if (!item) return null; return this.makeItem_(item); } async setTimestamp(path, timestamp) { let body = { fileSystemInfo: { lastModifiedDateTime: moment.unix(timestamp / 1000).utc().format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS') + 'Z', } }; let item = await this.api_.execJson('PATCH', this.makePath_(path), null, body); return this.makeItem_(item); } async list(path, options = null) { let query = this.itemFilter_(); let url = this.makePath_(path) + ':/children'; if (options.context) { query = null; url = options.context; } let r = await this.api_.execJson('GET', url, query); return { hasMore: !!r['@odata.nextLink'], items: this.makeItems_(r.value), context: r["@odata.nextLink"], } } async get(path, options = null) { if (!options) options = {}; try { if ( == 'file') { let response = await this.api_.exec('GET', this.makePath_(path) + ':/content', null, null, options); return response; } else { let content = await this.api_.execText('GET', this.makePath_(path) + ':/content'); return content; } } catch (error) { if (error.code == 'itemNotFound') return null; throw error; } } async mkdir(path) { let item = await this.stat(path); if (item) return item; let parentPath = dirname(path); item = await this.api_.execJson('POST', this.makePath_(parentPath) + ':/children', this.itemFilter_(), { name: basename(path), folder: {}, }); return this.makeItem_(item); } put(path, content, options = null) { if (!options) options = {}; if (options.source == 'file') { return this.api_.exec('PUT', this.makePath_(path) + ':/content', null, null, options); } else { options.headers = { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }; return this.api_.exec('PUT', this.makePath_(path) + ':/content', null, content, options); } } delete(path) { return this.api_.exec('DELETE', this.makePath_(path)); } async move(oldPath, newPath) { // Cannot work in an atomic way because if newPath already exist, the OneDrive API throw an error // "An item with the same name already exists under the parent". Some posts suggest to use // @name.conflictBehavior [0]but that doesn't seem to work. So until Microsoft fixes this // it's not possible to do an atomic move. // // [0] throw new Error('NOT WORKING'); let previousItem = await this.statRaw_(oldPath); let newDir = dirname(newPath); let newName = basename(newPath); // We don't want the modification date to change when we move the file so retrieve it // now set it in the PATCH operation. let item = await this.api_.execJson('PATCH', this.makePath_(oldPath), this.itemFilter_(), { name: newName, parentReference: { path: newDir }, fileSystemInfo: { lastModifiedDateTime: previousItem.fileSystemInfo.lastModifiedDateTime, }, }); return this.makeItem_(item); } format() { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } async pathDetails_(path) { if (this.pathCache_[path]) return this.pathCache_[path]; let output = await this.api_.execJson('GET', path); this.pathCache_[path] = output; return this.pathCache_[path]; } async delta(path, options = null) { let output = { hasMore: false, context: {}, items: [], }; let pathDetails = await this.pathDetails_(path); const pathId =; let context = options ? options.context : null; let url = context ? context.nextLink : null; let query = null; if (!url) { url = this.makePath_(path) + ':/delta'; query = this.itemFilter_(); += ',deleted'; } let response = await this.api_.execJson('GET', url, query); let items = []; // The delta API might return things that happen in subdirectories of the root and we don't want to // deal with these since all the files we're interested in are at the root (The .resource dir // is special since it's managed directly by the clients and resources never change - only the // associated .md file at the root is synced). So in the loop below we check that the parent is // indeed the root, otherwise the item is skipped. // (Not sure but it's possible the delta API also returns events for files that are copied outside // of the app directory and later deleted or modified. We also don't want to deal with // these files during sync). for (let i = 0; i < response.value.length; i++) { const v = response.value[i]; if ( !== pathId) continue; items.push(this.makeItem_(v)); } output.items = output.items.concat(items); let nextLink = null; if (response['@odata.nextLink']) { nextLink = response['@odata.nextLink']; output.hasMore = true; } else { if (!response['@odata.deltaLink']) throw new Error('Delta link missing: ' + JSON.stringify(response)); nextLink = response['@odata.deltaLink']; } output.context = { nextLink: nextLink }; // // The same item may appear more than once in a delta feed, for various reasons. You should use the last occurrence you see. // So remove any duplicate item from the array. let temp = []; let seenPaths = []; for (let i = output.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let item = output.items[i]; if (seenPaths.indexOf(item.path) >= 0) continue; temp.splice(0, 0, item); seenPaths.push(item.path); } output.items = temp; return output; } } export { FileApiDriverOneDrive };