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const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js');
const { fileContentEqual, setupDatabase, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, db, synchronizer, fileApi, sleep, clearDatabase, switchClient, syncTargetId, objectsEqual, checkThrowAsync } = require('test-utils.js');
const htmlUtils = require('lib/htmlUtils.js');
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise', p, 'reason:', reason);
describe('htmlUtils', function() {
beforeEach(async (done) => {
it('should extract image URLs', async (done) => {
const testCases = [
['<img src="http://test.com/img.png"/>', ['http://test.com/img.png']],
['<img src="http://test.com/img.png"/> <img src="http://test.com/img2.png"/>', ['http://test.com/img.png', 'http://test.com/img2.png']],
['<img src="http://test.com/img.png" alt="testing" >', ['http://test.com/img.png']],
['nothing here', []],
['', []],
for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
const md = testCases[i][0];
const expected = testCases[i][1];
expect(htmlUtils.extractImageUrls(md).join(' ')).toBe(expected.join(' '));
it('should replace image URLs', async (done) => {
const testCases = [
['<img src="http://test.com/img.png"/>', ['http://other.com/img2.png'], '<img src="http://other.com/img2.png"/>'],
['<img src="http://test.com/img.png"/> <img src="http://test.com/img2.png"/>', ['http://other.com/img2.png', 'http://other.com/img3.png'], '<img src="http://other.com/img2.png"/> <img src="http://other.com/img3.png"/>'],
['<img src="http://test.com/img.png" alt="testing" >', ['http://other.com/img.png'], '<img src="http://other.com/img.png" alt="testing" >'],
const callback = (urls) => {
let i = -1;
return function(src) {
return urls[i];
for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
const md = testCases[i][0];
const r = htmlUtils.replaceImageUrls(md, callback(testCases[i][1]));
it('should encode attributes', async (done) => {
const testCases = [
[{ a: 'one', b: 'two' }, 'a="one" b="two"'],
[{ a: 'one&two' }, 'a="one&two"'],
for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
const attrs = testCases[i][0];
const expected = testCases[i][1];
it('should prepend a base URL', async (done) => {
const testCases = [
'<a href="a.html">Something</a>',
'<a href="http://test.com/a.html">Something</a>',
'<a href="a.html">a</a> <a href="b.html">b</a>',
'<a href="http://test.com/a.html">a</a> <a href="http://test.com/b.html">b</a>',
'<a href="a.html">a</a> <a href="b.html">b</a>',
'<a href="http://test.com/a.html">a</a> <a href="http://test.com/b.html">b</a>',
for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
const html = testCases[i][0];
const baseUrl = testCases[i][1];
const expected = testCases[i][2];
expect(htmlUtils.prependBaseUrl(html, baseUrl)).toBe(expected);
@ -61,13 +61,19 @@
const output = {};
for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
const img = images[i];
const src = forceAbsoluteUrls ? absoluteUrl(img.src) : img.src;
output[src] = {
if (img.classList && img.classList.contains('joplin-clipper-hidden')) continue;
let src = imageSrc(img);
src = forceAbsoluteUrls ? absoluteUrl(src) : src;
if (!output[src]) output[src] = [];
width: img.width,
height: img.height,
naturalWidth: img.naturalWidth,
naturalHeight: img.naturalHeight,
return output;
@ -86,20 +92,29 @@
return output;
// In general we should use currentSrc because that's the image that's currently displayed,
// especially within <picture> tags or with srcset. In these cases there can be multiple
// sources and the best one is probably the one being displayed, thus currentSrc.
function imageSrc(image) {
if (image.currentSrc) return image.currentSrc;
return image.src;
// Cleans up element by removing all its invisible children (which we don't want to render as Markdown)
// And hard-code the image dimensions so that the information can be used by the clipper server to
// display them at the right sizes in the notes.
function cleanUpElement(element, imageSizes) {
function cleanUpElement(convertToMarkup, element, imageSizes, imageIndexes) {
const childNodes = element.childNodes;
const hiddenNodes = [];
for (let i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
const node = childNodes[i];
const nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
const isHidden = node && node.classList && node.classList.contains('joplin-clipper-hidden');
if (isHidden) {
} else {
// If the data-joplin-clipper-value has been set earlier, create a new DIV element
@ -112,17 +127,25 @@
if (nodeName === 'img') {
node.src = absoluteUrl(node.src);
const imageSize = imageSizes[node.src];
if (imageSize) {
const src = absoluteUrl(imageSrc(node));
node.setAttribute('src', src);
if (!(src in imageIndexes)) imageIndexes[src] = 0;
const imageSize = imageSizes[src][imageIndexes[src]];
if (imageSize && convertToMarkup === 'markdown') {
node.width = imageSize.width;
node.height = imageSize.height;
cleanUpElement(node, imageSizes);
cleanUpElement(convertToMarkup, node, imageSizes, imageIndexes);
for (const hiddenNode of hiddenNodes) {
if (!hiddenNode.parentNode) continue;
// When we clone the document before cleaning it, we lose some of the information that might have been set via CSS or
@ -132,9 +155,11 @@
function preProcessDocument(element) {
const childNodes = element.childNodes;
for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
for (let i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const node = childNodes[i];
const nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
const nodeParent = node.parentNode;
const nodeParentName = nodeParent ? nodeParent.nodeName.toLowerCase() : '';
let isVisible = node.nodeType === 1 ? window.getComputedStyle(node).display !== 'none' : true;
if (isVisible && ['script', 'noscript', 'style', 'select', 'option', 'button'].indexOf(nodeName) >= 0) isVisible = false;
@ -153,7 +178,13 @@
if (a && a.toLowerCase().indexOf('math/tex') >= 0) isVisible = true;
if (!isVisible) {
if (nodeName === 'source' && nodeParentName === 'picture') {
isVisible = false
if (node.nodeType === 8) { // Comments are just removed since we can't add a class
} else if (!isVisible) {
} else {
@ -179,19 +210,25 @@
// Given a document, return a <style> tag that contains all the styles
// required to render the page. Not currently used but could be as an
// option to clip pages as HTML.
function getStyleTag(doc) {
const styleText = [];
function getStyleSheets(doc) {
const output = [];
for (var i=0; i<doc.styleSheets.length; i++) {
var sheet = doc.styleSheets[i];
try {
var sheet = doc.styleSheets[i];
for (const cssRule of sheet.cssRules) {
output.push({ type: 'text', value: cssRule.cssText });
} catch (error) {
// Calling sheet.cssRules will throw a CORS error on Chrome if the stylesheet is on a different domain.
// In that case, we skip it and add it to the list of stylesheet URLs. These URls will be downloaded
// by the desktop application, since it doesn't have CORS restrictions.
console.info('Could not retrieve stylesheet now:', sheet.href);
console.info('It will downloaded by the main application.');
output.push({ type: 'url', value: sheet.href });
return '<style>' + styleText.join('\n') + '</style>';
return output;
function documentForReadability() {
@ -223,7 +260,9 @@
async function prepareCommandResponse(command) {
console.info('Got command: ' + command.name);
const clippedContentResponse = (title, html, imageSizes, anchorNames) => {
const convertToMarkup = command.preProcessFor ? command.preProcessFor : 'markdown';
const clippedContentResponse = (title, html, imageSizes, anchorNames, stylesheets) => {
return {
name: 'clippedContent',
title: title,
@ -234,6 +273,9 @@
tags: command.tags || '',
image_sizes: imageSizes,
anchor_names: anchorNames,
source_command: Object.assign({}, command),
convert_to: convertToMarkup,
stylesheets: stylesheets,
@ -255,7 +297,6 @@
} else if (command.name === "isProbablyReaderable") {
const ok = isProbablyReaderable(documentForReadability());
console.info('isProbablyReaderable', ok);
return { name: 'isProbablyReaderable', value: ok };
} else if (command.name === "completePageHtml") {
@ -266,8 +307,11 @@
// directly on the document, so we make a copy of it first.
const cleanDocument = document.body.cloneNode(true);
const imageSizes = getImageSizes(document, true);
cleanUpElement(cleanDocument, imageSizes);
return clippedContentResponse(pageTitle(), cleanDocument.innerHTML, imageSizes, getAnchorNames(document));
const imageIndexes = {};
cleanUpElement(convertToMarkup, cleanDocument, imageSizes, imageIndexes);
const stylesheets = convertToMarkup === 'html' ? getStyleSheets(document) : null;
return clippedContentResponse(pageTitle(), cleanDocument.innerHTML, imageSizes, getAnchorNames(document), stylesheets);
} else if (command.name === "selectedHtml") {
@ -277,7 +321,8 @@
const container = document.createElement('div');
const imageSizes = getImageSizes(document, true);
cleanUpElement(container, imageSizes);
const imageIndexes = {};
cleanUpElement(convertToMarkup, container, imageSizes, imageIndexes);
return clippedContentResponse(pageTitle(), container.innerHTML, getImageSizes(document), getAnchorNames(document));
} else if (command.name === 'screenshot') {
@ -7,6 +7,20 @@ import led_orange from './led_orange.png';
const { connect } = require('react-redux');
const { bridge } = require('./bridge');
function commandUserString(command) {
const s = [];
if (command.name === 'simplifiedPageHtml') s.push('Simplified page');
if (command.name === 'completePageHtml') s.push('Complete page');
if (command.name === 'selectedHtml') s.push('Selection');
if (command.name === 'pageUrl') s.push('URL only');
const p = command.preProcessFor ? command.preProcessFor : 'markdown';
s.push('(' + p + ')');
return s.join(' ');
class PreviewComponent extends React.PureComponent {
constructor() {
@ -17,7 +31,7 @@ class PreviewComponent extends React.PureComponent {
componentDidMount() {
if (!this.bodyRef.current) return;
// Because the text size is made twice smaller with CSS, we need
// to also reduce the size of the images
const imgs = this.bodyRef.current.getElementsByTagName('img');
@ -32,6 +46,7 @@ class PreviewComponent extends React.PureComponent {
<div className="Preview">
<input className={"Title"} value={this.props.title} onChange={this.props.onTitleChange}/>
<p><span>Type:</span> {commandUserString(this.props.command)}</p>
<a className={"Confirm Button"} onClick={this.props.onConfirmClick}>Confirm</a>
@ -84,6 +99,14 @@ class AppComponent extends Component {
this.clipComplete_click = () => {
name: 'completePageHtml',
preProcessFor: 'markdown',
this.clipCompleteHtml_click = () => {
name: 'completePageHtml',
preProcessFor: 'html',
@ -259,6 +282,7 @@ class AppComponent extends Component {
@ -360,6 +384,7 @@ class AppComponent extends Component {
<li><a className="Button" onClick={this.clipSimplified_click} title={simplifiedPageButtonTooltip}>{simplifiedPageButtonLabel}</a></li>
<li><a className="Button" onClick={this.clipComplete_click}>Clip complete page</a></li>
<li><a className="Button" onClick={this.clipCompleteHtml_click}>Clip complete page (HTML) (Beta)</a></li>
<li><a className="Button" onClick={this.clipSelection_click}>Clip selection</a></li>
<li><a className="Button" onClick={this.clipScreenshot_click}>Clip screenshot</a></li>
<li><a className="Button" onClick={this.clipUrl_click}>Clip URL</a></li>
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ class Bridge {
tags: command.tags || '',
image_sizes: command.image_sizes || {},
anchor_names: command.anchor_names || [],
source_command: command.source_command,
convert_to: command.convert_to,
stylesheets: command.stylesheets,
this.dispatch({ type: 'CLIPPED_CONTENT_SET', content: content });
@ -1020,16 +1020,17 @@ class Application extends BaseApplication {
this.lastMenuScreen_ = screen;
updateMenuItemStates() {
async updateMenuItemStates() {
if (!this.lastMenuScreen_) return;
if (!this.store()) return;
const selectedNoteIds = this.store().getState().selectedNoteIds;
const note = selectedNoteIds.length === 1 ? await Note.load(selectedNoteIds[0]) : null;
for (const itemId of ['copy', 'paste', 'cut', 'selectAll', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'code', 'insertDateTime', 'commandStartExternalEditing', 'setTags', 'showLocalSearch']) {
const menuItem = Menu.getApplicationMenu().getMenuItemById('edit:' + itemId);
if (!menuItem) continue;
menuItem.enabled = selectedNoteIds.length === 1;
menuItem.enabled = !!note && note.markup_language === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ convertJsx(__dirname + '/plugins');
const libContent = [
fs.readFileSync(basePath + '/ReactNativeClient/lib/string-utils-common.js', 'utf8'),
fs.readFileSync(basePath + '/ReactNativeClient/lib/markJsUtils.js', 'utf8'),
fs.readFileSync(basePath + '/ReactNativeClient/lib/MdToHtml/webviewLib.js', 'utf8'),
fs.readFileSync(basePath + '/ReactNativeClient/lib/renderers/webviewLib.js', 'utf8'),
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/gui/note-viewer/lib.js', libContent.join('\n'), 'utf8');
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class NotePropertiesDialog extends React.Component {
location: _('Location'),
source_url: _('URL'),
revisionsLink: _('Note History'),
markup_language: _('Markup'),
@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ class NotePropertiesDialog extends React.Component {
formNote.revisionsLink = note.id;
formNote.markup_language = Note.markupLanguageToLabel(note.markup_language);
formNote.id = note.id;
return formNote;
@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ class NotePropertiesDialog extends React.Component {
controlComp = <div style={Object.assign({}, theme.textStyle, {display: 'inline-block'})}>{displayedValue}</div>
if (key !== 'id' && key !== 'revisionsLink') {
if (['id', 'revisionsLink', 'markup_language'].indexOf(key) < 0) {
editCompHandler = () => {this.editPropertyButtonClick(key, value)};
editCompIcon = 'fa-edit';
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const Revision = require('lib/models/Revision');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting');
const RevisionService = require('lib/services/RevisionService');
const shared = require('lib/components/shared/note-screen-shared.js');
const MdToHtml = require('lib/MdToHtml');
const MarkupToHtml = require('lib/renderers/MarkupToHtml');
const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js');
const ReactTooltip = require('react-tooltip');
const { substrWithEllipsis } = require('lib/string-utils');
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class NoteRevisionViewerComponent extends React.PureComponent {
async reloadNote() {
let noteBody = '';
let markupLanguage = Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN;
if (!this.state.revisions.length || !this.state.currentRevId) {
noteBody = _('This note has no history');
this.setState({ note: null });
@ -100,16 +101,17 @@ class NoteRevisionViewerComponent extends React.PureComponent {
const note = await RevisionService.instance().revisionNote(this.state.revisions, revIndex);
if (!note) return;
noteBody = note.body;
markupLanguage = note.markup_language;
this.setState({ note: note });
const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme);
const mdToHtml = new MdToHtml({
const markupToHtml = new MarkupToHtml({
resourceBaseUrl: 'file://' + Setting.value('resourceDir') + '/',
const result = mdToHtml.render(noteBody, theme, {
const result = markupToHtml.render(markupLanguage, noteBody, theme, {
codeTheme: theme.codeThemeCss,
userCss: this.props.customCss ? this.props.customCss : '',
resources: await shared.attachedResources(noteBody),
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const TagList = require('./TagList.min.js');
const { connect } = require('react-redux');
const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js');
const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js');
const MdToHtml = require('lib/MdToHtml');
const MarkupToHtml = require('lib/renderers/MarkupToHtml');
const shared = require('lib/components/shared/note-screen-shared.js');
const { bridge } = require('electron').remote.require('./bridge');
const { themeStyle } = require('../theme.js');
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
newNote: null,
noteTags: [],
showRevisions: false,
loading: false,
// If the current note was just created, and the title has never been
// changed by the user, this variable contains that note ID. Used
@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
this.lastSetMarkers_ = '';
this.lastSetMarkersOptions_ = {};
this.selectionRange_ = null;
this.lastComponentUpdateNoteId_ = null;
this.noteSearchBar_ = React.createRef();
// Complicated but reliable method to get editor content height
@ -326,12 +328,12 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
mdToHtml() {
if (this.mdToHtml_) return this.mdToHtml_;
this.mdToHtml_ = new MdToHtml({
markupToHtml() {
if (this.markupToHtml_) return this.markupToHtml_;
this.markupToHtml_ = new MarkupToHtml({
resourceBaseUrl: 'file://' + Setting.value('resourceDir') + '/',
return this.mdToHtml_;
return this.markupToHtml_;
async componentWillMount() {
@ -356,7 +358,7 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
this.lastLoadedNoteId_ = note ? note.id : null;
this.updateHtml(note && note.body ? note.body : '');
this.updateHtml(note ? note.markup_language : null, note && note.body ? note.body : '');
eventManager.on('alarmChange', this.onAlarmChange_);
eventManager.on('noteTypeToggle', this.onNoteTypeToggle_);
@ -370,7 +372,7 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
componentWillUnmount() {
this.mdToHtml_ = null;
this.markupToHtml_ = null;
eventManager.removeListener('alarmChange', this.onAlarmChange_);
eventManager.removeListener('noteTypeToggle', this.onNoteTypeToggle_);
@ -389,6 +391,14 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
const currentNoteId = this.state.note ? this.state.note.id : null;
if (this.lastComponentUpdateNoteId_ !== currentNoteId && this.editor_) {
const undoManager = this.editor_.editor.getSession().getUndoManager();
this.lastComponentUpdateNoteId_ = currentNoteId;
webviewRef() {
@ -398,6 +408,8 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
async saveIfNeeded(saveIfNewNote = false, options = {}) {
if (this.state.loading) return;
const forceSave = saveIfNewNote && (this.state.note && !this.state.note.id);
if (this.scheduleSaveTimeout_) clearTimeout(this.scheduleSaveTimeout_);
@ -448,6 +460,12 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
await this.saveIfNeeded();
const defer = () => {
this.setState({ loading: false });
this.setState({ loading: true });
const previousNote = this.state.note ? Object.assign({}, this.state.note) : null;
const stateNoteId = this.state.note ? this.state.note.id : null;
@ -475,18 +493,18 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
noteTags = await Tag.tagsByNoteId(noteId);
this.lastLoadedNoteId_ = noteId;
note = noteId ? await Note.load(noteId) : null;
if (noteId !== this.lastLoadedNoteId_) return; // Race condition - current note was changed while this one was loading
if (options.noReloadIfLocalChanges && this.isModified()) return;
if (noteId !== this.lastLoadedNoteId_) return defer(); // Race condition - current note was changed while this one was loading
if (options.noReloadIfLocalChanges && this.isModified()) return defer();
// If the note hasn't been changed, exit now
if (this.state.note && note) {
let diff = Note.diffObjects(this.state.note, note);
delete diff.type_;
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(diff).length) return;
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(diff).length) return defer();
this.mdToHtml_ = null;
this.markupToHtml_ = null;
// If we are loading nothing (noteId == null), make sure to
// set webviewReady to false too because the webview component
@ -520,22 +538,6 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
if (this.editor_) {
// Calling setValue here does two things:
// 1. It sets the initial value as recorded by the undo manager. If we were to set it instead to "" and wait for the render
// phase to set the value, the initial value would still be "", which means pressing "undo" on a note that has just loaded
// would clear it.
// 2. It resets the undo manager - fixes https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/355
// Note: calling undoManager.reset() doesn't work
try {
this.editor_.editor.getSession().setValue(note && note.body? note.body : '');
} catch (error) {
if (error.message === "Cannot read property 'match' of undefined") {
// The internals of Ace Editor throws an exception when creating a new note,
// but that can be ignored.
} else {
@ -600,7 +602,9 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
// if (newState.note) await shared.refreshAttachedResources(this, newState.note.body);
this.updateHtml(newState.note ? newState.note.body : '');
await this.updateHtml(newState.note ? newState.note.markup_language : null, newState.note ? newState.note.body : '');
async componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
@ -671,7 +675,7 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
const arg0 = args && args.length >= 1 ? args[0] : null;
const arg1 = args && args.length >= 2 ? args[1] : null;
console.info('Got ipc-message: ' + msg, args);
if (msg !== 'percentScroll') console.info('Got ipc-message: ' + msg, args);
if (msg.indexOf('checkboxclick:') === 0) {
// Ugly hack because setting the body here will make the scrollbar
@ -935,12 +939,20 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
async updateHtml(body = null, options = null) {
async updateHtml(markupLanguage = null, body = null, options = null) {
if (!options) options = {};
if (!('useCustomCss' in options)) options.useCustomCss = true;
let bodyToRender = body;
if (bodyToRender === null) bodyToRender = this.state.note && this.state.note.body ? this.state.note.body : '';
if (bodyToRender === null) {
bodyToRender = this.state.note && this.state.note.body ? this.state.note.body : '';
markupLanguage = this.state.note ? this.state.note.markup_language : Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN;
if (!markupLanguage) markupLanguage = Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN;
const resources = await shared.attachedResources(bodyToRender);
const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme);
@ -948,7 +960,7 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
codeTheme: theme.codeThemeCss,
postMessageSyntax: 'ipcProxySendToHost',
userCss: options.useCustomCss ? this.props.customCss : '',
resources: await shared.attachedResources(bodyToRender),
resources: resources,
codeHighlightCacheKey: this.state.note ? this.state.note.id : null,
@ -958,10 +970,10 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
if (!bodyToRender.trim() && visiblePanes.indexOf('viewer') >= 0 && visiblePanes.indexOf('editor') < 0) {
// Fixes https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/217
bodyToRender = '*' + _('This note has no content. Click on "%s" to toggle the editor and edit the note.', _('Layout')) + '*';
bodyToRender = '<i>' + _('This note has no content. Click on "%s" to toggle the editor and edit the note.', _('Layout')) + '</i>';
const result = this.mdToHtml().render(bodyToRender, theme, mdOptions);
const result = this.markupToHtml().render(markupLanguage, bodyToRender, theme, mdOptions);
bodyHtml: result.html,
@ -1086,7 +1098,7 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
lastSavedNote: Object.assign({}, note),
this.updateHtml(note.markup_language, note.body);
} catch (error) {
@ -1115,13 +1127,13 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
const previousTheme = Setting.value('theme');
Setting.setValue('theme', Setting.THEME_LIGHT);
this.lastSetHtml_ = '';
await this.updateHtml(tempBody, { useCustomCss: false });
await this.updateHtml(this.state.note.markup_language, tempBody, { useCustomCss: false });
const restoreSettings = async () => {
Setting.setValue('theme', previousTheme);
this.lastSetHtml_ = '';
await this.updateHtml(previousBody);
await this.updateHtml(this.state.note.markup_language, previousBody);
@ -1419,6 +1431,8 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
createToolbarItems(note) {
const markupLanguage = note.markup_language;
const toolbarItems = [];
if (note && this.state.folder && ['Search', 'Tag'].includes(this.props.notesParentType)) {
@ -1431,7 +1445,6 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
noteId: note.id,
// enabled: false,
@ -1454,83 +1467,85 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
tooltip: _('Bold'),
iconName: 'fa-bold',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextBold(); },
if (note.markup_language === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN) {
tooltip: _('Bold'),
iconName: 'fa-bold',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextBold(); },
tooltip: _('Italic'),
iconName: 'fa-italic',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextItalic(); },
tooltip: _('Italic'),
iconName: 'fa-italic',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextItalic(); },
type: 'separator',
type: 'separator',
tooltip: _('Hyperlink'),
iconName: 'fa-link',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextLink(); },
tooltip: _('Hyperlink'),
iconName: 'fa-link',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextLink(); },
tooltip: _('Code'),
iconName: 'fa-code',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextCode(); },
tooltip: _('Code'),
iconName: 'fa-code',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextCode(); },
tooltip: _('Attach file'),
iconName: 'fa-paperclip',
onClick: () => { return this.commandAttachFile(); },
tooltip: _('Attach file'),
iconName: 'fa-paperclip',
onClick: () => { return this.commandAttachFile(); },
type: 'separator',
type: 'separator',
tooltip: _('Numbered List'),
iconName: 'fa-list-ol',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextListOl(); },
tooltip: _('Numbered List'),
iconName: 'fa-list-ol',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextListOl(); },
tooltip: _('Bulleted List'),
iconName: 'fa-list-ul',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextListUl(); },
tooltip: _('Bulleted List'),
iconName: 'fa-list-ul',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextListUl(); },
tooltip: _('Checkbox'),
iconName: 'fa-check-square',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextCheckbox(); },
tooltip: _('Checkbox'),
iconName: 'fa-check-square',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextCheckbox(); },
tooltip: _('Heading'),
iconName: 'fa-header',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextHeading(); },
tooltip: _('Heading'),
iconName: 'fa-header',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextHeading(); },
tooltip: _('Horizontal Rule'),
iconName: 'fa-ellipsis-h',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextHorizontalRule(); },
tooltip: _('Horizontal Rule'),
iconName: 'fa-ellipsis-h',
onClick: () => { return this.commandTextHorizontalRule(); },
tooltip: _('Insert Date Time'),
iconName: 'fa-calendar-plus-o',
onClick: () => { return this.commandDateTime(); },
tooltip: _('Insert Date Time'),
iconName: 'fa-calendar-plus-o',
onClick: () => { return this.commandDateTime(); },
type: 'separator',
type: 'separator',
if (note && this.props.watchedNoteFiles.indexOf(note.id) >= 0) {
@ -1646,6 +1661,7 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
const style = this.props.style;
const note = this.state.note;
const body = note && note.body ? note.body : '';
const markupLanguage = note ? note.markup_language : Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN;
const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme);
const visiblePanes = this.props.visiblePanes || ['editor', 'viewer'];
const isTodo = note && !!note.is_todo;
@ -1855,7 +1871,7 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
delete editorRootStyle.fontSize;
const editor = <AceEditor
mode={markupLanguage === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML ? 'text' : 'markdown'}
width={editorStyle.width + 'px'}
@ -9,10 +9,15 @@
#content {
/* Needs this in case the content contains elements with absolute positioning */
/* Without this they would just stay at a fixed position when scrolling */
position: relative;
overflow-y: auto;
height: 100%;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
/* Note: the height is set via updateBodyHeight(). Setting it here to 100% */
/* won't work with some pages due to the position: relative */
mark {
@ -253,6 +258,7 @@
// The body element needs to have a fixed height for the content to be scrollable
function updateBodyHeight() {
document.getElementById('body').style.height = window.innerHeight + 'px';
document.getElementById('content').style.height = window.innerHeight + 'px';
contentElement.addEventListener('scroll', webviewLib.logEnabledEventHandler(e => {
@ -154,9 +154,9 @@
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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Linux | <a href='https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/releases/download/
Operating System | Download | Alt. Download
Android | <a href='https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.cozic.joplin&utm_source=GitHub&utm_campaign=README&pcampaignid=MKT-Other-global-all-co-prtnr-py-PartBadge-Mar2515-1'><img alt='Get it on Google Play' height="40px" src='https://joplinapp.org/images/BadgeAndroid.png'/></a> | or [Download APK File](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin-android/releases/download/android-v1.0.281/joplin-v1.0.281.apk)
Android | <a href='https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.cozic.joplin&utm_source=GitHub&utm_campaign=README&pcampaignid=MKT-Other-global-all-co-prtnr-py-PartBadge-Mar2515-1'><img alt='Get it on Google Play' height="40px" src='https://joplinapp.org/images/BadgeAndroid.png'/></a> | or [Download APK File](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin-android/releases/download/android-v1.0.282/joplin-v1.0.282.apk)
iOS | <a href='https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/joplin/id1315599797'><img alt='Get it on the App Store' height="40px" src='https://joplinapp.org/images/BadgeIOS.png'/></a> | -
## Terminal application
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applicationId "net.cozic.joplin"
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@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
<!-- ============================= -->
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = (new Entities()).encode;
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const utils = require('../utils');
function installRule(markdownIt, mdOptions, ruleOptions) {
const defaultRender = markdownIt.renderer.rules.image;
markdownIt.renderer.rules.image = (tokens, idx, options, env, self) => {
const token = tokens[idx];
const src = utils.getAttr(token.attrs, 'src');
const title = utils.getAttr(token.attrs, 'title');
if (!Resource.isResourceUrl(src)) return defaultRender(tokens, idx, options, env, self);
const resourceId = Resource.urlToId(src);
const result = ruleOptions.resources[resourceId];
const resource = result ? result.item : null;
const resourceStatus = utils.resourceStatus(result);
if (resourceStatus !== 'ready') {
const icon = utils.resourceStatusImage(resourceStatus);
return '<div class="not-loaded-resource resource-status-' + resourceStatus + '" data-resource-id="' + resourceId + '">' + '<img src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' + htmlentities(icon) + '"/>' + '</div>';
const mime = resource.mime ? resource.mime.toLowerCase() : '';
if (Resource.isSupportedImageMimeType(mime)) {
let realSrc = './' + Resource.filename(resource);
if (ruleOptions.resourceBaseUrl) realSrc = ruleOptions.resourceBaseUrl + realSrc;
let output = '<img data-from-md data-resource-id="' + resource.id + '" title="' + htmlentities(title) + '" src="' + realSrc + '"/>';
return output;
return defaultRender(tokens, idx, options, env, self);
module.exports = function(context, ruleOptions) {
return function(md, mdOptions) {
installRule(md, mdOptions, ruleOptions);
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js');
const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js');
const { shim } = require('lib/shim');
const MdToHtml = require('lib/MdToHtml.js');
const MdToHtml = require('lib/renderers/MdToHtml.js');
const shared = require('lib/components/shared/note-screen-shared.js');
class NoteBodyViewer extends Component {
@ -288,11 +288,18 @@ class NoteScreenComponent extends BaseScreenComponent {
componentDidUpdate() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.doFocusUpdate_) {
this.doFocusUpdate_ = false;
if (prevProps.showSideMenu !== this.props.showSideMenu && this.props.showSideMenu) {
options: this.sideMenuOptions(),
componentWillUnmount() {
@ -433,7 +440,11 @@ class NoteScreenComponent extends BaseScreenComponent {
const localFilePath = pickerResponse.uri;
const localFilePath = Platform.select({
android: pickerResponse.uri,
ios: decodeURI(pickerResponse.uri),
let mimeType = pickerResponse.type;
if (!mimeType) {
@ -554,11 +565,6 @@ class NoteScreenComponent extends BaseScreenComponent {
properties_onPress() {
options: this.sideMenuOptions(),
this.props.dispatch({ type: 'SIDE_MENU_OPEN' });
@ -891,6 +897,7 @@ const NoteScreen = connect(
theme: state.settings.theme,
ftsEnabled: state.settings['db.ftsEnabled'],
sharedData: state.sharedData,
showSideMenu: state.showSideMenu,
@ -144,8 +144,6 @@ class NotesScreenComponent extends BaseScreenComponent {
notes: notes,
notesSource: source,
console.info('Done', Date.now() - startTime);
deleteFolder_onPress(folderId) {
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
const urlUtils = require('lib/urlUtils.js');
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = (new Entities()).encode;
// [\s\S] instead of . for multiline matching
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/16119722/561309
const imageRegex = /<img([\s\S]*?)src=["']([\s\S]*?)["']([\s\S]*?)>/gi
const anchorRegex = /<a([\s\S]*?)href=["']([\s\S]*?)["']([\s\S]*?)>/gi
class HtmlUtils {
headAndBodyHtml(doc) {
const output = [];
if (doc.head) output.push(doc.head.innerHTML);
if (doc.body) output.push(doc.body.innerHTML);
return output.join('\n');
extractImageUrls(html) {
if (!html) return [];
const output = [];
let matches;
while (matches = imageRegex.exec(html)) {
return output;
replaceImageUrls(html, callback) {
return this.processImageTags(html, data => {
const newSrc = callback(data.src);
return {
type: 'replaceSource',
src: newSrc,
processImageTags(html, callback) {
if (!html) return '';
return html.replace(imageRegex, (v, before, src, after) => {
const action = callback({ src: src });
console.info('src', src);
if (!action) return '<img' + before + 'src="' + src + '"' + after + '>';
if (action.type === 'replaceElement') {
return action.html;
if (action.type === 'replaceSource') {
return '<img' + before + 'src="' + action.src + '"' + after + '>';
if (action.type === 'setAttributes') {
const attrHtml = this.attributesHtml(action.attrs);
return '<img' + before + attrHtml + after + '>';
throw new Error('Invalid action: ' + action.type);
prependBaseUrl(html, baseUrl) {
if (!html) return '';
return html.replace(anchorRegex, (v, before, href, after) => {
const newHref = urlUtils.prependBaseUrl(href, baseUrl);
return '<a' + before + 'href="' + newHref + '"' + after + '>';
attributesHtml(attr) {
const output = [];
for (const n in attr) {
if (!attr.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue;
output.push(n + '="' + htmlentities(attr[n]) + '"');
return output.join(' ');
const htmlUtils = new HtmlUtils();
module.exports = htmlUtils;
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class JoplinDatabase extends Database {
// must be set in the synchronizer too.
// Note: v16 and v17 don't do anything. They were used to debug an issue.
const existingDatabaseVersions = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23];
const existingDatabaseVersions = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24];
let currentVersionIndex = existingDatabaseVersions.indexOf(fromVersion);
@ -634,6 +634,10 @@ class JoplinDatabase extends Database {
queries.push('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX key_values_key ON key_values (key)');
if (targetVersion == 24) {
queries.push('ALTER TABLE notes ADD COLUMN `markup_language` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1'); // 1: Markdown, 2: HTML
queries.push({ sql: 'UPDATE version SET version = ?', params: [targetVersion] });
try {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const stringPadding = require('string-padding');
const urlUtils = require('lib/urlUtils');
const MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it');
const setupLinkify = require('lib/MdToHtml/setupLinkify');
const setupLinkify = require('lib/renderers/MdToHtml/setupLinkify');
const markdownUtils = {
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
const markdownUtils = require('lib/markdownUtils');
const htmlUtils = require('lib/htmlUtils');
const Note = require('lib/models/Note');
class MarkupLanguageUtils {
lib_(language) {
if (language === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML) return htmlUtils;
if (language === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN) return markdownUtils;
throw new Error('Unsupported markup language: ' + language);
extractImageUrls(language, text) {
return this.lib_(language).extractImageUrls(text);
const markupLanguageUtils = new MarkupLanguageUtils();
module.exports = markupLanguageUtils;
@ -149,6 +149,18 @@ class BaseItem extends BaseModel {
return null;
static async loadItemsByIds(ids) {
const classes = this.syncItemClassNames();
let output = [];
for (let i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
const ItemClass = this.getClass(classes[i]);
const sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + ItemClass.tableName() + ' WHERE id IN ("' + ids.join('","') + '")';
const models = await ItemClass.modelSelectAll(sql);
output = output.concat(models);
return output;
static loadItemByField(itemType, field, value) {
let ItemClass = this.itemClass(itemType);
return ItemClass.loadByField(field, value);
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class Note extends BaseItem {
matches = matches.concat(matches2)
// For example: <img src=":/fcca2938a96a22570e8eae2565bc6b0b"/>
const imgRegex = /<img.*?src=["']:\/([a-zA-Z0-9]{32})["']/g
const imgRegex = /<img[\s\S]*?src=["']:\/([a-zA-Z0-9]{32})["'][\s\S]*?>/gi
const imgMatches = [];
while (true) {
const m = imgRegex.exec(body);
@ -142,15 +142,8 @@ class Note extends BaseItem {
static async linkedItems(body) {
const itemIds = this.linkedItemIds(body);
const output = [];
for (let i = 0; i < itemIds.length; i++) {
const item = await BaseItem.loadItemById(itemIds[i]);
if (!item) continue;
return output;
const r = await BaseItem.loadItemsByIds(itemIds);
return r;
static async linkedItemIdsByType(type, body) {
@ -166,7 +159,7 @@ class Note extends BaseItem {
static async linkedResourceIds(body) {
return await this.linkedItemIdsByType(BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, body);
return this.linkedItemIdsByType(BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, body);
static async replaceResourceInternalToExternalLinks(body) {
@ -239,8 +232,12 @@ class Note extends BaseItem {
for (let i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
const order = orders[i];
if (a[order.by] < b[order.by]) r = +1;
if (a[order.by] > b[order.by]) r = -1;
let aProp = a[order.by];
let bProp = b[order.by];
if (typeof aProp === 'string') aProp = aProp.toLowerCase();
if (typeof bProp === 'string') bProp = bProp.toLowerCase();
if (aProp < bProp) r = +1;
if (aProp > bProp) r = -1;
if (order.dir == 'ASC') r = -r;
if (r !== 0) return r;
@ -629,9 +626,18 @@ class Note extends BaseItem {
return false;
static markupLanguageToLabel(markupLanguageId) {
if (markupLanguageId === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN) return 'Markdown';
if (markupLanguageId === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML) return 'HTML';
throw new Error('Invalid markup language ID: ' + markupLanguageId);
Note.updateGeolocationEnabled_ = true;
Note.geolocationUpdating_ = false;
module.exports = Note;
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource');
const htmlUtils = require('lib/htmlUtils');
const utils = require('./utils');
class HtmlToHtml {
constructor(options) {
this.resourceBaseUrl_ = 'resourceBaseUrl' in options ? options.resourceBaseUrl : null;
render(markup, theme, options) {
const html = htmlUtils.processImageTags(markup, data => {
if (!data.src) return null;
const r = utils.imageReplacement(data.src, options.resources, this.resourceBaseUrl_);
if (!r) return null;
if (typeof r === 'string') {
return {
type: 'replaceElement',
html: r,
} else {
return {
type: 'setAttributes',
attrs: r,
return {
html: html,
cssFiles: [],
module.exports = HtmlToHtml;
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
const MdToHtml = require('./MdToHtml');
const HtmlToHtml = require('./HtmlToHtml');
const Note = require('lib/models/Note');
class MarkupToHtml {
constructor(options) {
this.options_ = options;
this.renderers_ = {};
renderer(markupLanguage) {
if (this.renderers_[markupLanguage]) return this.renderers_[markupLanguage];
let RendererClass = null;
if (markupLanguage === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN) {
RendererClass = MdToHtml;
} else if (markupLanguage === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML) {
RendererClass = HtmlToHtml;
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid markup language: ' + markupLanguage);
this.renderers_[markupLanguage] = new RendererClass(this.options_);
return this.renderers_[markupLanguage];
injectedJavaScript() {
return '';
render(markupLanguage, markup, theme, options) {
return this.renderer(markupLanguage).render(markup, theme, options);
module.exports = MarkupToHtml;
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ const { shim } = require('lib/shim.js');
const { _ } = require('lib/locale');
const md5 = require('md5');
const StringUtils = require('lib/string-utils.js');
const noteStyle = require('./MdToHtml/noteStyle');
const Setting = require('./models/Setting.js');
const noteStyle = require('./noteStyle');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js');
const rules = {
image: require('./MdToHtml/rules/image'),
checkbox: require('./MdToHtml/rules/checkbox'),
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = (new Entities()).encode;
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const utils = require('../utils');
const utils = require('../../utils');
let checkboxIndex_ = -1;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = (new Entities()).encode;
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const utils = require('../utils');
const utils = require('../../utils');
const StringUtils = require('lib/string-utils.js');
const md5 = require('md5');
@ -1,26 +1,13 @@
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = (new Entities()).encode;
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const utils = require('../utils');
const htmlUtils = require('lib/htmlUtils.js');
const utils = require('../../utils');
function renderImageHtml(before, src, after, ruleOptions) {
const resourceId = Resource.urlToId(src);
const result = ruleOptions.resources[resourceId];
const resource = result ? result.item : null;
const resourceStatus = utils.resourceStatus(result);
if (resourceStatus !== 'ready') {
const icon = utils.resourceStatusImage(resourceStatus);
return '<div class="not-loaded-resource resource-status-' + resourceStatus + '" data-resource-id="' + resourceId + '">' + '<img src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' + htmlentities(icon) + '"/>' + '</div>';
const mime = resource.mime ? resource.mime.toLowerCase() : '';
if (Resource.isSupportedImageMimeType(mime)) {
let newSrc = './' + Resource.filename(resource);
if (ruleOptions.resourceBaseUrl) newSrc = ruleOptions.resourceBaseUrl + newSrc;
return '<img ' + before + ' data-resource-id="' + resource.id + '" src="' + newSrc + '" ' + after + '/>';
const r = utils.imageReplacement(src, ruleOptions.resources, ruleOptions.resourceBaseUrl);
if (typeof r === 'string') return r;
if (r) return '<img ' + before + ' ' + htmlUtils.attributesHtml(r) + ' ' + after + '/>';
return '[Image: ' + htmlentities(resource.title) + ' (' + htmlentities(mime) + ')]';
@ -33,7 +20,7 @@ function installRule(markdownIt, mdOptions, ruleOptions) {
return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options);
const imageRegex = /<img(.*?)src=["'](.*?)["'](.*?)\/>/
const imageRegex = /<img(.*?)src=["'](.*?)["'](.*?)>/gi
const handleImageTags = function(defaultRender) {
return function(tokens, idx, options, env, self) {
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = (new Entities()).encode;
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const utils = require('../../utils');
const htmlUtils = require('lib/htmlUtils.js');
function installRule(markdownIt, mdOptions, ruleOptions) {
const defaultRender = markdownIt.renderer.rules.image;
markdownIt.renderer.rules.image = (tokens, idx, options, env, self) => {
const token = tokens[idx];
const src = utils.getAttr(token.attrs, 'src');
const title = utils.getAttr(token.attrs, 'title');
if (!Resource.isResourceUrl(src)) return defaultRender(tokens, idx, options, env, self);
const r = utils.imageReplacement(src, ruleOptions.resources, ruleOptions.resourceBaseUrl);
if (typeof r === 'string') return r;
if (r) return '<img data-from-md ' + htmlUtils.attributesHtml(Object.assign({}, r, { title: title })) + '/>';
return defaultRender(tokens, idx, options, env, self);
module.exports = function(context, ruleOptions) {
return function(md, mdOptions) {
installRule(md, mdOptions, ruleOptions);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = (new Entities()).encode;
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const utils = require('../utils');
const utils = require('../../utils');
const loaderImage = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.0" width="16px" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 128 128" xml:space="preserve"><g><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="#555555" fill-opacity="0.67" transform="rotate(45,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="#949494" fill-opacity="0.42" transform="rotate(90,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="#cccccc" fill-opacity="0.2" transform="rotate(135,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="#e1e1e1" fill-opacity="0.12" transform="rotate(180,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="#e1e1e1" fill-opacity="0.12" transform="rotate(225,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="#e1e1e1" fill-opacity="0.12" transform="rotate(270,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="#e1e1e1" fill-opacity="0.12" transform="rotate(315,64,64)"/><animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" values="0 64 64;315 64 64;270 64 64;225 64 64;180 64 64;135 64 64;90 64 64;45 64 64" calcMode="discrete" dur="720ms" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateTransform></g></svg>';
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = (new Entities()).encode;
const utils = {};
@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ utils.resourceStatusFile = function(state) {
throw new Error('Unknown state: ' + state);
utils.resourceStatus = function(resourceInfo, localState) {
utils.resourceStatus = function(resourceInfo) {
let resourceStatus = 'ready';
if (resourceInfo) {
@ -91,4 +93,30 @@ utils.resourceStatus = function(resourceInfo, localState) {
return resourceStatus;
utils.imageReplacement = function(src, resources, resourceBaseUrl) {
if (!Resource.isResourceUrl(src)) return null;
const resourceId = Resource.urlToId(src);
const result = resources[resourceId];
const resource = result ? result.item : null;
const resourceStatus = utils.resourceStatus(result);
if (resourceStatus !== 'ready') {
const icon = utils.resourceStatusImage(resourceStatus);
return '<div class="not-loaded-resource resource-status-' + resourceStatus + '" data-resource-id="' + resourceId + '">' + '<img src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' + htmlentities(icon) + '"/>' + '</div>';
const mime = resource.mime ? resource.mime.toLowerCase() : '';
if (Resource.isSupportedImageMimeType(mime)) {
let newSrc = './' + Resource.filename(resource);
if (resourceBaseUrl) newSrc = resourceBaseUrl + newSrc;
return {
'data-resource-id': resource.id,
'src': newSrc,
return null;
module.exports = utils;
@ -7,12 +7,15 @@ const BaseItem = require('lib/models/BaseItem');
const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting');
const markdownUtils = require('lib/markdownUtils');
const htmlUtils = require('lib/htmlUtils');
const markupLanguageUtils = require('lib/markupLanguageUtils');
const mimeUtils = require('lib/mime-utils.js').mime;
const { Logger } = require('lib/logger.js');
const md5 = require('md5');
const { shim } = require('lib/shim');
const HtmlToMd = require('lib/HtmlToMd');
const urlUtils = require('lib/urlUtils.js');
const ArrayUtils = require('lib/ArrayUtils.js');
const { netUtils } = require('lib/net-utils');
const { fileExtension, safeFileExtension, safeFilename, filename } = require('lib/path-utils');
const ApiResponse = require('lib/services/rest/ApiResponse');
@ -369,7 +372,7 @@ class Api {
let note = await this.requestNoteToNote_(requestNote);
const imageUrls = markdownUtils.extractImageUrls(note.body);
const imageUrls = ArrayUtils.unique(markupLanguageUtils.extractImageUrls(note.markup_language, note.body));
this.logger().info('Request (' + requestId + '): Downloading images: ' + imageUrls.length);
@ -379,7 +382,7 @@ class Api {
result = await this.createResourcesFromPaths_(result);
await this.removeTempFiles_(result);
note.body = this.replaceImageUrlsByResources_(note.body, result, imageSizes);
note.body = this.replaceImageUrlsByResources_(note.markup_language, note.body, result, imageSizes);
this.logger().info('Request (' + requestId + '): Saving note...');
@ -430,18 +433,45 @@ class Api {
if (requestNote.id) output.id = requestNote.id;
if (requestNote.body_html) {
// Parsing will not work if the HTML is not wrapped in a top level tag, which is not guaranteed
// when getting the content from elsewhere. So here wrap it - it won't change anything to the final
// rendering but it makes sure everything will be parsed.
output.body = await this.htmlToMdParser().parse('<div>' + requestNote.body_html + '</div>', {
baseUrl: requestNote.base_url ? requestNote.base_url : '',
anchorNames: requestNote.anchor_names ? requestNote.anchor_names : [],
const baseUrl = requestNote.base_url ? requestNote.base_url : '';
// Note: to save the note as HTML, use the code below:
// const minify = require('html-minifier').minify;
// output.body = minify(requestNote.body_html, { collapseWhitespace: true });
if (requestNote.body_html) {
if (requestNote.convert_to === 'html') {
const style = await this.buildNoteStyleSheet_(requestNote.stylesheets);
const minify = require('html-minifier').minify;
const minifyOptions = {
// Remove all spaces and, especially, newlines from tag attributes, as that would
// break the rendering.
customAttrCollapse: /.*/,
// Need to remove all whitespaces because whitespace at a beginning of a line
// means a code block in Markdown.
collapseWhitespace: true,
minifyCSS: true,
maxLineLength: 300,
const uglifycss = require('uglifycss');
const styleString = uglifycss.processString(style.join('\n'), {
// Need to set a max length because Ace Editor takes forever
// to display notes with long lines.
maxLineLen: 200,
const styleTag = style.length ? '<style>' + styleString + '</style>' + '\n' : '';
output.body = styleTag + minify(requestNote.body_html, minifyOptions);
output.body = htmlUtils.prependBaseUrl(output.body, baseUrl);
output.markup_language = Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML;
} else { // Convert to Markdown
// Parsing will not work if the HTML is not wrapped in a top level tag, which is not guaranteed
// when getting the content from elsewhere. So here wrap it - it won't change anything to the final
// rendering but it makes sure everything will be parsed.
output.body = await this.htmlToMdParser().parse('<div>' + requestNote.body_html + '</div>', {
baseUrl: baseUrl,
anchorNames: requestNote.anchor_names ? requestNote.anchor_names : [],
output.markup_language = Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN;
if (requestNote.parent_id) {
@ -457,6 +487,9 @@ class Api {
if ('user_updated_time' in requestNote) output.user_updated_time = Database.formatValue(Database.TYPE_INT, requestNote.user_updated_time);
if ('user_created_time' in requestNote) output.user_created_time = Database.formatValue(Database.TYPE_INT, requestNote.user_created_time);
if ('is_todo' in requestNote) output.is_todo = Database.formatValue(Database.TYPE_INT, requestNote.is_todo);
if ('markup_language' in requestNote) output.markup_language = Database.formatValue(Database.TYPE_INT, requestNote.markup_language);
if (!output.markup_language) output.markup_language = Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN;
return output;
@ -486,6 +519,32 @@ class Api {
return newImagePath;
async buildNoteStyleSheet_(stylesheets) {
if (!stylesheets) return [];
const output = [];
for (const stylesheet of stylesheets) {
if (stylesheet.type === 'text') {
} else if (stylesheet.type === 'url') {
try {
const tempPath = Setting.value('tempDir') + '/' + md5(Math.random() + '_' + Date.now()) + '.css';
await shim.fetchBlob(stylesheet.value, { path: tempPath, maxRetry: 1 });
const text = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(tempPath);
await shim.fsDriver().remove(tempPath);
} catch (error) {
this.logger().warn('Cannot download stylesheet at ' + stylesheet.value, error);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid stylesheet type: ' + stylesheet.type);
return output;
async downloadImage_(url, allowFileProtocolImages) {
const tempDir = Setting.value('tempDir');
@ -525,12 +584,7 @@ class Api {
const output = {};
let urlIndex = 0;
const promiseProducer = () => {
if (urlIndex >= urls.length) return null;
const url = urls[urlIndex++];
const downloadOne = url => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const imagePath = await this.downloadImage_(url, allowFileProtocolImages);
if (imagePath) output[url] = { path: imagePath, originalUrl: url };
@ -538,7 +592,15 @@ class Api {
const concurrency = 3
let urlIndex = 0;
const promiseProducer = () => {
if (urlIndex >= urls.length) return null;
const url = urls[urlIndex++];
return downloadOne(url);
const concurrency = 10;
const pool = new PromisePool(promiseProducer, concurrency)
await pool.start()
@ -571,21 +633,33 @@ class Api {
replaceImageUrlsByResources_(md, urls, imageSizes) {
let output = md.replace(/(!\[.*?\]\()([^\s\)]+)(.*?\))/g, (match, before, imageUrl, after) => {
const urlInfo = urls[imageUrl];
if (!urlInfo || !urlInfo.resource) return before + imageUrl + after;
const imageSize = imageSizes[urlInfo.originalUrl];
const resourceUrl = Resource.internalUrl(urlInfo.resource);
replaceImageUrlsByResources_(markupLanguage, md, urls, imageSizes) {
const imageSizesIndexes = {};
if (imageSize && (imageSize.naturalWidth !== imageSize.width || imageSize.naturalHeight !== imageSize.height)) {
return '<img width="' + imageSize.width + '" height="' + imageSize.height + '" src="' + resourceUrl + '"/>';
} else {
return before + resourceUrl + after;
if (markupLanguage === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML) {
return htmlUtils.replaceImageUrls(md, imageUrl => {
const urlInfo = urls[imageUrl];
if (!urlInfo || !urlInfo.resource) return imageUrl;
return Resource.internalUrl(urlInfo.resource);
} else {
let output = md.replace(/(!\[.*?\]\()([^\s\)]+)(.*?\))/g, (match, before, imageUrl, after) => {
const urlInfo = urls[imageUrl];
if (!urlInfo || !urlInfo.resource) return before + imageUrl + after;
if (!(urlInfo.originalUrl in imageSizesIndexes)) imageSizesIndexes[urlInfo.originalUrl] = 0;
const imageSize = imageSizes[urlInfo.originalUrl][imageSizesIndexes[urlInfo.originalUrl]];
const resourceUrl = Resource.internalUrl(urlInfo.resource);
return output;
if (imageSize && (imageSize.naturalWidth !== imageSize.width || imageSize.naturalHeight !== imageSize.height)) {
return '<img width="' + imageSize.width + '" height="' + imageSize.height + '" src="' + resourceUrl + '"/>';
} else {
return before + resourceUrl + after;
return output;
@ -3922,9 +3922,9 @@
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"markdown-it-anchor": {
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"markdown-it-deflist": {
"version": "2.0.3",
@ -3937,9 +3937,9 @@
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"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/markdown-it-footnote/-/markdown-it-footnote-3.0.1.tgz",
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"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/markdown-it-footnote/-/markdown-it-footnote-3.0.2.tgz",
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"markdown-it-ins": {
"version": "2.0.0",
@ -4007,9 +4007,9 @@
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"markdown-it-toc-done-right": {
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"version": "4.0.2",
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"match-at": {
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@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ async function initialize(dispatch) {
if (Setting.value('env') == 'prod') {
await db.open({ name: 'joplin.sqlite' })
} else {
await db.open({ name: 'joplin-68.sqlite' });
await db.open({ name: 'joplin-70.sqlite' });
// await db.clearForTesting();
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ async function copyJs(name, filePath) {
async function main(argv) {
await fs.mkdirp(outputDir);
await copyJs('webviewLib', rnDir + '/lib/MdToHtml/webviewLib.js');
await copyJs('webviewLib', rnDir + '/lib/renderers/webviewLib.js');
main(process.argv).catch((error) => {
Reference in New Issue