diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9d62eb9e1..edb87b6ac 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ You can also use search filters to further restrict the search.
| Operator | Description | Example |
| --- | --- | --- |
-|**-**|If placed before a text term, it excludes the notes that contain that term. You can also place it before a filter to negate it. |`-spam` searches for all notes without the word `spam`.
`office -trash` searches for all notes with the word`office` and without the word `trash`.|
+|**-**|If placed before a text term, it excludes the notes that contain that term. You can also place it before a filter to negate it. |`-spam` searches for all notes without the word `spam`.
`office -trash` searches for all notes with the word `office` and without the word `trash`.|
|**any:**|Return notes that satisfy any/all of the required conditions. `any:0` is the default, which means all conditions must be satisfied.|`any:1 cat dog` will return notes that have the word `cat` or `dog`.
`any:0 cat dog` will return notes with both the words `cat` and `dog`. |
| **title:**
**body:**|Restrict your search to just the title or the body field.|`title:"hello world"` searches for notes whose title contains `hello` and `world`.
`title:hello -body:world` searches for notes whose title contains `hello` and body does not contain `world`.
| **tag:** |Restrict the search to the notes with the specified tags.|`tag:office` searches for all notes having tag office.
`tag:office tag:important` searches for all notes having both office and important tags.
`tag:office -tag:spam` searches for notes having tag `office` which do not have tag `spam`.
`any:1 tag:office tag:spam` searches for notes having tag `office` or tag `spam`.
`tag:be*ful` does a search with wildcards.
`tag:*` returns all notes with tags.
`-tag:*` returns all notes without tags.|