
154 lines
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const { Logger } = require('lib/logger.js');
const { Setting } = require('lib/models/setting.js');
const { shim } = require('lib/shim.js');
const SyncTargetRegistry = require('lib/SyncTargetRegistry.js');
const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js');
2017-07-06 19:48:17 +00:00
const reg = {};
reg.syncTargets_ = {};
2017-07-31 18:32:51 +00:00
2017-07-06 19:48:17 +00:00
reg.logger = () => {
2017-07-14 23:12:32 +00:00
if (!reg.logger_) {
2017-08-22 17:57:35 +00:00
//console.warn('Calling logger before it is initialized');
2017-07-14 23:12:32 +00:00
return new Logger();
2017-07-06 19:48:17 +00:00
return reg.logger_;
reg.setLogger = (l) => {
reg.logger_ = l;
reg.setShowErrorMessageBoxHandler = (v) => {
reg.showErrorMessageBoxHandler_ = v;
reg.showErrorMessageBox = (message) => {
if (!reg.showErrorMessageBoxHandler_) return;
reg.syncTarget = (syncTargetId = null) => {
if (syncTargetId === null) syncTargetId = Setting.value('');
if (reg.syncTargets_[syncTargetId]) return reg.syncTargets_[syncTargetId];
2017-07-06 19:48:17 +00:00
const SyncTargetClass = SyncTargetRegistry.classById(syncTargetId);
if (!reg.db()) throw new Error('Cannot initialize sync without a db');
2017-07-06 19:48:17 +00:00
const target = new SyncTargetClass(reg.db());
reg.syncTargets_[syncTargetId] = target;
return target;
2017-07-06 19:48:17 +00:00
2017-07-19 19:15:55 +00:00
reg.scheduleSync = async (delay = null) => {
2017-11-03 18:51:13 +00:00
if (delay === null) delay = 1000 * 3;
2017-07-19 19:15:55 +00:00
let promiseResolve = null;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
promiseResolve = resolve;
2017-07-17 20:22:05 +00:00
if (reg.scheduleSyncId_) {
reg.scheduleSyncId_ = null;
2017-07-16 21:17:22 +00:00
reg.logger().info('Scheduling sync operation...');
2017-11-03 18:51:13 +00:00
// if (Setting.value('env') === 'dev') {
// reg.logger().info('Scheduling sync operation DISABLED!!!');
// return;
// }
2017-07-24 20:36:49 +00:00
const timeoutCallback = async () => {
2017-07-16 21:17:22 +00:00
reg.scheduleSyncId_ = null;
reg.logger().info('Doing scheduled sync');
const syncTargetId = Setting.value('');
if (!reg.syncTarget(syncTargetId).isAuthenticated()) {
2017-07-26 21:27:03 +00:00
reg.logger().info('Synchroniser is missing credentials - manual sync required to authenticate.');
2017-07-16 21:17:22 +00:00
2017-07-24 19:47:01 +00:00
try {
const sync = await reg.syncTarget(syncTargetId).synchronizer();
2017-07-30 20:22:57 +00:00
2017-08-19 20:56:28 +00:00
const contextKey = 'sync.' + syncTargetId + '.context';
let context = Setting.value(contextKey);
2017-07-30 20:22:57 +00:00
context = context ? JSON.parse(context) : {};
try {
let newContext = await sync.start({ context: context });
2017-08-19 20:56:28 +00:00
Setting.setValue(contextKey, JSON.stringify(newContext));
2017-07-30 20:22:57 +00:00
} catch (error) {
if (error.code == 'alreadyStarted') {
} else {
2017-07-30 20:22:57 +00:00
throw error;
2017-07-24 19:47:01 +00:00
2017-07-30 20:22:57 +00:00
} catch (error) {
reg.logger().info('Could not run background sync:');
2017-07-30 20:22:57 +00:00
// Special case to display OneDrive Business error. This is the full error that's received when trying to use a OneDrive Business account:
// {"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"AADSTS50011: The reply address 'http://localhost:1917' does not match the reply addresses configured for
// the application: 'cbabb902-d276-4ea4-aa88-062a5889d6dc'. More details: not specified\r\nTrace ID: 6e63dac6-8b37-47e2-bd1b-4768f8713400\r\nCorrelation
// ID: acfd6503-8d97-4349-ae2e-e7a19dd7b6bc\r\nTimestamp: 2017-12-01 13:35:55Z","error_codes":[50011],"timestamp":"2017-12-01 13:35:55Z","trace_id":
// "6e63dac6-8b37-47e2-bd1b-4768f8713400","correlation_id":"acfd6503-8d97-4349-ae2e-e7a19dd7b6bc"}: TOKEN: null Error: {"error":"invalid_client",
// "error_description":"AADSTS50011: The reply address 'http://localhost:1917' does not match the reply addresses configured for the application:
// 'cbabb902-d276-4ea4-aa88-062a5889d6dc'. More details: not specified\r\nTrace ID: 6e63dac6-8b37-47e2-bd1b-4768f8713400\r\nCorrelation ID
// acfd6503-8d97-4349-ae2e-e7a19dd7b6bc\r\nTimestamp: 2017-12-01 13:35:55Z","error_codes":[50011],"timestamp":"2017-12-01 13:35:55Z","trace_id":
// "6e63dac6-8b37-47e2-bd1b-4768f8713400","correlation_id":"acfd6503-8d97-4349-ae2e-e7a19dd7b6bc"}
if (error && error.message && error.message.indexOf('"invalid_client"') >= 0) {
reg.showErrorMessageBox(_('Could not synchronize with OneDrive.\n\nThis error often happens when using OneDrive for Business, which unfortunately cannot be supported.\n\nPlease consider using a regular OneDrive account.'));
2017-07-24 19:47:01 +00:00
2017-07-24 20:36:49 +00:00
if (delay === 0) {
} else {
reg.scheduleSyncId_ = setTimeout(timeoutCallback, delay);
return promise;
2017-07-16 21:17:22 +00:00
reg.setupRecurrentSync = () => {
if (reg.recurrentSyncId_) {
2017-10-18 22:13:53 +00:00
reg.recurrentSyncId_ = null;
2017-08-20 14:29:18 +00:00
if (!Setting.value('sync.interval')) {
reg.logger().debug('Recurrent sync is disabled');
} else {
reg.logger().debug('Setting up recurrent sync with interval ' + Setting.value('sync.interval'));
2017-10-18 22:13:53 +00:00
reg.recurrentSyncId_ = shim.setInterval(() => {
2017-08-20 14:29:18 +00:00
reg.logger().info('Running background sync on timer...');
}, 1000 * Setting.value('sync.interval'));
2017-07-06 19:48:17 +00:00
reg.setDb = (v) => {
reg.db_ = v;
reg.db = () => {
return reg.db_;
2017-11-03 00:13:17 +00:00
module.exports = { reg };