// Supported commit formats: // (Desktop|Mobile|Android|iOS[CLI): (New|Improved|Fixed): Some message..... (#ISSUE) import { execCommand, githubUsername } from './tool-utils'; import { compareVersions } from 'compare-versions'; interface LogEntry { message: string; commit: string; author: Author; files: string[]; } enum Platform { Unknown = 'unknown', Android = 'android', Windows = 'windows', MacOs = 'macos', Linux = 'linux', Ios = 'ios', Desktop = 'desktop', Clipper = 'clipper', Server = 'server', Cloud = 'cloud', Cli = 'cli', PluginGenerator = 'plugin-generator', PluginRepoCli = 'plugin-repo-cli', } enum PublishFormat { Full = 'full', Simple = 'simple', } interface Options { publishFormat: PublishFormat; } interface Author { email: string; name: string; login: string; } // From https://stackoverflow.com/a/6234804/561309 function escapeHtml(unsafe: string) { // We only escape <> as this is enough for Markdown return unsafe .replace(//g, '>'); } async function gitLog(sinceTag: string) { const commandResult = await execCommand(`git log --pretty=format:"%H::::DIV::::%ae::::DIV::::%an::::DIV::::%s" ${sinceTag}..HEAD`); const lines = commandResult.split('\n'); const output = []; for (const line of lines) { if (!line.trim()) continue; const splitted = line.split('::::DIV::::'); const commit = splitted[0]; const authorEmail = splitted[1]; const authorName = splitted[2]; const message = splitted[3].trim(); let files: string[] = []; const filesResult = await execCommand(`git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only ${commit} -r`); files = filesResult.split('\n').map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => !!s); output.push({ commit: commit, message: message, author: { email: authorEmail, name: authorName, login: await githubUsername(authorEmail, authorName), }, files, }); } return output; } async function gitTags() { const lines: string = await execCommand('git tag --sort=committerdate'); const collator = new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }); return lines .split('\n') .map(l => l.trim()) .filter(l => !!l) .sort((a, b) => collator.compare(a, b)); } function platformFromTag(tagName: string): Platform { if (tagName.indexOf('v') === 0) return Platform.Desktop; if (tagName.indexOf('android') >= 0) return Platform.Android; if (tagName.indexOf('windows') >= 0) return Platform.Windows; if (tagName.indexOf('linux') >= 0) return Platform.Linux; if (tagName.indexOf('macos') >= 0) return Platform.MacOs; if (tagName.indexOf('ios') >= 0) return Platform.Ios; if (tagName.indexOf('clipper') === 0) return Platform.Clipper; if (tagName.indexOf('cli') === 0) return Platform.Cli; if (tagName.indexOf('server') === 0) return Platform.Server; if (tagName.indexOf('cloud') === 0) return Platform.Cloud; if (tagName.indexOf('plugin-generator') === 0) return Platform.PluginGenerator; if (tagName.indexOf('plugin-repo-cli') === 0) return Platform.PluginRepoCli; return Platform.Unknown; // throw new Error(`Could not determine platform from tag: "${tagName}"`); } export const filesApplyToPlatform = (files: string[], platform: string): boolean => { const isMainApp = ['android', 'ios', 'windows', 'linux', 'macos', 'desktop', 'cli', 'server'].includes(platform); const isMobile = ['android', 'ios'].includes(platform); for (const file of files) { if (file.startsWith('packages/app-cli') && platform === 'cli') return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/app-clipper') && platform === 'clipper') return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/app-mobile') && isMobile) return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/app-desktop') && platform === 'desktop') return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/fork-htmlparser2') && isMainApp) return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/fork-uslug') && isMainApp) return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/htmlpack') && isMainApp) return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/lib') && isMainApp) return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/pdf-viewer') && platform === 'desktop') return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/react-native-') && isMobile) return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/renderer') && isMainApp) return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/server') && platform === 'server') return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/tools') && isMainApp) return true; if (file.startsWith('packages/turndown') && isMainApp) return true; } return false; }; export interface RenovateMessage { package: string; version: string; } export const parseRenovateMessage = (message: string): RenovateMessage => { const regexes = [ /^Update dependency ([^\s]+) to ([^\s]+)/, /^Update ([^\s]+) monorepo to ([^\s]+)/, /^Update ([^\s]+)/, ]; for (const regex of regexes) { const m = message.match(regex); if (m) { return { package: m[1], version: m.length >= 3 ? m[2] : '', }; } } throw new Error(`Not a Renovate message: ${message}`); }; export const summarizeRenovateMessages = (messages: RenovateMessage[]): string => { // Exclude some dev dependencies messages = messages.filter(m => { if ([ '@electron/notarize', 'eslint', 'gettext-extractor', 'gettext-parser', 'jest', 'lint-staged', 'madge', 'ts-jest', 'ts-loader', 'ts-node', 'typescript', 'yeoman-generator', 'nodemon', ].includes(m.package)) { return false; } if (m.package.startsWith('@types/')) return false; if (m.package.startsWith('typescript-')) return false; if (m.package.startsWith('@testing-')) return false; return true; }); const temp: Record = {}; for (const message of messages) { if (!(message.package in temp)) { temp[message.package] = message.version; } else { if (message.version > temp[message.package]) { temp[message.package] = message.version; } } } const temp2: string[] = []; for (const [pkg, version] of Object.entries(temp)) { const versionString = version ? ` (${version})` : ''; temp2.push(`${pkg}${versionString}`); } temp2.sort(); if (temp2.length) return `Updated packages ${temp2.join(', ')}`; return ''; }; const versionFromTag = (tag: string) => { const s = tag.split('-'); return s[s.length - 1]; }; function filterLogs(logs: LogEntry[], platform: Platform) { const output: LogEntry[] = []; const revertedLogs = []; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars // let updatedTranslations = false; const renovateMessages: RenovateMessage[] = []; for (const log of logs) { // Save to an array any commit that has been reverted, and exclude // these from the final output array. const revertMatches = log.message.split('\n')[0].trim().match(/^Revert "(.*?)"$/); if (revertMatches && revertMatches.length >= 2) { revertedLogs.push(revertMatches[1]); continue; } if (revertedLogs.indexOf(log.message) >= 0) continue; let isRenovate = false; let prefix = log.message.trim().toLowerCase().split(':'); if (prefix.length <= 1) { if (log.author && log.author.name === 'renovate[bot]') { prefix = ['renovate']; isRenovate = true; } else { continue; } } else { prefix = prefix[0].split(',').map(s => s.trim()); } let addIt = false; // "All" refers to desktop, CLI and mobile app. Clipper and Server are not included. if (prefix.indexOf('all') >= 0 && (platform !== 'clipper' && platform !== 'server' && platform !== 'cloud')) addIt = true; if ((platform === 'android' || platform === 'ios') && prefix.indexOf('mobile') >= 0) addIt = true; if (platform === 'android' && prefix.indexOf('android') >= 0) addIt = true; if (platform === 'ios' && prefix.indexOf('ios') >= 0) addIt = true; if (platform === 'desktop' && prefix.indexOf('desktop') >= 0) addIt = true; if (platform === 'desktop' && (prefix.indexOf('desktop') >= 0 || prefix.indexOf('api') >= 0 || prefix.indexOf('plugins') >= 0 || prefix.indexOf('macos') >= 0 || prefix.indexOf('windows') >= 0 || prefix.indexOf('linux') >= 0)) addIt = true; if (platform === 'cli' && prefix.indexOf('cli') >= 0) addIt = true; if (platform === 'clipper' && prefix.indexOf('clipper') >= 0) addIt = true; if (platform === 'server' && prefix.indexOf('server') >= 0) addIt = true; if (platform === 'cloud' && (prefix.indexOf('cloud') >= 0 || prefix.indexOf('server') >= 0)) addIt = true; if (isRenovate && filesApplyToPlatform(log.files, platform)) { renovateMessages.push(parseRenovateMessage(log.message)); addIt = false; } // Translation updates often comes in format "Translation: Update pt_PT.po" // but that's not useful in a changelog especially since most people // don't know country and language codes. So we catch all these and // bundle them all up in a single "Updated translations" at the end. if (log.message.match(/Translation:\sUpdate\s.*?(\.po|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]_[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])/) || log.message.match(/Update.+\.po/) ) { // updatedTranslations = true; addIt = false; } // Remove duplicate messages if (output.find(l => l.message === log.message)) { addIt = false; } if (addIt) output.push(log); } // Actually we don't really need this info - translations are being updated all the time // if (updatedTranslations) output.push({ message: 'Updated translations' }); const renovateSummary = summarizeRenovateMessages(renovateMessages); if (renovateSummary) { output.push({ author: { name: '', email: '', login: '' }, commit: '', files: [], message: renovateSummary, }); } return output; } function formatCommitMessage(commit: string, msg: string, author: Author, options: Options): string { options = { publishFormat: 'full', ...options }; let output = ''; const splitted = msg.split(':'); let subModule = ''; const isPlatformPrefix = (prefixString: string) => { const prefix = prefixString.split(',').map(p => p.trim().toLowerCase()); for (const p of prefix) { if (['android', 'mobile', 'ios', 'desktop', 'windows', 'linux', 'macos', 'cli', 'clipper', 'all', 'api', 'plugins', 'server', 'cloud'].indexOf(p) >= 0) return true; } return false; }; if (splitted.length) { const platform = splitted[0].trim().toLowerCase(); if (platform === 'api') subModule = 'api'; if (platform === 'plugins') subModule = 'plugins'; if (isPlatformPrefix(platform)) { splitted.splice(0, 1); } output = splitted.join(':'); } output = output.split('\n')[0].trim(); const detectType = (msg: string) => { msg = msg.trim().toLowerCase(); if (msg.indexOf('fix') === 0) return 'fixed'; if (msg.indexOf('add') === 0) return 'new'; if (msg.indexOf('change') === 0) return 'improved'; if (msg.indexOf('update') === 0) return 'improved'; if (msg.indexOf('improve') === 0) return 'improved'; return 'improved'; }; const parseCommitMessage = (msg: string, subModule: string) => { const parts = msg.split(':'); if (parts.length === 1) { return { type: detectType(msg), message: msg.trim(), subModule: subModule, }; } let originalType = parts[0].trim(); let t = originalType.toLowerCase(); parts.splice(0, 1); let message = parts.join(':').trim(); let type = null; // eg. "All: Resolves #712: New: Support for note history (#1415)" // "Resolves" doesn't tell us if it's new or improved so check the // third token (which in this case is "new"). if (t.indexOf('resolves') === 0 && ['new', 'improved', 'fixed'].indexOf(parts[0].trim().toLowerCase()) >= 0) { t = parts[0].trim().toLowerCase(); parts.splice(0, 1); message = parts.join(':').trim(); } else if (t.indexOf('resolves') === 0) { // If we didn't have the third token default to "improved" t = 'improved'; message = parts.join(':').trim(); } if (t.indexOf('fix') === 0) type = 'fixed'; if (t.indexOf('new') === 0) type = 'new'; if (t.indexOf('improved') === 0) type = 'improved'; if (t.indexOf('security') === 0) type = 'security'; if (!type) { type = detectType(message); if (originalType.toLowerCase() === 'tinymce') originalType = 'WYSIWYG'; message = `${originalType}: ${message}`; } const issueNumberMatch = output.match(/#(\d+)/); const issueNumber = issueNumberMatch && issueNumberMatch.length >= 2 ? issueNumberMatch[1] : null; return { type: type, message: message, issueNumber: issueNumber, subModule: subModule, }; }; const commitMessage = parseCommitMessage(output, subModule); const messagePieces = []; messagePieces.push(`${capitalizeFirstLetter(commitMessage.type)}`); if (commitMessage.subModule) messagePieces.push(`${capitalizeFirstLetter(commitMessage.subModule)}`); messagePieces.push(`${capitalizeFirstLetter(commitMessage.message)}`); output = messagePieces.join(': '); const issueRegex = /\((#[0-9]+)\)$/; if (options.publishFormat === 'full') { if (commitMessage.issueNumber) { const formattedIssueNum = `(#${commitMessage.issueNumber})`; if (output.indexOf(formattedIssueNum) < 0) output += ` ${formattedIssueNum}`; } let authorMd = null; const isLaurent = author.login === 'laurent22' || author.email === 'laurent22@users.noreply.github.com'; if (author && (author.login || author.name) && !isLaurent) { if (author.login) { const escapedLogin = author.login.replace(/\]/g, ''); authorMd = `[@${escapedLogin}](https://github.com/${encodeURI(author.login)})`; } else { authorMd = `${author.name}`; } } if (output.match(issueRegex)) { if (authorMd) { output = output.replace(issueRegex, `($1 by ${authorMd})`); } } else { const commitStrings = [commit.substr(0, 7)]; if (authorMd) commitStrings.push(`by ${authorMd}`); if (commitStrings.join('').length) { output += ` (${commitStrings.join(' ')})`; } } } if (options.publishFormat !== 'full') { output = output.replace(issueRegex, ''); } return escapeHtml(output); } function createChangeLog(logs: LogEntry[], options: Options) { const output = []; for (const log of logs) { output.push(formatCommitMessage(log.commit, log.message, log.author, options)); } return output; } function capitalizeFirstLetter(string: string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } // This function finds the first relevant tag starting from the given tag. // The first "relevant tag" is the one that exists, and from which there are changes. async function findFirstRelevantTag(baseTag: string, platform: Platform, allTags: string[]) { let baseTagIndex = allTags.indexOf(baseTag); if (baseTagIndex < 0) baseTagIndex = allTags.length; const baseVersion = versionFromTag(baseTag); for (let i = baseTagIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const tag = allTags[i]; if (platformFromTag(tag) !== platform) continue; const currentVersion = versionFromTag(tag); if (compareVersions(baseVersion, currentVersion) <= 0) continue; try { const logs = await gitLog(tag); const filteredLogs = filterLogs(logs, platform); if (filteredLogs.length) return tag; } catch (error) { if (error.message.indexOf('unknown revision') >= 0) { // We skip the error - it means this particular tag has never been created } else { throw error; } } } throw new Error(`Could not find previous tag for: ${baseTag}`); } async function main() { const argv = require('yargs').argv; if (!argv._.length) throw new Error('Tag name must be specified. Provide the tag of the new version and git-changelog will walk backward to find the changes to the previous relevant tag.'); const allTags = await gitTags(); const fromTagName = argv._[0]; let toTagName = argv._.length >= 2 ? argv._[1] : ''; const platform = platformFromTag(fromTagName); if (!toTagName) toTagName = await findFirstRelevantTag(fromTagName, platform, allTags); const logsSinceTags = await gitLog(toTagName); const filteredLogs = filterLogs(logsSinceTags, platform); let publishFormat: PublishFormat = PublishFormat.Full; if (['android', 'ios'].indexOf(platform) >= 0) publishFormat = PublishFormat.Simple; if (argv.publishFormat) publishFormat = argv.publishFormat; let changelog = createChangeLog(filteredLogs, { publishFormat: publishFormat }); const changelogFixes = []; const changelogImproves = []; const changelogNews = []; for (const l of changelog) { if (l.indexOf('Fix') === 0 || l.indexOf('Security') === 0) { changelogFixes.push(l); } else if (l.indexOf('Improve') === 0) { changelogImproves.push(l); } else if (l.indexOf('New') === 0) { changelogNews.push(l); } else { throw new Error(`Invalid changelog line: ${l}`); } } changelogFixes.sort(); changelogImproves.sort(); changelogNews.sort(); changelog = [].concat(changelogNews).concat(changelogImproves).concat(changelogFixes); const changelogString = changelog.map(l => `- ${l}`); console.info(changelogString.join('\n')); } if (require.main === module) { // eslint-disable-next-line promise/prefer-await-to-then main().catch((error) => { console.error('Fatal error'); console.error(error); process.exit(1); }); }