1041 lines
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1041 lines
30 KiB
package coordinator
import (
log "code.google.com/p/log4go"
type CoordinatorImpl struct {
clusterConfiguration *cluster.ClusterConfiguration
raftServer ClusterConsensus
config *configuration.Configuration
metastore Metastore
permissions Permissions
type Metastore interface {
ReplaceFieldNamesWithFieldIds(database string, series []*protocol.Series) error
const (
// this is the key used for the persistent atomic ints for sequence numbers
// actual point sequence numbers will have the first part of the number
// be a host id. This ensures that sequence numbers are unique across the cluster
HOST_ID_OFFSET = uint64(10000)
var (
BARRIER_TIME_MIN int64 = math.MinInt64
BARRIER_TIME_MAX int64 = math.MaxInt64
// shorter constants for readability
var (
dropDatabase = protocol.Request_DROP_DATABASE
queryRequest = protocol.Request_QUERY
endStreamResponse = protocol.Response_END_STREAM
queryResponse = protocol.Response_QUERY
heartbeatResponse = protocol.Response_HEARTBEAT
explainQueryResponse = protocol.Response_EXPLAIN_QUERY
write = protocol.Request_WRITE
type SeriesWriter interface {
Write(*protocol.Series) error
func NewCoordinatorImpl(
config *configuration.Configuration,
raftServer ClusterConsensus,
clusterConfiguration *cluster.ClusterConfiguration,
metastore Metastore) *CoordinatorImpl {
coordinator := &CoordinatorImpl{
config: config,
clusterConfiguration: clusterConfiguration,
raftServer: raftServer,
metastore: metastore,
permissions: Permissions{},
return coordinator
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) RunQuery(user common.User, database string, queryString string, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) (err error) {
log.Info("Start Query: db: %s, u: %s, q: %s", database, user.GetName(), queryString)
defer func(t time.Time) {
log.Debug("End Query: db: %s, u: %s, q: %s, t: %s", database, user.GetName(), queryString, time.Now().Sub(t))
// don't let a panic pass beyond RunQuery
defer common.RecoverFunc(database, queryString, nil)
q, err := parser.ParseQuery(queryString)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, query := range q {
querySpec := parser.NewQuerySpec(user, database, query)
if query.DeleteQuery != nil {
if err := self.clusterConfiguration.CreateCheckpoint(); err != nil {
return err
if err := self.runDeleteQuery(querySpec, seriesWriter); err != nil {
return err
if query.DropQuery != nil {
if err := self.DeleteContinuousQuery(user, database, uint32(query.DropQuery.Id)); err != nil {
return err
if query.IsListQuery() {
if query.IsListSeriesQuery() {
self.runListSeriesQuery(querySpec, seriesWriter)
} else if query.IsListContinuousQueriesQuery() {
queries, err := self.ListContinuousQueries(user, database)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, q := range queries {
if err := seriesWriter.Write(q); err != nil {
return err
if query.DropSeriesQuery != nil {
err := self.runDropSeriesQuery(querySpec, seriesWriter)
if err != nil {
return err
selectQuery := query.SelectQuery
if selectQuery.IsContinuousQuery() {
return self.CreateContinuousQuery(user, database, queryString)
if err := self.checkPermission(user, querySpec); err != nil {
return err
return self.runQuery(querySpec, seriesWriter)
return nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) checkPermission(user common.User, querySpec *parser.QuerySpec) error {
// if this isn't a regex query do the permission check here
fromClause := querySpec.SelectQuery().GetFromClause()
for _, n := range fromClause.Names {
if _, ok := n.Name.GetCompiledRegex(); ok {
} else if name := n.Name.Name; !user.HasReadAccess(name) {
return fmt.Errorf("User doesn't have read access to %s", name)
return nil
// This should only get run for SelectQuery types
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
return self.runQuerySpec(querySpec, seriesWriter)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runListSeriesQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
allSeries := self.clusterConfiguration.MetaStore.GetSeriesForDatabase(querySpec.Database())
matchingSeries := allSeries
if q := querySpec.Query().GetListSeriesQuery(); q.HasRegex() {
matchingSeries = nil
regex := q.GetRegex()
for _, s := range allSeries {
if !regex.MatchString(s) {
matchingSeries = append(matchingSeries, s)
name := "list_series_result"
fields := []string{"name"}
points := make([]*protocol.Point, len(matchingSeries), len(matchingSeries))
for i, s := range matchingSeries {
fieldValues := []*protocol.FieldValue{{StringValue: proto.String(s)}}
points[i] = &protocol.Point{Values: fieldValues}
seriesResult := &protocol.Series{Name: &name, Fields: fields, Points: points}
return nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runDeleteQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
user := querySpec.User()
db := querySpec.Database()
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeDeleteQuery(user, db); !ok {
return err
querySpec.RunAgainstAllServersInShard = true
return self.runQuerySpec(querySpec, seriesWriter)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runDropSeriesQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
user := querySpec.User()
db := querySpec.Database()
series := querySpec.Query().DropSeriesQuery.GetTableName()
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeDropSeries(user, db, series); !ok {
return err
defer seriesWriter.Close()
err := self.raftServer.DropSeries(db, series)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) shouldAggregateLocally(shards []*cluster.ShardData, querySpec *parser.QuerySpec) bool {
for _, s := range shards {
if !s.ShouldAggregateLocally(querySpec) {
return false
return true
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) shouldQuerySequentially(shards []*cluster.ShardData, querySpec *parser.QuerySpec) bool {
// if the query isn't a select, then it doesn't matter
if querySpec.SelectQuery() == nil {
return false
// if the query is a regex, we can't predic the number of responses
// we get back
if querySpec.IsRegex() {
return true
groupByClause := querySpec.SelectQuery().GetGroupByClause()
// if there's no group by clause, then we're returning raw points
// with some math done on them, thus we can't predict the number of
// points
if groupByClause == nil {
return true
// if there's a group by clause but no group by interval, we can't
// predict the cardinality of the columns used in the group by
// interval, thus we can't predict the number of responses returned
// from the shard
if querySpec.GetGroupByInterval() == nil {
return true
// if there's a group by time and other columns, then the previous
// logic holds
if len(groupByClause.Elems) > 1 {
return true
if !self.shouldAggregateLocally(shards, querySpec) {
return true
for _, shard := range shards {
bufferSize := shard.QueryResponseBufferSize(querySpec, self.config.StoragePointBatchSize)
// if the number of repsonses is too big, do a sequential querying
if bufferSize > self.config.ClusterMaxResponseBufferSize {
return true
// parallel querying only if we're querying a single series, with
// group by time only
return false
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) getShardsAndProcessor(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, writer SeriesWriter) ([]*cluster.ShardData, cluster.QueryProcessor, chan bool, error) {
shards := self.clusterConfiguration.GetShardsForQuery(querySpec)
shouldAggregateLocally := self.shouldAggregateLocally(shards, querySpec)
var err error
var processor cluster.QueryProcessor
responseChan := make(chan *protocol.Response)
seriesClosed := make(chan bool)
selectQuery := querySpec.SelectQuery()
if selectQuery != nil {
if !shouldAggregateLocally {
// if we should aggregate in the coordinator (i.e. aggregation
// isn't happening locally at the shard level), create an engine
processor, err = engine.NewQueryEngine(querySpec.SelectQuery(), responseChan)
} else {
// if we have a query with limit, then create an engine, or we can
// make the passthrough limit aware
processor = engine.NewPassthroughEngineWithLimit(responseChan, 100, selectQuery.Limit)
} else if !shouldAggregateLocally {
processor = engine.NewPassthroughEngine(responseChan, 100)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
if processor == nil {
return shards, nil, nil, nil
go func() {
for {
response := <-responseChan
if *response.Type == endStreamResponse || *response.Type == accessDeniedResponse {
seriesClosed <- true
if !(*response.Type == queryResponse && querySpec.IsExplainQuery()) {
if response.Series != nil && len(response.Series.Points) > 0 {
return shards, processor, seriesClosed, nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) readFromResponseChannels(processor cluster.QueryProcessor,
writer SeriesWriter,
isExplainQuery bool,
errors chan<- error,
responseChannels <-chan (<-chan *protocol.Response)) {
defer close(errors)
for responseChan := range responseChannels {
for response := range responseChan {
//log.Debug("GOT RESPONSE: ", response.Type, response.Series)
log.Debug("GOT RESPONSE: %v", response.Type)
if *response.Type == endStreamResponse || *response.Type == accessDeniedResponse {
if response.ErrorMessage == nil {
err := common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, *response.ErrorMessage)
log.Error("Error while executing query: %s", err)
errors <- err
if response.Series == nil || len(response.Series.Points) == 0 {
log.Debug("Series has no points, continue")
// if we don't have a processor, yield the point to the writer
// this happens if shard took care of the query
// otherwise client will get points from passthrough engine
if processor != nil {
// if the data wasn't aggregated at the shard level, aggregate
// the data here
log.Debug("YIELDING: %d points with %d columns for %s", len(response.Series.Points), len(response.Series.Fields), response.Series.GetName())
// If we have EXPLAIN query, we don't write actual points (of
// response.Type Query) to the client
if !(*response.Type == queryResponse && isExplainQuery) {
// once we're done with a response channel signal queryShards to
// start querying a new shard
errors <- nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) queryShards(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, shards []*cluster.ShardData,
errors <-chan error,
responseChannels chan<- (<-chan *protocol.Response)) error {
defer close(responseChannels)
for i := 0; i < len(shards); i++ {
// readFromResponseChannels will insert an error if an error
// occured while reading the response. This should immediately
// stop reading from shards
err := <-errors
if err != nil {
return err
shard := shards[i]
bufferSize := shard.QueryResponseBufferSize(querySpec, self.config.StoragePointBatchSize)
if bufferSize > self.config.ClusterMaxResponseBufferSize {
bufferSize = self.config.ClusterMaxResponseBufferSize
responseChan := make(chan *protocol.Response, bufferSize)
// We query shards for data and stream them to query processor
log.Debug("QUERYING: shard: %d %v", i, shard.String())
go shard.Query(querySpec, responseChan)
responseChannels <- responseChan
return nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runQuerySpec(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
shards, processor, seriesClosed, err := self.getShardsAndProcessor(querySpec, seriesWriter)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(shards) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't look up columns")
defer func() {
if processor != nil {
} else {
shardConcurrentLimit := self.config.ConcurrentShardQueryLimit
if self.shouldQuerySequentially(shards, querySpec) {
log.Debug("Querying shards sequentially")
shardConcurrentLimit = 1
log.Debug("Shard concurrent limit: %d", shardConcurrentLimit)
errors := make(chan error, shardConcurrentLimit)
for i := 0; i < shardConcurrentLimit; i++ {
errors <- nil
responseChannels := make(chan (<-chan *protocol.Response), shardConcurrentLimit)
go self.readFromResponseChannels(processor, seriesWriter, querySpec.IsExplainQuery(), errors, responseChannels)
err = self.queryShards(querySpec, shards, errors, responseChannels)
// make sure we read the rest of the errors and responses
for _err := range errors {
if err == nil {
err = _err
for responsechan := range responseChannels {
for response := range responsechan {
if response.GetType() != endStreamResponse {
if response.ErrorMessage != nil && err == nil {
err = common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, *response.ErrorMessage)
return err
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) ForceCompaction(user common.User) error {
if !user.IsClusterAdmin() {
return fmt.Errorf("Insufficient permissions to force a log compaction")
return self.raftServer.ForceLogCompaction()
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) WriteSeriesData(user common.User, db string, series []*protocol.Series) error {
// make sure that the db exist
if !self.clusterConfiguration.DatabasesExists(db) {
return fmt.Errorf("Database %s doesn't exist", db)
for _, s := range series {
seriesName := s.GetName()
if user.HasWriteAccess(seriesName) {
return common.NewAuthorizationError("User %s doesn't have write permissions for %s", user.GetName(), seriesName)
err := self.CommitSeriesData(db, series, false)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range series {
self.ProcessContinuousQueries(db, s)
return err
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) ProcessContinuousQueries(db string, series *protocol.Series) {
if self.clusterConfiguration.ParsedContinuousQueries != nil {
incomingSeriesName := *series.Name
for _, query := range self.clusterConfiguration.ParsedContinuousQueries[db] {
groupByClause := query.GetGroupByClause()
if groupByClause.Elems != nil {
fromClause := query.GetFromClause()
intoClause := query.GetIntoClause()
targetName := intoClause.Target.Name
for _, table := range fromClause.Names {
tableValue := table.Name
if regex, ok := tableValue.GetCompiledRegex(); ok {
if regex.MatchString(incomingSeriesName) {
self.InterpolateValuesAndCommit(query.GetQueryString(), db, series, targetName, false)
} else {
if tableValue.Name == incomingSeriesName {
self.InterpolateValuesAndCommit(query.GetQueryString(), db, series, targetName, false)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) InterpolateValuesAndCommit(query string, db string, series *protocol.Series, targetName string, assignSequenceNumbers bool) error {
defer common.RecoverFunc(db, query, nil)
targetName = strings.Replace(targetName, ":series_name", *series.Name, -1)
type sequenceKey struct {
seriesName string
timestamp int64
sequenceMap := make(map[sequenceKey]int)
r, _ := regexp.Compile(`\[.*?\]`)
// get the fields that are used in the target name
fieldsInTargetName := r.FindAllString(targetName, -1)
fieldsIndeces := make([]int, 0, len(fieldsInTargetName))
for i, f := range fieldsInTargetName {
f = f[1 : len(f)-1]
fieldsIndeces = append(fieldsIndeces, series.GetFieldIndex(f))
fieldsInTargetName[i] = f
fields := make([]string, 0, len(series.Fields)-len(fieldsIndeces))
// remove the fields used in the target name from the series fields
for i, f := range series.Fields {
for _, fi := range fieldsIndeces {
if fi == i {
continue nextfield
fields = append(fields, f)
if r.MatchString(targetName) {
serieses := map[string]*protocol.Series{}
for _, point := range series.Points {
fieldIndex := 0
targetNameWithValues := r.ReplaceAllStringFunc(targetName, func(_ string) string {
value := point.GetFieldValueAsString(fieldsIndeces[fieldIndex])
return value
p := &protocol.Point{
Values: make([]*protocol.FieldValue, 0, len(point.Values)-len(fieldsIndeces)),
Timestamp: point.Timestamp,
SequenceNumber: point.SequenceNumber,
// remove the fields used in the target name from the series fields
for i, v := range point.Values {
for _, fi := range fieldsIndeces {
if fi == i {
continue nextvalue
p.Values = append(p.Values, v)
if assignSequenceNumbers {
key := sequenceKey{targetNameWithValues, *p.Timestamp}
sequenceMap[key] += 1
sequenceNumber := uint64(sequenceMap[key])
p.SequenceNumber = &sequenceNumber
newSeries := serieses[targetNameWithValues]
if newSeries == nil {
newSeries = &protocol.Series{Name: &targetNameWithValues, Fields: fields, Points: []*protocol.Point{p}}
serieses[targetNameWithValues] = newSeries
newSeries.Points = append(newSeries.Points, p)
seriesSlice := make([]*protocol.Series, 0, len(serieses))
for _, s := range serieses {
seriesSlice = append(seriesSlice, s)
if e := self.CommitSeriesData(db, seriesSlice, true); e != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't write data for continuous query: ", e)
} else {
newSeries := &protocol.Series{Name: &targetName, Fields: fields, Points: series.Points}
if assignSequenceNumbers {
for _, point := range newSeries.Points {
sequenceMap[sequenceKey{targetName, *point.Timestamp}] += 1
sequenceNumber := uint64(sequenceMap[sequenceKey{targetName, *point.Timestamp}])
point.SequenceNumber = &sequenceNumber
if e := self.CommitSeriesData(db, []*protocol.Series{newSeries}, true); e != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't write data for continuous query: ", e)
return nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) CommitSeriesData(db string, serieses []*protocol.Series, sync bool) error {
now := common.CurrentTime()
shardToSerieses := map[uint32]map[string]*protocol.Series{}
shardIdToShard := map[uint32]*cluster.ShardData{}
for _, series := range serieses {
if len(series.Points) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Can't write series with zero points.")
for _, point := range series.Points {
if point.Timestamp == nil {
point.Timestamp = &now
// sort the points by timestamp
// TODO: this isn't needed anymore
for i := 0; i < len(series.Points); {
if len(series.GetName()) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Series name cannot be empty")
shard, err := self.clusterConfiguration.GetShardToWriteToBySeriesAndTime(db, series.GetName(), series.Points[i].GetTimestamp())
if err != nil {
return err
firstIndex := i
timestamp := series.Points[i].GetTimestamp()
for ; i < len(series.Points) && series.Points[i].GetTimestamp() == timestamp; i++ {
// add all points with the same timestamp
newSeries := &protocol.Series{Name: series.Name, Fields: series.Fields, Points: series.Points[firstIndex:i:i]}
shardIdToShard[shard.Id()] = shard
shardSerieses := shardToSerieses[shard.Id()]
if shardSerieses == nil {
shardSerieses = map[string]*protocol.Series{}
shardToSerieses[shard.Id()] = shardSerieses
seriesName := series.GetName()
s := shardSerieses[seriesName]
if s == nil {
shardSerieses[seriesName] = newSeries
shardSerieses[seriesName] = common.MergeSeries(s, newSeries)
for id, serieses := range shardToSerieses {
shard := shardIdToShard[id]
seriesesSlice := make([]*protocol.Series, 0, len(serieses))
for _, s := range serieses {
seriesesSlice = append(seriesesSlice, s)
err := self.write(db, seriesesSlice, shard, sync)
if err != nil {
log.Error("COORD error writing: ", err)
return err
return nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) write(db string, series []*protocol.Series, shard cluster.Shard, sync bool) error {
// replace all the field names, or error out if we can't assign the field ids.
err := self.metastore.ReplaceFieldNamesWithFieldIds(db, series)
if err != nil {
return err
return self.writeWithoutAssigningId(db, series, shard, sync)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) writeWithoutAssigningId(db string, series []*protocol.Series, shard cluster.Shard, sync bool) error {
request := &protocol.Request{Type: &write, Database: &db, MultiSeries: series}
// break the request if it's too big
if request.Size() >= MAX_REQUEST_SIZE {
if l := len(series); l > 1 {
// create two requests with half the serie
if err := self.writeWithoutAssigningId(db, series[:l/2], shard, sync); err != nil {
return err
return self.writeWithoutAssigningId(db, series[l/2:], shard, sync)
// otherwise, split the points of the only series
s := series[0]
l := len(s.Points)
s1 := &protocol.Series{Name: s.Name, FieldIds: s.FieldIds, Points: s.Points[:l/2]}
if err := self.writeWithoutAssigningId(db, []*protocol.Series{s1}, shard, sync); err != nil {
return err
s2 := &protocol.Series{Name: s.Name, FieldIds: s.FieldIds, Points: s.Points[l/2:]}
return self.writeWithoutAssigningId(db, []*protocol.Series{s2}, shard, sync)
// if we received a synchronous write, then this is coming from the
// continuous queries which have the sequence numbers assigned
if sync {
return shard.SyncWrite(request, false)
// If the shard isn't replicated do a syncrhonous write
if shard.ReplicationFactor() <= 1 {
// assign sequenceNumber and write synchronously
return shard.SyncWrite(request, true)
return shard.Write(request)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) CreateContinuousQuery(user common.User, db string, query string) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeCreateContinuousQuery(user, db); !ok {
return err
err := self.raftServer.CreateContinuousQuery(db, query)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) DeleteContinuousQuery(user common.User, db string, id uint32) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeDeleteContinuousQuery(user, db); !ok {
return err
err := self.raftServer.DeleteContinuousQuery(db, id)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) ListContinuousQueries(user common.User, db string) ([]*protocol.Series, error) {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeListContinuousQueries(user, db); !ok {
return nil, err
queries := self.clusterConfiguration.GetContinuousQueries(db)
points := []*protocol.Point{}
for _, query := range queries {
queryId := int64(query.Id)
queryString := query.Query
points = append(points, &protocol.Point{
Values: []*protocol.FieldValue{
{Int64Value: &queryId},
{StringValue: &queryString},
seriesName := "continuous queries"
series := []*protocol.Series{{
Name: &seriesName,
Fields: []string{"id", "query"},
Points: points,
return series, nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) CreateDatabase(user common.User, db string) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeCreateDatabase(user); !ok {
return err
if !isValidName(db) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s isn't a valid db name", db)
err := self.raftServer.CreateDatabase(db)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) ListDatabases(user common.User) ([]*cluster.Database, error) {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeListDatabases(user); !ok {
return nil, err
dbs := self.clusterConfiguration.GetDatabases()
return dbs, nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) DropDatabase(user common.User, db string) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeDropDatabase(user); !ok {
return err
if err := self.clusterConfiguration.CreateCheckpoint(); err != nil {
return err
return self.raftServer.DropDatabase(db)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) AuthenticateDbUser(db, username, password string) (common.User, error) {
log.Debug("(raft:%s) Authenticating password for %s:%s", self.raftServer.(*RaftServer).raftServer.Name(), db, username)
user, err := self.clusterConfiguration.AuthenticateDbUser(db, username, password)
if user != nil {
log.Debug("(raft:%s) User %s authenticated succesfully", self.raftServer.(*RaftServer).raftServer.Name(), username)
return user, err
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) AuthenticateClusterAdmin(username, password string) (common.User, error) {
return self.clusterConfiguration.AuthenticateClusterAdmin(username, password)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) ListClusterAdmins(requester common.User) ([]string, error) {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeListClusterAdmins(requester); !ok {
return nil, err
return self.clusterConfiguration.GetClusterAdmins(), nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) CreateClusterAdminUser(requester common.User, username, password string) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeCreateClusterAdmin(requester); !ok {
return err
if !isValidName(username) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s isn't a valid username", username)
hash, err := cluster.HashPassword(password)
if err != nil {
return err
if self.clusterConfiguration.GetClusterAdmin(username) != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("User %s already exists", username)
return self.raftServer.SaveClusterAdminUser(&cluster.ClusterAdmin{cluster.CommonUser{Name: username, CacheKey: username, Hash: string(hash)}})
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) DeleteClusterAdminUser(requester common.User, username string) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeDeleteClusterAdmin(requester); !ok {
return err
user := self.clusterConfiguration.GetClusterAdmin(username)
if user == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("User %s doesn't exists", username)
user.CommonUser.IsUserDeleted = true
return self.raftServer.SaveClusterAdminUser(user)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) ChangeClusterAdminPassword(requester common.User, username, password string) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeChangeClusterAdminPassword(requester); !ok {
return err
user := self.clusterConfiguration.GetClusterAdmin(username)
if user == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid user name %s", username)
hash, err := cluster.HashPassword(password)
if err != nil {
return err
return self.raftServer.SaveClusterAdminUser(user)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) CreateDbUser(requester common.User, db, username, password string, permissions ...string) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeCreateDbUser(requester, db); !ok {
return err
if username == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Username cannot be empty")
if !isValidName(username) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s isn't a valid username", username)
hash, err := cluster.HashPassword(password)
if err != nil {
return err
if !self.clusterConfiguration.DatabaseExists(db) {
return fmt.Errorf("No such database %s", db)
if self.clusterConfiguration.GetDbUser(db, username) != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("User %s already exists", username)
readMatcher := []*cluster.Matcher{{true, ".*"}}
writeMatcher := []*cluster.Matcher{{true, ".*"}}
switch len(permissions) {
case 0:
case 2:
readMatcher[0].Name = permissions[0]
writeMatcher[0].Name = permissions[1]
log.Debug("(raft:%s) Creating user %s:%s", self.raftServer.(*RaftServer).raftServer.Name(), db, username)
return self.raftServer.SaveDbUser(&cluster.DbUser{cluster.CommonUser{
Name: username,
Hash: string(hash),
CacheKey: db + "%" + username,
}, db, readMatcher, writeMatcher, false})
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) DeleteDbUser(requester common.User, db, username string) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeDeleteDbUser(requester, db); !ok {
return err
user := self.clusterConfiguration.GetDbUser(db, username)
if user == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("User %s doesn't exist", username)
user.CommonUser.IsUserDeleted = true
return self.raftServer.SaveDbUser(user)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) ListDbUsers(requester common.User, db string) ([]common.User, error) {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeListDbUsers(requester, db); !ok {
return nil, err
return self.clusterConfiguration.GetDbUsers(db), nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) GetDbUser(requester common.User, db string, username string) (common.User, error) {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeGetDbUser(requester, db); !ok {
return nil, err
dbUser := self.clusterConfiguration.GetDbUser(db, username)
if dbUser == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid username %s", username)
return dbUser, nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) ChangeDbUserPassword(requester common.User, db, username, password string) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeChangeDbUserPassword(requester, db, username); !ok {
return err
hash, err := cluster.HashPassword(password)
if err != nil {
return err
return self.raftServer.ChangeDbUserPassword(db, username, hash)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) ChangeDbUserPermissions(requester common.User, db, username, readPermissions, writePermissions string) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeChangeDbUserPermissions(requester, db); !ok {
return err
return self.raftServer.ChangeDbUserPermissions(db, username, readPermissions, writePermissions)
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) SetDbAdmin(requester common.User, db, username string, isAdmin bool) error {
if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeGrantDbUserAdmin(requester, db); !ok {
return err
user := self.clusterConfiguration.GetDbUser(db, username)
if user == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid username %s", username)
user.IsAdmin = isAdmin
return nil
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) ConnectToProtobufServers(localRaftName string) error {
log.Info("Connecting to other nodes in the cluster")
for _, server := range self.clusterConfiguration.Servers() {
if server.RaftName != localRaftName {
return nil
func isValidName(name string) bool {
return !strings.Contains(name, "%")